- 4naly3er
- Audit wizard
- Auditor toolbox
- Awesome Advanced Smart Contracts Testing and Verification
- Awesome smart contract analysis tools
- Caracal
- Certora prover
- Chain Walker
- Circomscribe
- Circomspect
- Contender
- Contract Diff Tool
- Contract_grabber
- Decompile Bytecode
- DeFi Detective
- Diffusc
- Diffyscan
- Echidna
- Erever
- Etheno
- EtherSolve
- EVM hound rs
- EVM Toolkit
- EVM-SMT solver
- Forge-gas-metering
- Forta Bot Templates
- Forta Starter Kit Bot Details
- Forta-agents
- Forta-bot-examples
- Foundry Gas Diff
- Foundry Multibuild
- Fuzz introspector
- Fuzzlib
- Gambit
- Generate Foundry Fork Test from Attack Transaction
- Halmos
- Heimdall-rs
- Ityfuzz
- Kontrol
- MadMax
- Manticore
- Masamune
- Medusa
- MEV inspect-py
- MEV Toolkit
- Napalm
- Necessist
- Online ABI Encoder
- Optik
- Pakala
- Preventing Web3 Hacks with Mutation Testing
- ProMutator
- Pyrometer
- Rattle
- ReSuMo
- ScrapyFi
- Scribble
- Semgrep rules for Compound
- Semgrep rules for smart contracts
- Sleuthing Toolbox
- Slither
- Slitherin
- Smart Contract Auditor Tools and Techniques
- Smart Contract Storage HexViewer
- SmartCheck
- Smartian
- Solhunt
- Solidity Mutation Testing
- Solstat
- SuMo-SOlidity-MUtator
- Tayt
- Theo
- Thread about The Secureum Kontrol workshop
- Transaction Tracer
- TX coverage
- Universalmutator
- Vertigo-rs
- Vyper Halmos
- Vyper Interface Scanner
- WhatsABI
- Whitehacks Kit
- Yools