We have included a static version of the cocomot framework that was used to perform our testing of a proposed conformance checking measure, in-line with other works.
For the most recent version of cocomot, see: https://github.com/bytekid/cocomot
We have lightly touched the work in this folder so that it "runs", though many other bugs may exist but we don't explore any deeper than needed to get a working solution.
The following code snippet should be used to call our proposed measure:
from felli.cocomot import guard_recall
from os.path import join
# filepath to the model
dpn = join(...)
# filepath to the log
log = join(...)
# call function to return a measurement
measurement = guard_recall(dpn, log)
Conformance checking of data Petri nets (DPNs) by an SMT encoding.
The script is written for python3, and requires currently the following:
- yices bindings (https://github.com/SRI-CSL/yices2_python_bindings)
- Z3 bindings (https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3)
- pm4py v2.2.19.2 (https://pm4py.fit.fraunhofer.de/)