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English Documentation

xiaosongzeem edited this page Mar 14, 2017 · 52 revisions


This is a library for android to pick date or options like IOS system WheelView widget. and support for the linkage, dialog . It's very easy to use , and you also can customize layout, which make it very customizable.

  • there are two options called OptionsPickerView and TimePickerView

  • OptionsPickerView supports three levels of linkage

  • TimePickerView support selection date range

  • support "year, month, day, hour, minute, second", "provincial, city, district" and other options of the unit (label) show or hide and customize label.

  • supports custom text, color, text size, etc.

  • If Item text length is too long, it will be adapted to the length of the Item to avoid the problem of incomplete display

How to use

1.Add the dependency:


compile 'com.contrarywind:Android-PickerView:3.1.0'

2.Add the following code in your Activity:

 pvTime = new TimePickerView.Builder(this, new TimePickerView.OnTimeSelectListener() {
            public void onTimeSelect(Date date,View v) {//Callback
 pvOptions = new  OptionsPickerView.Builder(this, new OptionsPickerView.OnOptionsSelectListener() {
            public void onOptionsSelect(int options1, int option2, int options3 ,View v) {
                String tx = options1Items.get(options1).getPickerViewText()
                        + options2Items.get(options1).get(option2)
                        + options3Items.get(options1).get(option2).get(options3).getPickerViewText();

 //pvOptions.setPicker(options1Items, options2Items);
 pvOptions.setPicker(options1Items, options2Items, options3Items);; 

Just so easy ~

If the default style does not meet your expectations, You can also customize attributes to apply

Customize Useage:

 Calendar selectedDate = Calendar.getInstance();
 Calendar startDate = Calendar.getInstance();
 Calendar endDate = Calendar.getInstance();

 pvTime = new TimePickerView.Builder(this, new TimePickerView.OnTimeSelectListener() {
            public void onTimeSelect(Date date,View v) {//Callback
                .setType(TimePickerView.Type.ALL)//default all
                .setOutSideCancelable(false)// default is true
                .isCyclic(true)// default is false
                .setTitleBgColor(0xFF666666)//Night mode
                .setBgColor(0xFF333333)//Night mode
                .setRange(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 20, calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) + 20)//default 1900-2100 years 
                .setDate(selectedDate)// default is System time
pvOptions = new  OptionsPickerView.Builder(this, new OptionsPickerView.OnOptionsSelectListener() {
            public void onOptionsSelect(int options1, int option2, int options3 ,View v) {
                String tx = options1Items.get(options1).getPickerViewText()
                        + options2Items.get(options1).get(option2)
                        + options3Items.get(options1).get(option2).get(options3).getPickerViewText();
                .setTitleBgColor(0xFF666666)//Night mode
                .setBgColor(0xFF444444)//Night mode
                .setLabels("province", "city", "district")
                .setCyclic(false, false, false)
                .setSelectOptions(0, 0, 0)  //default options
                .setOutSideCancelable(false)//dismiss, default is true

        pvOptions.setPicker(options1Items, options2Items, options3Items);

Customize Layout:

  private void initCustomTimePicker() {
        // be careful:In the custom layout, the layout of the ID for optionspicker 
        // or TimePicker and its child widget must not be modified, 
        // otherwise  will be reported NullPointerException
        // Please refer to the two custom layouts in demo 

        Calendar selectedDate = Calendar.getInstance();//System current time
        Calendar startDate = Calendar.getInstance();
        Calendar endDate = Calendar.getInstance();
        pvCustomTime = new TimePickerView.Builder(this, new TimePickerView.OnTimeSelectListener() {
            public void onTimeSelect(Date date, View v) {//call back
        })      .setType(TimePickerView.Type.YEAR_MONTH_DAY)
                .setLayoutRes(R.layout.pickerview_custom_time, new CustomListener() {

                    public void customLayout(View v) {
                        final TextView tvSubmit = (TextView) v.findViewById(;
                        ImageView ivCancel = (ImageView) v.findViewById(;
                        tvSubmit.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                            public void onClick(View v) {
                        ivCancel.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                            public void onClick(View v) {

If there is still doubt about you, pelase refer to the Demo code, or New Issue to me