Verdaccio is a lightweight open source private npm proxy registry.
Lerna is a tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
Gitea is a painless, self-hosted Git service, just for quick git usage since lerna project should be a git repositry.
# install lerna@^4.0.0
npm install -g lerna@^4.0.0
docker image pull verdaccio/verdaccio
# if using tagged image
docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:4
# create a npm registry file in the project
echo "registry=http://localhost:4873/" >> .npmrc
# for quick git service
docker image pull gitea/gitea:1.12.4
# database for git service
docker image pull mariadb:10
# start the registry,git
make start-env
# add user for npm so that packages could be published
npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
# navigate to create git service
open http://localhost:7000/user/sign_up
# init a lerna project
npx lerna init
# independent packages
npx lerna init --independent
npx lerna create <package>
# link packages in dependencies
# necessary to list those dependencies clearly
npx lerna link
# add dependencies in a certain package you are developing
# make sure you are under that package folder
pwd # /path/packages/<some-package>
npx lerna add <dependencies>[@version] [--dev] [--exact] [--peer]
npx lerna publish
# git commit is automatically committed and pushed
npx lerna clean
make clean-env
Usage: lerna <command> [options]
lerna add <pkg> [globs..] Add a single dependency to matched packages
lerna bootstrap Link local packages together and install remaining package dependencies
lerna changed List local packages that have changed since the last tagged release [aliases: updated]
lerna clean Remove the node_modules directory from all packages
lerna create <name> [loc] Create a new lerna-managed package
lerna diff [pkgName] Diff all packages or a single package since the last release
lerna exec [cmd] [args..] Execute an arbitrary command in each package
lerna import <dir> Import a package into the monorepo with commit history
lerna info Prints debugging information about the local environment
lerna init Create a new Lerna repo or upgrade an existing repo to the current version of Lerna.
lerna link Symlink together all packages that are dependencies of each other
lerna list List local packages [aliases: ls, la, ll]
lerna publish [bump] Publish packages in the current project.
lerna run <script> Run an npm script in each package that contains that script
lerna version [bump] Bump version of packages changed since the last release.