This is a simple example project. The tested application is a telnet client to which the server sends a mathematical formula, which the client calculates and sends the result back to the server.
Supported formula symbols: +,- and numbers (44, 23, 4.356)
The application requires these arguments at startup: (SERVER-IP) (SERVER-PORT)
This folder contains the source code of the client app and the configuration of test suite for the NATT testing tool.
NATT black box testing tool: NATT.jar
Configuration of test suites: test-config.yaml
GitLab CI/CD script: .gitlab-ci.yml
Source code of project: app
Step 1. Build project
./gradlew build
Step 2. Run tests using NATT testing tool. NATT.jar & test-config.yaml must by in project root folder
java -jar NATT.jar -c test-config.yaml
Step 3. Check report. NATT testing tool leave report in test_report.html file.
The GitLab script will will automatically build the project and start testing process. Current script is only for GitLab, for Github support you must change the CI/CD script.