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D10105 - Vert.x Native, SharedData

Actually, shared client is not native client, but we wrapper a concept in vert.x named SharedData , this client used this concept provide following features.

  • Temporary storage of Map to store the data such as verification code etc.
  • Temporary storage of Map to store the data that will be used once.

1. Configuration

This chapter is duplicated with D10106 - Configuration, vertx-tp.yml, it's pre-condition to use SharedClient.

1.1. vertx.yml

In major configuration up.god.file, you must extend to vertx-tp.yml up.god.file to enable this configuration.

  lime: mongo,readible,secure,tp
    - name: vx-zero
        # Fix block 2000 limit issue.
        maxEventLoopExecuteTime: 30000000000

1.2. vertx-tp.yml

This up.god.file must contain shared data information, actually there is only one configuration node named shared,if you want to enable this feature you can set as following:

    async: true

1.3. vertx-inject.xml

The last configuration for shared data usage is that you must set inject in your configuration:


Once you have finished above three configuration, the shared data will be enabled.

2. Source Code

package up.god.micro;

import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.up.annotations.EndPoint;
import io.vertx.up.annotations.Plugin;


public class SharedActor {

    private transient SharedClient<String, String> sharedClient;

    public JsonObject sayShared() {
        return new JsonObject();

When you test this url, you should see following information in output console:

It means that you have got reference of SharedClient, then we'll move to some apis of SharedClient to see how to use this client in different situations.

3. Usage

3.1. Definition of ShareClient

Here shared client contains following definition:

public interface SharedClient<K, V> { ... }

Here are two generic types: K, V, these two types described key type and value type, that's why we could see following reference definition:

private transient SharedClient<String,String> ...

3.2. Get reference

Here are two important api to get reference of AsyncMap/LocalMap of vert.x as following:

     * Get reference of AsyncMap
    AsyncMap<K, V> fetchAsync();

     * Get reference of LocalMap
    LocalMap<K, V> fetchSync();

It means that some vert.x native developers want to use AsyncMap/LocalMap directly, in this situation you can call above two APIs to get reference.

But you must be careful about the configuration config -> async, in zero system you must use correct mode of SharedData that reflect to async , in other words, async = true, you can use AsyncMap, async = false, you can use LocalMap.

3.3. Switch Pool

In zero system, except the default shared pool, you also could switch to create new pool by following API:

    SharedClient<K, V> switchClient(final String name);

The new created SharedClient generic type K, V must be the same as original. The concept is as following:

You can use SharedClient create any new SharedClient, all the APIs belong to the client must impact each one in the same Data Pool. If you did not create any new SharedClient, the client must refer the default.

private static final String NAME = "ZERO_MAP_POOL";

3.4. Common APIs

The last APIs of SharedClient are as following:

    KeyPair<K, V> put(K key, V value);

    KeyPair<K, V> remove(K key);

    V get(K key);

    SharedClient<K, V> put(K key, V value, Handler<AsyncResult<KeyPair<K, V>>> handler);

    SharedClient<K, V> remove(K key, Handler<AsyncResult<KeyPair<K, V>>> handler);

    SharedClient<K, V> get(K key, Handler<AsyncResult<V>> handler);

Above six APIs described common operations such as put, remove, get by different mode ( async/sync ), these APIs is common used in HashMap and zero provide to developer to do some temp storage.

3.5. Once/Expired

Except common data pool, zero support two special map:

    KeyPair<K, V> put(K key, V value, int expiredSecs);
    SharedClient<K, V> put(K key, V value, int expiredSecs, Handler<AsyncResult<KeyPair<K, V>>> handler);

Here are additional int expiredSecs, it means that the key = value will be expired in expiredSecs seconds, it could be used to store some verification code ( by mobile ) or other data that should be expired duration limit seconds.

    V get(K key, boolean once);
    SharedClient<K, V> get(K key, boolean once, Handler<AsyncResult<V>> handler);

Another map is that when you get data from data pool, you can provide the parameter once, if it's false, the usage is the same as common API, if it's true, after you get the data from data pool, the key = value will be removed and it's once consume for developers.

4. Summary

This tutorial described the SharedData feature that zero system provided, it could be used in many business situations such as

  • Mobile verification code by sms ( The code must be expired in 30 seconds );
  • Authorization Code to exchange token ( The code must be used once );

Then you can consider to use the data map in your projects.