GBDT(Gradient Boosting Decision Tree) is an ensemble machine learning algorithm that trains a set of regression trees.
The above figure is an example of predicting the consumption of consumers.
- In the first tree, the root node use the feature of age. Consumers older than 30 are classified to the left tree node, while those younger than 30 is classified to the right node. The prediction of the right node is 1.
- Then, the left tree node is splited. The split feature is salary.
- Once the first tree is built, the predictions of C, D and E are updated to 1, 5, and 10.
- Build the second tree with new predictions. Update the predictions of consumers by adding the predictions of the second tree.
- This process iterates until satisfying the stopping criteria.
Spark on Angel supports two modes of distributed training, data parallelism and feature parallelism.
The core data structure of training GBDT is called gradient histogram. GBDT bulild one first-order gradient histogram and one second-order gradient histogram for each feature. Since data parallelism partitions the training data by row, every worker builds gradient histogram using a data subset. Then, it finds the best split result via merging local gradient histograms through the network.
Since the size of gradient histogram is affected by four factors: the number of features, the number of splits, the number of classes, and the number of tree nodes. For high-dimensional features, large classes and deep trees, the size of gradient histogram can be very large, causing several problems for data parallelism.
- Expensive memory cost. Every worker needs to store a whole copy of gradient histograms.
- Expensive communication cost. Workers need to exchange local gradient histograms through the network.
To address the drawbacks of data parallelism, Spark on Angel implements feature parallelism. Different from data parallelism, the training process is as follows.
- Data transformation. Since the original datasets are generally stored in distributed file systems by rows, SONA loads the dataset and transforms to feature subsets.
- Build gradient histogram. Every worker builds gradient histograms for a feature subset.
- Find the best split. Each worker calculates the best split (split feature and split value) with local gradient histograms. Workers get the global best split by exchanging local best splits.
- Calculate split result. Since each worker only stores a feature subset, the split result of training data is only known by one worker. This worker broadcasts the split result (binary format) to other workers.
- Split tree node. Each worker splits tree node and updates tree structure.
Compared with data parallelism, feature parallelism makes each worker build gradient histograms for a feature subset, the memory cost is reduced. Besides, feature parallelism does not need to merge gradient histogram through the network, thus the communication cost is reduced.
To submit a job, the format of passing parameters should be "key:value". For instance, "ml.feature.index.range:100" specifies the dimensionality of training dataset to 100.
Note: Currently the only supported data format of GBDT on Spark on Angel is the libsvm format, whose feature id starts from 1, thus the dimensionality should be +1 when submitting a job.
I/O Parameters
- ml.train.path Input path of data for training
- ml.valid.path Input path of data for validation
- ml.predict.input.path Input path of data for prediction
- ml.predict.output.path Output path of prediction
- ml.model.path The path to save a model after training, or to load a model before prediction
Task Parameters
- ml.gbdt.task.type Type of the task - "classification" or "regression"
- ml.gbdt.parallel.mode Parallel model - data parallel ("dp") or feature parallel ("fp")
- dp: data parallel
- fp: feature parallel
- ml.gbdt.importance.type Type of feature importance, which will be saved together with model after training
- weight: the number of times a feature is used to split tree nodes
- gain: the average gain a feature is used to split tree nodes
- total_gain: the total gain a feature is used to split tree nodes
- ml.num.class Number of classes in classification task
- ml.feature.index.range Dataset dimensionality
- ml.instance.sample.ratio Instance sampling ratio between 0 and 1 (default 1)
- ml.feature.sample.ratio Feature sampling ratio between 0 and 1 (default 1)
Optimization/Objective Parameters
- ml.gbdt.round.num Number of training rounds (default 20)
- ml.learn.rate Learning rate (default 0.1)
- ml.gbdt.loss.func Loss function. For classification task, "binary:logistic", "multi:logistic", and "rmse" are supported. For regression task, only "rmse" is supported.
- ml.gbdt.eval.metric Model evaluation metric. "rmse", "error", "log-loss", "cross-entropy", "precision", and "auc" are supported. Separate by commas when passing multiple metrics
- Whether to reduce the learning rate when the metric on validation set does not improve for several rounds (default true)
- Number of rounds indicating metric improvement (default 5)
- Threshold indicating metric improvement (default 0.0001)
- Decay factor for learning rate reduction (default 0.1)
- Early stop the training when the metric on validation set does not improve for several times of learning rate reduction (default 3, set to -1 to prohibit early stopping)
- Whether to save the model checkpoint which achieves best metric on validation set (default true). For binary-classification task, the metric is log-loss; for multi-classification task, the metric is cross-entropy; for regression task, the metric is rmse.
Decision Tree Parameters
- ml.gbdt.split.num The number of candidate splits for each feature (default 20)
- ml.gbdt.tree.max.depth The maximum depth of each tree (default 6)
- ml.gbdt.leaf.wise Whether to use leaf-wise strategy to train a tree, otherwise level-wise strategy will be used (default true)
- ml.gbdt.max.node.num The maximum number of tree nodes of each tree (default 127, i.e. complete tree with depth of 6)
- ml.gbdt.min.child.weight The minimum hessian value of child node after splitting (default 0)
- ml.gbdt.min.node.instance The minimum number of training instances of a tree node (default 1024)
- ml.gbdt.reg.alpha L1 regularization term on weights (default 0)
- ml.gbdt.reg.lambda L2 regularization term on weights (default 1)
- ml.gbdt.max.leaf.weight Maximum (absolute) prediction value on tree leaves (default 0, set to 0 to prohibit the restriction of prediction value)
- ml.gbdt.min.split.gain Minimum gain to split (default 0)
Multi-classification Task Parameters
- ml.gbdt.multi.tree Whether to train multiple trees per round (i.e., multiple one-vs-rest classifier), otherwise one tree per round will be trained (i.e., one multi-class classifier). Only valid for multi-classification task (default false)
- ml.gbdt.full.hessian Whether to train with full hessian matrices, otherwise diagonal hessian matrices will be used. Only valid for multi-classification task and "ml.gbdt.multi.tree" is false (default false)
Note: Training with full hessian matrices requires to store the hessian matrices of all training instances, which will lead to high memory consumption and computation overhead. While training with diagoal hessian matrices can empirically achieve comparable or even higher accuracy. Therefore, unless the number of classes is small and strong inter-class relationship exists, please do NOT use full hessian matrices.
To submit a training job:
./spark-submit \
--master yarn --deploy-mode cluster \
--name "GBDT on Spark-on-Angel" \
--queue $queue \
--driver-memory 5g \
--num-executors 10 \
--executor-cores 1 \
--executor-memory 10g \
--class com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.predict.GBDTPredictor \
angelml-${SONA_VERSION}.jar \
ml.train.path:XXX ml.valid.path:XXX ml.model.path:XXX \
ml.gbdt.parallel.mode:fp \
ml.gbdt.importance.type:total_gain \
ml.gbdt.task.type:classification \
ml.gbdt.loss.func:binary:logistic \
ml.gbdt.eval.metric:log-loss,error,auc \
ml.num.class:2 \
ml.feature.index.range:100 \
ml.instance.sample.ratio:0.8 \
ml.feature.sample.ratio:0.8 \
ml.gbdt.round.num:100 \
To submit a prediction job:
./spark-submit \
--master yarn --deploy-mode cluster \
--name "GBDT on Spark-on-Angel" \
--queue $queue \
--driver-memory 5g \
--num-executors 10 \
--executor-cores 1 \
--executor-memory 10g \
--class com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.predict.GBDTPredictor \
angelml-${SONA_VERSION}.jar \
ml.model.path:XXX ml.predict.input.path:XXX ml.predict.output.path:XXX