This chapter we'll move to list fetching operations, here are four apis listed in Ux.Jooq
class that could be used to fetch list.
<T> Future<List<T>> fetchAsync(String column, Object value)
<T> Future<List<T>> fetchInAsync(String column, Object... values)
<T> Future<List<T>> fetchAndAsync(JsonObject andFilters)
<T> Future<List<T>> fetchOrAsync(JsonObject orFilters)
Above four apis could be used to fetch the list by different conditions and all the conditions are frequently used in your real projects. This chapter we'll ignore the filter
explain, focus on basic usage and then we'll go forward to.
Demo projects:
- Standalone - 6093 :
package up.god.micro.fetch;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.up.annotations.Address;
import io.vertx.up.annotations.EndPoint;
public interface FetchListApi {
String fetchByType(@PathParam("type") String type);
JsonArray fetchByTypes(@BodyParam JsonArray types);
String fetchByMulti(@QueryParam("type") String type,
@QueryParam("code") String code);
package up.god.micro.fetch;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.up.unity.Ux;
import io.vertx.up.annotations.Address;
import io.vertx.up.annotations.Queue;
import io.vertx.up.commune.Envelop;
import javax.inject.Inject;
public class FetchListWorker {
private transient FetchStub stub;
public Future<JsonArray> fetchByType(final Envelop envelop) {
final String type = Ux.getString(envelop);
return this.stub.fetchByTypes(type);
public Future<JsonArray> fetchByTypes(final Envelop envelop) {
final JsonArray types = Ux.getArray(envelop);
return this.stub.fetchByTypes(types.getList().toArray());
public Future<JsonArray> fetchByMulti(final Envelop envelop) {
final String type = Ux.getString(envelop);
final String code = Ux.getString1(envelop);
final JsonObject filters = new JsonObject();
filters.put("S_TYPE", type).put("S_CODE", code);
return this.stub.fetchByFilters(filters);
Here we added two more methods in to interface definition: fetchByTypes
and fetchByFilters
package up.god.micro.fetch;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
public interface FetchStub {
Future<JsonObject> fetchByName(String name);
Future<JsonArray> fetchByTypes(Object... types);
Future<JsonArray> fetchByFilters(JsonObject filters);
package up.god.micro.fetch;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.up.unity.Ux;
import up.god.domain.tables.daos.SysTabularDao;
import up.god.domain.tables.pojos.SysTabular;
public class FetchService implements FetchStub {
public Future<JsonObject> fetchByName(final String name) {
return Ux.Jooq.on(SysTabularDao.class)
.<SysTabular>fetchOneAsync("S_NAME", name)
.compose(item -> Ux.thenJsonOne(item, "tabular"));
public Future<JsonArray> fetchByTypes(final Object... types) {
return Ux.Jooq.on(SysTabularDao.class)
.<SysTabular>fetchInAsync("S_TYPE", types)
.compose(item -> Ux.thenJsonMore(item, "tabular"));
public Future<JsonArray> fetchByFilters(final JsonObject filters) {
return Ux.Jooq.on(SysTabularDao.class)
.compose(item -> Ux.thenJsonMore(item, "tabular"));
Above example showed how to fetch list by different filters with condition, you can test with following:
URL : http://localhost:6093/api/tabular/list/by/preorder.category
Method : GET
Response :
"data": [
"key": 44,
"active": true,
"createTime": "2018-02-07T12:09:32",
"type": "preorder.category",
"code": "Personal",
"name": "散客预定",
"order": 1,
"sigma": "ENhwBAJPZuSgIAE5EDakR6yrIQbOoOPq",
"language": "cn"
"key": 45,
"active": true,
"createTime": "2018-02-07T12:09:32",
"type": "preorder.category",
"code": "Company",
"name": "团队预定",
"order": 2,
"sigma": "ENhwBAJPZuSgIAE5EDakR6yrIQbOoOPq",
"language": "cn"
URL : http://localhost:6093/api/tabular/list/by
Method : POST
Request :
Response :
"data": [
"key": 8,
"active": true,
"createTime": "2018-02-07T12:09:32",
"type": "room.status",
"code": "Operation",
"name": "可操作",
"jconfig": "{\"visible\":false}",
"order": 1,
"sigma": "ENhwBAJPZuSgIAE5EDakR6yrIQbOoOPq",
"language": "cn"
URL : http://localhost:6093/api/tabular/list/multi?code=Single&type=code.pricecat
Method : GET
Response :
"data": [
"key": 2,
"active": true,
"createTime": "2018-02-07T12:09:32",
"type": "code.pricecat",
"code": "Single",
"name": "散客执行价",
"order": 2,
"sigma": "ENhwBAJPZuSgIAE5EDakR6yrIQbOoOPq",
"language": "cn"
This chapter described that how to fetch list from database by different conditions, based on the examples you could know how to fetch list from database. Next chapter we'll introduce the filter details, actually andFilters
and orFilters
are both JsonObject, but there are some specific syntax that zero defined for developers to build complex filters.