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Releases: BentoBoxWorld/Level

Release 1.8.0

21 Oct 02:55
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This release has a config file that includes all the new 1.14.x server blocks. It will still work on 1.13.x servers but you will see warnings on startup for the unknown blocks. You can delete the lines from the config if you like, or leave them until you upgrade. :-)


Works on BentoBox 1.6.0 onwards compatible with Server version 1.13.2 and 1.14.2.



  • 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • 🔺 special attention needed.


  • Config now has 1.14.x blocks in it by default.


  • World settings in config were not used.
  • World-specific block values in console were not reported correctly.
  • 🔡🔺Renamed locales for GitLocalize. Use these files from now on.


  1. Stop server.
  2. Copy this jar into the addons folder and remove the old jar.
  3. (Optional) Move your old Levels config.yml to config.old so that a new one can be generated if you want to upgrade to 1.14.x blocks.
  4. Restart the server
  5. (Optional) Copy over your old block settings to the new config.yml and reload (/bbox reload)

Release 1.6.0

16 Aug 21:17
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This release goes with the BentoBox 1.6.0 release and uses its API.


Works on BentoBox 1.6.0 and compatible with Server version 1.13.2 and 1.14.2.



  • 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • 🔺 special attention needed.


  • ⚙️Add ability to specify how much chunks should be loaded at the same tick. Advanced feature for admins.
  • 🔡Added Latvian - credit @BONNe
  • 🔡Added Turkish - credit Fenish
  • 🔡Added French - credit plagoutte
  • ⚙️Added shorthand way to represent large island levels, e.g. 10.3k, etc.
  • ⚙️Added level calculation on login option
  • ⚙️Added option to include nether and end island islands in the calculations
  • ⚙️AIR can now have a value - useful for CaveBlock maybe


  • Chunks are no longer loaded when preparing level calculations - should reduce lag
  • New island death count was being cleared so players still had negative levels
  • Double slabs were not being counted correctly
  • Unknown player [name] fixed


  1. Stop server. Make sure BentoBox is 1.6.0 or higher
  2. Copy this jar into the addons folder and remove the old jar.
  3. Move your old Levels config.yml to config.old so that a new one can be generated
  4. Restart the server
  5. (Optional) Copy over your old block settings to the new config.yml and reload (/bbox reload)

1.5.0 Release

15 May 22:54
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This release goes with the BentoBox 1.5.0 release and uses its API.


Works on BentoBox 1.5.0 or higher and compatible with Server version 1.13.2 and 1.14.2.

Config.yml is still for 1.13.x but can be updated to cover 1.14.2 blocks manually. The next version will have 1.14.x blocks in it.



  • 🔡 locale files may need to be regenerated or updated.
  • ⚙️ config options have been removed, renamed or added.
  • 🔺 special attention needed.



  • 🔡 Spanish locale. Credit @SrAcosta


  1. Stop server. Make sure the server is 1.5.0.
  2. Copy this jar into the addons folder and remove the old jar.
  3. Restart the server

1.4.0 Release

29 Mar 03:53
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Level 1.4.0 is updated to work on BentoBox 1.4.0.




  • Adds the value command to show the value of the block in the player's hand. (Credit poma123)
  • Adds an API TopTenRequestHandler, a new data Request Handler for Level add-on, which requires world-name in input and returns: and empty map, if input is invalid or a LinkedHashMap from TopTenData object for the given world.


  • [Minor] if an island becomes unowned while the level is being calculated, a console error could occur.


  1. Stop server.
  2. Copy this jar into the addons folder and remove the old jar.
  3. Restart the server

Update for 1.3.0

24 Feb 17:18
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This is an update to go with BentoBox release 1.3.0.

Change Log

To be done

Update for BentoBox Alpha 13 (0.18.0)

23 Dec 20:28
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Updated to work with BentoBox Alpha 13.

  • Added zh-CN translation.
  • Added a trial generic event to expose add-on data as K,V pairs.
  • Fixed NPE when typing /is top in the console (#24 @BONNe).
  • Fixed /admin top command messages.
  • Updated to Spigot 1.13.2.
  • Moved and renamed commands (e.g.: IslandTop -> IslandTopCommand). The old ones are just deprecated.
  • Added an AddonRequestHandler (see BentoBoxWorld/BentoBox#400) called island-level to allow external plugins to get the island level of a player.

"The Flattening" (BentoBox Alpha 5)

01 Nov 09:49
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Updated to work with BentoBox Alpha 5.

  • Level is now available on CodeMC's Maven repository, go check it out!
  • Maven POM properties and package names are now updated accordingly to our distribution management
  • Fixed this addon being called "BentoBox-Level". ⚠️This may cause some minor data loss !

Using new add-on API

28 Dec 03:19
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Using new add-on API Pre-release

This version uses the BSkyBlock add-on API. Place it in the addons folder.

WIP Level add-on for BSkyBlock

26 Dec 16:59
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Copy into the regular plugins folder and run with BSkyBlock.

Level works in console and as player.
Top does not work yet.