Walk up the directory tree until the specified path is found.
const walkBack = require('walk-back')
Returns an absolute file path (if found) else null
Kind: Exported function
Param | Type | Description |
startAt | string |
the directory to start in |
lookingFor | string |
the path we're looking for |
> walkBack('/Users/lloyd/Documents/75lb/walk-back', 'package.json')
> walkBack('/Users/lloyd/Documents/75lb/walk-back', '75lb')
> walkBack('/Users/lloyd/Documents/75lb/walk-back', '.bash_profile')
> walkBack('.', '.bash_profile')
> walkBack('/Users/lloyd/Documents/75lb/walk-back', 'non-existent.file')
© 2015-21 Lloyd Brookes <[email protected]>.
Tested by test-runner. Documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.