- Apply all deployments:
kubectl kustomize k8s | kubectl apply -f -
- Delete all deployments:
kubectl delete pods --all
- Create directory called
in the root of the project - Create directory in
- Create directory in
Now, when we specify the PV and PVC, we can use the hostPath
to specify the path to the directory we just created.
This allows us to have a persistent volume that is not tied to a specific node.
- Creating secrets from .web-env.kubernetes
kubectl create secret generic web-env --from-env-file=./.web-env.kubernetes
- Creating db secrets from .db-credentials.kubernetes
kubectl create secret generic db-credentials --from-env-file=./.db-credentials.kubernetes
- Creating NGINX ConfigMap from ./nginx/nginx.conf
kubectl create configmap nginx-config --from-file=./nginx/nginx.conf
kubectl exec -it <web-pod-name> -- python manage.py makemigrations
kubectl exec -it <web-pod-name> -- python manage.py migrate
kubectl exec -it <web-pod-name> -- python manage.py collectstatic --no-input