- A call, A Precompile and A Compiler walk Into A Bar
- A Low-Level Guide To Solidity's Storage Management
- A Playdate with the EVM part 1
- A Playdate With The EVM
- Basic Bit Manipulation
- Building an EVM from scratch
- Building reliable EVM disassemblers
- Data Representation in Solidity
- Dissecting EVM using go-ethereum ETH client implementation. Parts 1-3
- Ethereum Data Structures
- Ethereum EVM illustrated
- Ethereum Virtual Machine Language Design
- Ethereum Yellow Paper Course Videos
- Ethereum Yellow Paper
- Ethereum: A Secure Decentralised Generalised Transaction Ledger
- Ethereum
- EVM Book
- EVM Chad
- EVM From Scratch
- EVM From Scratch
- EVM Limitations & Assembly Auditing Tips
- EVM Mastery
- EVM: Degen Bit Masking
- evm.codes
- From bytecode to bugs Video
- How I Almost Cheesed the EVM
- Huff
- Inline Assembly
- Learn YUL
- Learning Solidity : Tutorial 12 Functional Assembly Video
- Learning Solidity : Tutorial 13 Instructional Assembly Video
- Low Level Vulnerabilities & POCs
- Mastering Ethereum
- Mastering EVM: Calldata, Assembly Returns, and More with Ret2Basic.eth
- Memware: Generalised Frontrunners
- noxx EVM Deep Dives Parts 1-6
- Pointers in Solidity
- Programming Tutorial: Getting Started with YUL+
- Smart Contract Obfuscation Techniques
- Solidity and EVM: Bit Shifting and Masking in Assembly(YUL)
- Solidity Bugs in YUL
- Solidity Compilers: Memory Safety
- Solidity Inline Assembly & Yul Video
- Solidity Inline Assembly Vulnerabilities
- Solidity Tutorial: All About Assembly
- solvm
- Storage Slots in Solidity
- Technical Exploration of Inline Assembly in Solidity
- The Bytecode #35 - Hari - Solidity Compiler Video
- The Dark Arts of Yul, Explained
- The EVM and Smart Contract Internals Video
- The EVM Handbook
- Understand EVM bytecode
- Understanding The Ethereum Yellow Paper
- What Is a Precompiled Contract Vulnerability?
- Where can the EVM read and write data?
- YUL & Memory Intro | YUL Exploit! Video
- YUL By Example
- Yul Puzzles by RareSkills
- YUL Solidity Fridays Video
- YUL(and Some Solidity) Optimizations and Tricks