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Releases: ArchiDog1998/RotationSolver
Releases · ArchiDog1998/RotationSolver
5.1.0 (2024-07-04)
- A new Target System. (113a2f6)
- add more target conditions for you to customize the target. (80d4eda)
Bug Fixes
- add remind me option. (282debf)
- add target condition for all territory configs. (7804794)
- add territory condition. (c98fd5f)
- api 10. (3fd017c)
- api 10. (6d07e1e)
- api update. (70db9c6)
- api. (f034c04)
- better action ui. (522a1b5)
- better compatibility. (e1cce62)
- better json converter. (e01b901)
- better pngs. (042a6fb)
- better tooltips. (4d4899e)
- change the adjust id to id. (14daa05)
- condition set fix and json fix. (5c72e9d)
- drawing fix and loc fix. (4eb58fa)
- json fix. (69ef4d8)
- list drawing in imgui. (daed659)
- loc fix. (e47983b)
- local fix. (3edc27c)
- make it almost work. (b0f4945)
- make it work, and wait for the sig updates. (455f0e8)
- merge. (9d641f7)
- naming. (fddd784)
- remove mp timer. good bye 6.0 (1005a9d)
- simplify the ui. (358c98c)
- trying to add the conditions for the target system. (904a9a6)
- ui fix. (1c947ef)
- ui. (f156f8e)
- update submodule. (b68ec32)
- update submodules. (8fccfcc)
- update submodules. (20dae6d)
5.0.3 (2024-06-13)
Bug Fixes
- add more configs for target related drawings. (d603768)
- add rotations version warning. (3cd8a87)
- add the target type things. (8a3272d)
- better rating popup. (43acacd)
- config fix.. (6e5c7d5)
- defense single for tanks. (09a80a0)
- make rotation updater simple. (8fae4ef)
- rotation choice fix. (9148385)
- try to add the condition drawer. (589f5ae)
- use overlay window for target related drawing fix. (288e2f5)
- warning fix and rating ui fix. (1b6ede1)
5.0.0 (2024-06-01)
- go to 4.0!
- raise to 3.0
- raise version.
- add padding drawing for the images. (c5b38b0)
- add rating system. (56b8926)
- add the action group raw. (6bd873b)
- add the alliance drawing stuffs. (e477ad1), closes #587
- add the duty rotation config (aa27cc6), closes #594
- add the duty rotation drawing stuff. (6fdc39b), closes #575
- add the trigger log window. (17ff2cd)
- add user icons show feature. (dcc7970)
- raise 4.1 (b6a9ffd)
- timeline drawing first commit. (df13743)
Bug Fixes
- .net8 (7ddd01f)
- action effect check. (e6e4cf0)
- action id in LB. (d0cf340)
- action resources check. Maybe the code can be simplify... (a6a8a99)
- add a lot of ui for raidboss drawing. (673dd83)
- add addedCombatant feature for timeraid. (69249b3)
- add an option for omen. (5032cd5)
- add an option for showing drawing staff. (bb46f56)
- add auto - knocking back and control window drawing fix. (37f5731)
- add back the txt files. (cb4938e)
- add casting delay. (e052251), closes #580
- add change logs item. (483d3d4)
- add discord. (d56ee40)
- add drawing ui etc without tests. (a2db516)
- add drawing ui. (7a441f0)
- add enable for the drawing items. (b5fcd8d)
- add git ignore. (2bc19f0)
- add icon replace. (034e798)
- add limit break drawing. (7dd7ba3)
- add macro timeline item. (49c5723)
- add next action overlay drawing. (7da8ba0)
- add no casting list. (0792e9f)
- add no casting window. (a2fcba6)
- add not supporter warning. (2d4355f)
- add on obj created thing. (6212e49)
- add outputs for rp. (e736661)
- add patreon link. (1be91f1)
- add rating item in the job combo. (ea7320a)
- add skip ping check config. (c53c498)
- add some tooltips. (7f450e3)
- add static drawing on the obj. (184641e)
- add statuses (3b622ec)
- add submodule. (ca20511)
- add submodules. (9530207)
- add supporters hash, for the suppoters only features. (b2561a7)
- add the
why can't use action
tips for the actions. (c4baf36) - add the action group command. (3a0845c)
- add the action group ui. (7641eaa), closes #6
- add things for drawing in the duty rotation. (125c9dd)
- better change log window. (be569ca)
- casting action preview and some configs. (ff2fd04)
- casting and some ui preview fix. (3695114)
- changed the main ui (7d3da7e), closes #566
- changed the submodule. (38c155a)
- changed the way to add rotation config. (3f0d7e7)
- changed the way to show the sub targets. (31c74a0)
- command unify (c9cb180), closes #584
- config targeting fix. (e2dd58c)
- countdown (882ec45)
- default target. (4f6824e)
- default value changed. (02c8f8d)
- defense fix. (f91e744)
- download the default timeline. (2a1c80b)
- drawing. (1d377c8)
- duty actions empty fix. (4a8163a)
- fixed about the timeline. (7ae5a04)
- fixed friendly aoe omen. and timeline drawing. (477973e)
- fixed rate sy...
4.2.6 (2024-04-06)
Bug Fixes
- action resources check. Maybe the code can be simplify... (a6a8a99)
- add auto - knocking back and control window drawing fix. (37f5731)
- add back the txt files. (cb4938e)
- add casting delay. (e052251), closes #580
- LB drawing and the duty actions drawing. (570cd14)
- remove analyzer. (f32667e)
- some config ui fixing. (3ee9d60)
- warrior rotation status fix. (82833d6)
4.2.5 (2024-04-04)
Bug Fixes
- action id in LB. (d0cf340)
- add git ignore. (2bc19f0)
- add icon replace. (034e798)
- add limit break drawing. (7dd7ba3)
- add next action overlay drawing. (7da8ba0)
- config targeting fix. (e2dd58c)
- duty actions empty fix. (4a8163a)
- fixed vfx drawing about the gcd target. (63d9e8c), closes #574
- gigignore. (5e129d0)
- little fixes. (b98ff39)
- multi langs. (21e0a80)
- roslyn game data change. (5e88f93)