Please see the contributing guide for details on how to contribute a script to this directory, specifically the section on contrib scripts.
Arpeggiator [ documentation | script ]
A quantized scale/arpeggio generator
Author: chrisib
Labels: quantizer, scale, arpeggio
Bernoulli Gates [ documentation | script ]
A probability script based on Mutable Instruments Branches
Two channels of probability-based routing, where the digital input will be routed to one of two outputs based on a weighted random chance, controlled by a knob per channel, and the analogue input for channel 1
Author: Bridgee
Labels: Random
Bezier Curves [ documentation | script ]
Smooth random voltages based on bezier curves. Inspired by the ADDAC507 Random Bezier Waves module.
Author: chrisib
Labels: Random
Binary Counter [ documentation | script ]
A simple gate sequencer implemented using a 6-bit binary counter.
Author: chrisib
Labels: gates, sequencer, binary
Bit Garden [ documentation | script ]
Mirrors a gate/trigger input, with adjustable skip probability across channels.
Author: awonak
Labels: random, triggers
Clock Modifier [ documentation | script ]
A clock multiplier or divider. Each channel has an independently-controllable modifier, multiplying or dividing an external clock signal on din
Author: chrisib
Labels: clock, clock multiplier, clock divider, gates
Coin Toss [ documentation | script ]
A probability utility with an output based on a percentage choice between 1 or 0
Using the threshold knob and analogue input, users can determine whether a 1 or a 0 is preferred by the weighted random choice each time the digital input is triggered, or an internal clock depending on the mode
Author: awonak
Labels: Clock, Random, CV Generation
Consequencer [ documentation | script ]
A gate and CV sequencer inspired by Mutable Instruments Grids and the Music Thing Modular Turing Machine
Users can morph between patterns and CV sequences during operation, with 3 gate and 3 CV outputs based on the current pattern, programmed randomness, and CV input, running from an external clock
Author: gamecat69
Labels: sequencer, gates, triggers, drums, randomness
Conway [ documentation | script ]
A semi-random LFO that uses John Conway's Game Of Life to produce CV and gate signals.
Author: chrisib
Labels: lfo, gates, randomness
CVecorder [ documentation | script ]
6 channels of control voltage recording
Record 6 banks of 6 channels of control voltage, and then play them back at a consistent rate set by an external clock. Recording of CV can be primed so that you can record a movement without missing a beat
Author: anselln
Labels: sequencer, CV, performance
Daily Random [ documentation | script ]
A pseudo-random gate and CV sequencer that uses a realtime clock to generate patterns.
Requires installing and configuring a realtime clock module, connected to EuroPi's external I2C interface for best results.
Author: chrisib
Labels: sequencer, gate, cv, random, realtime clock
DCSN-2 [ documentation | script ]
A loopable random gate sequencer based on a binary tree. Inspired by the Robaux DCSN3
Author: chrisib
Labels: sequencer, gates, triggers, randomness
DFAM Controller [ documentation | script ]
A trigger sequencer designed to interact with the Moog DFAM. Allows DFAM to play sequences of different lengths and adds a reset button & patch point.
Inspired by the Sonoclast MAFD.
Author: chrisib
Labels: trigger, dfam
Egressus Melodium [ documentation | script ]
Clockable and free-running LFO and random CV pattern generator
Author: gamecat69
Labels: clocked lfo, sequencer, CV, randomness
Envelope Generator [ documentation | script ]
An attack release envelope with optional sustain and looping functionality. Envelopes are triggered or gated by the digital input, and the envelope is output, along with a copy of the digital input and an inverted copy of the envelope.
Author: roryjamesallen
Labels: Envelope Generator
Euclid [ documentation | script ]
Euclidean rhythm generator. Each channel can generate an independent euclidean rhythm.
Author: chrisib
Labels: sequencer, gates, triggers, euclidean
Gates and Triggers [ documentation | script ]
Convert incoming triggers to gates or gates to triggers. Buttons allow manually creating gates/triggers, knobs control the duration of the output signals.
Author: chrisib
Labels: gates, triggers
Gate Phaser [ documentation | script ]
A script which attempts to answer the question "What would Steve Reich do if he had a EuroPi?"
Author: gamecat69
Labels: sequencer, gates
Hamlet [ documentation | script ]
A variation of the Consequencer script specifically geared towards driving voices
2pairs of gate and CV outputs are available to drive two voices, as well as 2 drum gate outputs. As with the consequencer, the patterns can be smoothly morphed between while performing
Author: seanbechhofer
Labels: sequencer, gates, triggers, drums, randomness
Harmonic LFOs [ documentation | script ]
6 tempo-related LFOs with adjustable wave shape
Users can run up to 6 LFOs with one internal master clock, with wave shapes of either sine, saw, square, semi-random, or off. The division of the master clock that each LFO runs at, as well as each of their wave shapes, can be adjusted during operation
Author: roryjamesallen
Labels: LFO
HTTP Interface [ documentation | script ]
Control the levels of CV1-6 using sliders in a web interface. Requires installation and configuration of a Raspberry Pi Pico W or Pico 2 W.
Author: chrisib
Labels: cv, http, wifi
Itty Bitty [ documentation | script ]
Dual-channel 8-bit trigger+gate+cv sequencer based on the binary representation of an 8-bit number.
Author: chrisib
Labels: sequencer, gate, trigger, cv
Kompari [ documentation | script ]
Compares AIN
to K1
and K2
, outputting 5V digital signals on CV1
, and an analogue output signal based on
comparing all 3 sources.
Author: chrisib
Labels: logic, gates, binary operators
Logic [ documentation | script ]
Treats both inputs as digital on/off signals and outputs the results of binary AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, and XNOR operations on outputs 1-6.
Author: chrisib
Labels: logic, gates, binary operators
Lutra [ documentation | script ]
Six syncable LFOs with variable wave shapes. The clock speed of each LFO is slightly different, with an adjustable base speed and CV-controllable spread.
Inspired by Expert Sleepers' Otterley module.
Author: chrisib
Labels: lfo
Master Clock [ documentation | script ]
A master clock and clock divider.
Author: gamecat69
Labels: clock, gates, triggers
Morse [ documentation | script ]
A gate sequencer that uses Morse code to generate the on/off pattern.
Author: chrisib
Labels: gates, sequencer
Noddy Holder [ documentation | script ]
Two channels of sample/track and hold based on a single trigger and CV source
Users have a copy of the original trigger signal, a sample and hold and a track and hold of the analogue input, and the all above but with the gate inverted, available from the CV outputs
Author: seanbechhofer
Labels: gates, sample&hold, track&hold
OSC Interface [ documentation | script ]
Interface program for sending & receiving Open Sound Control (OSC) packets over UDP. Compatible with TouchOSC and other programs that support OSC over UDP.
Requires a Raspberry Pi Pico W or Pico 2 W with a properly-configured wifi connection to your other devices.
Author: chrisib
Labels: osc, wifi
Pam's "EuroPi" Workout [ documentation | script ]
A re-imaging of ALM/Busy Circuit's Pamela's "NEW" Workout. Turns the EuroPi into a clocked modulation source with multiple wave shapes, optional quantization, euclidean rhythm outputs and external start/stop trigger input.
Author: chrisib
Labels: clock, euclidean, gate, lfo, quantizer, random, trigger
Particle Physics [ documentation | script ]
An irregular LFO based on a basic 1-dimensional physics simulation. Outputs triggers when a particle bounces under the effects of gravity. Outputs control signals based on the particle's position and velocity.
While not technically random, the effects of changing the particle's initial conditions, gravity, and elasticity coefficient can create unpreditable rhythms.
Author: chrisib
Labels: gate, lfo, sequencer, random, trigger
Pet Rock [ documentation | script ]
A pseudo-random gate generator that uses the realtime clock to track the phase of the moon as a seed. Based on Pet Rock by Jonah Senzel
Requires installing and configuring a realtime clock module, connected to EuroPi's external I2C interface for best results.
Author: chrisib
Labels: sequencer, gate, random, realtime clock
Piconacci [ documentation | script ]
A clock divider whose divisions are based on the Fibonacci sequence.
Author: seanbechhofer
Labels: triggers, sequencer
Poly Square [ documentation | script ]
Six independent oscillators which output on CVs 1-6.
The base pitch is set by the analog input, which is interpreted as a V/oct input with 0V = C. Knob 1 allows for detuning of the 6 voices, and as the knob is turned clockwise, the spread between them increases. Button 2 toggles the maximum detune between a half step and a major 9th. Knob 2 sets the polyphony mode.
Author: t-schreibs
Labels: oscillator, poly
Polyrhythmic Sequencer [ script ]
A sequencer that advances notes according to a polyrhythmic clock, inspired by the operation of the Moog Subharmonicon sequencer
Users can run two simultaneous polyrhythmic sequences clocked by the same external clock. Quantised outputs are available, with the note for each step, and the polyrhythm it runs at, being easily changed to write the sequence
Author: awonak
Labels: polyrhythms, sequencer, triggers
Probapoly [ documentation | script ]
Creates interesting polyrhythmic gate patterns while also allowing probabilities to be set on gates.
Given values for and upper and lower rhythmic ratios, Probapoly will create a looping pattern as short as possible with no repetition of the pattern within the loop.
Author: gamecat69
Labels: sequencer, performance, gates, polyrhythm, probability
Quantizer [ documentation | script ]
Quantizes input analog signals to a customizable scale. Additional signals output the same note shifted up or down to create harmonies across multiple oscillators.
Author: chrisib
Labels: quantizer
Radio Scanner [ documentation | script ]
A tool for exploring sounds and control voltage combinations by navigating a 2D plane
The two knobs allow users to scan in 2 separate axis, with the value of each knob available as a CV output. There is also a CV output for the difference between the two knob positions, and then the lower row of CV outputs is the inverse of each jack above. The outputs can also be rotated as inspired by the 4MS Rotating Clock Divider
Author: roryjamesallen
Labels: n/a
Scope [ script ]
An oscilloscope script to monitor the analogue and digital inputs
The current values of the analogue and digital inputs are displayed in an oscilloscope style on the OLED display, and copies of both signals, as well as an inverted gate signal, are available from the CV outputs
Author: mjaskula
Labels: example, utility
Sequential Switch [ documentation | script ]
A 2-6 output sequential switch. The analogue input is mirrored to one of the outputs, with the specific output changed every time a trigger is received.
Author: chrisib
Labels: random, sequential switch
Sigma [ documentation | script ]
Random CV, optionally quantized, voltages based on controllable normal distributions. Inspired by Magnetic Freak's Gaussian module.
Author: chrisib
Labels: random, quantizer
Slopes [ documentation | script ]
CV analyzer that produces gates & CV outputs based on the slope of the incoming signal
Author: chrisib
Labels: gates, CV
Smooth Random Voltages [ script ]
Random CV with adjustable slew rate, inspired by:
3 random or analog input s&h voltages with changable slew smoothness. New voltages assigned upon each digital input trigger. Top row outputs move towards target voltage according to slew rate set by knob 1. Bottom row outputs immediately change to new target voltage.
Author: awonak
Labels: random, s&h
Strange Attractor [ documentation | script ]
A source of chaotic modulation using systems of differential equations such as the Lorenz System
Users have the x, y, and z values of the output of each attractor model available as CV outputs, as well as 3 gate signals related to the relationships between these values
Author: seanbechhofer
Labels: gates, triggers, randomness
Traffic [ documentation | script ]
A re-imagining of Jasmine and Olive Tree's Traffic module. Triggers are sent to both inputs generating CV signals based on which trigger fired most recently and a pair of gains per channel.
Author: chrisib
Labels: sequencer, gate, triggers
Turing Machine [ documentation | script ]
A script meant to recreate the Music Thing Modular Turning Machine Random Sequencer as faithfully as possible on the EuroPi hardware.
Author: mjaskula
Labels: sequencer, random, triggers
Volts [ documentation | script ]
Generates static voltages on CV1-6. Useful for when you need a reliable, fixed voltage source as an input. Some useful applications include:
- transposing a sequencer
- shifting a bipolar LFO or VCO to be unipolar
- sending a fixed voltage to a VCA to amplify a signal to a fixed level
- calibrating other modules
Author: chrisib
Labels: cv, voltages, non-interactive
These scripts are NOT included in the standard
, but can be added if desired.
Hello World [ script ]
An example script for the menu system
This script can be copied and altered as a starting point for your own scripts that are to be menu compatible, and make use of the save state functionality
Author: mjaskula
Labels: example
Knob Playground [ script ]
An example showing the use of knob banks and lockable knobs.
Author: mjaskula
Labels: example
Settings Menu Example [ script ]
A simple example showing how to use configuration points and the settings menu to create an application GUI.
Author: chrisib
Labels: example