Require named parameters in SCSS function call rule.
animation: animation($duration: 250ms) {
// ↑
// Require or disallow this
: "always"|"never"
The following patterns are considered warnings:
.foo {
animation: animation(250ms, 100ms, infinite);
.foo {
animation: animation(250ms);
.foo {
border: reset($value: 20, "bar", $color: #fff);
The following patterns are not considered warnings:
.foo {
animation: animation($duration: 250ms);
.foo {
animation: animation($duration: 250ms, $delay: 100ms, $direction: infinite);
The following patterns are considered warnings:
.foo {
border: reset($value: 20);
.foo {
animation: animation($duration: 250ms, $delay: 100ms, $direction: infinite);
.foo {
border: reset($value: 20, "bar", $color: #fff);
The following patterns are not considered warnings:
.foo {
animation: animation(250ms, 100ms, infinite);
{ "ignore": ["single-argument"] }
The following patterns are not considered warnings:
.foo {
@include animation($duration: 250ms);
.foo {
@include reset(20);
["always", { ignoreFunctions: ["/^my-/i", "custom"] }];
The following patterns are not considered warnings:
.foo {
border: custom(20, 30);
.foo {
border: my-func(20, 30);
.foo {
border: MY-FUNC(20, 30);