zzd is a hex dumper utility made in zig. It's a clone of the xxd program and the name is from a Low Level Learning video. Consider it my solution to this coding challenge.
This is not a full clone of xxd. It only implements the basic features of xxd. Also note that zzd does some things differently from xxd. For example: zzd has the same defaults regardless of mode unlike xxd. zzd is not stress tested either, so expect bugs to happen.
Use $ zig build-exe zzd.zig
to build the executable and use $ ./zzd [filename]
to make a hex dump. There are 8 flags available in zzd
zzd -h Display help message.
zzd [filename] -r Revert hex dump to binary.
zzd [filename] -u Upper-case hex letters.
zzd [filename] -c [columns] Bytes per line. Defaults to 16.
zzd [filename] -g [group_size] Bytes per group. Defaults to 2.
zzd [filename] -s [offset] Start dump at byte offset.
zzd [filename] -l [lines] Stop after dumping lines.
zzd [filename] -e Use little endian.