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In the new folder, download the data packages with the raw data by using:

$ cd ASCAD/ATMEGA_AES_v1/ATM_AES_v1_variable_key/
$ mkdir -p ASCAD_data/ASCAD_databases
$ cd ASCAD_data/ASCAD_databases
$ wget
$ mv atmega8515-raw-traces.h5 ATMega8515_raw_traces.h5
$ wget
$ mv ascad-variable.h5 ASCAD.h5
$ wget
$ mv ascad-variable-desync50.h5 ASCAD_desync50.h5
$ wget
$ mv ascad-variable-desync100.h5 ASCAD_desync100.h5

Please be aware that all these steps should download around 71 GB of data. You can selectively download only the extracted databases ( and so on) that weight a more reasonable 418 MB each.

Raw data files hashes

The data files SHA-256 hash values are:

ASCAD/ATMEGA_AES_v1/ATM_AES_v1_variable_key/ASCAD_data/ASCAD_databases/ASCAD.h5: d834da6ca5a288c4ba5add8e336845270a055d6eaf854dcf2f325a2eb6d7de06 ASCAD/ATMEGA_AES_v1/ATM_AES_v1_variable_key/ASCAD_data/ASCAD_databases/ASCAD_desync50.h5: 0fa048bf42b9d8bbf9514770072c070175637e1b6fb6da370e2b020b1ecca673 ASCAD/ATMEGA_AES_v1/ATM_AES_v1_variable_key/ASCAD_data/ASCAD_databases/ASCAD_desync100.h5: cb82c553b84c29454ea23ec043730ed845e17c2a0e261853afc11e028fdf2710 ASCAD/ATMEGA_AES_v1/ATM_AES_v1_variable_key/ASCAD_data/ASCAD_databases/ATMega8515_raw_traces.h5: 6f13d7c380c937892c09b439910c4313d551adf011d2f4d76ad8b9b3de27b852

WARNING: all the paths and examples that are provided below suppose that you have downloaded and decompressed the raw data file as explained in the previous section.

The ATMega8515 SCA traces databases

This database contains 300,000 traces from the acquisition campaign compiled in a HDF5 file of 71 GB named ATMega8515_raw_traces.h5. The structure of this HDF5 file is described in the article "Study of Deep Learning Techniques for Side-Channel Analysis and Introduction to ASCAD Database".

We emphasize that these traces are not synchronized. The key is variable in the following fashion: one acquisition every three uses a fixed key and the other two out of three use a random key.

The ASCAD databases

The databases, which are HDF5 files, basically contain two labeled datasets:

  • A 200,000 traces profiling dataset that is used to train the (deep) Neural Networks models.
  • A 100,000 traces attack dataset that is used to check the performance of the trained models after the profiling phase.

The ASCAD database is in fact extracted from the ATMega8515_raw_traces.h5 file containing raw traces: in order to avoid useless heavy data processing, a window of 1400 points of interest are extracted around the leaking spot.

The script is used to generate ASCAD from the ATMega8515 original database. Actually, the repository contains three HDF5 ASCAD databases:

  • ASCAD_data/ASCAD_databases/ASCAD.h5: this corresponds to the original traces extracted without modification.
  • ASCAD_data/ASCAD_databases/ASCAD_desync50.h5: this contains traces desynchronized with a 50 samples maximum window.
  • ASCAD_data/ASCAD_databases/ASCAD_desync100.h5: this contains traces desynchronized with a 100 samples maximum window.

You can generate new databases with random desynchronization using the script.

The trained models

The best trained CNN models that we have obtained are provided and can be downloaded using the following URLs:

$ wget
$ wget

Two models have been selected: best CNN for desynchronizations 0 (cnn2-ascad-desync0.h5) and best CNN for desynchronizations 50 (

WARNING: these models are the best ones we have obtained through the methodology described in the article. We certainly do not pretend that they are the optimal models across all the possible ones. The main purpose of sharing ASCAD is precisely to explore and evaluate new models.