Name | Type | Description | Notes |
alert_on_liquidations | bool | [optional] | |
animations_enabled | bool | [optional] | |
announcements_last_seen | datetime | [optional] | |
chat_channel_id | float | [optional] | |
color_theme | str | [optional] | |
currency | str | [optional] | |
debug | bool | [optional] | |
disable_emails | list[str] | [optional] | |
disable_push | list[str] | [optional] | |
display_corp_enroll_upsell | bool | [optional] | |
equivalent_currency | str | [optional] | |
features | list[str] | [optional] | |
favourites | list[str] | [optional] | |
favourites_assets | list[str] | [optional] | |
favourites_ordered | list[str] | [optional] | |
favourite_bots | list[str] | [optional] | |
has_set_trading_currencies | bool | [optional] | |
hide_confirm_dialogs | list[str] | [optional] | |
hide_connection_modal | bool | [optional] | |
hide_from_leaderboard | bool | [optional] [default to False] | |
hide_name_from_leaderboard | bool | [optional] [default to True] | |
hide_pnl_in_guilds | bool | [optional] [default to False] | |
hide_roi_in_guilds | bool | [optional] [default to False] | |
hide_notifications | list[str] | [optional] | |
hide_phone_confirm | bool | [optional] [default to False] | |
is_sensitive_info_visible | bool | [optional] | |
is_wallet_zero_balance_hidden | bool | [optional] | |
locale | str | [optional] [default to 'en-US'] | |
locale_set_time | float | [optional] | |
margin_pnl_row | str | [optional] | |
margin_pnl_row_kind | str | [optional] | |
mobile_locale | str | [optional] | |
msgs_seen | list[str] | [optional] | |
notifications | object | [optional] | |
options_beta | bool | [optional] | |
order_book_binning | object | [optional] | |
order_book_type | str | [optional] | |
order_clear_immediate | bool | [optional] [default to False] | |
order_controls_plus_minus | bool | [optional] | |
platform_layout | str | [optional] | |
selected_fiat_currency | str | [optional] | |
show_chart_bottom_toolbar | bool | [optional] | |
show_locale_numbers | bool | [optional] [default to True] | |
sounds | list[str] | [optional] | |
spacing_preference | str | [optional] | |
strict_ip_check | bool | [optional] [default to False] | |
strict_timeout | bool | [optional] [default to True] | |
ticker_group | str | [optional] | |
ticker_pinned | bool | [optional] | |
trade_layout | str | [optional] | |
user_color | str | [optional] |