The beginning of the README.rst for this GitHub repository showed a screenshot of a Mac computer displaying simultaneous video streams from 8 Raspberry Pi cameras:
This display was generated by running
on 8
Raspberry Pi computers with PiCamera modules and running
on a single Mac. Here is a more detailed
description of the test programs and how they work. There is also an example
below describing a matching pair of programs that generates the same display
by using the PUB/SUB messaging pattern.
The Raspberry Pi computers send images and the Mac computer displays them. The imageZMQ python classes transport the images between the computers. There can be a single Raspberry Pi sending images, or there can be 8 or more. There is always exactly one computer (a Mac in this example) receiving and displaying the images. In ZMQ parlance, the Raspberry Pi computers are acting as clients sending requests (REQ) and the Mac is acting as the server sending back replies (REP). Each "request" from the Raspberry Pi is a 2 part message consisting of an OpenCV image and the Raspberry Pi hostname. Each "reply" sent by the Mac message is an "OK" that tells the Raspberry Pi that it can send another image.
ZMQ is a powerful messaging library that allows many patterns for sending and receiving messages. imageZMQ provides access to both REQ/REP and PUB/SUB ZMQ messaging patterns. The 2 patterns differ in how they are used, as described below. Pay particular attention to the way the addresses of the senders and hubs are handled in the 2 patterns. The "8 RPi's streaming to and displaying on 1 Mac" example above can be done with either the REQ/REP messaging patern or the PUB/SUB messaging pattern. But the tcp addresses are specified differently in each.
When using the REQ/REP (request/reply) pattern, every time a Raspberry Pi sends an image, it waits for an "OK" reply from the Mac before sending another image. It also means that there can be multiple Raspberry Pi computers sending messages to the Mac at the same time, since the ZMQ REQ/REP pattern allows many clients to send REQ messages to a single REP server. With each image sent, the Raspberry Pi sends an identifier (the Raspberry Pi hostname, in these test programs), so that the Mac can display the images from each Raspberry Pi in a different window using cv2.imshow(). This works because cv2.imshow() opens a new display window for each image based on a unique name. That way all the images for "RPi10" show up in 1 window, and all the images for "RPi06" show up in another windwow, etc. In larger imagenode / imageZMQ / imagehub projects, this same approach uses the text portion of each imageZMQ message pair to specify image source and other image properties.
Let's look at the Python code in the Raspberry Pi sending program:
1 # run this program on each RPi to send a labelled image stream
2 import socket
3 import time
4 from import VideoStream
5 import imagezmq
7 sender = imagezmq.ImageSender(connect_to='tcp://jeff-macbook:5555')
9 rpi_name = socket.gethostname() # send unique RPi hostname with each image
10 picam = VideoStream(usePiCamera=True).start()
11 time.sleep(2.0) # allow camera sensor to warm up
12 while True: # send images as stream until Ctrl-C
13 image =
14 sender.send_image(rpi_name, image)
Lines 2 to 5 import the Python packages we will be using. Line 7 instantiates an ImageSender class from imageZMQ. Line 9 sets rpi_name to the hostname of the Raspberry Pi. This will keep each Raspberry Pi's image stream in a separate window on the Mac (provided that each Raspberry Pi has a unique hostname). Line 10 starts a VideoSteam from the PiCamera. Line 11 allows the PiCamera sensor to warm up (if we grab the first frame from the PiCamera without this warmup time, it will fail with an error). Line 12 begins a forever loop of 2 lines: Line 13 reads a frame from the PiCamera into the image variable. Line 14 uses imageZMQ's send_image method to send the Raspberry Pi hostname and the image to the Mac. These "read and send" lines repeat until Ctrl-C is pressed to stop the program. This effectively sends a continuous stream of images (up to 32 images per second) to the Mac, with each image labeled with the hostname of the Raspberry Pi that is sending it. If there are multiple Raspberry Pi computers sending images at the same time, the Mac receiving the images is able to sort them to labelled windows because of the unique Raspberry Pi hostname sent with each image.
Notice that the "connect_to" address is the address of the Mac hub, which is the same for every RPi, since they are all sending to the same Mac hub. That means we can copy this same program to all 8 RPi's in our demonstration and we only need to know one "connect_to" address -- the address of the Mac Hub.
Now, lets look at the Python code on the Mac (or other display computer):
1 # run this program on the Mac to display image streams from multiple RPis
2 import cv2
3 import imagezmq
5 image_hub = imagezmq.ImageHub()
6 while True: # show streamed images until Ctrl-C
7 rpi_name, image = image_hub.recv_image()
8 cv2.imshow(rpi_name, image) # 1 window for each RPi
9 cv2.waitKey(1)
10 image_hub.send_reply(b'OK')
Lines 2 and 3 import the Python packages we will be using: cv2 (OpenCV) and
imageZMQ. Line 5 instantiates an ImageHub class from imageZMQ.
Line 6 begins a forever loop: line 7 receives an rpi_name and an image
from imageZMQ's recv_image method. Line 8 shows the image in a display
window with a window title of rpi_name. Line 9 waits for a millisecond,
then line 10 sends the required "reply" back to the Raspberry Pi per the ZMQ
REQ/REP pattern. Lines 9 and 10 repeatedly receive and display images as they
come in. The cv2.imshow()
method displays each image received in a window
corresponding to the window name. If all the images come from a single
rpi_name, then all the image streams will appear in a single window. But if
the income stream has images from multiple rpi_name's, then cv2.imshow()
automatically sorts the images by rpi_name into unique windows. Thus, if
3 Raspberry Pi computers are sending images, the images will be displayed in
3 separate windows with each one labelled by its rpi_name. The ZMQ library
is fast enough to make these 3 streams of images appear as 3 continuous video
streams in separate windows. To create the picture at the top of this page, 8
Raspberry Pi computers were sending images to a single Mac. The picture is a
screenshot of the Mac's display with the 8 cv2.imshow()
windows arranged
in 2 rows.
Notice that we do not have to specify any "connect_to" address for the Mac hub. The default localhost address is fine and is the same for every RPi that will be connecting to this Mac in the REQ/REP messaging pattern. The way addresses are specified is an important difference between the REQ/REP messaging pattern and the PUB/SUB messaging pattern.
The above example that uses REQ/REP pattern has one important feature that can be a huge disadvantage in certain scenarios: sending images in this pattern is a blocking operation.
This means that if a Hub stops responding or simply disconnects the sender will
stop at the send_image()
method until it receives a REP response from the Hub.
This is useful if the sender wants explicit acknowledgement of every single
frame that is sent. But it can cause the sender to freeze up if there is any
problem with the Hub or the network. The application code for any image sender
using REQ/REP must include specific code to deal with any lack of a timely
response from the Hub.
If this is not desirable in your application, you can use PUB/SUB (publish/subscribe) pattern. Subscribers can connect and disconnect to publisher (sender) at any time. No REP reply is sent or expected in the PUB/SUB messaging pattern.
When using PUB/SUB mode, the image sender creates a ZMQ PUB socket, but images are pushed to the socket only if at least one subscriber is connected to this socket. If there are no subscribers, then the images are discarded immediately and execution continues.
Here is a PUB/SUB example. The code of the sender is pretty similar to the previous REQ/REP example:
1 import socket
2 import time
3 from import VideoStream
4 import imagezmq
6 # Accept connections on all tcp addresses, port 5555
7 sender = imagezmq.ImageSender(connect_to='tcp://*:5555', REQ_REP=False)
9 rpi_name = socket.gethostname() # send RPi hostname with each image
10 picam = VideoStream(usePiCamera=True).start()
11 time.sleep(2.0) # allow camera sensor to warm up
12 while True: # send images until Ctrl-C
13 image =
14 sender.send_image(rpi_name, image)
15 # The execution loop will continue even if no subscriber is connected
Notice that there is different pattern for the connect_to
argument. It does
not need to specify a specific address for the Hub, because the hub will the
side doing the job of connecting to this sender. Which, of course, means that
the hub will need the address of this sender and also the address of every other
Notice we also have a new REQ_REP=False
argument in line 8. Since REQ/REP is
the default argument in imageZMQ, this is the way to specify PUB/SUB as the
desired messaging protocol.
Receiver Hub example code:
1 import cv2
2 import imagezmq
4 # Instantiate and provide the first sender / publisher address
5 image_hub = imagezmq.ImageHub(open_port='tcp://', REQ_REP=False)
6 image_hub.connect('tcp://')
7 # image_hub.connect('tcp://') # must specify address for every sender
8 # image_hub.connect('tcp://') # repeat as needed
10 while True: # show received images
11 rpi_name, image = image_hub.recv_image()
12 cv2.imshow(rpi_name, image) # 1 window for each unique RPi name
13 cv2.waitKey(1)
The receiver code is very similar to REQ/REP example, however there are several important differences.
Note that in Line 7, we have to know IP address of the sender in order to
connect to it. In REQ/REP case the direction of connection was opposite - the
sender had to know address of the recipient. Also, we must use REQ_REP=False
parameter to specify that we are using the PUB/SUB messaging pattern.
Also note that we have no send_reply line like the
line in the REQ/REP example. The PUB/SUB
messaging pattern does not send or expect REP replies.
Also note that we need to specify EVERY IP address for EVERY sender we wish to
subscribe to. To duplicate the original example of having 8 RPi's sending images
to a single Mac Hub, we will need the 8 RPi address. So in the case of the
REQ/REP pattern we only need to know 1 IP address: the address of the Mac Hub,
which is the same for every RPi sender. But in the PUB/SUB messaging pattern,
the ImageHub must know the address of every PUB sender. The first PUB sender
address is specified in the ImageHub instantiation on line 7. The remainder of
the PUB sender addresses are specified using a ImageHub connect
method, as
illustrated in line 8. It would take 7 additional lines of code that specifiy
the addresses of all the RPi's to replicate our example displayed above.
The REQ/REP and PUB/SUB messaging patterns both have advantages and disadvantages. You can learn more about them here: REQ/REP versus PUB/SUB Messaging Patterns
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