diff --git a/summerHTMLImageMapCreator.js b/summerHTMLImageMapCreator.js
index b3ca1d0..5d886e5 100644
--- a/summerHTMLImageMapCreator.js
+++ b/summerHTMLImageMapCreator.js
@@ -632,1051 +632,896 @@ var summerHtmlImageMapCreator = (function() {
- /* Help block */
- var help = (function() {
- var block = utils.id('help'),
- overlay = utils.id('overlay'),
- close_button = block.querySelector('.close_button');
- function hide() {
- utils.hide(block);
- utils.hide(overlay);
- }
+ /**
+ * The constructor for dom events (for simple deleting of event)
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {DOMElement} target - DOM-element
+ * @param {String} eventType - e.g. 'click' or 'mousemove'
+ * @param {Function} func - handler for this event
+ */
+ function AppEvent(target, eventType, func) {
+ this.target = target;
+ this.eventType = eventType;
+ this.func = func;
- function show() {
- utils.show(block);
- utils.show(overlay);
- }
- overlay.addEventListener('click', hide, false);
- close_button.addEventListener('click', hide, false);
- return {
- show : show,
- hide : hide
- };
- })();
- /* For html code of created map */
- var code = (function(){
- var block = utils.id('code'),
- content = utils.id('code_content'),
- close_button = block.querySelector('.close_button');
- close_button.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
- utils.hide(block);
- e.preventDefault();
- }, false);
- return {
- print: function() {
- content.innerHTML = app.getHTMLCode(true);
- utils.show(block);
- },
- hide: function() {
- utils.hide(block);
- }
- };
- })();
+ target.addEventListener(eventType, func, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove this event listener from target
+ */
+ AppEvent.prototype.remove = function() {
+ this.target.removeEventListener(this.eventType, this.func, false);
+ };
- /* Edit selected area info */
- var info = (function() {
- var form = utils.id('edit_details'),
- header = form.querySelector('h5'),
- href_attr = utils.id('href_attr'),
- alt_attr = utils.id('alt_attr'),
- title_attr = utils.id('title_attr'),
- save_button = utils.id('save_details'),
- close_button = form.querySelector('.close_button'),
- sections = form.querySelectorAll('p'),
- obj,
- x,
- y,
- temp_x,
- temp_y;
+ /**
+ * The constructor of helpers points
+ * Helper is small svg-rectangle with some actions
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @param node {DOMElement} - a node for inserting helper
+ * @param x {number} - x-coordinate of helper
+ * @param y {number} - y-coordinate of helper
+ * @param action {string} - an action by click of this helper (e.g. 'move')
+ */
+ function Helper(node, x, y, action) {
+ this._el = document.createElementNS(Area.SVG_NS, 'rect');
- function changedReset() {
- form.classList.remove('changed');
- utils.foreach(sections, function(x) {
- x.classList.remove('changed');
- });
- }
+ this._el.classList.add(Helper.CLASS_NAME);
+ this._el.setAttribute('height', Helper.SIZE);
+ this._el.setAttribute('width', Helper.SIZE);
+ this._el.setAttribute('x', x + Helper.OFFSET);
+ this._el.setAttribute('y', y + Helper.OFFSET);
- function save(e) {
- obj.setInfoAttributes({
- href : href_attr.value,
- alt : alt_attr.value,
- title : title_attr.value,
- });
- obj[obj.href ? 'setStyleOfElementWithHref' : 'unsetStyleOfElementWithHref']();
- changedReset();
- unload();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
+ node.appendChild(this._el);
- function unload() {
- obj = null;
- changedReset();
- utils.hide(form);
- }
+ this._el.action = action; // TODO: move 'action' from dom el to data-attr
+ this._el.classList.add(Helper.ACTIONS_TO_CURSORS[action]);
+ }
+ Helper.SIZE = 5;
+ Helper.OFFSET = -Math.ceil(Helper.SIZE / 2);
+ Helper.CLASS_NAME = 'helper';
+ 'move' : 'move',
+ 'editLeft' : 'e-resize',
+ 'editRight' : 'w-resize',
+ 'editTop' : 'n-resize',
+ 'editBottom' : 's-resize',
+ 'editTopLeft' : 'nw-resize',
+ 'editTopRight' : 'ne-resize',
+ 'editBottomLeft' : 'sw-resize',
+ 'editBottomRight' : 'se-resize',
+ 'movePoint' : 'pointer'
+ };
+ /**
+ * Set coordinates for this helper
+ *
+ * @param x {number} - x-coordinate
+ * @param y {number} - y-coordinate
+ * @returns {Helper}
+ */
+ Helper.prototype.setCoords = function(x, y) {
+ this._el.setAttribute('x', x + Helper.OFFSET);
+ this._el.setAttribute('y', y + Helper.OFFSET);
- function setCoords(x, y) {
- form.style.left = (x + 5) + 'px';
- form.style.top = (y + 5) + 'px';
- }
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Set id of this helper in list of parent's helpers
+ *
+ * @param id {number}
+ * @returns {Helper}
+ */
+ Helper.prototype.setId = function(id) {
+ // TODO: move n-field from DOM-element to data-attribute
+ this._el.n = id;
- function moveEditBlock(e) {
- setCoords(x + e.pageX - temp_x, y + e.pageY - temp_y);
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ * The abstract constructor for area
+ *
+ * @constructor
+ * @abstract
+ * @param type {string} - type of area ('rectangle', 'circle' or 'polygon')
+ * @param coords {Object} - coordinates of area (e.g. x, y, width, height)
+ * @param attributes {Object} [attributes=undefined] - attributes for area (e.g. href, title)
+ */
+ function Area(type, coords, attributes) {
+ if (this.constructor === Area) {
+ throw new Error('This is abstract class');
- function stopMoveEditBlock(e) {
- x = x + e.pageX - temp_x;
- y = y + e.pageY - temp_y;
- setCoords(x, y);
- app.removeAllEvents();
- }
+ this._type = type;
- function change() {
- form.classList.add('changed');
- this.parentNode.classList.add('changed');
+ /**
+ * @namespace
+ * @property href {string} - href-attribute of area
+ * @property alt {string} - alt-attribute of area
+ * @property title {string} - title-attribute of area
+ */
+ this._attributes = {
+ href : '',
+ alt : '',
+ title : ''
+ };
+ if (attributes) {
+ this.setInfoAttributes(attributes);
- save_button.addEventListener('click', save, false);
+ this._coords = coords;
- href_attr.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, false);
- alt_attr.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, false);
- title_attr.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, false);
+ // the g-element, it contains this area and helpers elements
+ this._groupEl = document.createElementNS(Area.SVG_NS, 'g');
+ app.addNodeToSvg(this._groupEl);
- href_attr.addEventListener('change', change, false);
- alt_attr.addEventListener('change', change, false);
- title_attr.addEventListener('change', change, false);
+ // TODO: remove this field from DOM-element
+ // Link to parent object
+ this._groupEl.obj = this;
- close_button.addEventListener('click', unload, false);
+ // svg-dom-element of area
+ this._el = null;
- header.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
- temp_x = e.pageX,
- temp_y = e.pageY;
- app.addEvent(document, 'mousemove', moveEditBlock);
- app.addEvent(header, 'mouseup', stopMoveEditBlock);
- e.preventDefault();
- }, false);
+ // Object with all helpers of area
+ this._helpers = {};
- return {
- load : function(object, new_x, new_y) {
- obj = object;
- href_attr.value = object.href ? object.href : '';
- alt_attr.value = object.alt ? object.alt : '';
- title_attr.value = object.title ? object.title : '';
- utils.show(form);
- if (new_x && new_y) {
- x = new_x;
- y = new_y;
- setCoords(x, y);
- }
- },
- unload : unload
- };
- })();
+ // Add this new area to list of all areas
+ app.addObject(this);
+ }
+ Area.SVG_NS = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; // TODO: move to main editor constructor
+ Area.CLASS_NAMES = {
+ SELECTED : 'selected',
+ WITH_HREF : 'with_href'
+ };
+ rectangle : Rectangle,
+ circle : Circle,
+ polygon : Polygon
+ };
+ Area.REGEXP = {
+ AREA : //gmi,
+ HREF : / href="([\S\s]+?)"/,
+ ALT : / alt="([\S\s]+?)"/,
+ TITLE : / title="([\S\s]+?)"/,
+ DELIMETER : / ?, ?/
+ };
+ rect : 'rectangle',
+ circle : 'circle',
+ poly : 'polygon'
+ };
+ /**
+ * This method should be implemented for child-classes
+ *
+ * @throws {AbstractMethodCall}
+ */
+ Area.prototype.ABSTRACT_METHOD = function() {
+ throw new Error('This is abstract method');
+ };
+ /**
+ * All these methods are abstract
+ *
+ * @throws {AbstractMethodCall}
+ */
+ Area.prototype.setSVGCoords =
+ Area.prototype.setCoords =
+ Area.prototype.dynamicDraw =
+ Area.prototype.onProcessDrawing =
+ Area.prototype.onStopDrawing =
+ Area.prototype.edit =
+ Area.prototype.dynamicEdit =
+ Area.prototype.onProcessEditing =
+ Area.prototype.onStopEditing =
+ Area.prototype.toString =
+ Area.prototype.toHTMLMapElementString =
+ Area.prototype.getCoordsForDisplayingInfo =
+ Area.prototype.ABSTRACT_METHOD;
+ /**
+ * Redraw this area with own or custom coordinates
+ *
+ * @param coords {Object} [coords=undefined]
+ * @returns {Area} - this area
+ */
+ Area.prototype.redraw = function(coords) {
+ this.setSVGCoords(coords ? coords : this._coords);
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Remove this area from DOM-tree
+ */
+ Area.prototype.remove = function() {
+ app.removeNodeFromSvg(this._groupEl);
+ };
- /* Load areas from html code */
- var from_html_form = (function() {
- var form = utils.id('from_html_wrapper'),
- code_input = utils.id('code_input'),
- load_button = utils.id('load_code_button'),
- close_button = form.querySelector('.close_button');
+ /**
+ * Move this area by dx, dy
+ *
+ * @returns {Area} - this area
+ */
+ Area.prototype.move = function(dx, dy) {
+ this.setCoords(this.edit('move', dx, dy)).redraw();
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Add class name for selected areas to this area
+ *
+ * @returns {Area} - this area
+ */
+ Area.prototype.select = function() {
+ this._el.classList.add(Area.CLASS_NAMES.SELECTED);
+ console.info(this.toString() + ' is selected now');
- function load(e) {
- if (Area.createAreasFromHTMLOfMap(code_input.value)) {
- hide();
- }
- e.preventDefault();
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Remove class name for selected areas from this area
+ *
+ * @returns {Area} - this area
+ */
+ Area.prototype.deselect = function() {
+ this._el.classList.remove(Area.CLASS_NAMES.SELECTED);
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Set style of element with href attribute for this area
+ *
+ * @returns {Area} - this area
+ */
+ Area.prototype.setStyleOfElementWithHref = function() {
+ this._el.classList.add(Area.CLASS_NAMES.WITH_HREF);
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Unset style of element with href attribute for this area
+ *
+ * @returns {Area} - this area
+ */
+ Area.prototype.unsetStyleOfElementWithHref = function() {
+ this._el.classList.remove(Area.CLASS_NAMES.WITH_HREF);
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Set attributes (href, alt and title) for this area
+ *
+ * @param attributes {Object} - Object with attributes for area
+ */
+ Area.prototype.setInfoAttributes = function(attributes) {
+ this._attributes.href = attributes.href;
+ this._attributes.alt = attributes.alt;
+ this._attributes.title = attributes.title;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns json-representation of this area
+ *
+ * @returns {Object}
+ */
+ Area.prototype.toJSON = function() {
+ /**
+ * @namespace
+ * @property type {string} - type of this area (e.g. 'rectangle', 'circle')
+ * @property coords {Object} - coordinates of this area (e.g. 'x', 'width')
+ * @property attributes {Object} - attributes of this area (e.g. 'href', 'title')
+ */
+ return {
+ type : this._type,
+ coords : this._coords,
+ attributes : this._attributes
+ };
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns new area object created with params from json-object
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @param params {Object} - params of area, incl. type, coords and attributes
+ * @returns {Rectangle|Circle|Polygon}
+ */
+ Area.fromJSON = function(params) {
+ var AreaConstructor = Area.CONSTRUCTORS[params.type];
+ if (!AreaConstructor) {
+ throw new Error('This area type is not valid');
- function hide() {
- utils.hide(form);
+ if (!AreaConstructor.testCoords(params.coords)) {
+ throw new Error('This coords is not valid for ' + params.type);
- load_button.addEventListener('click', load, false);
+ app.setIsDraw(true);
- close_button.addEventListener('click', hide, false);
+ var area = new AreaConstructor(params.coords, params.attributes);
- return {
- show : function() {
- code_input.value = '';
- utils.show(form);
- },
- hide : hide
- };
- })();
+ app.setIsDraw(false)
+ .resetNewArea();
+ return area;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Creates new areas from html-string with elements
+ *
+ * @param htmlStr {string}
+ * @returns {Array} - array with areas
+ */
+ Area.createAreasFromHTMLOfMap = function(htmlStr) {
+ if (!htmlStr) {
+ return false;
+ }
- /* Get image form */
- var get_image = (function() {
- var block = utils.id('get_image_wrapper'),
- close_button = block.querySelector('.close_button'),
- loading_indicator = utils.id('loading'),
- button = utils.id('button'),
- filename = null,
- last_changed = null;
+ while (true) {
+ var findedResult = Area.REGEXP.AREA.exec(htmlStr); //
+ if (!findedResult) {
+ break;
+ }
+ var htmlAreaFinded = findedResult[0], //
+ type = findedResult[1], // $1
+ coords = findedResult[2].split(Area.REGEXP.DELIMETER), // $2
+ attributes = {};
- // Drag'n'drop - the first way to loading an image
- var drag_n_drop = (function() {
- var dropzone = utils.id('dropzone'),
- dropzone_clear_button = dropzone.querySelector('.clear_button'),
- sm_img = utils.id('sm_img');
+ Area.ATTRIBUTES_NAMES.forEach(function(item, i) {
+ var result = Area.REGEXP[item].exec(htmlAreaFinded);
+ if (result) {
+ attributes[name] = result[1];
+ }
+ });
- function testFile(type) {
- switch (type) {
- case 'image/jpeg':
- case 'image/gif':
- case 'image/png':
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- dropzone.addEventListener('dragover', function(e){
- utils.stopEvent(e);
- }, false);
- dropzone.addEventListener('dragleave', function(e){
- utils.stopEvent(e);
- }, false);
- dropzone.addEventListener('drop', function(e){
- utils.stopEvent(e);
- var reader = new FileReader(),
- file = e.dataTransfer.files[0];
- if (testFile(file.type)) {
- dropzone.classList.remove('error');
- reader.readAsDataURL(file);
- reader.onload = function(e) {
- sm_img.src = e.target.result;
- sm_img.style.display = 'inline-block';
- filename = file.name;
- utils.show(dropzone_clear_button);
- last_changed = drag_n_drop;
- };
- } else {
- clearDropzone();
- dropzone.classList.add('error');
- }
- }, false);
- function clearDropzone() {
- sm_img.src = '';
- utils.hide(sm_img)
- .hide(dropzone_clear_button);
- dropzone.classList.remove('error');
- last_changed = url_input;
- }
- dropzone_clear_button.addEventListener('click', clearDropzone, false);
- return {
- clear : clearDropzone,
- init : function() {
- dropzone.draggable = true;
- this.clear();
- utils.hide(sm_img)
- .hide(dropzone_clear_button);
- },
- test : function() {
- return Boolean(sm_img.src);
- },
- getImage : function() {
- return sm_img.src;
- }
- };
- })();
- /* Set a url - the second way to loading an image */
- var url_input = (function() {
- var url = utils.id('url'),
- url_clear_button = url.parentNode.querySelector('.clear_button');
- function testUrl(str) {
- var url_str = str.trim(),
- temp_array = url_str.split('.'),
- ext;
- if(temp_array.length > 1) {
- ext = temp_array[temp_array.length-1].toLowerCase();
- switch (ext) {
- case 'jpg':
- case 'jpeg':
- case 'gif':
- case 'png':
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function onUrlChange() {
- setTimeout(function(){
- if(url.value.length) {
- utils.show(url_clear_button);
- last_changed = url_input;
- } else {
- utils.hide(url_clear_button);
- last_changed = drag_n_drop;
- }
- }, 0);
- }
- url.addEventListener('keypress', onUrlChange, false);
- url.addEventListener('change', onUrlChange, false);
- url.addEventListener('paste', onUrlChange, false);
- function clearUrl() {
- url.value = '';
- utils.hide(url_clear_button);
- url.classList.remove('error');
- last_changed = url_input;
- }
- url_clear_button.addEventListener('click', clearUrl, false);
- return {
- clear : clearUrl,
- init : function() {
- this.clear();
- utils.hide(url_clear_button);
- },
- test : function() {
- if(testUrl(url.value)) {
- url.classList.remove('error');
- return true;
- } else {
- url.classList.add('error');
- }
- return false;
- },
- getImage : function() {
- var tmp_arr = url.value.split('/');
- filename = tmp_arr[tmp_arr.length - 1];
- return url.value.trim();
- }
- };
- })();
- /* Block init */
- function init() {
- utils.hide(loading_indicator);
- drag_n_drop.init();
- url_input.init();
- }
- init();
- /* Block clear */
- function clear() {
- drag_n_drop.clear();
- url_input.clear();
- last_changed = null;
- }
- /* Selected image loading */
- function onButtonClick(e) {
- if (last_changed === url_input && url_input.test()) {
- app.loadImage(url_input.getImage()).setFilename(filename);
- } else if (last_changed === drag_n_drop && drag_n_drop.test()) {
- app.loadImage(drag_n_drop.getImage()).setFilename(filename);
- }
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- button.addEventListener('click', onButtonClick, false);
- close_button.addEventListener('click', hide, false);
- function show() {
- clear();
- utils.show(block);
- }
- function hide() {
- utils.hide(block);
- }
- /* Returned object */
- return {
- show : function() {
- app.hide();
- show();
- return this;
- },
- hide : function() {
- app.show();
- hide();
- return this;
- },
- showLoadIndicator : function() {
- utils.show(loading_indicator);
- return this;
- },
- hideLoadIndicator : function() {
- utils.hide(loading_indicator);
- return this;
- }
- };
- })();
- get_image.show();
- /* Buttons and actions */
- var buttons = (function() {
- var all = utils.id('nav').getElementsByTagName('li'),
- save = utils.id('save'),
- load = utils.id('load'),
- rectangle = utils.id('rectangle'),
- circle = utils.id('circle'),
- polygon = utils.id('polygon'),
- edit = utils.id('edit'),
- clear = utils.id('clear'),
- from_html = utils.id('from_html'),
- to_html = utils.id('to_html'),
- preview = utils.id('preview'),
- new_image = utils.id('new_image'),
- show_help = utils.id('show_help');
- function deselectAll() {
- utils.foreach(all, function(x) {
- x.classList.remove(Area.CLASS_NAMES.SELECTED);
- });
- }
- function selectOne(button) {
- deselectAll();
- button.classList.add(Area.CLASS_NAMES.SELECTED);
- }
- function onSaveButtonClick(e) {
- // Save in localStorage
- app.saveInLocalStorage();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- function onLoadButtonClick(e) {
- // Load from localStorage
- app.clear()
- .loadFromLocalStorage();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- function onShapeButtonClick(e) {
- // shape = rect || circle || polygon
- app.setMode('drawing')
- .setDrawClass()
- .setShape(this.id)
- .deselectAll()
- .hidePreview();
- info.unload();
- selectOne(this);
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- function onClearButtonClick(e) {
- // Clear all
- if (confirm('Clear all?')) {
- app.setMode(null)
- .setDefaultClass()
- .setShape(null)
- .clear()
- .hidePreview();
- deselectAll();
- }
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- function onFromHtmlButtonClick(e) {
- // Load areas from html
- from_html_form.show();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- function onToHtmlButtonClick(e) {
- // Generate html code only
- info.unload();
- code.print();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- function onPreviewButtonClick(e) {
- if (app.getMode() === 'preview') {
- app.setMode(null)
- .hidePreview();
- deselectAll();
- } else {
- app.deselectAll()
- .setMode('preview')
- .setDefaultClass()
- .preview();
- selectOne(this);
- }
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- function onEditButtonClick(e) {
- if (app.getMode() === 'editing') {
- app.setMode(null)
- .setDefaultClass()
- .deselectAll();
- deselectAll();
- utils.show(domElements.svg);
- } else {
- app.setShape(null)
- .setMode('editing')
- .setEditClass();
- selectOne(this);
- }
- app.hidePreview();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- function onNewImageButtonClick(e) {
- // New image - clear all and back to loading image screen
- if(confirm('Discard all changes?')) {
- app.setMode(null)
- .setDefaultClass()
- .setShape(null)
- .setIsDraw(false)
- .clear()
- .hide()
- .hidePreview();
- deselectAll();
- get_image.show();
- }
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- function onShowHelpButtonClick(e) {
- help.show();
- e.preventDefault();
+ coords = coords.map(function(item) {
+ return Number(item);
+ });
+ type = Area.HTML_NAMES_TO_AREA_NAMES[type];
+ Area.fromJSON({
+ type : type,
+ coords : Area.CONSTRUCTORS[type].getCoordsFromHTMLArray(coords),
+ attributes : attributes
+ });
- save.addEventListener('click', onSaveButtonClick, false);
- load.addEventListener('click', onLoadButtonClick, false);
- rectangle.addEventListener('click', onShapeButtonClick, false);
- circle.addEventListener('click', onShapeButtonClick, false);
- polygon.addEventListener('click', onShapeButtonClick, false);
- clear.addEventListener('click', onClearButtonClick, false);
- from_html.addEventListener('click', onFromHtmlButtonClick, false);
- to_html.addEventListener('click', onToHtmlButtonClick, false);
- preview.addEventListener('click', onPreviewButtonClick, false);
- edit.addEventListener('click', onEditButtonClick, false);
- new_image.addEventListener('click', onNewImageButtonClick, false);
- show_help.addEventListener('click', onShowHelpButtonClick, false);
- })();
+ return Boolean(htmlAreaFinded);
+ };
- * The constructor for dom events (for simple deleting of event)
+ * Returns copy of original area, selected and moved by (10,10) from it
- * @constructor
- * @param {DOMElement} target - DOM-element
- * @param {String} eventType - e.g. 'click' or 'mousemove'
- * @param {Function} func - handler for this event
- */
- function AppEvent(target, eventType, func) {
- this.target = target;
- this.eventType = eventType;
- this.func = func;
- target.addEventListener(eventType, func, false);
- }
- /**
- * Remove this event listener from target
+ * @param originalArea {Area}
+ * @returns {Area} - a copy of original area
- AppEvent.prototype.remove = function() {
- this.target.removeEventListener(this.eventType, this.func, false);
+ Area.copy = function(originalArea) {
+ return Area.fromJSON(originalArea.toJSON()).move(10, 10).select();
+ /* ---------- Constructors for real areas ---------- */
- * The constructor of helpers points
- * Helper is small svg-rectangle with some actions
+ * The constructor for rectangles
+ * (x, y) -----
+ * | | height
+ * ------------
+ * width
+ *
* @constructor
- * @param node {DOMElement} - a node for inserting helper
- * @param x {number} - x-coordinate of helper
- * @param y {number} - y-coordinate of helper
- * @param action {string} - an action by click of this helper (e.g. 'move')
+ * @param coords {Object} - object with parameters of new area (x, y, width, height)
+ * if some parameter is undefined, it will set 0
+ * @param attributes {Object} [attributes=undefined] - attributes for area (e.g. href, title)
- function Helper(node, x, y, action) {
+ function Rectangle(coords, attributes) {
+ Area.call(this, 'rectangle', coords, attributes);
+ /**
+ * @namespace
+ * @property {number} x - Distance from the left edge of the image to the left side of the rectangle
+ * @property {number} y - Distance from the top edge of the image to the top side of the rectangle
+ * @property {number} width - Width of rectangle
+ * @property {number} height - Height of rectangle
+ */
+ this._coords = {
+ x : coords.x || 0,
+ y : coords.y || 0,
+ width : coords.width || 0,
+ height : coords.height || 0
+ };
this._el = document.createElementNS(Area.SVG_NS, 'rect');
+ this._groupEl.appendChild(this._el);
- this._el.classList.add(Helper.CLASS_NAME);
- this._el.setAttribute('height', Helper.SIZE);
- this._el.setAttribute('width', Helper.SIZE);
- this._el.setAttribute('x', x + Helper.OFFSET);
- this._el.setAttribute('y', y + Helper.OFFSET);
+ var x = coords.x - this._coords.width / 2,
+ y = coords.y - this._coords.height / 2;
- node.appendChild(this._el);
+ this._helpers = {
+ center : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'move'),
+ top : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editTop'),
+ bottom : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editBottom'),
+ left : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editLeft'),
+ right : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editRight'),
+ topLeft : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editTopLeft'),
+ topRight : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editTopRight'),
+ bottomLeft : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editBottomLeft'),
+ bottomRight : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editBottomRight')
+ };
- this._el.action = action; // TODO: move 'action' from dom el to data-attr
- this._el.classList.add(Helper.ACTIONS_TO_CURSORS[action]);
+ this.redraw();
+ utils.inherits(Rectangle, Area);
- Helper.SIZE = 5;
- Helper.OFFSET = -Math.ceil(Helper.SIZE / 2);
- Helper.CLASS_NAME = 'helper';
- 'move' : 'move',
- 'editLeft' : 'e-resize',
- 'editRight' : 'w-resize',
- 'editTop' : 'n-resize',
- 'editBottom' : 's-resize',
- 'editTopLeft' : 'nw-resize',
- 'editTopRight' : 'ne-resize',
- 'editBottomLeft' : 'sw-resize',
- 'editBottomRight' : 'se-resize',
- 'movePoint' : 'pointer'
- };
- * Set coordinates for this helper
+ * Set attributes for svg-elements of area by new parameters
- * @param x {number} - x-coordinate
- * @param y {number} - y-coordinate
- * @returns {Helper}
+ * -----top------
+ * | |
+ * ---center_y---
+ * | |
+ * ----bottom----
+ *
+ * @param coords {Object} - Object with coords of this area (x, y, width, height)
+ * @returns {Rectangle} - this rectangle
- Helper.prototype.setCoords = function(x, y) {
- this._el.setAttribute('x', x + Helper.OFFSET);
- this._el.setAttribute('y', y + Helper.OFFSET);
+ Rectangle.prototype.setSVGCoords = function(coords) {
+ this._el.setAttribute('x', coords.x);
+ this._el.setAttribute('y', coords.y);
+ this._el.setAttribute('width', coords.width);
+ this._el.setAttribute('height', coords.height);
+ var top = coords.y,
+ center_y = coords.y + coords.height / 2,
+ bottom = coords.y + coords.height,
+ left = coords.x,
+ center_x = coords.x + coords.width / 2,
+ right = coords.x + coords.width;
+ this._helpers.center.setCoords(center_x, center_y);
+ this._helpers.top.setCoords(center_x, top);
+ this._helpers.bottom.setCoords(center_x, bottom);
+ this._helpers.left.setCoords(left, center_y);
+ this._helpers.right.setCoords(right, center_y);
+ this._helpers.topLeft.setCoords(left, top);
+ this._helpers.topRight.setCoords(right, top);
+ this._helpers.bottomLeft.setCoords(left, bottom);
+ this._helpers.bottomRight.setCoords(right, bottom);
return this;
- * Set id of this helper in list of parent's helpers
+ * Set coords for this area
- * @param id {number}
- * @returns {Helper}
+ * @param coords {coords}
+ * @returns {Rectangle} - this rectangle
- Helper.prototype.setId = function(id) {
- // TODO: move n-field from DOM-element to data-attribute
- this._el.n = id;
+ Rectangle.prototype.setCoords = function(coords) {
+ this._coords.x = coords.x;
+ this._coords.y = coords.y;
+ this._coords.width = coords.width;
+ this._coords.height = coords.height;
return this;
- * The abstract constructor for area
- *
- * @constructor
- * @abstract
- * @param type {string} - type of area ('rectangle', 'circle' or 'polygon')
- * @param coords {Object} - coordinates of area (e.g. x, y, width, height)
- * @param attributes {Object} [attributes=undefined] - attributes for area (e.g. href, title)
- */
- function Area(type, coords, attributes) {
- if (this.constructor === Area) {
- throw new Error('This is abstract class');
- }
- this._type = type;
- /**
- * @namespace
- * @property href {string} - href-attribute of area
- * @property alt {string} - alt-attribute of area
- * @property title {string} - title-attribute of area
- */
- this._attributes = {
- href : '',
- alt : '',
- title : ''
+ * Calculates new coordinates in process of drawing
+ *
+ * @param x {number} - x-coordinate of cursor
+ * @param y {number} - y-coordinate of cursor
+ * @param isSquare {boolean}
+ * @returns {Object} - calculated coords of this area
+ */
+ Rectangle.prototype.dynamicDraw = function(x, y, isSquare) {
+ var newCoords = {
+ x : this._coords.x,
+ y : this._coords.y,
+ width : x - this._coords.x,
+ height: y - this._coords.y
- if (attributes) {
- this.setInfoAttributes(attributes);
- }
- this._coords = coords;
- // the g-element, it contains this area and helpers elements
- this._groupEl = document.createElementNS(Area.SVG_NS, 'g');
- app.addNodeToSvg(this._groupEl);
- // TODO: remove this field from DOM-element
- // Link to parent object
- this._groupEl.obj = this;
+ if (isSquare) {
+ newCoords = Rectangle.getSquareCoords(newCoords);
+ }
- // svg-dom-element of area
- this._el = null;
+ newCoords = Rectangle.getNormalizedCoords(newCoords);
- // Object with all helpers of area
- this._helpers = {};
+ this.redraw(newCoords);
- // Add this new area to list of all areas
- app.addObject(this);
- }
- Area.SVG_NS = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; // TODO: move to main editor constructor
- Area.CLASS_NAMES = {
- SELECTED : 'selected',
- WITH_HREF : 'with_href'
- };
- rectangle : Rectangle,
- circle : Circle,
- polygon : Polygon
- };
- Area.REGEXP = {
- AREA : //gmi,
- HREF : / href="([\S\s]+?)"/,
- ALT : / alt="([\S\s]+?)"/,
- TITLE : / title="([\S\s]+?)"/,
- DELIMETER : / ?, ?/
- };
- rect : 'rectangle',
- circle : 'circle',
- poly : 'polygon'
+ return newCoords;
- * This method should be implemented for child-classes
+ * Handler for drawing process (by mousemove)
+ * It includes only redrawing area by new coords
+ * (this coords doesn't save as own area coords)
- * @throws {AbstractMethodCall}
+ * @params e {MouseEvent} - mousemove event
- Area.prototype.ABSTRACT_METHOD = function() {
- throw new Error('This is abstract method');
+ Rectangle.prototype.onProcessDrawing = function(e) {
+ var coords = utils.getRightCoords(e.pageX, e.pageY);
+ this.dynamicDraw(coords.x, coords.y, e.shiftKey);
- * All these methods are abstract
+ * Handler for drawing stoping (by second click on drawing canvas)
+ * It includes redrawing area by new coords
+ * and saving this coords as own area coords
- * @throws {AbstractMethodCall}
+ * @params e {MouseEvent} - click event
- Area.prototype.setSVGCoords =
- Area.prototype.setCoords =
- Area.prototype.dynamicDraw =
- Area.prototype.onProcessDrawing =
- Area.prototype.onStopDrawing =
- Area.prototype.edit =
- Area.prototype.dynamicEdit =
- Area.prototype.onProcessEditing =
- Area.prototype.onStopEditing =
- Area.prototype.toString =
- Area.prototype.toHTMLMapElementString =
- Area.prototype.getCoordsForDisplayingInfo =
- Area.prototype.ABSTRACT_METHOD;
+ Rectangle.prototype.onStopDrawing = function(e) {
+ var coords = utils.getRightCoords(e.pageX, e.pageY);
+ this.setCoords(this.dynamicDraw(coords.x, coords.y, e.shiftKey)).deselect();
+ app.removeAllEvents()
+ .setIsDraw(false)
+ .resetNewArea();
+ };
- * Redraw this area with own or custom coordinates
+ * Changes area parameters by editing type and offsets
- * @param coords {Object} [coords=undefined]
- * @returns {Area} - this area
+ * @param {string} editingType - A type of editing (e.g. 'move')
+ * @returns {Object} - Object with changed parameters of area
- Area.prototype.redraw = function(coords) {
- this.setSVGCoords(coords ? coords : this._coords);
+ Rectangle.prototype.edit = function(editingType, dx, dy) {
+ var tempParams = Object.create(this._coords);
- return this;
+ switch (editingType) {
+ case 'move':
+ tempParams.x += dx;
+ tempParams.y += dy;
+ break;
+ case 'editLeft':
+ tempParams.x += dx;
+ tempParams.width -= dx;
+ break;
+ case 'editRight':
+ tempParams.width += dx;
+ break;
+ case 'editTop':
+ tempParams.y += dy;
+ tempParams.height -= dy;
+ break;
+ case 'editBottom':
+ tempParams.height += dy;
+ break;
+ case 'editTopLeft':
+ tempParams.x += dx;
+ tempParams.y += dy;
+ tempParams.width -= dx;
+ tempParams.height -= dy;
+ break;
+ case 'editTopRight':
+ tempParams.y += dy;
+ tempParams.width += dx;
+ tempParams.height -= dy;
+ break;
+ case 'editBottomLeft':
+ tempParams.x += dx;
+ tempParams.width -= dx;
+ tempParams.height += dy;
+ break;
+ case 'editBottomRight':
+ tempParams.width += dx;
+ tempParams.height += dy;
+ break;
+ }
+ return tempParams;
- * Remove this area from DOM-tree
+ * Calculates new coordinates in process of editing
+ *
+ * @param coords {Object} - area coords
+ * @param saveProportions {boolean}
+ * @returns {Object} - new coordinates of area
- Area.prototype.remove = function() {
- app.removeNodeFromSvg(this._groupEl);
+ Rectangle.prototype.dynamicEdit = function(coords, saveProportions) {
+ coords = Rectangle.getNormalizedCoords(coords);
+ if (saveProportions) {
+ coords = Rectangle.getSavedProportionsCoords(coords);
+ }
+ this.redraw(coords);
+ return coords;
- * Move this area by dx, dy
+ * Handler for editing process (by mousemove)
+ * It includes only redrawing area by new coords
+ * (this coords doesn't save as own area coords)
- * @returns {Area} - this area
+ * @params e {MouseEvent} - mousemove event
- Area.prototype.move = function(dx, dy) {
- this.setCoords(this.edit('move', dx, dy)).redraw();
- return this;
+ Rectangle.prototype.onProcessEditing = function(e) {
+ return this.dynamicEdit(
+ this.edit(
+ app.getEditType(),
+ e.pageX - this.editingStartPoint.x,
+ e.pageY - this.editingStartPoint.y
+ ),
+ e.shiftKey
+ );
- * Add class name for selected areas to this area
+ * Handler for editing stoping (by mouseup)
+ * It includes redrawing area by new coords
+ * and saving this coords as own area coords
- * @returns {Area} - this area
+ * @params e {MouseEvent} - mouseup event
- Area.prototype.select = function() {
- this._el.classList.add(Area.CLASS_NAMES.SELECTED);
- console.info(this.toString() + ' is selected now');
- return this;
+ Rectangle.prototype.onStopEditing = function(e) {
+ this.setCoords(this.onProcessEditing(e));
+ app.removeAllEvents();
+ /**
+ * Returns string-representation of this rectangle
+ *
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ Rectangle.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return 'Rectangle {x: '+ this._coords.x +
+ ', y: ' + this._coords.y +
+ ', width: ' + this._coords.width +
+ ', height: ' + this._coords.height + '}';
+ }
- * Remove class name for selected areas from this area
+ * Returns html-string of area html element with params of this rectangle
- * @returns {Area} - this area
+ * @returns {string}
- Area.prototype.deselect = function() {
- this._el.classList.remove(Area.CLASS_NAMES.SELECTED);
- return this;
+ Rectangle.prototype.toHTMLMapElementString = function() {
+ var x2 = this._coords.x + this._coords.width,
+ y2 = this._coords.y + this._coords.height;
+ return '';
- * Set style of element with href attribute for this area
+ * Returns coords for area attributes form
- * @returns {Area} - this area
+ * @returns {Object} - object width coordinates of point
- Area.prototype.setStyleOfElementWithHref = function() {
- this._el.classList.add(Area.CLASS_NAMES.WITH_HREF);
- return this;
+ Rectangle.prototype.getCoordsForDisplayingInfo = function() {
+ return {
+ x : this._coords.x,
+ y : this._coords.y
+ };
- * Unset style of element with href attribute for this area
- *
- * @returns {Area} - this area
+ * Returns true if coords is valid for rectangles and false otherwise
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @param coords {Object} - object with coords for new rectangle
+ * @return {boolean}
- Area.prototype.unsetStyleOfElementWithHref = function() {
- this._el.classList.remove(Area.CLASS_NAMES.WITH_HREF);
- return this;
+ Rectangle.testCoords = function(coords) {
+ return coords.x && coords.y && coords.width && coords.height;
- * Set attributes (href, alt and title) for this area
- *
- * @param attributes {Object} - Object with attributes for area
+ * Returns true if html coords array is valid for rectangles and false otherwise
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @param coords {Array} - coords for new rectangle as array
+ * @return {boolean}
- Area.prototype.setInfoAttributes = function(attributes) {
- this._attributes.href = attributes.href;
- this._attributes.alt = attributes.alt;
- this._attributes.title = attributes.title;
+ Rectangle.testHTMLCoords = function(coords) {
+ return coords.length === 4;
- * Returns json-representation of this area
+ * Return rectangle coords object from html array
+ * @param htmlCoordsArray {Array}
* @returns {Object}
- Area.prototype.toJSON = function() {
- /**
- * @namespace
- * @property type {string} - type of this area (e.g. 'rectangle', 'circle')
- * @property coords {Object} - coordinates of this area (e.g. 'x', 'width')
- * @property attributes {Object} - attributes of this area (e.g. 'href', 'title')
- */
+ Rectangle.getCoordsFromHTMLArray = function(htmlCoordsArray) {
+ if (!Rectangle.testHTMLCoords(htmlCoordsArray)) {
+ throw new Error('This html-coordinates is not valid for rectangle');
+ }
return {
- type : this._type,
- coords : this._coords,
- attributes : this._attributes
+ x : htmlCoordsArray[0],
+ y : htmlCoordsArray[1],
+ width : htmlCoordsArray[2] - htmlCoordsArray[0],
+ height : htmlCoordsArray[3] - htmlCoordsArray[1]
- * Returns new area object created with params from json-object
+ * Fixes coords if width or/and height are negative
* @static
- * @param params {Object} - params of area, incl. type, coords and attributes
- * @returns {Rectangle|Circle|Polygon}
+ * @param coords {Object} - Coordinates of this area
+ * @returns {Object} - Normalized coordinates of area
- Area.fromJSON = function(params) {
- var AreaConstructor = Area.CONSTRUCTORS[params.type];
- if (!AreaConstructor) {
- throw new Error('This area type is not valid');
+ Rectangle.getNormalizedCoords = function(coords) {
+ if (coords.width < 0) {
+ coords.x += coords.width;
+ coords.width = Math.abs(coords.width);
- if (!AreaConstructor.testCoords(params.coords)) {
- throw new Error('This coords is not valid for ' + params.type);
+ if (coords.height < 0) {
+ coords.y += coords.height;
+ coords.height = Math.abs(coords.height);
- app.setIsDraw(true);
- var area = new AreaConstructor(params.coords, params.attributes);
+ return coords;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns coords with equivivalent width and height
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @param coords {Object} - Coordinates of this area
+ * @returns {Object} - Coordinates of area with equivivalent width and height
+ */
+ Rectangle.getSquareCoords = function(coords) {
+ var width = Math.abs(coords.width),
+ height = Math.abs(coords.height);
- app.setIsDraw(false)
- .resetNewArea();
+ if (width > height) {
+ coords.width = coords.width > 0 ? height : -height;
+ } else {
+ coords.height = coords.height > 0 ? width : -width;
+ }
- return area;
+ return coords;
- * Creates new areas from html-string with elements
+ * Returns coords with saved proportions of original area
- * @param htmlStr {string}
- * @returns {Array} - array with areas
+ * @static
+ * @param coords {Object} - Coordinates of this area
+ * @param originalCoords {Object} - Coordinates of the original area
+ * @returns {Object} - Coordinates of area with saved proportions of original area
- Area.createAreasFromHTMLOfMap = function(htmlStr) {
- if (!htmlStr) {
- return false;
- }
- while (true) {
- var findedResult = Area.REGEXP.AREA.exec(htmlStr); //
- if (!findedResult) {
- break;
- }
- var htmlAreaFinded = findedResult[0], //
- type = findedResult[1], // $1
- coords = findedResult[2].split(Area.REGEXP.DELIMETER), // $2
- attributes = {};
- Area.ATTRIBUTES_NAMES.forEach(function(item, i) {
- var result = Area.REGEXP[item].exec(htmlAreaFinded);
- if (result) {
- attributes[name] = result[1];
- }
- });
- coords = coords.map(function(item) {
- return Number(item);
- });
- type = Area.HTML_NAMES_TO_AREA_NAMES[type];
- Area.fromJSON({
- type : type,
- coords : Area.CONSTRUCTORS[type].getCoordsFromHTMLArray(coords),
- attributes : attributes
- });
+ Rectangle.getSavedProportionsCoords = function(coords, originalCoords) {
+ var originalProportions = coords.width / coords.height,
+ currentProportions = originalCoords.width / originalCoords.height;
+ if (currentProportions > originalProportions) {
+ coords.width = Math.round(coords.height * originalProportions);
+ } else {
+ coords.height = Math.round(coords.width / originalProportions);
- return Boolean(htmlAreaFinded);
+ return coords;
- * Returns copy of original area, selected and moved by (10,10) from it
+ * Creates new rectangle and adds drawing handlers for DOM-elements
- * @param originalArea {Area}
- * @returns {Area} - a copy of original area
+ * @static
+ * @param firstPointCoords {Object}
+ * @returns {Rectangle}
- Area.copy = function(originalArea) {
- return Area.fromJSON(originalArea.toJSON()).move(10, 10).select();
+ Rectangle.createAndStartDrawing = function(firstPointCoords) {
+ var newArea = new Rectangle({
+ x : firstPointCoords.x,
+ y : firstPointCoords.y,
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0
+ });
+ app.addEvent(app.domElements.container, 'mousemove', newArea.onProcessDrawing.bind(newArea))
+ .addEvent(app.domElements.container, 'click', newArea.onStopDrawing.bind(newArea));
+ return newArea;
- /* ---------- Constructors for real areas ---------- */
- * The constructor for rectangles
- *
- * (x, y) -----
- * | | height
- * ------------
- * width
+ * The constructor for circles
+ *
+ * ------
+ * / \
+ * | (x, y)<->| radius
+ * \ /
+ * ------
* @constructor
- * @param coords {Object} - object with parameters of new area (x, y, width, height)
+ * @param coords {Object} - object with parameters of new area (cx, cy, radius)
* if some parameter is undefined, it will set 0
* @param attributes {Object} [attributes=undefined] - attributes for area (e.g. href, title)
- function Rectangle(coords, attributes) {
- Area.call(this, 'rectangle', coords, attributes);
+ function Circle(coords, attributes) {
+ Area.call(this, 'circle', coords, attributes);
* @namespace
- * @property {number} x - Distance from the left edge of the image to the left side of the rectangle
- * @property {number} y - Distance from the top edge of the image to the top side of the rectangle
- * @property {number} width - Width of rectangle
- * @property {number} height - Height of rectangle
+ * @property {number} cx - Distance from the left edge of the image to the center of the circle
+ * @property {number} cy - Distance from the top edge of the image to the center of the circle
+ * @property {number} radius - Radius of the circle
this._coords = {
- x : coords.x || 0,
- y : coords.y || 0,
- width : coords.width || 0,
- height : coords.height || 0
+ cx : coords.cx || 0,
+ cy : coords.cy || 0,
+ radius : coords.radius || 0
- this._el = document.createElementNS(Area.SVG_NS, 'rect');
- this._groupEl.appendChild(this._el);
- var x = coords.x - this._coords.width / 2,
- y = coords.y - this._coords.height / 2;
- this._helpers = {
- center : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'move'),
- top : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editTop'),
- bottom : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editBottom'),
- left : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editLeft'),
- right : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editRight'),
- topLeft : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editTopLeft'),
- topRight : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editTopRight'),
- bottomLeft : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editBottomLeft'),
- bottomRight : new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'editBottomRight')
+ this._el = document.createElementNS(Area.SVG_NS, 'circle');
+ this._groupEl.appendChild(this._el);
+ this.helpers = {
+ center : new Helper(this._groupEl, coords.cx, coords.cy, 'move'),
+ top : new Helper(this._groupEl, coords.cx, coords.cy, 'editTop'),
+ bottom : new Helper(this._groupEl, coords.cx, coords.cy, 'editBottom'),
+ left : new Helper(this._groupEl, coords.cx, coords.cy, 'editLeft'),
+ right : new Helper(this._groupEl, coords.cx, coords.cy, 'editRight')
- utils.inherits(Rectangle, Area);
+ utils.inherits(Circle, Area);
* Set attributes for svg-elements of area by new parameters
- * -----top------
- * | |
- * ---center_y---
- * | |
- * ----bottom----
- *
- * @param coords {Object} - Object with coords of this area (x, y, width, height)
- * @returns {Rectangle} - this rectangle
+ * @param coords {Object} - Object with coords of this area (cx, cy, radius)
+ * @returns {Circle} - this area
- Rectangle.prototype.setSVGCoords = function(coords) {
- this._el.setAttribute('x', coords.x);
- this._el.setAttribute('y', coords.y);
- this._el.setAttribute('width', coords.width);
- this._el.setAttribute('height', coords.height);
- var top = coords.y,
- center_y = coords.y + coords.height / 2,
- bottom = coords.y + coords.height,
- left = coords.x,
- center_x = coords.x + coords.width / 2,
- right = coords.x + coords.width;
+ Circle.prototype.setSVGCoords = function(coords) {
+ this._el.setAttribute('cx', coords.cx);
+ this._el.setAttribute('cy', coords.cy);
+ this._el.setAttribute('r', coords.radius);
- this._helpers.center.setCoords(center_x, center_y);
- this._helpers.top.setCoords(center_x, top);
- this._helpers.bottom.setCoords(center_x, bottom);
- this._helpers.left.setCoords(left, center_y);
- this._helpers.right.setCoords(right, center_y);
- this._helpers.topLeft.setCoords(left, top);
- this._helpers.topRight.setCoords(right, top);
- this._helpers.bottomLeft.setCoords(left, bottom);
- this._helpers.bottomRight.setCoords(right, bottom);
+ this.helpers.center.setCoords(coords.cx, coords.cy);
+ this.helpers.top.setCoords(coords.cx, coords.cy - coords.radius);
+ this.helpers.right.setCoords(coords.cx + coords.radius, coords.cy);
+ this.helpers.bottom.setCoords(coords.cx, coords.cy + coords.radius);
+ this.helpers.left.setCoords(coords.cx - coords.radius, coords.cy);
return this;
@@ -1684,40 +1529,39 @@ var summerHtmlImageMapCreator = (function() {
* Set coords for this area
- * @param coords {coords}
- * @returns {Rectangle} - this rectangle
+ * @param coords {Object} - coordinates for thia area
+ * @returns {Circle} - this area
- Rectangle.prototype.setCoords = function(coords) {
- this._coords.x = coords.x;
- this._coords.y = coords.y;
- this._coords.width = coords.width;
- this._coords.height = coords.height;
+ Circle.prototype.setCoords = function(coords) {
+ this._coords.cx = coords.cx;
+ this._coords.cy = coords.cy;
+ this._coords.radius = coords.radius;
return this;
* Calculates new coordinates in process of drawing
+ * (for circle normalizeCoords() don't needed because
+ * radius are always positive)
- * @param x {number} - x-coordinate of cursor
- * @param y {number} - y-coordinate of cursor
- * @param isSquare {boolean}
- * @returns {Object} - calculated coords of this area
+ * @param x {number} - x-coordinate
+ * @param y {number} - y-coordinate
+ * @returns {Object} - calculated coordinates
- Rectangle.prototype.dynamicDraw = function(x, y, isSquare) {
- var newCoords = {
- x : this._coords.x,
- y : this._coords.y,
- width : x - this._coords.x,
- height: y - this._coords.y
- };
- if (isSquare) {
- newCoords = Rectangle.getSquareCoords(newCoords);
- }
- newCoords = Rectangle.getNormalizedCoords(newCoords);
+ Circle.prototype.dynamicDraw = function(x, y) {
+ var radius = Math.round(
+ Math.sqrt(
+ Math.pow(this._coords.cx - x, 2) +
+ Math.pow(this._coords.cy - y, 2)
+ )
+ ),
+ newCoords = {
+ cx : this._coords.cx,
+ cy : this._coords.cy,
+ radius : radius
+ };
return newCoords;
@@ -1730,24 +1574,24 @@ var summerHtmlImageMapCreator = (function() {
* @params e {MouseEvent} - mousemove event
- Rectangle.prototype.onProcessDrawing = function(e) {
+ Circle.prototype.onProcessDrawing = function(e) {
var coords = utils.getRightCoords(e.pageX, e.pageY);
- this.dynamicDraw(coords.x, coords.y, e.shiftKey);
+ this.dynamicDraw(coords.x, coords.y);
- * Handler for drawing stoping (by second click on drawing canvas)
+ * Handler for drawing stoping (by second click)
* It includes redrawing area by new coords
* and saving this coords as own area coords
* @params e {MouseEvent} - click event
- Rectangle.prototype.onStopDrawing = function(e) {
+ Circle.prototype.onStopDrawing = function(e) {
var coords = utils.getRightCoords(e.pageX, e.pageY);
- this.setCoords(this.dynamicDraw(coords.x, coords.y, e.shiftKey)).deselect();
+ this.setCoords(this.dynamicDraw(coords.x, coords.y)).deselect();
@@ -1756,81 +1600,52 @@ var summerHtmlImageMapCreator = (function() {
* Changes area parameters by editing type and offsets
- * @param {string} editingType - A type of editing (e.g. 'move')
+ * @param {string} editingType - A type of editing
* @returns {Object} - Object with changed parameters of area
- Rectangle.prototype.edit = function(editingType, dx, dy) {
+ Circle.prototype.edit = function(editingType, dx, dy) {
var tempParams = Object.create(this._coords);
switch (editingType) {
case 'move':
- tempParams.x += dx;
- tempParams.y += dy;
- break;
- case 'editLeft':
- tempParams.x += dx;
- tempParams.width -= dx;
- break;
- case 'editRight':
- tempParams.width += dx;
+ tempParams.cx += dx;
+ tempParams.cy += dy;
case 'editTop':
- tempParams.y += dy;
- tempParams.height -= dy;
+ tempParams.radius -= dy;
case 'editBottom':
- tempParams.height += dy;
- break;
- case 'editTopLeft':
- tempParams.x += dx;
- tempParams.y += dy;
- tempParams.width -= dx;
- tempParams.height -= dy;
- break;
- case 'editTopRight':
- tempParams.y += dy;
- tempParams.width += dx;
- tempParams.height -= dy;
+ tempParams.radius += dy;
- case 'editBottomLeft':
- tempParams.x += dx;
- tempParams.width -= dx;
- tempParams.height += dy;
+ case 'editLeft':
+ tempParams.radius -= dx;
- case 'editBottomRight':
- tempParams.width += dx;
- tempParams.height += dy;
+ case 'editRight':
+ tempParams.radius += dx;
return tempParams;
* Calculates new coordinates in process of editing
- * @param coords {Object} - area coords
- * @param saveProportions {boolean}
- * @returns {Object} - new coordinates of area
+ * @param tempCoords {Object} - area coords
+ * @returns {Object} - calculated coordinates
- Rectangle.prototype.dynamicEdit = function(coords, saveProportions) {
- coords = Rectangle.getNormalizedCoords(coords);
- if (saveProportions) {
- coords = Rectangle.getSavedProportionsCoords(coords);
+ Circle.prototype.dynamicEdit = function(tempCoords) {
+ if (tempCoords.radius < 0) {
+ tempCoords.radius = Math.abs(tempCoords.radius);
- this.redraw(coords);
+ this.setSVGCoords(tempCoords);
- return coords;
+ return tempCoords;
@@ -1840,14 +1655,11 @@ var summerHtmlImageMapCreator = (function() {
* @params e {MouseEvent} - mousemove event
- Rectangle.prototype.onProcessEditing = function(e) {
+ Circle.prototype.onProcessEditing = function(e) {
+ var editType = app.getEditType();
return this.dynamicEdit(
- this.edit(
- app.getEditType(),
- e.pageX - this.editingStartPoint.x,
- e.pageY - this.editingStartPoint.y
- ),
- e.shiftKey
+ this.edit(editType, e.pageX - this.editingStartPoint.x, e.pageY - this.editingStartPoint.y)
@@ -1858,37 +1670,35 @@ var summerHtmlImageMapCreator = (function() {
* @params e {MouseEvent} - mouseup event
- Rectangle.prototype.onStopEditing = function(e) {
+ Circle.prototype.onStopEditing = function(e) {
+ var editType = app.getEditType();
- * Returns string-representation of this rectangle
+ * Returns string-representation of circle
* @returns {string}
- Rectangle.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'Rectangle {x: '+ this._coords.x +
- ', y: ' + this._coords.y +
- ', width: ' + this._coords.width +
- ', height: ' + this._coords.height + '}';
+ Circle.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return 'Circle {cx: '+ this._coords.cx +
+ ', cy: ' + this._coords.cy +
+ ', radius: ' + this._coords.radius + '}';
- * Returns html-string of area html element with params of this rectangle
+ * Returns html-string of area html element with params of this circle
* @returns {string}
- Rectangle.prototype.toHTMLMapElementString = function() {
- var x2 = this._coords.x + this._coords.width,
- y2 = this._coords.y + this._coords.height;
- return ' height) {
- coords.width = coords.width > 0 ? height : -height;
- } else {
- coords.height = coords.height > 0 ? width : -width;
- }
- return coords;
+ Circle.testHTMLCoords = function(coords) {
+ return coords.length === 3;
- * Returns coords with saved proportions of original area
+ * Returns circle coords object from html array
- * @static
- * @param coords {Object} - Coordinates of this area
- * @param originalCoords {Object} - Coordinates of the original area
- * @returns {Object} - Coordinates of area with saved proportions of original area
+ * @param htmlCoordsArray {Array}
+ * @returns {Object}
- Rectangle.getSavedProportionsCoords = function(coords, originalCoords) {
- var originalProportions = coords.width / coords.height,
- currentProportions = originalCoords.width / originalCoords.height;
- if (currentProportions > originalProportions) {
- coords.width = Math.round(coords.height * originalProportions);
- } else {
- coords.height = Math.round(coords.width / originalProportions);
+ Circle.getCoordsFromHTMLArray = function(htmlCoordsArray) {
+ if (!Circle.testHTMLCoords(htmlCoordsArray)) {
+ throw new Error('This html-coordinates is not valid for circle');
- return coords;
+ return {
+ cx : htmlCoordsArray[0],
+ cy : htmlCoordsArray[1],
+ radius : htmlCoordsArray[2]
+ };
- * Creates new rectangle and adds drawing handlers for DOM-elements
- *
+ * Creates new circle and adds drawing handlers for DOM-elements
+ *
* @static
- * @param firstPointCoords {Object}
- * @returns {Rectangle}
+ * @param firstPointCoords {Object}
+ * @returns {Circle}
- Rectangle.createAndStartDrawing = function(firstPointCoords) {
- var newArea = new Rectangle({
- x : firstPointCoords.x,
- y : firstPointCoords.y,
- width: 0,
- height: 0
+ Circle.createAndStartDrawing = function(firstPointCoords) {
+ var newArea = new Circle({
+ cx : firstPointCoords.x,
+ cy : firstPointCoords.y,
+ radius : 0
app.addEvent(app.domElements.container, 'mousemove', newArea.onProcessDrawing.bind(newArea))
@@ -2031,68 +1777,88 @@ var summerHtmlImageMapCreator = (function() {
return newArea;
- * The constructor for circles
- *
- * ------
- * / \
- * | (x, y)<->| radius
- * \ /
- * ------
+ * The constructor for polygons
+ *
+ * {x0, y0}
+ * /\
+ * / \
+ * / \
+ * {x1, y1} ----- {x2, y2}
* @constructor
- * @param coords {Object} - object with parameters of new area (cx, cy, radius)
- * if some parameter is undefined, it will set 0
- * @param attributes {Object} [attributes=undefined] - attributes for area (e.g. href, title)
+ * @param coords {Object} - object with parameters of new area ('points' is list of points)
+ * if 'points' is empty, it will set to [(0,0)]
+ * @param coords.isOpened {boolean} - if polygon is opened (polyline instead polygon)
+ * @param attributes {Object} [attributes=undefined] - attributes for area (e.g. href, title)
- function Circle(coords, attributes) {
- Area.call(this, 'circle', coords, attributes);
+ function Polygon(coords, attributes) {
+ Area.call(this, 'polygon', coords, attributes);
* @namespace
- * @property {number} cx - Distance from the left edge of the image to the center of the circle
- * @property {number} cy - Distance from the top edge of the image to the center of the circle
- * @property {number} radius - Radius of the circle
+ * @property {Array} points - Array with coordinates of polygon points
this._coords = {
- cx : coords.cx || 0,
- cy : coords.cy || 0,
- radius : coords.radius || 0
+ points : coords.points || [{x: 0, y: 0}],
+ isOpened : coords.isOpened || false
- this._el = document.createElementNS(Area.SVG_NS, 'circle');
+ this._el = document.createElementNS(
+ Area.SVG_NS,
+ this._coords.isOpened ? 'polyline' : 'polygon'
+ );
- this.helpers = {
- center : new Helper(this._groupEl, coords.cx, coords.cy, 'move'),
- top : new Helper(this._groupEl, coords.cx, coords.cy, 'editTop'),
- bottom : new Helper(this._groupEl, coords.cx, coords.cy, 'editBottom'),
- left : new Helper(this._groupEl, coords.cx, coords.cy, 'editLeft'),
- right : new Helper(this._groupEl, coords.cx, coords.cy, 'editRight')
+ this._helpers = {
+ points : []
+ for (var i = 0, c = this._coords.points.length; i < c; i++) {
+ this._helpers.points.push(
+ (new Helper(
+ this._groupEl,
+ this._coords.points[i].x,
+ this._coords.points[i].y,
+ 'movePoint')
+ ).setId(i)
+ );
+ }
+ this._selectedPoint = -1;
- utils.inherits(Circle, Area);
+ utils.inherits(Polygon, Area);
+ /**
+ * Closes path of the polygon (replaces polyline with polygon)
+ */
+ Polygon.prototype.close = function() {
+ var polyline = this._el;
+ this._el = document.createElementNS(Area.SVG_NS, 'polygon');
+ this._groupEl.replaceChild(this._el, polyline);
+ this._coords.isOpened = false;
+ this.redraw().deselect();
+ };
* Set attributes for svg-elements of area by new parameters
- * @param coords {Object} - Object with coords of this area (cx, cy, radius)
- * @returns {Circle} - this area
+ * @param coords {Object} - Object with coords of this area, with field 'points'
+ * @returns {Polygon} - this area
- Circle.prototype.setSVGCoords = function(coords) {
- this._el.setAttribute('cx', coords.cx);
- this._el.setAttribute('cy', coords.cy);
- this._el.setAttribute('r', coords.radius);
- this.helpers.center.setCoords(coords.cx, coords.cy);
- this.helpers.top.setCoords(coords.cx, coords.cy - coords.radius);
- this.helpers.right.setCoords(coords.cx + coords.radius, coords.cy);
- this.helpers.bottom.setCoords(coords.cx, coords.cy + coords.radius);
- this.helpers.left.setCoords(coords.cx - coords.radius, coords.cy);
+ Polygon.prototype.setSVGCoords = function(coords) {
+ var polygonPointsAttrValue = coords.points.reduce(function(previousValue, currentItem) {
+ return previousValue + currentItem.x + ' ' + currentItem.y + ' ';
+ }, '');
+ this._el.setAttribute('points', polygonPointsAttrValue);
+ utils.foreach(this._helpers.points, function(helper, i) {
+ helper.setCoords(coords.points[i].x, coords.points[i].y);
+ });
return this;
@@ -2100,176 +1866,211 @@ var summerHtmlImageMapCreator = (function() {
* Set coords for this area
- * @param coords {Object} - coordinates for thia area
- * @returns {Circle} - this area
+ * @param coords {coords}
+ * @returns {Polygon} - this area
- Circle.prototype.setCoords = function(coords) {
- this._coords.cx = coords.cx;
- this._coords.cy = coords.cy;
- this._coords.radius = coords.radius;
+ Polygon.prototype.setCoords = function(coords) {
+ this._coords.points = coords.points;
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Adds new point to polygon (and new helper too)
+ *
+ * @param x {number} - x-coordinate of new point
+ * @param y {number} - y-coordinate of new point
+ * @returns {Polygon} - this area
+ */
+ Polygon.prototype.addPoint = function(x, y) {
+ if (!this._coords.isOpened) {
+ throw new Error('This polygon is closed!');
+ }
+ var helper = new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'movePoint');
+ helper.setId(this._helpers.points.length);
+ this._helpers.points.push(helper);
+ this._coords.points.push({
+ x : x,
+ y : y
+ });
+ this.redraw();
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calculates new coordinates in process of drawing
+ *
+ * @param x {number}
+ * @param y {number}
+ * @param isRightAngle {boolean}
+ * @returns {Object} - calculated coordinates
+ */
+ Polygon.prototype.dynamicDraw = function(x, y, isRightAngle) {
+ var temp_coords = {
+ points: [].concat(this._coords.points)
+ };
+ if (isRightAngle) {
+ var rightPointCoords = Polygon.getRightAngleLineLastPointCoords(
+ this._coords, {x: x, y: y}
+ );
+ x = rightPointCoords.x;
+ y = rightPointCoords.y;
+ }
- return this;
- };
+ temp_coords.points.push({x : x, y : y});
- /**
- * Calculates new coordinates in process of drawing
- * (for circle normalizeCoords() don't needed because
- * radius are always positive)
- *
- * @param x {number} - x-coordinate
- * @param y {number} - y-coordinate
- * @returns {Object} - calculated coordinates
- */
- Circle.prototype.dynamicDraw = function(x, y) {
- var radius = Math.round(
- Math.sqrt(
- Math.pow(this._coords.cx - x, 2) +
- Math.pow(this._coords.cy - y, 2)
- )
- ),
- newCoords = {
- cx : this._coords.cx,
- cy : this._coords.cy,
- radius : radius
- };
- this.redraw(newCoords);
+ this.redraw(temp_coords);
- return newCoords;
+ return temp_coords;
* Handler for drawing process (by mousemove)
* It includes only redrawing area by new coords
- * (this coords doesn't save as own area coords)
+ * (this coordinates doesn't save as own area coords)
* @params e {MouseEvent} - mousemove event
- Circle.prototype.onProcessDrawing = function(e) {
+ Polygon.prototype.onProcessDrawing = function(e) {
var coords = utils.getRightCoords(e.pageX, e.pageY);
- this.dynamicDraw(coords.x, coords.y);
+ this.dynamicDraw(coords.x, coords.y, e.shiftKey);
- * Handler for drawing stoping (by second click)
- * It includes redrawing area by new coords
- * and saving this coords as own area coords
+ * Handler for polygon pointer adding (by click on drawing canvas)
+ * It includes redrawing area with this new point
+ * and saving this point to list of polygon points
* @params e {MouseEvent} - click event
- Circle.prototype.onStopDrawing = function(e) {
- var coords = utils.getRightCoords(e.pageX, e.pageY);
+ Polygon.prototype.onAddPointDrawing = function(e) {
+ var newPointCoords = utils.getRightCoords(e.pageX, e.pageY);
+ if (e.shiftKey) {
+ newPointCoords = Polygon.getRightAngleLineLastPointCoords(this._coords, newPointCoords);
+ }
- this.setCoords(this.dynamicDraw(coords.x, coords.y)).deselect();
- app.removeAllEvents()
- .setIsDraw(false)
- .resetNewArea();
+ this.addPoint(newPointCoords.x, newPointCoords.y);
+ /**
+ * Handler for drawing stoping (by click on first helper or press ENTER key)
+ * It includes redrawing area by new coords, closing this polygon
+ * and saving this coords as own area coords
+ *
+ * @params e {KeyboardEvent|MouseEvent} - click or keydown event
+ */
+ Polygon.prototype.onStopDrawing = function(e) {
+ if (e.type == 'click' || (e.type == 'keydown' && e.keyCode == 13)) {
+ if (Polygon.testCoords(this._coords)) {
+ this.close();
+ app.removeAllEvents()
+ .setIsDraw(false)
+ .resetNewArea();
+ }
+ }
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ };
* Changes area parameters by editing type and offsets
* @param {string} editingType - A type of editing
* @returns {Object} - Object with changed parameters of area
- Circle.prototype.edit = function(editingType, dx, dy) {
+ Polygon.prototype.edit = function(editingType, dx, dy) {
var tempParams = Object.create(this._coords);
switch (editingType) {
case 'move':
- tempParams.cx += dx;
- tempParams.cy += dy;
- break;
- case 'editTop':
- tempParams.radius -= dy;
- break;
- case 'editBottom':
- tempParams.radius += dy;
- break;
- case 'editLeft':
- tempParams.radius -= dx;
+ for (var i = 0, c = tempParams.points.length; i < c; i++) {
+ tempParams.points[i].x += dx;
+ tempParams.points[i].y += dy;
+ }
- case 'editRight':
- tempParams.radius += dx;
+ case 'movePoint':
+ tempParams.points[this.selected_point].x += dx;
+ tempParams.points[this.selected_point].y += dy;
return tempParams;
- /**
- * Calculates new coordinates in process of editing
- *
- * @param tempCoords {Object} - area coords
- * @returns {Object} - calculated coordinates
- */
- Circle.prototype.dynamicEdit = function(tempCoords) {
- if (tempCoords.radius < 0) {
- tempCoords.radius = Math.abs(tempCoords.radius);
- }
- this.setSVGCoords(tempCoords);
- return tempCoords;
- };
* Handler for editing process (by mousemove)
- * It includes only redrawing area by new coords
- * (this coords doesn't save as own area coords)
+ * It includes only redrawing area by new coords
+ * (this coords doesn't save as area coords)
* @params e {MouseEvent} - mousemove event
- Circle.prototype.onProcessEditing = function(e) {
+ Polygon.prototype.onProcessEditing = function(e) {
var editType = app.getEditType();
- return this.dynamicEdit(
- this.edit(editType, e.pageX - this.editingStartPoint.x, e.pageY - this.editingStartPoint.y)
+ this.redraw(
+ this.edit(
+ editType,
+ e.pageX - this.editingStartPoint.x,
+ e.pageY - this.editingStartPoint.y
+ )
+ this.editingStartPoint.x = e.pageX;
+ this.editingStartPoint.y = e.pageY;
- * Handler for editing stoping (by mouseup)
- * It includes redrawing area by new coords
- * and saving this coords as own area coords
+ * Handler for editing stoping (by mouseup on drawing canvas)
+ * It includes redrawing area by new coords and saving this new coords
+ * as own area coords
- * @params e {MouseEvent} - mouseup event
+ * @params e {MouseEvent} - click or keydown event
- Circle.prototype.onStopEditing = function(e) {
+ Polygon.prototype.onStopEditing = function(e) {
var editType = app.getEditType();
- this.setCoords(this.onProcessEditing(e));
+ this.setCoords(
+ this.edit(
+ editType,
+ e.pageX - this.editingStartPoint.x,
+ e.pageY - this.editingStartPoint.y
+ )
+ ).redraw();
- * Returns string-representation of circle
+ * Returns string-representation of polygon
* @returns {string}
- Circle.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'Circle {cx: '+ this._coords.cx +
- ', cy: ' + this._coords.cy +
- ', radius: ' + this._coords.radius + '}';
+ Polygon.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return 'Polygon {points: ['+
+ this._coords.points.map(function(item) {
+ return '[' + item.x + ', ' + item.y + ']'
+ }).join(', ') + ']}';
- * Returns html-string of area html element with params of this circle
+ * Returns html-string of area html element with params of this polygon
* @returns {string}
- Circle.prototype.toHTMLMapElementString = function() {
- return '= 3;
- * Returns true if html coords array is valid for circles and false otherwise
+ * Returns true if html coords array is valid for polygons and false otherwise
* @static
- * @param coords {Array} - coords for new circle as array
- * @return {boolean}
+ * @param coords {Array} - coords for new polygon as array [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...]
+ * @returns {boolean}
- Circle.testHTMLCoords = function(coords) {
- return coords.length === 3;
+ Polygon.testHTMLCoords = function(coords) {
+ return coords.length >= 6 && coords.length % 2 === 0;
- * Returns circle coords object from html array
+ * Returns polygon coords object from html array
* @param htmlCoordsArray {Array}
- * @returns {Object}
+ * @returns {Object} - object with calculated points
- Circle.getCoordsFromHTMLArray = function(htmlCoordsArray) {
- if (!Circle.testHTMLCoords(htmlCoordsArray)) {
- throw new Error('This html-coordinates is not valid for circle');
+ Polygon.getCoordsFromHTMLArray = function(htmlCoordsArray) {
+ if (!Polygon.testHTMLCoords(htmlCoordsArray)) {
+ throw new Error('This html-coordinates is not valid for polygon');
+ }
+ var points = [];
+ for (var i = 0, c = htmlCoordsArray.length/2; i < c; i++) {
+ points.push({
+ x : htmlCoordsArray[2*i],
+ y : htmlCoordsArray[2*i + 1]
+ });
+ }
+ return {
+ points : points
+ };
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns coords of new point with right angle (or 45 deg) for last line
+ * This method recalculates coordinates of new point for
+ * last line with (0 | 45 | 90 | 135 | 180 | 225 | 270 | 315) deg
+ * For example,
+ * for (0 < deg < 23) -> 0 deg
+ * for (23 < deg < 67) -> 45 deg
+ * for (67 < deg < 90) -> 90 deg etc.
+ *
+ * 0
+ * 315\ | /45
+ * \|/
+ * 270 --------- 90
+ * /|\
+ * 225/ | \135
+ * 180
+ *
+ * @static
+ * @param originalCoords {Object} - Coordinates of this area (without new point)
+ * @param newPointCoords {Object} - Coordinates of new point
+ * @returns {Object} - Right coordinates for last point
+ */
+ Polygon.getRightAngleLineLastPointCoords = function(originalCoords, newPointCoords) {
+ var TANGENS = {
+ DEG_22 : 0.414,
+ DEG_67 : 2.414
+ },
+ lastPointIndex = originalCoords.points.length - 1,
+ lastPoint = originalCoords.points[lastPointIndex],
+ dx = newPointCoords.x - lastPoint.x,
+ dy = -(newPointCoords.y - lastPoint.y),
+ tan = dy / dx,
+ x = newPointCoords.x,
+ y = newPointCoords.y;
+ if (dx > 0 && dy > 0) {
+ if (tan > TANGENS.DEG_67) {
+ x = lastPoint.x;
+ } else if (tan < TANGENS.DEG_22) {
+ y = lastPoint.y;
+ } else {
+ Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) ?
+ (x = lastPoint.x + dy) : (y = lastPoint.y - dx);
+ }
+ } else if (dx < 0 && dy > 0) {
+ if (tan < -TANGENS.DEG_67) {
+ x = lastPoint.x;
+ } else if (tan > -TANGENS.DEG_22) {
+ y = lastPoint.y;
+ } else {
+ Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) ?
+ (x = lastPoint.x - dy) : (y = lastPoint.y + dx);
+ }
+ } else if (dx < 0 && dy < 0) {
+ if (tan > TANGENS.DEG_67) {
+ x = lastPoint.x;
+ } else if (tan < TANGENS.DEG_22) {
+ y = lastPoint.y;
+ } else {
+ Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) ?
+ (x = lastPoint.x + dy) : (y = lastPoint.y - dx);
+ }
+ } else if (dx > 0 && dy < 0) {
+ if (tan < -TANGENS.DEG_67) {
+ x = lastPoint.x;
+ } else if (tan > -TANGENS.DEG_22) {
+ y = lastPoint.y;
+ } else {
+ Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) ?
+ (x = lastPoint.x - dy) : (y = lastPoint.y + dx);
+ }
return {
- cx : htmlCoordsArray[0],
- cy : htmlCoordsArray[1],
- radius : htmlCoordsArray[2]
+ x : x,
+ y : y
- * Creates new circle and adds drawing handlers for DOM-elements
+ * Creates new polygon and add drawing handlers for DOM-elements
* @static
- * @param firstPointCoords {Object}
- * @returns {Circle}
+ * @param firstPointCoords {Object} - coords for first point of polyline
+ * @returns {Polygon} - created polygon
- Circle.createAndStartDrawing = function(firstPointCoords) {
- var newArea = new Circle({
- cx : firstPointCoords.x,
- cy : firstPointCoords.y,
- radius : 0
+ Polygon.createAndStartDrawing = function(firstPointCoords) {
+ var newArea = new Polygon({
+ points : [firstPointCoords],
+ isOpened : true
app.addEvent(app.domElements.container, 'mousemove', newArea.onProcessDrawing.bind(newArea))
- .addEvent(app.domElements.container, 'click', newArea.onStopDrawing.bind(newArea));
+ .addEvent(app.domElements.container, 'click', newArea.onAddPointDrawing.bind(newArea))
+ .addEvent(document, 'keydown', newArea.onStopDrawing.bind(newArea))
+ .addEvent(newArea._helpers.points[0]._el, 'click', newArea.onStopDrawing.bind(newArea));
return newArea;
- /**
- * The constructor for polygons
- *
- * {x0, y0}
- * /\
- * / \
- * / \
- * {x1, y1} ----- {x2, y2}
- *
- * @constructor
- * @param coords {Object} - object with parameters of new area ('points' is list of points)
- * if 'points' is empty, it will set to [(0,0)]
- * @param coords.isOpened {boolean} - if polygon is opened (polyline instead polygon)
- * @param attributes {Object} [attributes=undefined] - attributes for area (e.g. href, title)
- */
- function Polygon(coords, attributes) {
- Area.call(this, 'polygon', coords, attributes);
+ /* TODO: this modules will use app.js */
+ /* Help block */
+ var help = (function() {
+ var block = utils.id('help'),
+ overlay = utils.id('overlay'),
+ close_button = block.querySelector('.close_button');
+ function hide() {
+ utils.hide(block);
+ utils.hide(overlay);
+ }
- /**
- * @namespace
- * @property {Array} points - Array with coordinates of polygon points
- */
- this._coords = {
- points : coords.points || [{x: 0, y: 0}],
- isOpened : coords.isOpened || false
+ function show() {
+ utils.show(block);
+ utils.show(overlay);
+ }
+ overlay.addEventListener('click', hide, false);
+ close_button.addEventListener('click', hide, false);
+ return {
+ show : show,
+ hide : hide
- this._el = document.createElementNS(
- Area.SVG_NS,
- this._coords.isOpened ? 'polyline' : 'polygon'
- );
- this._groupEl.appendChild(this._el);
+ })();
- this._helpers = {
- points : []
+ /* For html code of created map */
+ var code = (function(){
+ var block = utils.id('code'),
+ content = utils.id('code_content'),
+ close_button = block.querySelector('.close_button');
+ close_button.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
+ utils.hide(block);
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }, false);
+ return {
+ print: function() {
+ content.innerHTML = app.getHTMLCode(true);
+ utils.show(block);
+ },
+ hide: function() {
+ utils.hide(block);
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ /* Edit selected area info */
+ var info = (function() {
+ var form = utils.id('edit_details'),
+ header = form.querySelector('h5'),
+ href_attr = utils.id('href_attr'),
+ alt_attr = utils.id('alt_attr'),
+ title_attr = utils.id('title_attr'),
+ save_button = utils.id('save_details'),
+ close_button = form.querySelector('.close_button'),
+ sections = form.querySelectorAll('p'),
+ obj,
+ x,
+ y,
+ temp_x,
+ temp_y;
+ function changedReset() {
+ form.classList.remove('changed');
+ utils.foreach(sections, function(x) {
+ x.classList.remove('changed');
+ });
+ }
+ function save(e) {
+ obj.setInfoAttributes({
+ href : href_attr.value,
+ alt : alt_attr.value,
+ title : title_attr.value,
+ });
+ obj[obj.href ? 'setStyleOfElementWithHref' : 'unsetStyleOfElementWithHref']();
+ changedReset();
+ unload();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ function unload() {
+ obj = null;
+ changedReset();
+ utils.hide(form);
+ }
+ function setCoords(x, y) {
+ form.style.left = (x + 5) + 'px';
+ form.style.top = (y + 5) + 'px';
+ }
+ function moveEditBlock(e) {
+ setCoords(x + e.pageX - temp_x, y + e.pageY - temp_y);
+ }
+ function stopMoveEditBlock(e) {
+ x = x + e.pageX - temp_x;
+ y = y + e.pageY - temp_y;
+ setCoords(x, y);
+ app.removeAllEvents();
+ }
+ function change() {
+ form.classList.add('changed');
+ this.parentNode.classList.add('changed');
+ }
+ save_button.addEventListener('click', save, false);
+ href_attr.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, false);
+ alt_attr.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, false);
+ title_attr.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, false);
+ href_attr.addEventListener('change', change, false);
+ alt_attr.addEventListener('change', change, false);
+ title_attr.addEventListener('change', change, false);
+ close_button.addEventListener('click', unload, false);
+ header.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
+ temp_x = e.pageX,
+ temp_y = e.pageY;
+ app.addEvent(document, 'mousemove', moveEditBlock);
+ app.addEvent(header, 'mouseup', stopMoveEditBlock);
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }, false);
+ return {
+ load : function(object, new_x, new_y) {
+ obj = object;
+ href_attr.value = object.href ? object.href : '';
+ alt_attr.value = object.alt ? object.alt : '';
+ title_attr.value = object.title ? object.title : '';
+ utils.show(form);
+ if (new_x && new_y) {
+ x = new_x;
+ y = new_y;
+ setCoords(x, y);
+ }
+ },
+ unload : unload
+ })();
- for (var i = 0, c = this._coords.points.length; i < c; i++) {
- this._helpers.points.push(
- (new Helper(
- this._groupEl,
- this._coords.points[i].x,
- this._coords.points[i].y,
- 'movePoint')
- ).setId(i)
- );
+ /* Load areas from html code */
+ var from_html_form = (function() {
+ var form = utils.id('from_html_wrapper'),
+ code_input = utils.id('code_input'),
+ load_button = utils.id('load_code_button'),
+ close_button = form.querySelector('.close_button');
+ function load(e) {
+ if (Area.createAreasFromHTMLOfMap(code_input.value)) {
+ hide();
+ }
+ e.preventDefault();
- this._selectedPoint = -1;
+ function hide() {
+ utils.hide(form);
+ }
- this.redraw();
- }
- utils.inherits(Polygon, Area);
- /**
- * Closes path of the polygon (replaces polyline with polygon)
- */
- Polygon.prototype.close = function() {
- var polyline = this._el;
- this._el = document.createElementNS(Area.SVG_NS, 'polygon');
- this._groupEl.replaceChild(this._el, polyline);
- this._coords.isOpened = false;
- this.redraw().deselect();
- };
- /**
- * Set attributes for svg-elements of area by new parameters
- *
- * @param coords {Object} - Object with coords of this area, with field 'points'
- * @returns {Polygon} - this area
- */
- Polygon.prototype.setSVGCoords = function(coords) {
- var polygonPointsAttrValue = coords.points.reduce(function(previousValue, currentItem) {
- return previousValue + currentItem.x + ' ' + currentItem.y + ' ';
- }, '');
+ load_button.addEventListener('click', load, false);
- this._el.setAttribute('points', polygonPointsAttrValue);
- utils.foreach(this._helpers.points, function(helper, i) {
- helper.setCoords(coords.points[i].x, coords.points[i].y);
- });
+ close_button.addEventListener('click', hide, false);
- return this;
- };
- /**
- * Set coords for this area
- *
- * @param coords {coords}
- * @returns {Polygon} - this area
- */
- Polygon.prototype.setCoords = function(coords) {
- this._coords.points = coords.points;
- return this;
- };
- /**
- * Adds new point to polygon (and new helper too)
- *
- * @param x {number} - x-coordinate of new point
- * @param y {number} - y-coordinate of new point
- * @returns {Polygon} - this area
- */
- Polygon.prototype.addPoint = function(x, y) {
- if (!this._coords.isOpened) {
- throw new Error('This polygon is closed!');
- }
+ return {
+ show : function() {
+ code_input.value = '';
+ utils.show(form);
+ },
+ hide : hide
+ };
+ })();
- var helper = new Helper(this._groupEl, x, y, 'movePoint');
- helper.setId(this._helpers.points.length);
- this._helpers.points.push(helper);
- this._coords.points.push({
- x : x,
- y : y
- });
- this.redraw();
- return this;
- };
+ /* Get image form */
+ var get_image = (function() {
+ var block = utils.id('get_image_wrapper'),
+ close_button = block.querySelector('.close_button'),
+ loading_indicator = utils.id('loading'),
+ button = utils.id('button'),
+ filename = null,
+ last_changed = null;
+ // Drag'n'drop - the first way to loading an image
+ var drag_n_drop = (function() {
+ var dropzone = utils.id('dropzone'),
+ dropzone_clear_button = dropzone.querySelector('.clear_button'),
+ sm_img = utils.id('sm_img');
+ function testFile(type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'image/jpeg':
+ case 'image/gif':
+ case 'image/png':
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ dropzone.addEventListener('dragover', function(e){
+ utils.stopEvent(e);
+ }, false);
+ dropzone.addEventListener('dragleave', function(e){
+ utils.stopEvent(e);
+ }, false);
- /**
- * Calculates new coordinates in process of drawing
- *
- * @param x {number}
- * @param y {number}
- * @param isRightAngle {boolean}
- * @returns {Object} - calculated coordinates
- */
- Polygon.prototype.dynamicDraw = function(x, y, isRightAngle) {
- var temp_coords = {
- points: [].concat(this._coords.points)
- };
+ dropzone.addEventListener('drop', function(e){
+ utils.stopEvent(e);
- if (isRightAngle) {
- var rightPointCoords = Polygon.getRightAngleLineLastPointCoords(
- this._coords, {x: x, y: y}
- );
- x = rightPointCoords.x;
- y = rightPointCoords.y;
- }
- temp_coords.points.push({x : x, y : y});
+ var reader = new FileReader(),
+ file = e.dataTransfer.files[0];
+ if (testFile(file.type)) {
+ dropzone.classList.remove('error');
+ reader.readAsDataURL(file);
+ reader.onload = function(e) {
+ sm_img.src = e.target.result;
+ sm_img.style.display = 'inline-block';
+ filename = file.name;
+ utils.show(dropzone_clear_button);
+ last_changed = drag_n_drop;
+ };
+ } else {
+ clearDropzone();
+ dropzone.classList.add('error');
+ }
- this.redraw(temp_coords);
+ }, false);
+ function clearDropzone() {
+ sm_img.src = '';
+ utils.hide(sm_img)
+ .hide(dropzone_clear_button);
+ dropzone.classList.remove('error');
+ last_changed = url_input;
+ }
+ dropzone_clear_button.addEventListener('click', clearDropzone, false);
+ return {
+ clear : clearDropzone,
+ init : function() {
+ dropzone.draggable = true;
+ this.clear();
+ utils.hide(sm_img)
+ .hide(dropzone_clear_button);
+ },
+ test : function() {
+ return Boolean(sm_img.src);
+ },
+ getImage : function() {
+ return sm_img.src;
+ }
+ };
+ })();
- return temp_coords;
- };
+ /* Set a url - the second way to loading an image */
+ var url_input = (function() {
+ var url = utils.id('url'),
+ url_clear_button = url.parentNode.querySelector('.clear_button');
+ function testUrl(str) {
+ var url_str = str.trim(),
+ temp_array = url_str.split('.'),
+ ext;
- /**
- * Handler for drawing process (by mousemove)
- * It includes only redrawing area by new coords
- * (this coordinates doesn't save as own area coords)
- *
- * @params e {MouseEvent} - mousemove event
- */
- Polygon.prototype.onProcessDrawing = function(e) {
- var coords = utils.getRightCoords(e.pageX, e.pageY);
+ if(temp_array.length > 1) {
+ ext = temp_array[temp_array.length-1].toLowerCase();
+ switch (ext) {
+ case 'jpg':
+ case 'jpeg':
+ case 'gif':
+ case 'png':
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function onUrlChange() {
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ if(url.value.length) {
+ utils.show(url_clear_button);
+ last_changed = url_input;
+ } else {
+ utils.hide(url_clear_button);
+ last_changed = drag_n_drop;
+ }
+ }, 0);
+ }
- this.dynamicDraw(coords.x, coords.y, e.shiftKey);
- };
+ url.addEventListener('keypress', onUrlChange, false);
+ url.addEventListener('change', onUrlChange, false);
+ url.addEventListener('paste', onUrlChange, false);
+ function clearUrl() {
+ url.value = '';
+ utils.hide(url_clear_button);
+ url.classList.remove('error');
+ last_changed = url_input;
+ }
+ url_clear_button.addEventListener('click', clearUrl, false);
- /**
- * Handler for polygon pointer adding (by click on drawing canvas)
- * It includes redrawing area with this new point
- * and saving this point to list of polygon points
- *
- * @params e {MouseEvent} - click event
- */
- Polygon.prototype.onAddPointDrawing = function(e) {
- var newPointCoords = utils.getRightCoords(e.pageX, e.pageY);
- if (e.shiftKey) {
- newPointCoords = Polygon.getRightAngleLineLastPointCoords(this._coords, newPointCoords);
+ return {
+ clear : clearUrl,
+ init : function() {
+ this.clear();
+ utils.hide(url_clear_button);
+ },
+ test : function() {
+ if(testUrl(url.value)) {
+ url.classList.remove('error');
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ url.classList.add('error');
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ getImage : function() {
+ var tmp_arr = url.value.split('/');
+ filename = tmp_arr[tmp_arr.length - 1];
+ return url.value.trim();
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ /* Block init */
+ function init() {
+ utils.hide(loading_indicator);
+ drag_n_drop.init();
+ url_input.init();
+ init();
- this.addPoint(newPointCoords.x, newPointCoords.y);
- };
- /**
- * Handler for drawing stoping (by click on first helper or press ENTER key)
- * It includes redrawing area by new coords, closing this polygon
- * and saving this coords as own area coords
- *
- * @params e {KeyboardEvent|MouseEvent} - click or keydown event
- */
- Polygon.prototype.onStopDrawing = function(e) {
- if (e.type == 'click' || (e.type == 'keydown' && e.keyCode == 13)) {
- if (Polygon.testCoords(this._coords)) {
- this.close();
- app.removeAllEvents()
- .setIsDraw(false)
- .resetNewArea();
- }
+ /* Block clear */
+ function clear() {
+ drag_n_drop.clear();
+ url_input.clear();
+ last_changed = null;
- e.stopPropagation();
- };
- /**
- * Changes area parameters by editing type and offsets
- *
- * @param {string} editingType - A type of editing
- * @returns {Object} - Object with changed parameters of area
- */
- Polygon.prototype.edit = function(editingType, dx, dy) {
- var tempParams = Object.create(this._coords);
- switch (editingType) {
- case 'move':
- for (var i = 0, c = tempParams.points.length; i < c; i++) {
- tempParams.points[i].x += dx;
- tempParams.points[i].y += dy;
- }
- break;
+ /* Selected image loading */
+ function onButtonClick(e) {
+ if (last_changed === url_input && url_input.test()) {
+ app.loadImage(url_input.getImage()).setFilename(filename);
+ } else if (last_changed === drag_n_drop && drag_n_drop.test()) {
+ app.loadImage(drag_n_drop.getImage()).setFilename(filename);
+ }
- case 'movePoint':
- tempParams.points[this.selected_point].x += dx;
- tempParams.points[this.selected_point].y += dy;
- break;
+ e.preventDefault();
- return tempParams;
- };
- /**
- * Handler for editing process (by mousemove)
- * It includes only redrawing area by new coords
- * (this coords doesn't save as area coords)
- *
- * @params e {MouseEvent} - mousemove event
- */
- Polygon.prototype.onProcessEditing = function(e) {
- var editType = app.getEditType();
- this.redraw(
- this.edit(
- editType,
- e.pageX - this.editingStartPoint.x,
- e.pageY - this.editingStartPoint.y
- )
- );
- this.editingStartPoint.x = e.pageX;
- this.editingStartPoint.y = e.pageY;
- };
- /**
- * Handler for editing stoping (by mouseup on drawing canvas)
- * It includes redrawing area by new coords and saving this new coords
- * as own area coords
- *
- * @params e {MouseEvent} - click or keydown event
- */
- Polygon.prototype.onStopEditing = function(e) {
- var editType = app.getEditType();
- this.setCoords(
- this.edit(
- editType,
- e.pageX - this.editingStartPoint.x,
- e.pageY - this.editingStartPoint.y
- )
- ).redraw();
- app.removeAllEvents();
- };
- /**
- * Returns string-representation of polygon
- *
- * @returns {string}
- */
- Polygon.prototype.toString = function() {
- return 'Polygon {points: ['+
- this._coords.points.map(function(item) {
- return '[' + item.x + ', ' + item.y + ']'
- }).join(', ') + ']}';
- }
- /**
- * Returns html-string of area html element with params of this polygon
- *
- * @returns {string}
- */
- Polygon.prototype.toHTMLMapElementString = function() {
- var str = this._coords.points.map(function(item) {
- return item.x + ', ' + item.y;
- }).join(', ');
+ button.addEventListener('click', onButtonClick, false);
- return '';
- };
- /**
- * Returns coords for area attributes form
- *
- * @returns {Object} - coordinates of point
- */
- Polygon.prototype.getCoordsForDisplayingInfo = function() {
- return {
- x : this._coords.points[0].x,
- y : this._coords.points[0].y
- };
- };
- /**
- * Returns true if coords is valid for polygons and false otherwise
- *
- * @static
- * @param coords {Object} - object with coords for new polygon
- * @returns {boolean}
- */
- Polygon.testCoords = function(coords) {
- return coords.points.length >= 3;
- };
- /**
- * Returns true if html coords array is valid for polygons and false otherwise
- *
- * @static
- * @param coords {Array} - coords for new polygon as array [x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...]
- * @returns {boolean}
- */
- Polygon.testHTMLCoords = function(coords) {
- return coords.length >= 6 && coords.length % 2 === 0;
- };
- /**
- * Returns polygon coords object from html array
- *
- * @param htmlCoordsArray {Array}
- * @returns {Object} - object with calculated points
- */
- Polygon.getCoordsFromHTMLArray = function(htmlCoordsArray) {
- if (!Polygon.testHTMLCoords(htmlCoordsArray)) {
- throw new Error('This html-coordinates is not valid for polygon');
+ close_button.addEventListener('click', hide, false);
+ function show() {
+ clear();
+ utils.show(block);
+ }
+ function hide() {
+ utils.hide(block);
+ /* Returned object */
+ return {
+ show : function() {
+ app.hide();
+ show();
+ return this;
+ },
+ hide : function() {
+ app.show();
+ hide();
+ return this;
+ },
+ showLoadIndicator : function() {
+ utils.show(loading_indicator);
+ return this;
+ },
+ hideLoadIndicator : function() {
+ utils.hide(loading_indicator);
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ get_image.show();
- var points = [];
- for (var i = 0, c = htmlCoordsArray.length/2; i < c; i++) {
- points.push({
- x : htmlCoordsArray[2*i],
- y : htmlCoordsArray[2*i + 1]
+ /* Buttons and actions */
+ var buttons = (function() {
+ var all = utils.id('nav').getElementsByTagName('li'),
+ save = utils.id('save'),
+ load = utils.id('load'),
+ rectangle = utils.id('rectangle'),
+ circle = utils.id('circle'),
+ polygon = utils.id('polygon'),
+ edit = utils.id('edit'),
+ clear = utils.id('clear'),
+ from_html = utils.id('from_html'),
+ to_html = utils.id('to_html'),
+ preview = utils.id('preview'),
+ new_image = utils.id('new_image'),
+ show_help = utils.id('show_help');
+ function deselectAll() {
+ utils.foreach(all, function(x) {
+ x.classList.remove(Area.CLASS_NAMES.SELECTED);
- return {
- points : points
- };
- };
- /**
- * Returns coords of new point with right angle (or 45 deg) for last line
- * This method recalculates coordinates of new point for
- * last line with (0 | 45 | 90 | 135 | 180 | 225 | 270 | 315) deg
- * For example,
- * for (0 < deg < 23) -> 0 deg
- * for (23 < deg < 67) -> 45 deg
- * for (67 < deg < 90) -> 90 deg etc.
- *
- * 0
- * 315\ | /45
- * \|/
- * 270 --------- 90
- * /|\
- * 225/ | \135
- * 180
- *
- * @static
- * @param originalCoords {Object} - Coordinates of this area (without new point)
- * @param newPointCoords {Object} - Coordinates of new point
- * @returns {Object} - Right coordinates for last point
- */
- Polygon.getRightAngleLineLastPointCoords = function(originalCoords, newPointCoords) {
- var TANGENS = {
- DEG_22 : 0.414,
- DEG_67 : 2.414
- },
- lastPointIndex = originalCoords.points.length - 1,
- lastPoint = originalCoords.points[lastPointIndex],
- dx = newPointCoords.x - lastPoint.x,
- dy = -(newPointCoords.y - lastPoint.y),
- tan = dy / dx,
- x = newPointCoords.x,
- y = newPointCoords.y;
+ function selectOne(button) {
+ deselectAll();
+ button.classList.add(Area.CLASS_NAMES.SELECTED);
+ }
+ function onSaveButtonClick(e) {
+ // Save in localStorage
+ app.saveInLocalStorage();
- if (dx > 0 && dy > 0) {
- if (tan > TANGENS.DEG_67) {
- x = lastPoint.x;
- } else if (tan < TANGENS.DEG_22) {
- y = lastPoint.y;
- } else {
- Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) ?
- (x = lastPoint.x + dy) : (y = lastPoint.y - dx);
- }
- } else if (dx < 0 && dy > 0) {
- if (tan < -TANGENS.DEG_67) {
- x = lastPoint.x;
- } else if (tan > -TANGENS.DEG_22) {
- y = lastPoint.y;
- } else {
- Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) ?
- (x = lastPoint.x - dy) : (y = lastPoint.y + dx);
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ function onLoadButtonClick(e) {
+ // Load from localStorage
+ app.clear()
+ .loadFromLocalStorage();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ function onShapeButtonClick(e) {
+ // shape = rect || circle || polygon
+ app.setMode('drawing')
+ .setDrawClass()
+ .setShape(this.id)
+ .deselectAll()
+ .hidePreview();
+ info.unload();
+ selectOne(this);
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ function onClearButtonClick(e) {
+ // Clear all
+ if (confirm('Clear all?')) {
+ app.setMode(null)
+ .setDefaultClass()
+ .setShape(null)
+ .clear()
+ .hidePreview();
+ deselectAll();
- } else if (dx < 0 && dy < 0) {
- if (tan > TANGENS.DEG_67) {
- x = lastPoint.x;
- } else if (tan < TANGENS.DEG_22) {
- y = lastPoint.y;
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ function onFromHtmlButtonClick(e) {
+ // Load areas from html
+ from_html_form.show();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ function onToHtmlButtonClick(e) {
+ // Generate html code only
+ info.unload();
+ code.print();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ function onPreviewButtonClick(e) {
+ if (app.getMode() === 'preview') {
+ app.setMode(null)
+ .hidePreview();
+ deselectAll();
} else {
- Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) ?
- (x = lastPoint.x + dy) : (y = lastPoint.y - dx);
+ app.deselectAll()
+ .setMode('preview')
+ .setDefaultClass()
+ .preview();
+ selectOne(this);
- } else if (dx > 0 && dy < 0) {
- if (tan < -TANGENS.DEG_67) {
- x = lastPoint.x;
- } else if (tan > -TANGENS.DEG_22) {
- y = lastPoint.y;
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ function onEditButtonClick(e) {
+ if (app.getMode() === 'editing') {
+ app.setMode(null)
+ .setDefaultClass()
+ .deselectAll();
+ deselectAll();
+ utils.show(domElements.svg);
} else {
- Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) ?
- (x = lastPoint.x - dy) : (y = lastPoint.y + dx);
+ app.setShape(null)
+ .setMode('editing')
+ .setEditClass();
+ selectOne(this);
+ app.hidePreview();
+ e.preventDefault();
- return {
- x : x,
- y : y
- };
- };
- /**
- * Creates new polygon and add drawing handlers for DOM-elements
- *
- * @static
- * @param firstPointCoords {Object} - coords for first point of polyline
- * @returns {Polygon} - created polygon
- */
- Polygon.createAndStartDrawing = function(firstPointCoords) {
- var newArea = new Polygon({
- points : [firstPointCoords],
- isOpened : true
- });
+ function onNewImageButtonClick(e) {
+ // New image - clear all and back to loading image screen
+ if(confirm('Discard all changes?')) {
+ app.setMode(null)
+ .setDefaultClass()
+ .setShape(null)
+ .setIsDraw(false)
+ .clear()
+ .hide()
+ .hidePreview();
+ deselectAll();
+ get_image.show();
+ }
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
- app.addEvent(app.domElements.container, 'mousemove', newArea.onProcessDrawing.bind(newArea))
- .addEvent(app.domElements.container, 'click', newArea.onAddPointDrawing.bind(newArea))
- .addEvent(document, 'keydown', newArea.onStopDrawing.bind(newArea))
- .addEvent(newArea._helpers.points[0]._el, 'click', newArea.onStopDrawing.bind(newArea));
- return newArea;
- };
+ function onShowHelpButtonClick(e) {
+ help.show();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ save.addEventListener('click', onSaveButtonClick, false);
+ load.addEventListener('click', onLoadButtonClick, false);
+ rectangle.addEventListener('click', onShapeButtonClick, false);
+ circle.addEventListener('click', onShapeButtonClick, false);
+ polygon.addEventListener('click', onShapeButtonClick, false);
+ clear.addEventListener('click', onClearButtonClick, false);
+ from_html.addEventListener('click', onFromHtmlButtonClick, false);
+ to_html.addEventListener('click', onToHtmlButtonClick, false);
+ preview.addEventListener('click', onPreviewButtonClick, false);
+ edit.addEventListener('click', onEditButtonClick, false);
+ new_image.addEventListener('click', onNewImageButtonClick, false);
+ show_help.addEventListener('click', onShowHelpButtonClick, false);
+ })();