Token Authentication is one of the built-in authentication system in Django Rest Framework. Token Authentication is an one time token that is generate for every newly created users, which is unique and static.
Make sure you have already installed these :
- Python
- Django
- Django Rest Framework
To use Token Authentication, you need to add 'rest_framework.authtoken'
and also you need to configure the authentication classes to include TokenAuthentication
Either you can set the TokenAuthentication globally or in a particular view.
You also need to hit the migrate command to successfully create a Token model in database, as rest_framework.authtoken comes with the Token model.
python migrate
So, this Token model basically used to store the unique token of a particular user.
If you want to check the Token model in django admin, just open file and register the Token model.
from django.contrib import admin
from rest_framework.authtoken.models import Token