diff --git a/libraries/AP_Scripting/applets/quadplane_terrain_avoid.lua b/libraries/AP_Scripting/applets/quadplane_terrain_avoid.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..3331bd02c7b363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/AP_Scripting/applets/quadplane_terrain_avoid.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1181 @@
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ Terrain Avoidance in QuadPlane.
+ This code will detect if a quadplane following an Auto mission is likely to hit elevated terrain, such as
+ a small hill, cliff edge, high trees or other obstacles that might not show up in the OOTB STRM terrain model.
+ The code will attempt to avoid the impact by:-
+ - Pitching up if the plane can safely fly over the obstacle
+ - Otherwise switching to QuadPlane Qloiter mode (Quading) and gaining altitude using VTOL motors
+ This code requires long range rangefinders such as the LightWare long range lidars that can measure
+ distances up to 90-95 meters away.
+ The terrain avoidance will be on by default but will not function at "home" or within ZTA_HOME_DIST meters
+ of home. The scripting function ZTA_ACT_FN can be used to disable terrain folling at any time
+ Terrain following will operate in modes Auto, Gukded, RTL and QRTL.
+The "Can't make that climb" (CMTC) feature will prevent ArduPlane from flying into terrain it does know about
+by calculating the required pitch to avoid terrain between the current location and the next waypoint including
+all points in between. If the pitch required is > PTCH_TRIM_MAX_DEG / 2 then the code will perform a loiter to
+altitude to acheive a safe AMSL altitude to avoid the terrain before continuing the mission.
+SCRIPT_NAME = "OvrhdIntl Terrain Avoid"
+SCRIPT_VERSION = "4.7.0-004"
+REFRESH_RATE = 0.1 -- in seconds, so 10Hz
+STARTUP_DELAY = 20 -- wait this many seconds for the FC to come up before starting the script
+MAV_HEADING_TYPE = { COG = 0, HEADING = 1} -- COG = Course over Ground, i.e. where you want to go, HEADING = which way the vehicle points
+local rangefinder_down_value = 0.0
+local rangefinder_forward_value = 0.0
+local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 99
+local PARAM2_TABLE_KEY = 100
+-- bind a parameter to a variable
+function bind_param(name)
+ return Parameter(name)
+-- add a parameter and bind it to a variable
+function bind_add_param(name, idx, default_value)
+ assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, idx, name, default_value), SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format('could not add param %s', name))
+ return bind_param(PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name)
+-- add a parameter and bind it to a variable
+function bind_add_param2(name, idx, default_value)
+ assert(param:add_param(PARAM2_TABLE_KEY, idx, name, default_value), SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format('could not add param %s', name))
+ return bind_param(PARAM2_TABLE_PREFIX .. name)
+-- setup follow mode specific parameters need 2wo tables because there are > 10 parameters
+assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX, 10), SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. 'could not add param table: ' .. PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX)
+assert(param:add_table(PARAM2_TABLE_KEY, PARAM2_TABLE_PREFIX, 10), SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. 'could not add param table: ' .. PARAM2_TABLE_PREFIX)
+ // @Param: ZTA_ACT_FN
+ // @DisplayName: Terrain Avoidance Activation Function
+ // @Description: Setting an RC channel's _OPTION to this value will use it for Terrain Avoidance enable/disable
+ // @Range: 300 307
+ZTA_ACT_FN = bind_add_param("ACT_FN", 1, 305)
+ // @Param: ZTA_PTCH_DWN_MIN
+ // @DisplayName: Terrain Avoidance minimum down distance for Pitching
+ // @Description: If the downward distance is less than this value then start Pitching up to gain altitude.
+ // @Units: m
+ZTA_PTCH_DWN_MIN = bind_add_param("PTCH_DWN_MIN", 2, 46)
+ // @Param: ZTA_PTCH_FWD_MIN
+ // @DisplayName: Terrain Avoidance minimum forward distance for Pitching
+ // @Description: If the farwardward distance is less than this value then start Pitching up to gain altitude.
+ // @Units: m
+ZTA_PTCH_FWD_MIN = bind_add_param("PTCH_FWD_MIN", 3, 80)
+ // @Param: ZTA_QUAD_DWN_MIN
+ // @DisplayName: Terrain Avoidance minimum down distance for Quading
+ // @Description: If the downward distance is less than this value then start Quading up to gain altitude.
+ // @Units: m
+ZTA_QUAD_DWN_MIN = bind_add_param("QUAD_DWN_MIN", 4, 35)
+ // @Param: ZTA_QUAD_FWD_MIN
+ // @DisplayName: Terrain Avoidance minimum forward distance for Quading
+ // @Description: If the farwardward distance is less than this value then start Quading up to gain altitude.
+ // @Units: m
+ZTA_QUAD_FWD_MIN = bind_add_param("QUAD_FWD_MIN", 5, 20)
+ // @Param: ZTA_gitlog_MIN
+ // @DisplayName: Terrain Avoidance minimum ground speed for Pitching
+ // @Description: Minimum Groundspeed (not airspeed) to be flying for Pitching to be used.
+ // @Units: m/s
+ZTA_PTCH_GSP_MIN = bind_add_param("PTCH_GSP_MIN", 6, 17)
+ // @DisplayName: Terrain Avoidance timeout Pitching
+ // @Description: Minimum down or forward distance must be triggered for more than this many seconds to start Pitching
+ // @Units: s
+ZTA_PTCH_TIMEOUT = bind_add_param("PTCH_TIMEOUT", 7, 2)
+ // @Param: ZTA_HOME_DIST
+ // @DisplayName: Terrain Avoidance safe distance around home
+ // @Description: Terrain avoidance will not be applied if the vehicle is less than this distance from home
+ // @Units: m
+ZTA_HOME_DIST = bind_add_param("HOME_DIST", 8, 20)
+ // @Param: ZTA_SIM_DWN_FN
+ // @DisplayName: Terrain Avoidance Sim Down Function
+ // @Description: Setting an RC channel's _OPTION to this value will use it to generate a simulated "down" rangefinder value based on the PWM value of the channel
+ // @Range: 300 307
+ZTA_SIM_DWN_FN = bind_add_param("SIM_DWN_FN", 9, 306)
+ // @Param: ZTA_SIM_FWD_FN
+ // @DisplayName: Terrain Avoidance Sim Forward Function
+ // @Description: Setting an RC channel's _OPTION to this value will use it to generate a simulated "forward" rangefinder value based on the PWM value of the channel
+ // @Range: 300 307
+ZTA_SIM_FWD_FN = bind_add_param("SIM_FWD_FN", 10, 307)
+ // @Param: ZTA_ALT_MAX
+ // @DisplayName: Terrain Avoidance Altitude ceiling for pitching/quading
+ // @Description: This is a limit on how high the terrain avoidane will take the vehicle. It acts a failsafe to prevent vertical flyaways.
+ // @Range: 20 1000
+ // @Units: m
+ZTA_ALT_MAX = bind_add_param("ALT_MAX", 9, 100)
+ // @Param: ZTB_GSP_MAX
+ // @DisplayName: Maximum Groundspeed
+ // @Description: This is a limit on how fast in groundspeeed terrain avoidance will take the vehicle. This is to allow for reliable sensor readings. -1 for disabled.
+ // @Range: 10 40
+ // @Units: m/s
+ZTB_GSP_MAX = bind_add_param2("GSP_MAX", 1, -1)
+ // @DisplayName: Groudspeed Airbrake limt
+ // @Description: This is the limit for triggering airbrake to slow groundspeed as a difference between the airspeed and groundspeed. -1 for disabled.
+ // @Range: -1 -10
+ // @Units: m/s
+ZTB_GSP_AIRBRAKE = bind_add_param2("GSP_AIRBRAKE", 2, 0)
+ // @Param: ZTB_CMTC_ALT
+ // @DisplayName: CMTC Altitude
+ // @Description: The minimum altitude above terrain to maintain when following an AUTO mission or RTL. If zero(0) use ZTA_PTCH_DOW_MIN.
+ // @Units: m
+ZTB_CMTC_ALT = bind_add_param2("CMTC_ALT", 3, 0)
+ // @Param: ZTB_CMTC_ENABLE
+ // @DisplayName: CMTC Enable
+ // @Description: Whether to enable Can't Make That Climb while running Terrain Avoidance
+ // @Range: 0 1
+ZTB_CMTC_ENABLE = bind_add_param2("CMTC_ENABLE", 4, 0)
+local pitch_groundspeed_min = ZTA_PTCH_GSP_MIN:get()
+local pitch_down_min = ZTA_PTCH_DWN_MIN:get()
+local pitch_forward_min = ZTA_PTCH_FWD_MIN:get()
+local pitch_timeout = ZTA_PTCH_TIMEOUT:get()
+local home_distance_max = ZTA_HOME_DIST:get()
+local quad_down_min = ZTA_QUAD_DWN_MIN:get()
+local quad_forward_min = ZTA_QUAD_FWD_MIN:get()
+local altitude_max = ZTA_ALT_MAX:get()
+local groundspeed_max = ZTB_GSP_MAX:get() or -1
+local groundspeed_airbrake_limit = ZTB_GSP_AIRBRAKE:get() or 0
+local cmtc_alt_m = ZTB_CMTC_ALT:get()
+if cmtc_alt_m == 0 then
+ cmtc_alt_m = pitch_down_min
+local cmtc_enable = ZTB_CMTC_ENABLE:get()
+Q_ENABLE = bind_param('Q_ENABLE')
+THR_MAX = bind_param('THR_MAX')
+WP_LOITER_RAD = bind_param("WP_LOITER_RAD")
+TECS_CLMB_MAX = bind_param("TECS_CLMB_MAX")
+local airspeed_min = AIRSPEED_MIN:get() or 10
+local airspeed_max = AIRSPEED_MAX:get() or 30
+local wp_loiter_rad = WP_LOITER_RAD:get() or 150
+local q_enable = Q_ENABLE:get() or 0
+local terrain_enable = TERRAIN_ENABLE:get() or 0
+local terrain_spacing = TERRAIN_SPACING:get() or 100
+local ptch_lim_max_deg = PTCH_LIM_MAX_DEG:get() or 25
+local tecs_climb_max = TECS_CLMB_MAX:get() or 5.0
+THROTTLE_CHANNEL = rc:get_channel(RCMAP_THROTTLE:get()) -- The RC channel used for throttle
+local vehicle_mode = vehicle:get_mode()
+local current_location = ahrs:get_location()
+local current_bearing = 0.0
+local previous_location
+local current_altitude = 0.0
+local current_location_target
+local new_location_target = Location()
+local terrain_altitude = terrain:height_above_terrain(true)
+local terrain_max_exceeded = false
+local groundspeed_vector = ahrs:groundspeed_vector()
+local ground_speed = groundspeed_vector:length()
+local now = millis():tofloat() * 0.001
+local pitch_last_good_timestamp = now
+local pitch_last_bad_timestamp = now
+local pitch_bad_timer = -10
+local pre_pitch_mode = vehicle_mode
+local pre_pitch_target_altitude= 0.0
+local pre_pitch_target_location
+local quading_active = false
+local pitching_active = false
+local slowdown_quading = false
+local cmtc_active = false
+local q_wvane_enable_save = Q_WVANE_ENABLE:get()
+local avoid_enter_mode = -1
+local cmtc_target_alt_amsl = -1
+-- function forward declarations
+local start_quading -- foward declaration of start_quading/stop_quading defined below
+local stop_quading
+local avoid_terrain
+local terrain_approaching
+local pitch_obstacle_detected
+local pitch_obstacle_down
+local pitch_obstacle_forward
+local speedpi = require("speedpi")
+local speed_PI = speedpi.speed_controller(0.1, 0.1, 2.5, airspeed_min, airspeed_max)
+local mavlink = require("mavlink_cmdint")
+local location_tracker
+-- constrain a value between limits
+local function constrain(v, vmin, vmax)
+ if v < vmin then
+ v = vmin
+ end
+ if v > vmax then
+ v = vmax
+ end
+ return v
+local function set_avoid_mode(new_mode)
+ avoid_enter_mode = vehicle_mode
+ vehicle:set_mode(new_mode)
+local function reset_avoid_mode()
+ local new_mode = FLIGHT_MODE.AUTO
+ if avoid_enter_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.AUTO or avoid_enter_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.GUIDED or avoid_enter_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.LOITER or
+ avoid_enter_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.QHOVER or avoid_enter_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.QLOITER or avoid_enter_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.QRTL or
+ avoid_enter_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.RTL then
+ new_mode= avoid_enter_mode
+ end
+ vehicle:set_mode(new_mode)
+ avoid_enter_mode = -1
+ if new_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.AUTO then
+ previous_location = location_tracker.get_saved_location()
+ if previous_location ~= nil then
+ vehicle:set_crosstrack_start(previous_location)
+ end
+ end
+local function disable_wvane()
+ q_wvane_enable_save = Q_WVANE_ENABLE:get()
+local function enable_wvane()
+ if q_wvane_enable_save >=0 then
+ Q_WVANE_ENABLE:set(q_wvane_enable_save)
+ else
+ end
+ q_wvane_enable_save = -1
+local airbrake_trigger = false
+local airbrake_on = false
+local airbrake_triggered_now = millis():tofloat() * 0.001
+-- This method terminates airbraking if it had been acive
+local function slowdown_airbrake_end()
+ airbrake_trigger = false
+ if not airbrake_on then
+ return
+ end
+ airbrake_on = false
+ enable_wvane()
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.NOTICE, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": airbraking stopping")
+ if vehicle_mode ~= FLIGHT_MODE.QLOITER then
+ -- user or a failesafe has exited QLoiter, so we don't want to mess with that
+ return
+ end
+ reset_avoid_mode()
+local function slow_down(groundspeed)
+ local groundspeed_error = groundspeed.error or 0.0
+ local airspeed_current = ahrs:airspeed_estimate()
+ local airspeed_new = constrain(airspeed_current + groundspeed_error, airspeed_min, airspeed_max)
+ if groundspeed_airbrake_limit ~= 0 and not airbrake_on and groundspeed_error < groundspeed_airbrake_limit then
+ if not airbrake_trigger then
+ airbrake_trigger = true
+ airbrake_triggered_now = millis():tofloat() * 0.001
+ end
+ if (now - airbrake_triggered_now) > pitch_timeout then
+ airbrake_on = true
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.NOTICE, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": airbrake current %f error %f new %f", airspeed_current,groundspeed_error,airspeed_new) )
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.NOTICE, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": airbraking Starting")
+ disable_wvane()
+ set_avoid_mode(FLIGHT_MODE.QLOITER)
+ end
+ elseif airbrake_trigger then
+ airbrake_trigger = false
+ end
+ if airbrake_on then
+ if groundspeed_error >= 0 or (now - airbrake_triggered_now) > 10 then -- it's not working, give up
+ slowdown_airbrake_end()
+ else
+ -- we want to hover in place
+ THROTTLE_CHANNEL:set_override(1500)
+ end
+ else
+ mavlink.set_vehicle_speed({speed=airspeed_new})
+ end
+local function set_altitude_target(new_altitude)
+ current_location_target = vehicle:get_target_location()
+ if current_location_target ~= nil then
+ new_location_target = current_location_target:copy()
+ if new_location_target ~= nil and new_altitude ~= nil then
+ local target_alt_cm = math.floor(math.min(new_altitude * 100, 319000))
+ new_location_target:alt(target_alt_cm)
+ -- can't use MAVLink for this because we might not be in GUIDED mode
+ if not vehicle:update_target_location(current_location_target,new_location_target) then
+ string.format(": failed to set alt(cm): %.0f frame: %d current frame: %d", target_alt_cm, new_location_target:get_alt_frame(), current_location_target:get_alt_frame()))
+ end
+ else
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": failed to set alt: " .. new_altitude)
+ end
+ end
+ return new_altitude
+-- This method forces the plane to target a very high altitude to force it to gain altitude quicky
+local function set_altitude_high()
+ local target_altitude = current_altitude + 100
+ local old_target_altitude = 0.0
+ if current_location_target == nil and current_location ~= nil then
+ old_target_altitude = current_location:alt() * 0.01
+ elseif current_location_target ~= nil then
+ old_target_altitude = current_location_target:alt() * 0.01
+ end
+ set_altitude_target(target_altitude)
+ return old_target_altitude
+-- Attempts to duplicate the code that updates the prev_WP_loc variable in the c++ code
+local function LocationTracker()
+ local self = {}
+ -- to get this to work, need to keep 2 prior generations of "target_location"
+ local target_location
+ local previous_target_location -- the target prior to the current one
+ local previous_previous_target_location -- the target prior to that - this is the one we want
+ function self.same_loc_as(A, B)
+ if A == nil or B == nil then
+ return false
+ end
+ if (A:lat() ~= B:lat()) or (A:lng() ~= B:lng()) then
+ return false
+ end
+ return (A:alt() == B:alt()) and (A:get_alt_frame() == B:get_alt_frame())
+ end
+ function self.update()
+ target_location = vehicle:get_target_location()
+ if target_location ~= nil then
+ if not self.same_loc_as(previous_target_location, target_location) then
+ -- maintain three generations of location
+ if previous_target_location ~= nil then
+ previous_previous_target_location = previous_target_location:copy()
+ end
+ previous_target_location = target_location:copy()
+ -- string.format(": saved loc lat %.1f lng %.1f alt %.1f", target_location:lat(), target_location:lng(), target_location:alt()))
+ end
+ else
+ previous_target_location = ahrs:get_location()
+ previous_previous_target_location = previous_target_location
+ end
+ end
+ function self.get_saved_location()
+ return previous_previous_target_location
+ end
+ return self
+location_tracker = LocationTracker()
+local function start_cmtc(target_alt_amsl)
+ if cmtc_active then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": CMTC to ALREADY ACTIVE: " .. cmtc_target_alt_amsl)
+ return
+ end
+ cmtc_active = true
+ local direction = avoid_terrain(target_alt_amsl)
+ -- AP libraries use a 0.5m "near enough" buffer for matching altitude, we'll use 3 meters
+ cmtc_target_alt_amsl = target_alt_amsl - 3.0
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": CMTC loiter to the %s to %.0f alt", direction, cmtc_target_alt_amsl) )
+local function stop_cmtc()
+ if current_location ~= nil then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": CMTC Done alt: %.0f", current_location:alt() * 0.01) )
+ end
+ cmtc_active = false
+ cmtc_target_alt_amsl = -1
+ reset_avoid_mode()
+local function do_cmtc()
+ if current_location ~= nil then
+ local current_location_amsl = current_location:copy()
+ current_location_amsl:change_alt_frame(mavlink.ALT_FRAME.ABSOLUTE)
+ if current_location_amsl:alt() * 0.01 > cmtc_target_alt_amsl then
+ stop_cmtc()
+ end
+ end
+local function start_pitching()
+ if slowdown_quading then
+ start_quading() -- we are already in multirotor mode, so go straight to quading
+ return
+ end
+ pitching_active = true
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": Pitching started")
+ -- save the current target location so we can track if we pass a waypoint while pitching
+ pre_pitch_mode = vehicle_mode
+ pre_pitch_target_altitude = set_altitude_high()
+ pre_pitch_target_location = current_location_target:copy()
+ -- pitch up by setting a very high altitude and high speed. TECS will make it so.
+ local desired_airspeed = 30
+ if AIRSPEED_MAX ~= nil then
+ desired_airspeed = AIRSPEED_MAX:get()
+ end
+ mavlink.set_vehicle_speed({speed=desired_airspeed})
+ pitch_last_bad_timestamp = millis():tofloat() * 0.001
+local function check_pitching()
+ if ground_speed ~= nil and ground_speed < pitch_groundspeed_min then
+ return false
+ end
+ if pitch_obstacle_detected(1.0) then
+ if not pitching_active then
+ -- we don't jump into pitching right away, we give it a ZTA_PTCH_TIMEOUT seconds to be sure
+ local time_since_good = (now - pitch_last_good_timestamp)
+ if time_since_good > pitch_timeout then
+ start_pitching()
+ if pitch_obstacle_down(1.0) then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": Obstacle down: %.2f m", rangefinder_down_value) )
+ end
+ if pitch_obstacle_forward(1.0) then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": Obstacle forward: %.2f m", rangefinder_forward_value) )
+ end
+ else
+ if time_since_good > pitch_bad_timer + 1 then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": high terrain detected")
+ pitch_bad_timer = math.floor(time_since_good + 0.5)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+ else
+ if pitch_bad_timer >= 0 and not terrain_max_exceeded then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": terrain Ok")
+ end
+ pitch_last_good_timestamp = now
+ pitch_bad_timer = -1
+ end
+ return false
+local function stop_pitching()
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": Pitching DONE")
+ pitching_active = false
+ if pre_pitch_mode ~= vehicle_mode then
+ return -- user or maybe a failsafe changed mdoes. Don't interfere
+ end
+ if pre_pitch_target_altitude ~= nil then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": reset Alt: " .. pre_pitch_target_altitude)
+ set_altitude_target(pre_pitch_target_altitude)
+ speed_PI.reset(0)
+ mavlink.set_vehicle_speed({}) -- special airspeed value meaning "default"
+ previous_location = location_tracker.get_saved_location()
+ if previous_location ~= nil then
+ vehicle:set_crosstrack_start(previous_location)
+ end
+ else
+ -- don't know where to go, so lets go home (like a good kid)
+ vehicle:set_mode(FLIGHT_MODE.RTL)
+ end
+local function do_pitching()
+ -- quading takes precedence over pitching
+ if quading_active then
+ pitching_active = false
+ return
+ end
+ -- if we are above the pitching altitude (with a margin) we might want to stop pitching
+ -- we don't stop pitching right away, we give it a ZTA_PTCH_TIMEOUT seconds * 2 to be sure
+ if not pitch_obstacle_detected(PITCH_TOLERANCE) and (now - pitch_last_bad_timestamp) > (pitch_timeout * 2) or
+ not (pre_pitch_target_location:lat() == current_location_target:lat() and pre_pitch_target_location:lng() == current_location_target:lng() ) then
+ stop_pitching()
+ else
+ set_altitude_high()
+ pitch_last_bad_timestamp = millis():tofloat() * 0.001
+ end
+start_quading = function() -- forward declaration above
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": Quading started")
+ if slowdown_quading then
+ slowdown_quading = false -- already in multi-motor mode, so just switch to quading
+ else
+ set_avoid_mode(FLIGHT_MODE.QLOITER)
+ disable_wvane()
+ end
+ quading_active = true
+ pitching_active = false
+ THROTTLE_CHANNEL:set_override(2000)
+local function check_quading()
+ if quad_obstacle_detected() then
+ if not quading_active then
+ if quad_obstacle_down() then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": Obstacle down: %.2f m", rangefinder_down_value) )
+ end
+ if quad_obstacle_forward() then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": Obstacle forward: %.2f m", rangefinder_forward_value) )
+ end
+ if pitching_active then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": Stop Pitching")
+ stop_pitching()
+ end
+ start_quading()
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+stop_quading = function() -- forward declaration above
+ if quading_active then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": Quading DONE")
+ end
+ quading_active = false
+ airbrake_on = false
+ speed_PI.reset(0)
+ enable_wvane()
+ if vehicle_mode ~= FLIGHT_MODE.QLOITER then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.NOTICE, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": exit Quading NOT QLoiter")
+ avoid_enter_mode = 0
+ return -- user or failsafe has changed modes. Don't interfere
+ end
+ reset_avoid_mode()
+local function do_quading()
+ -- not a typo, if we kick into quading we want to go higher than would trigger pitching when when we are done
+ if not pitch_obstacle_detected(PITCH_TOLERANCE) or terrain_max_exceeded then
+ -- we are done quadding
+ stop_quading()
+ else
+ -- continually override the throttle to keep going up
+ THROTTLE_CHANNEL:set_override(2000)
+ end
+-- This function decides if there is an obstacle for pitching based on
+-- 1. if terrain height is < pitch_down_min or
+-- 2. if there is a valid rangefinder down and rangefinder_down_value < pitch_down_min or
+-- 3. if there is a valid rangefinder forward and rangefinder_forward_value < pitch_forward_min
+pitch_obstacle_down = function(multiplier)
+ if rangefinder_down_value > 0 and rangefinder_down_value < MAX_RANGEFINDER_VALUE
+ and rangefinder_down_value < (pitch_down_min * multiplier) then
+ --gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.NOTICE, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": Obstacle Down " .. rangefinder_down_value .. " below: " .. (pitch_down_min * multiplier))
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+pitch_obstacle_forward = function(multiplier)
+ if rangefinder_forward_value > 0 and rangefinder_forward_value < MAX_RANGEFINDER_VALUE
+ and rangefinder_forward_value < (pitch_forward_min * multiplier) then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+pitch_obstacle_detected = function(multiplier)
+ -- prevent pitching if we are in a flyaway situation
+ if terrain_max_exceeded then
+ if pitching_active then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.CRITICAL, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": Pitching " .. terrain_altitude .. " above: " .. altitude_max)
+ end
+ if quading_active then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.CRITICAL, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": Quading " .. terrain_altitude .. " above: " .. altitude_max)
+ end
+ if cmtc_active then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.CRITICAL, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": CMTC " .. terrain_altitude .. " above: " .. altitude_max)
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ if pitch_obstacle_down(multiplier) then
+ return true
+ end
+ if pitch_obstacle_forward(multiplier) then
+ return true
+ end
+ -- no obstacle, we are good
+ return false
+-- This function decides if there is an obstacle for quading based on
+-- 1. if terrain height is < quad_down_min or
+-- 2. if there is a valid rangefinder down and rangefinder_down_value < pitch_quad_min or
+-- 3. if there is a valid rangefinder forward and rangefinder_forward_value < quad_forward_min
+function quad_obstacle_forward()
+ if rangefinder_forward_value > 0 and rangefinder_forward_value < MAX_RANGEFINDER_VALUE
+ and rangefinder_forward_value < quad_forward_min then
+ return true
+ end
+function quad_obstacle_down()
+ if rangefinder_down_value > 0 and rangefinder_down_value < MAX_RANGEFINDER_VALUE
+ and rangefinder_down_value < quad_down_min then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+function quad_obstacle_detected()
+ -- prevent quading if we are in a flyaway situation
+ if terrain_max_exceeded then
+ if quading_active then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.CRITICAL, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": Quading " .. terrain_altitude .. " above: " .. altitude_max)
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ if quad_obstacle_down() then
+ return true
+ end
+ if quad_obstacle_forward() then
+ return true
+ end
+ -- no obstacle, we are good
+ return false
+-- this method checks the distance down and forward.
+-- and this uses RC8 to simulate forward rangefinder and RC5 to simulate downward
+local function populate_rangefinder_values()
+ -- Get the new values of the range finders every update cycle
+ -- We'll probably want some kind of certainty check for the range finders
+ -- So a small error won't cause it to freakout.
+ if rangefinder:has_data_orient(RANGEFINDER_ORIENT.DOWNWARD)
+ and rangefinder:status_orient(RANGEFINDER_ORIENT.DOWNWARD) == RANGEFINDER_STATUS.GOOD then
+ rangefinder_down_value = rangefinder:distance_cm_orient(RANGEFINDER_ORIENT.DOWNWARD) * 0.01
+ else
+ -- if we don't have a downward rangefinder revert to terrain altitude
+ rangefinder_down_value = terrain:height_above_terrain(true) or 0.0
+ end
+ if rangefinder:has_data_orient(RANGEFINDER_ORIENT.FORWARD)
+ and rangefinder:status_orient(RANGEFINDER_ORIENT.FORWARD) == RANGEFINDER_STATUS.GOOD then
+ rangefinder_forward_value = rangefinder:distance_cm_orient(RANGEFINDER_ORIENT.FORWARD) * 0.01
+ else
+ rangefinder_forward_value = 0.0
+ end
+ terrain_altitude = terrain:height_above_terrain(true)
+ terrain_max_exceeded = false
+ if altitude_max ~= nil and terrain_altitude ~= nil then
+ terrain_max_exceeded = (altitude_max > MIN_ALT_MAX and terrain_altitude > altitude_max)
+ end
+ if rangefinder_down_value == nil or rangefinder_down_value <= 0 or
+ rangefinder_down_value > MAX_RANGEFINDER_VALUE then
+ rangefinder_down_value = terrain_altitude or 0
+ end
+ if rangefinder_forward_value == nil or rangefinder_forward_value <= 0 then
+ rangefinder_forward_value = 0
+ end
+ if rangefinder_forward_value > MAX_RANGEFINDER_VALUE then
+ rangefinder_forward_value = MAX_RANGEFINDER_VALUE
+ end
+local function wrap_360(angle)
+ local res = math.fmod(angle, 360.0)
+ if res < 0 then
+ res = res + 360.0
+ end
+ return res
+c++_code from AP_Terrain.cpp used as reference
+// check for terrain at grid spacing intervals
+while (distance > 0) {
+ gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "lookahead distance %.1f", distance);
+ loc.offset_bearing(bearing, grid_spacing);
+ climb += climb_ratio * grid_spacing;
+ distance -= grid_spacing;
+ float height;
+ if (height_amsl(loc, height)) {
+ float rise = (height - base_height) - climb;
+ //if(rise > 0)
+ gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "lookahead alt %.1f climb %.1f rise %.1f", height, climb, rise);
+ if (rise > lookahead_estimate) {
+ lookahead_estimate = rise;
+ loc_highest = loc;
+ gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "lookahead estimate %.1f", lookahead_estimate);
+ }
+ }
+local function terrain_lookahead(start_location, search_bearing, search_distance, search_ratio)
+ local highest_location = nil
+ local climb = 0.0
+ local highest_rise = 0.0
+ local height
+ local search_location = start_location:copy()
+ search_location:change_alt_frame(mavlink.ALT_FRAME.ABSOLUTE)
+ local base_height = terrain:height_amsl(search_location, true)
+ while search_distance > 0 do
+ search_location:offset_bearing(search_bearing, terrain_spacing)
+ climb = climb + search_ratio * terrain_spacing
+ height = terrain:height_amsl(search_location, true)
+ if height ~= nil then
+ local rise = (height - base_height) - climb
+ if rise > highest_rise then
+ local highest_alt_cm = math.floor(math.min(height * 100.0, 320000))
+ highest_rise = rise
+ highest_location = search_location:copy()
+ highest_location:alt(highest_alt_cm)
+ end
+ end
+ search_distance = search_distance - terrain_spacing
+ end
+ return highest_location
+-- returns required pitch to avoid hitting something between here and the next waypoint or other destination such as
+-- home location for RTL
+terrain_approaching = function(clearance)
+ if current_location == nil then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.NOTICE, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": current_location NIL") )
+ return
+ end
+ local wp_distance = current_location:get_distance(current_location_target)
+ local wp_bearing = math.deg(current_location:get_bearing(current_location_target))
+ local pitch_required = 0
+ local alt_required_amsl = -1
+ local highest_location
+ local highest_alt_difference = 0.0
+ local current_location_amsl = current_location:copy()
+ current_location_amsl:change_alt_frame(mavlink.ALT_FRAME.ABSOLUTE)
+ if wp_distance == nil then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.NOTICE, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": wp_distance NIL") )
+ return 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
+ end
+ highest_location = terrain_lookahead(current_location, wp_bearing, wp_distance, 0.5 * tecs_climb_max / ground_speed)
+ if highest_location == nil then
+ return 0.0, -1.0, 0.0
+ end
+ -- need to know how far ahead the highest location is and how much higher than the current
+ -- altitude to calculate a minimum required glide slope (which TECS already does)
+ highest_location:change_alt_frame(mavlink.ALT_FRAME.ABSOLUTE)
+ local altitude_difference = (highest_location:alt() * 0.01) + clearance - (current_location_amsl:alt() * 0.01)
+ if altitude_difference > 0 then
+ -- what is the pitch up requried to acheive that altitude?
+ local highest_distance = current_location_amsl:get_distance(highest_location)
+ pitch_required = math.deg(math.atan(altitude_difference,highest_distance))
+ -- the target location we need to hit needs to be AMSL to ensure we fly above terrain
+ alt_required_amsl = highest_location:alt() * 0.01
+ highest_alt_difference = altitude_difference
+ end
+ return pitch_required, alt_required_amsl, highest_alt_difference
+local function highest_arc_terrain(loiter_center, bearing_start, bearing_step, arc_max)
+ local next_increment = bearing_step
+ local highest_terrain = 0.0
+ while math.abs(next_increment) < arc_max do
+ local test_bearing = wrap_360(bearing_start + next_increment)
+ local loiter_edge = loiter_center:copy()
+ loiter_edge:offset_bearing(test_bearing, wp_loiter_rad)
+ local terrain_height = terrain:height_amsl(loiter_edge, true)
+ if terrain_height > highest_terrain then
+ highest_terrain = terrain_height or 0.0
+ end
+ next_increment = next_increment + bearing_step
+ end
+ return highest_terrain
+-- avoids upcoming terrain entering a loiter to altitude
+-- loiters either left or right depending on which is less likely to hit terrain
+avoid_terrain = function(target_alt_amsl) -- forward declaration above
+ -- calculate the highest location in an arc assuming that we loiter first right and then left
+ -- then we choose the one that has the lowest terrain either way
+ if current_location == nil then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT ..": avoid_terrain no current_location")
+ return
+ end
+ --gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT ..": avoid_terrain: " .. target_alt_amsl)
+ local direction
+ local loiter_center_left = current_location:copy()
+ local loiter_center_right = current_location:copy()
+ loiter_center_left:offset_bearing(wrap_360(current_bearing - 90), wp_loiter_rad)
+ loiter_center_right:offset_bearing(wrap_360(current_bearing + 90), wp_loiter_rad)
+ -- at a radius of WP_LOITER_RAD how many degrees is TERRAIN_SPACING
+ -- Central Angle = Arc length(AB) / Radius(OA) = (s × 360°) / 2πr
+ local spacing_degrees = (terrain_spacing * 360.0) / (2.0 * math.pi * wp_loiter_rad)
+ local highest_left_terrain = highest_arc_terrain(loiter_center_left, current_bearing, -spacing_degrees, 180)
+ local highest_right_terrain = highest_arc_terrain(loiter_center_right, current_bearing, spacing_degrees, 180)
+ local roll = ahrs:get_roll()
+ set_avoid_mode(FLIGHT_MODE.GUIDED)
+ -- loiter up to the requjired AMSL height, in the direction of lowest terrain
+ if highest_left_terrain < highest_right_terrain or roll < -30 then
+ mavlink.set_vehicle_target_location({lat = loiter_center_left:lat(),
+ lng = loiter_center_left:lng(),
+ alt = target_alt_amsl,
+ alt_frame = mavlink.ALT_FRAME.ABSOLUTE,
+ yaw = 1 })
+ direction = "left"
+ else
+ mavlink.set_vehicle_target_location({lat = loiter_center_right:lat(),
+ lng = loiter_center_right:lng(),
+ alt = target_alt_amsl,
+ alt_frame = mavlink.ALT_FRAME.ABSOLUTE,
+ yaw = -1 })
+ direction = "right"
+ end
+ -- Set an extra hight altitude to ensure the plane tries to climb as fast as possible
+ mavlink.set_vehicle_target_altitude({alt = target_alt_amsl + 100.0, alt_frame = mavlink.ALT_FRAME.ABSOLUTE})
+ mavlink.set_vehicle_speed({speed=airspeed_max})
+ return direction
+local switch_on = true
+local last_switch_state = -1
+local function activate()
+ switch_on = true
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT ..": activated")
+ pitch_last_good_timestamp = now
+local function deactivate()
+ switch_on = false
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT ..": deactivated")
+-- This method checks if the activation switch has been newly enabled or disabled
+local function check_activation_switch()
+ local switch_function = ZTA_ACT_FN:get()
+ if switch_function == nil then
+ return
+ end
+ local switch_state = rc:get_aux_cached(switch_function) or -1
+ if (switch_state ~= last_switch_state) then
+ if switch_state == 0 then -- switch Low to activate - so defaults to on
+ activate()
+ elseif switch_state == 2 then -- switch High to turn off
+ deactivate()
+ end
+ -- Don't know what to do with the 3rd switch position right now.
+ last_switch_state = switch_state
+ end
+-- this method checks that all the conditions for terrain avoidance are met
+local close_to_home = false
+local function terravoid_active()
+ if not switch_on then
+ return false
+ end
+ if not (arming:is_armed()) then
+ return false
+ end
+ if not(vehicle_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.AUTO or vehicle_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.GUIDED or
+ vehicle_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.RTL or vehicle_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.QRTL or
+ ((quading_active or airbrake_on) and (vehicle_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.QLOITER or vehicle_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.QHOVER))) then
+ return false
+ end
+ local home = ahrs:get_home()
+ local home_distance = 0.0
+ if home ~= nil and current_location ~= nil then
+ home_distance = home:get_distance(current_location) or 0.0
+ end
+ if home_distance ~= nil and home_distance_max ~= nil and home_distance < home_distance_max then
+ if not close_to_home then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": close to home")
+ close_to_home = true
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ if close_to_home then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": away from home")
+ end
+ close_to_home = false
+ return true
+local old_now = millis():tofloat() * 0.001
+-- main update function called by protected_wrapper REFRESH_RATE times per second
+local function update()
+ now = millis():tofloat() * 0.001
+ current_location = ahrs:get_location()
+ if current_location ~= nil then
+ current_altitude = current_location:alt() * 0.01
+ end
+ vehicle_mode = vehicle:get_mode()
+ current_location_target = vehicle:get_target_location()
+ current_bearing = vehicle:get_wp_bearing_deg() or -1
+ groundspeed_vector = ahrs:groundspeed_vector()
+ ground_speed = ahrs:groundspeed_vector():length()
+ -- save the previous target location only if in auto mode, if restoring it in AUTO mode
+ -- don't update it if already pitching or quading because the altitude change will mess up the history
+ if vehicle_mode == FLIGHT_MODE.AUTO and location_tracker ~= nil and not (pitching_active or quading_active) then
+ location_tracker.update()
+ end
+ -- make the pitching and quading parameters updatable in the air (refresh every second)
+ if math.floor(old_now) ~= math.floor(now) then
+ pitch_groundspeed_min = ZTA_PTCH_GSP_MIN:get()
+ pitch_down_min = ZTA_PTCH_DWN_MIN:get()
+ pitch_forward_min = ZTA_PTCH_FWD_MIN:get()
+ pitch_timeout = ZTA_PTCH_TIMEOUT:get()
+ home_distance_max = ZTA_HOME_DIST:get()
+ quad_down_min = ZTA_QUAD_DWN_MIN:get()
+ quad_forward_min = ZTA_QUAD_FWD_MIN:get()
+ altitude_max = ZTA_ALT_MAX:get()
+ groundspeed_max = ZTB_GSP_MAX:get() or -1
+ groundspeed_airbrake_limit = ZTB_GSP_AIRBRAKE:get() or 0
+ airspeed_min = AIRSPEED_MIN:get() or 5
+ airspeed_max = AIRSPEED_MAX:get() or 30
+ cmtc_alt_m = ZTB_CMTC_ALT:get()
+ if cmtc_alt_m == 0 then
+ cmtc_alt_m = pitch_down_min
+ end
+ cmtc_enable = ZTB_CMTC_ENABLE:get()
+ end
+ check_activation_switch()
+ if not terravoid_active() then
+ if quading_active then
+ stop_quading()
+ end
+ if pitching_active then
+ stop_pitching()
+ end
+ pitching_active = false
+ quading_active = false
+ cmtc_active = false
+ return
+ end
+ populate_rangefinder_values()
+ -- first decide if we are seriously close to the terrain and need to start quading
+ if not quading_active and not check_quading() then
+ if cmtc_enable ==1 and not cmtc_active then
+ -- lets check if our current flight path is likely to hit terrain
+ -- sometime soon, and if so we need to avoid it.
+ local pitch_required_deg, alt_required_amsl, terrain_diff = terrain_approaching(cmtc_alt_m)
+ if pitch_required_deg > (ptch_lim_max_deg * 0.5) then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.WARNING, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": Can't Make that climb", terrain_diff) )
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": CMTC pitch required %.0f deg", pitch_required_deg) )
+ -- need to fly OVER the highest point - with ZTB_CMTC_ALT clearance
+ start_cmtc(alt_required_amsl + cmtc_alt_m)
+ end
+ end
+ if not cmtc_active then
+ -- otherwise - lets see if we are close enough to need to start pitching
+ check_pitching()
+ end
+ end
+ if terrain_max_exceeded and not cmtc_active then
+ if quading_active then
+ stop_quading()
+ end
+ if pitching_active then
+ stop_pitching()
+ end
+ end
+ -- quading is the priority. If we are quading, do that, otherwise if we are pitching do that
+ if quading_active then
+ do_quading()
+ return
+ elseif pitching_active then
+ do_pitching()
+ return
+ elseif cmtc_active then
+ do_cmtc()
+ return
+ end
+ -- in "normal" flight we want to maintain a minimum forward groundspeed
+ if groundspeed_vector == nil then
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.NOTICE, string.format("%s: no groundspeed", SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT) )
+ else
+ local groundspeed_current = groundspeed_vector:length() or 0
+ if groundspeed_max > 0 and groundspeed_current > groundspeed_max then
+ -- if the groundspeed is too hign we need to slow down
+ slow_down({error = (groundspeed_max - groundspeed_current)})
+ elseif groundspeed_airbrake_limit ~= 0 then
+ slowdown_airbrake_end()
+ mavlink.set_vehicle_speed({}) -- special airspeed value meaning "default"
+ end
+ end
+-- wrapper around update(). This calls update() at 1/REFRESHRATE Hz,
+-- and if update faults then an error is displayed, but the script is not
+-- stopped
+local function protected_wrapper()
+ local success, err = pcall(update)
+ if not success then
+ gcs:send_text(0, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": Error: " .. err)
+ -- when we fault we run the update function again after 1s, slowing it
+ -- down a bit so we don't flood the console with errors
+ return protected_wrapper, 1000
+ end
+ return protected_wrapper, 1000 * REFRESH_RATE
+local function delayed_startup()
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("%s %s script loaded", SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_VERSION) )
+ return protected_wrapper()
+-- wait a bit for AP to come up then start running update loop
+if FWVersion:type() == 3 and q_enable == 1 and terrain_enable == 1 then
+ return delayed_startup, 1000 * STARTUP_DELAY
+ gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.NOTICE,string.format("%s: Must run on QuadPlane with terrain follow", SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT))
diff --git a/libraries/AP_Scripting/applets/quadplane_terrain_avoid.md b/libraries/AP_Scripting/applets/quadplane_terrain_avoid.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..b7a771f5c14b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/AP_Scripting/applets/quadplane_terrain_avoid.md
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# QuadPlane Terrain Avoidance
+ This script will detect if a quadplane following an Auto mission is likely to hit elevated terrain, such as
+ a small hill, cliff edge, high trees or other obstacles that might not show up in the OOTB STRM terrain model.
+ The code will attempt to avoid the impact by:-
+ - "Pitching" up if the plane can safely fly over the obstacle
+ - "Quading" up by switching to QuadPlane loiter mode (Quading) and gaining altitude using VTOL motors
+ - "CMTC" - can't make that climb. If the approaching terrain is higher than the plane can climb based on the
+ configured PTCH_LIM_MAX_DEG (divided by 2.0), then loiter to altitude before continuing.
+This code works best long range rangefinders such as the LightWare long range lidars that can measure
+ distances up to 90-95 meters away.
+ The terrain avoidance will be on by default but will not function at "home" or within ZTA_HOME_DIST meters
+ of home. The scripting function ZTA_ACT_FN can be used to disable terrain folling at any time
+ Terrain following will operate in modes Auto, Gukded, RTL and QRTL.
+The "Can't make that climb" (CMTC) feature will prevent ArduPlane from flying into terrain it does know about
+by calculating the required pitch to avoid terrain between the current location and the next waypoint including
+all points in between. If the pitch required is > PTCH_LIM_MAX_DEG / 2 then the code will perform a loiter to
+altitude, using fixed wing loiter, to acheive a safe altitude to avoid the terrain before continuing the mission.
+Note: Q_ASSIST should also be configured for best results ZTA_PTCH_DWN_MIN > Q_ASSIST_ALT > ZTA_QUAD_DWN_MIN
+# Parameters
+Beyond the normal Q_ASSIST parameters the script adds several additional parameters to
+control it's behaviour. The parameters are prefixed with ZTA and ZTB. The parameters are:
+An RC scripting function to disable terrain avoidance. It defaults to on.
+A circle around home (in meters), where terrain avoidance will not run.
+Allows for safe takeoff and landing at the home location.
+Maximum altitude above terrain that the plane can go to if avoiding terrain.
+Set this to avoid "flyways" usually caused by malfunctioning rangefinders.
+The minimum distance to the ground directly when pitching will start.
+The minimum distance forward where pitching will start. This requires
+a forward facing range finder best installed pointing at a 45 degree
+The minimum groundspeed to use pitching. If groundspeed is below this then
+pitching will not be attempted.
+The minimum distance to the ground directly when quading will start.
+Should be lower than ZTA_PTCH_DWN_MIN by at least 5m.
+The minimum distance forward where quadinging will start. This requires
+a forward facing range finder best installed pointing at a 45 degree
+angle. (the same one used by ZTA_PTCH_FWD_MIN)
+The maximum groundspeed to attempt to fly. For best results when doing
+magnetometry surveys ideally a steady groundspeed is required even
+in windy conditions. This attempts to acheive that.
+If the vehicle exceeds ZTB_GSP_MAX and slowing the motors (desired airspeed)
+isn't working then if this is set to 1, the script will attempt to use QHOVER
+to reduce airspeed. This doesn't work very well, so test it for your use case.
+It defaults to off.
+Enable the Can't Make That Climb (CMTC) feature, which will circle to gain altitude if
+the required pitch up to the next waypoint exceeds PTCH_LIM_MAX_DEG / 2
+If CMTC is enabled, uses this altidude as the clearance required above terrain altitude to
+use for CMTC calculation. If the plane can't make this number of meters clearance above the
+terrain between the current location and the next waypoint then CMTC will be engaged.
+# Operation
+Good TECS tuning of your aircraft is essential. The script relies
+on TECS to do all the work. Some parameters it refers to directly.
+This script operates by default and can be turned off in flight with
+a switch, or will disable it self if close to home (ZTA_HOME_DIST meters).
+Install the script in the APM/scripts folder on the SD card on your autopilot. Install the speedpi.lua
+and mavlink_cmdint.lua modules in the APM/scripts/modules folder on the same SD card. Configure
+the parmeters and set your transmitter with switch for ZTA_ACT_FN to allow disabling the function in the air.
diff --git a/libraries/AP_Scripting/docs/docs.lua b/libraries/AP_Scripting/docs/docs.lua
index 660c1650fa18ef..598ce9304c0dff 100644
--- a/libraries/AP_Scripting/docs/docs.lua
+++ b/libraries/AP_Scripting/docs/docs.lua
@@ -3043,7 +3043,6 @@ function terrain:status() end
---@return boolean
function terrain:enabled() end
-- RangeFinder state structure
---@class (exact) RangeFinder_State_ud
local RangeFinder_State_ud = {}
diff --git a/libraries/AP_Scripting/modules/mavlink_cmdint.lua b/libraries/AP_Scripting/modules/mavlink_cmdint.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..853c3738c72701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/AP_Scripting/modules/mavlink_cmdint.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ This ArduPilot lua module should be in stalled in a "modules" subdirectory under the scripts
+ directory on your SD card or execution directory in SITL.
+ This module provides wrapper functions for some commonly used Lua bindings
+ for MAVLink MAV_CMD command_int commands.
+local MAVLink = {}
+MAVLink.SCRIPT_VERSION = "4.6.0-003"
+MAVLink.SCRIPT_NAME = "MAVLink command_int module"
+-- these are the MAVLink altitude frames
+-- these are the ArduPilot Location::ALtFrame frames
+MAVLink.HEADING_TYPE = { COG = 0, HEADING = 1} -- COG = Course over Ground, i.e. where you want to go, HEADING = which way the vehicle points
+function MAVLink.NaN()
+ return 0/0
+MAVLink.previous_speed = -1
+function MAVLink.set_vehicle_speed(speed)
+ local new_speed = speed.speed or -2.0 -- special airspeed value meaning "default"
+ local speed_type = speed.type or MAV_SPEED_TYPE.AIRSPEED
+ local throttle = speed.throttle or 0.0
+ local slew = speed.slew or 0.0
+ if new_speed == MAVLink.previous_speed then
+ return
+ end
+ MAVLink.previous_speed = new_speed
+ if FWVersion:type() == 3 and vehicle_mode == MAVLink.PLANE_FLIGHT_MODE.GUIDED and
+ speed_type == MAVLink.SPEED_TYPE.AIRSPEED and speed.slew ~= 0 then
+ local mavlink_result = gcs:run_command_int(MAVLink.CMD_INT.GUIDED_CHANGE_SPEED, { frame = MAVLink.FRAME.GLOBAL,
+ p1 = speed_type,
+ p2 = new_speed,
+ p3 = slew })
+ if mavlink_result > 0 then
+ gcs:send_text(MAVLink.SEVERITY.ERROR, MAVLink.SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": MAVLink GUIDED_CHANGE_SPEED returned %d", mavlink_result))
+ return false
+ end
+ else
+ local mavlink_result = gcs:run_command_int(MAVLink.CMD_INT.DO_CHANGE_SPEED, { frame = MAVLink.FRAME.GLOBAL,
+ p1 = speed_type,
+ p2 = new_speed,
+ p3 = throttle })
+ if mavlink_result > 0 then
+ gcs:send_text(MAVLink.SEVERITY.ERROR, MAVLink.SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": MAVLink DO_CHANGE_SPEED returned %d", mavlink_result))
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+function MAVLink.set_vehicle_target_location(target)
+ local alt_frame = target.frame or MAVLink.ALT_FRAME.ABSOLUTE
+ local groundspeed = target.speed or -1
+ local bitmask = target.bitmask or 0
+ local radius = target.radius or 0
+ local yaw = target.yaw or MAVLink.NaN()
+ local mavlink_result = gcs:run_command_int(MAVLink.CMD_INT.DO_REPOSITION, {
+ frame = MAVLink.alt_frame_to_mavlink(alt_frame),
+ p1 = groundspeed,
+ p2 = bitmask,
+ p3 = radius,
+ p4 = yaw,
+ x = target.lat, y = target.lng, z = target.alt})
+ if mavlink_result > 0 then
+ gcs:send_text(MAVLink.SEVERITY.ERROR, MAVLink.SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": MAVLink DO_REPOSITION returned %d", mavlink_result))
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+function MAVLink.alt_frame_to_mavlink(alt_frame)
+ local mavlink_frame = MAVLink.FRAME.GLOBAL
+ if (alt_frame == MAVLink.ALT_FRAME.ABOVE_TERRAIN) then
+ mavlink_frame = MAVLink.FRAME.GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT
+ elseif (alt_frame == MAVLink.ALT_FRAME.ABOVE_HOME) then
+ end
+ return mavlink_frame
+function MAVLink.mavlink_frame_to_alt(mavlink_frame)
+ local alt_frame = MAVLink.ALT_FRAME.ABSOLUTE
+ if (mavlink_frame == MAVLink.FRAME.GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT or
+ mavlink_frame == MAVLink.FRAME.GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT) then
+ alt_frame = MAVLink.ALT_FRAME.ABOVE_HOME
+ elseif (mavlink_frame == MAVLink.FRAME.GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT or
+ mavlink_frame == MAVLink.FRAME.GLOBAL_TERRAIN_ALT_INT) then
+ end
+ return alt_frame
+function MAVLink.set_vehicle_target_altitude(target)
+ local velocity = target.velocity or 1000.0 -- default to maximum z acceleration
+ local alt = target.alt or nil
+ local alt_frame = target.alt_frame or MAVLink.ALT_FRAME.ABOVE_HOME
+ if alt == nil then
+ gcs:send_text(MAVLink.SEVERITY.ERROR, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. ": set_vehicle_target_altitude no altiude")
+ return
+ end
+ -- GUIDED_CHANGE_ALTITUDE takes altitude in meters
+ local mavlink_result = gcs:run_command_int(MAVLink.CMD_INT.GUIDED_CHANGE_ALTITUDE, {
+ frame = MAVLink.alt_frame_to_mavlink(alt_frame),
+ p3 = velocity,
+ z = alt })
+ if mavlink_result > 0 then
+ gcs:send_text(MAVLink.SEVERITY.ERROR, SCRIPT_NAME_SHORT .. string.format(": MAVLink GUIDED_CHANGE_ALTITUDE returned %d", mavlink_result))
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+return MAVLink
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libraries/AP_Scripting/modules/speedpi.lua b/libraries/AP_Scripting/modules/speedpi.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..60034062d7b006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/AP_Scripting/modules/speedpi.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
+ SpeedPI
+ A simple "PI" controller for airspeed. Copied from Andrew Tridgell's original
+ work on the ArduPilot Aerobatics Lua scripts.
+ Usage:
+ 1. drop it in the scripts/modules directory
+ 2. include in your own script using
+ local speedpi = requre("speedpi.lua")
+ 3. create an instance - you may need to tune the gains
+ local speed_controller = speedpi.speed_controller(0.1, 0.1, 2.5, airspeed_min, airspeed_max)
+ 4. call it's update() from your update() with the current airspeed and airspeed error
+ local airspeed_new = speed_controller.update(vehicle_airspeed, desired_airspeed - vehicle_airspeed)
+ 5. Set the vehicle airspeed based on the airspeed_new value returned from speedpi
+local SpeedPI = {}
+SpeedPI.SCRIPT_VERSION = "4.6.0-004"
+SpeedPI.SCRIPT_NAME = "Speed PI Controller"
+-- constrain a value between limits
+function SpeedPI.constrain(v, vmin, vmax)
+ if v < vmin then
+ v = vmin
+ end
+ if v > vmax then
+ v = vmax
+ end
+ return v
+function SpeedPI.PI_controller(kP,kI,iMax,min,max)
+ -- the new instance. You can put public variables inside this self
+ -- declaration if you want to
+ local self = {}
+ -- private fields as locals
+ local _kP = kP or 0.0
+ local _kI = kI or 0.0
+ local _iMax = iMax
+ local _min = min
+ local _max = max
+ local _last_t = nil
+ local _I = 0
+ local _P = 0
+ local _total = 0
+ local _counter = 0
+ local _target = 0
+ local _current = 0
+ local nowPI = millis():tofloat() * 0.001
+ -- update the controller.
+ function self.update(target, current)
+ local now = millis():tofloat() * 0.001
+ if not _last_t then
+ _last_t = now
+ end
+ local dt = now - _last_t
+ _last_t = now
+ local err = target - current
+ _counter = _counter + 1
+ local P = _kP * err
+ if ((_total < _max and _total > _min) or
+ (_total >= _max and err < 0) or
+ (_total <= _min and err > 0)) then
+ _I = _I + _kI * err * dt
+ end
+ if _iMax then
+ _I = SpeedPI.constrain(_I, -_iMax, iMax)
+ end
+ local I = _I
+ local ret = target + P + I
+ if math.floor(now) ~= math.floor(nowPI) then
+ nowPI = millis():tofloat() * 0.001
+ end
+ _target = target
+ _current = current
+ _P = P
+ ret = SpeedPI.constrain(ret, _min, _max)
+ _total = ret
+ return ret
+ end
+ -- reset integrator to an initial value
+ function self.reset(integrator)
+ _I = integrator
+ end
+ function self.set_I(I)
+ _kI = I
+ end
+ function self.set_P(P)
+ _kP = P
+ end
+ function self.set_Imax(Imax)
+ _iMax = Imax
+ end
+ -- log the controller internals
+ function self.log(name, add_total)
+ -- allow for an external addition to total
+ -- Targ = Current + error ( target airspeed )
+ -- Curr = Current airspeed input to the controller
+ -- P = calculated Proportional component
+ -- I = calculated Integral component
+ -- Total = calculated new Airspeed
+ -- Add - passed in as 0
+ logger.write(name,'Targ,Curr,P,I,Total,Add','ffffff',_target,_current,_P,_I,_total,add_total)
+ end
+ -- return the instance
+ return self
+ end
+function SpeedPI.speed_controller(kP_param, kI_param, iMax, sMin, sMax)
+ local self = {}
+ local speedpi = SpeedPI.PI_controller(kP_param, kI_param, iMax, sMin, sMax)
+ function self.update(spd_current, spd_error)
+ local adjustment = speedpi.update(spd_current + spd_error, spd_current)
+ speedpi.log("ZSPI", 0) -- Z = scripted, S = speed, PI = PI controller
+ return adjustment
+ end
+ function self.reset()
+ speedpi.reset(0)
+ end
+ return self
+gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("%s %s module loaded", SpeedPI.SCRIPT_NAME, SpeedPI.SCRIPT_VERSION) )
+return SpeedPI
\ No newline at end of file