Whitelist setter
Fee setter
Token remover/withdrawer
Pair (contract)
Oracle (contract)
Registry (contract)
- Roles
- admin
upgrade contract
set roles
- whitelister
calls whitelist function
- bookkeeper
can add/remove pairs from the list
- Pauser
pauses all the pairs in one call
- Key Functionality
stores all active pairs deployed
provides a way to set the whitelist on all pairs
views of all pairs
views of key info on all the pairs
current fees, tokens, etc
global pause
- Roles
- admin
upgrade contract
set roles
- whitelister
sets whitelist for swappers
- Fee setter
sets the fee
- Token remover
removes tokens from the pair
- Pauser
pauses the pair
- Key Functionality
proxy pattern
allows swaps
swap() and swapExactTokensForTokens()
adheres to UniV2 interfaces
has a whitelist for swapping
has a whitelist for removing tokens
upgradeable oracle? or maybe just rely on the upgrade of the contract
tokens are added by sending them via erc20