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Decorator Design Pattern

also Known as wrapper

  • structural pattern.
  • allows a user to add new functionality to an existing object without altering (Changing) its structure.



  • Tutorial Point

    • is a structural Design pattern

    • allows a user to add new functionality to an existing object without altering (Changing) its structure.

    • acts as a wrapper to existing class.

    • This pattern creates a decorator class which:

      1. wraps the original class
      2. provides additional functionality keeping class methods signature intact.
  • Wikipedia

    • is a design Structural pattern
    • that allows behavior to be added to an individual object, dynamically, without affecting the behavior of other objects from the same class.
    • The decorator pattern is often useful for adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle,
      • as it allows functionality to be divided between classes with unique areas of concern.
    • Decorator use can be more efficient than subclassing,
      • because an object's behavior can be augmented without defining an entirely new object.

What problems can it solve

  1. Responsibilities should be added to (and removed from) an object dynamically at run-time.
  2. A flexible alternative (Changing) to subclassing for extending functionality should be provided.
    • When using subclassing, different subclasses extend a class in different ways.
    • But an extension is bound (restricted) to the class at compile-time and can't be changed at run-time.

What solution does it describe

  1. implement the interface of the extended (decorated) object (Component) transparently by forwarding all requests to it perform additional functionality before/after forwarding a request.
  2. This allows working with different Decorator objects to extend the functionality of an object dynamically at run-time.

See also the UML class and sequence diagram below.


Shape Decorator Example

in this example we will decorate a shape with some color without alter (Change) shape class.

  • We're going to create a Shape interface and concrete classes implementing the Shape interface.
  • We will then create an abstract decorator class ShapeDecorator implementing the Shape interface and having Shape object as its instance variable.
  • RedShapeDecorator is concrete class implementing ShapeDecorator.
  • DecoratorPatternDemo, our demo class will use RedShapeDecorator to decorate Shape objects.
  • UML

  • code
Step 1
  • Create an interface.
abstract class IShape {
  void draw();
Step 2
  • Create concrete classes implementing the same interface.
class Rectangle implements IShape {
  void draw() => print("Shape: Rectangle");

class Circle implements IShape {
  void draw() => print("Shape: Circle");
Step 3
  • Create abstract decorator class implementing the Shape interface.
abstract class ShapeDecorator implements IShape {
  IShape decoratedShape;
  ShapeDecorator(IShape decoratedShape) : this.decoratedShape = decoratedShape;
  void draw() => decoratedShape.draw();
Step 4
  • Create concrete decorator class extending the ShapeDecorator class.
class RedShapeDecorator extends ShapeDecorator {
  RedShapeDecorator(IShape decoratedShape) : super(decoratedShape);

  void draw() {

  void _setRedBorder(IShape decoratedShape) {
    print("Border Color: Red");
Step 5
  • Use the main() to decorate Shape objects.
void main(List<String> args) {
  IShape circle = Circle();
  IShape redCircle = RedShapeDecorator(Circle());
  IShape redRectangle = RedShapeDecorator(Rectangle());

  print("Circle with normal border");

  print("\nCircle of red border");

  print("\nRectangle of red border");

Windows Decorator Example

  • Wikipedia First example (window/scrolling scenario)
  • The following example illustrates the use of decorators
  • using the window/scrolling scenario.
  • UML

  • code
step 1
  • The Window interface class
abstract class IWindow {
  void draw(); // Draws the Window
  String get getDescription; // returns a description of the Window
step 2
  • Implementation of a simple Window without any scrollbars
class SimpleWindow implements IWindow {
  void draw() => print("This is SimpleWindow Class Draw"); // Draw window

  String get getDescription => "simple window Description";
step 3
  • The decorator interface class
  • abstract decorator class - note that it implements Window
abstract class WindowDecorator implements IWindow {
  final IWindow _windowToBeDecorated; // the Window being decorated

  WindowDecorator(IWindow windowToBeDecorated)
      : _windowToBeDecorated = windowToBeDecorated;

  void draw() => _windowToBeDecorated.draw(); //Delegation

  String get getDescription => _windowToBeDecorated.getDescription; //Delegation
step 4
  • The following classes contain the decorators for all Window classes,
Step 4.1
  • The first concrete decorator which adds vertical scrollbar functionality
class VerticalScrollBarDecorator extends WindowDecorator {
  VerticalScrollBarDecorator(IWindow windowToBeDecorated)
      : super(windowToBeDecorated);

  void draw() {

  String get getDescription =>
      super.getDescription + ", including vertical scrollbars";

  // new functionality >> Draw the vertical scrollbar
  void _drawVerticalScrollBar() =>
      print("add >> vertical scrollbar functionality");
Step 4.2
  • The second concrete decorator which adds horizontal scrollbar functionality
class HorizontalScrollBarDecorator extends WindowDecorator {
  HorizontalScrollBarDecorator(IWindow windowToBeDecorated)
      : super(windowToBeDecorated);

  void draw() {

  String get getDescription =>
      super.getDescription + ", including horizontal scrollbars";

  void _drawHorizontalScrollBar() =>
      print("add >> horizontal scrollbar functionality");
  • Here's a test program that creates a Window instance which is fully decorated
  • (i.e., with vertical and horizontal scrollbars), and prints its description:
void main(List<String> args) {
  // Create a decorated Window with horizontal and vertical scrollbars
  IWindow simpleWindowWithoutScrolling = SimpleWindow();
  IWindow decoratedWindow = HorizontalScrollBarDecorator(

  // Print the Window's description
// The output of this program is
// "simple window Description, including vertical scrollbars, including horizontal scrollbars".

// Notice how the getDescription method of the two decorators
// first retrieve the decorated Window's description
// and decorates it with a suffix.

Email Notifier Example

Coffee Decorator Example



  • instead of types
  • we use decorators only add functionality
    • (one implementation)
    • instead of massive inheritance tree
  • it is just take the main object (notifer and add a functionality to it)
