A library for services and applications that need to generate Smart Asset Sharing Tokens (SST), a type of token that can be used to share the content and transfer rights of a smart asset on the Arianee protocol without losing ownership of the underlying smart asset.
npm install @arianee/token-provider
With older versions of npm, you may need to install the peer dependencies manually, see the peer depencies in the package.json
To generate a SST for the smart asset of id 123
owned by User A
and to be consumed by User B
, you need:
- a
instance of the smart asset owner (User A
) (to sign the permit721 transaction needed to generate the SST) - the public key of the spender (
User B
) (the address that will be allowed to transfer the smart asset using the generated SST) - the address of the permit721 contract (permit721 addresses deployed by arianee are well known and can be found in the contract addresses JSONs)
import { generateSST } from '@arianee/token-provider';
import { SmartAsset } from '@arianee/common-types';
import { Wallet } from '@arianee/wallet';
const core = Core.fromPrivateKey('0xSMART_ASSET_OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY...'); // Core instance of the smart asset owner (User A)
const wallet = new Wallet({
auth: {
const smartAsset = await wallet.smartAsset.get('testnet', {
id: '123',
}); // retrieve the smart asset with id 123 owned by User A (since the Wallet instance was initialized with the Core instance of User A, the smart asset can be retrieved without the view key)
const sst = await generateSST({
core: core,
smartAsset: smartAsset.data, // smart asset to generate a SST for
spender: '0xSPENDER_ADDRESS', // the address that will be able to transfer the smart asset using the SST
deadline: 3600, // OPTIONAL: the deadline of the SST in seconds (default is 30 days), you can use the `toDeadline` function of `@arianee/permit721-sdk` if needed
nonce: 0, // OPTIONAL: the nonce of the SST (default is a random number between 0 and 1^6)
permit721Address: '0xPERMIT_ADDRESS', // OPTIONAL: the address of the permit721 contract (default is `PERMIT721_ADDRESS` constant of `@arianee/permit721-sdk`)
Once generated, the SST can be consumed using the @arianee/service-provider