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The Brainrot Programming Language

A Meme-Fueled Journey into Compiler Design, Internet Slang, and Skibidi Toilets

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword
  2. Introduction
  3. What Is Brainrot?
  4. Installation and Requirements
  5. Building the Compiler
  6. Basic Usage
  7. Language Reference
    • 7.1. Keywords
    • 7.2. Operators
    • 7.3. Control Flow (if, for, while, do-while, switch)
    • 7.4. Declarations and Variables (rizz)
    • 7.5. Return Statements (bussin)
    • 7.6. Built-In Functions
    • 7.7. User Defined Functions
  8. Extended User Documentation
    • 8.1. yapping
    • 8.2. yappin
    • 8.3. baka
    • 8.4. ragequit
    • 8.5. chill
  9. Limitations
  10. Known Issues
  11. Cultural Context: The Rise of ‘Brain Rot’
  12. Meme Culture, Oxford Word of the Year, and Brainrot
  13. Contributing
  14. License
  15. Closing Thoughts

1. Foreword

“What if there was a programming language that replaced every single keyword with internet slang?” That single question captures the essence of Brainrot: a meme-inspired, C-like language that breaks all expectations (and possibly your sanity). Originally built as a playful experiment, Brainrot demonstrates that, with enough Flex, Bison, and questionable design decisions, you can turn your wildest meme dreams into compilable code.

2. Introduction

Brainrot might not be the language you asked for, but it might just be the language you need—especially if you’re looking for a hilarious way to learn about lexical analysis and parsing. The entire approach is to replace traditional C keywords with slang from TikTok, Gen Z memes, and beyond:

  • skibidi for void
  • rizz for int
  • flex for for
  • bussin for return
  • goon for while
  • mewing for 'do'
  • and so on...

What’s the result? A language that looks thoroughly bizarre yet compiles into something resembling real (albeit comedic) logic. It’s a testament to how robust compiler design is—once you set up the grammar, your code can say practically anything it wants, so long as it follows syntactic rules.

3. What Is Brainrot?

Brainrot is a meme-inspired programming language, described by some as “the supposed deterioration of a person’s mental or intellectual state.” Of course, that’s part of the joke! The real intent is to offer an irreverent but educational environment for exploring how compilers work, how tokens are defined, and how parse trees are built. Instead of standard C, you’ll be greeted by keywords like:

  • skibidi main: The entry point (like int main()).
  • flex (i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1): A for loop, but more ridiculous.
  • bussin 0;: The return 0; you’re used to—but with none of the seriousness.

Everything is overshadowed by the comedic vibe that references modern internet slang. The “brain rot” concept stands for the comedic notion that these memes can degrade your intellectual faculties—yet ironically, you still have to know how compilers work to build Brainrot.

4. Installation and Requirements

To compile Brainrot from source, you’ll need:

  • GCC (GNU Compiler Collection)
  • Flex (Fast Lexical Analyzer)
  • Bison (Parser Generator)

Installation commands vary by platform:


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc flex bison libfl-dev

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S gcc flex bison

macOS (via Homebrew)

brew install gcc flex bison

Note: If you encounter libfl issues on macOS, you may need to locate and symlink libfl.dylib manually, as outlined in the README.

5. Building the Compiler

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd brainrot
  2. Generate the parser and lexer:
    bison -d -Wcounterexamples lang.y -o
    flex -o lang.lex.c lang.l
  3. Compile:
    gcc -o brainrot lex.yy.c ast.c -lfl
  4. Alternatively, run:
    This will produce the brainrot executable if everything goes smoothly.

6. Basic Usage

To run your first Brainrot program:

  1. Create a file (e.g., hello.brainrot):
    skibidi main {
        yapping("Hello, World!");
        bussin 0;
  2. Execute it:
    ./brainrot hello.brainrot
    The compiler interprets the code, prints “Hello, World!”, and ends with bussin 0 (akin to return 0;).

7. Language Reference

7.1. Keywords

Brainrot replaces familiar C keywords with meme-inspired slang:

Brainrot C Equivalent
skibidi void
rizz int
cap bool
cooked auto
flex for
bussin return
edgy if
amogus else
goon while
bruh break
grind continue
chad float
gigachad double
yap char
deadass const
sigma rule case
based default
mewing do
gyatt enum
whopper extern
cringe goto
giga long
smol short
nut signed
maxxing sizeof
salty static
gang struct
ohio switch
chungus union
nonut unsigned
schizo volatile
W true
L false
thicc long long
rant string type
lit typedef

7.2. Operators

Brainrot supports common arithmetic and logical operators:

  • + Addition
  • - Subtraction
  • * Multiplication
  • / Division
  • % Modulus
  • <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=
  • = Assignment
  • && Logical AND
  • || Logical OR
  • ! Logical NOT (depending on grammar rules)
  • ++ Increment:
    • Pre-Increment (++i): Increments the value of i by 1 before it is used in an expression.
    • Post-Increment (i++): Uses the current value of i, then increments it by 1.
  • -- Decrement:
    • Pre-Decrement (--i): Decrements the value of i by 1 before it is used in an expression.
    • Post-Decrement (i--): Uses the current value of i, then decrements it by 1.

7.3. Control Flow

  1. If/Else
    edgy (condition) {
        // if-true block
    amogus {
        // else block
  2. While
    goon (i < 5) {
        // loop body
  3. Do-While
    mewing {
        // loop body
    } goon (i < 5);
  4. For
    flex (init_expr; condition; increment) {
        // loop body
  5. Switch
    ohio (expression) {
        sigma rule value:
            // case body
            // default case

7.4. Declarations and Variables (rizz)

  • rizz i = 0; declares an integer variable i, assigned 0.
  • i = i + 1; increments i by 1, following typical C expression syntax.

7.5. Return Statements (bussin)

  • bussin expression; to end the main function (or any function, if you extend the language).
  • Example:
    bussin 0;

7.6. Built-In Functions

  • yapping: prints text and automatically appends a newline.
  • yappin: prints text without adding a newline.
  • baka: prints to stderr, typically used for errors/warnings.
  • ragequit: terminates program execution immediately with the provided exit code.
  • chill: sleep for a integer number of seconds.
  • slorp: reads user input, similar to scanf but safe.

7.7. User Defined Function

Defining a function in brainrot follows the same pattern as the C programming language: return_type func_name(param_type param_name) {}


cap is_prime(rizz n) {
    edgy(n < 2) {
        bussin L;
    flex(rizz i = 2; i * i <= n; i++) {
        edgy(n % i == 0) {
            bussin L;
    bussin W;



  • Function definition:
    • cap: return type (bool)
    • is_prime: function name
    • n: parameter

Usage Example:

cap isPrime = is_prime(11)

8. Extended User Documentation

8.1. yapping

void yapping(const char* format, ...);
  • Similar to printf, but always appends its own newline after printing.
  • If you include \n in format, expect two line breaks in total.


yapping("Value: %d", 10);
// Output => "Value: 10\n"

8.2. yappin

void yappin(const char* format, ...);
  • Similar to printf but no extra newline is added.
  • Perfect for building partial lines or for more granular control of output formatting.


yappin("Hello ");
// Output => "Hello World!\n"

8.3. baka

void baka(const char* format, ...);
  • Prints error messages to stderr.
  • Does not automatically add a newline (unless your format string includes one).
  • Great for logs, warnings, and error messages.


baka("Error: undefined variable %s\n", varName);

8.4. ragequit

void ragequit(int exit_code);
  • Terminates program execution immediately with the provided exit code.
  • No additional output is printed unless explicitly added before the ragequit call.



8.5. chill

void chill(unsigned int seconds);
  • Sleeps for a specified number of seconds (must be an unsigned integer)



8.6. slorp

void slorp(var_type var_name);
  • Reads user input


skibidi main {
    rizz num;
    yapping("Enter a number:");
    yapping("You typed: %d", num);
	bussin 0;

9. Limitations

  • No built-in support for increment/decrement (++, --).
  • Functions other than skibidi main not fully supported (unless you add them).
  • Arrays, complex data structures, and advanced memory management are absent.
  • Error reporting is minimal, typically halting on the first serious parse error.

10. Known Issues

  • Some macOS users must manually manage libfl symlinks.
  • Minimal string manipulation: no standard library for string operations.
  • Grammar conflicts can arise if you expand the language significantly.
  • The language’s comedic nature may cause colleagues to question your sanity.

11. Cultural Context: The Rise of ‘Brain Rot’

The term "brain rot" was declared Oxford Word of the Year 2024, symbolizing the phenomenon of “the supposed deterioration of a person’s mental or intellectual state” due to low-value or meme-saturated online content. Brainrot the language playfully leans into this concept, intentionally using the so-called “nonsensical” or “trivial” memes to highlight a bit of self-awareness about how internet culture shapes our speech and thinking.

12. Meme Culture, Oxford Word of the Year, and Brainrot

  • The language’s name, “Brainrot,” resonates with the 2024 Word of the Year conversation.
  • Memes like “Skibidi Toilet,” “Only in Ohio,” and “rizz” are central to Gen Z and Gen Alpha humor. Brainrot references them liberally as a whimsical statement on how quickly online slang evolves—and how easily it can be turned into code.
  • The unstoppable spread of these memes ironically parallels the unstoppable creativity and chaos that emerges from community-driven language development.

13. Contributing

If you want to add new slang or expand Brainrot:

  1. Fork the GitHub repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your changes.
  3. Edit the grammar (lang.y) and lexer (lang.l) to support the new token or feature.
  4. Submit a Pull Request with a clear description of your changes.

All contributions, even more memes, are welcome—just be prepared for the comedic consequences!

14. License

This project is licensed under the GPL License. See the LICENSE file in the repository for more details. Essentially, you’re free to modify and distribute Brainrot, so long as you keep it open-source and credit the original authors.

15. Closing Thoughts

Brainrot is a testament to the fact that compiler design can be both educational and thoroughly unserious. Whether you’re an aspiring language implementer, a meme connoisseur, or just someone who thought “C needed more spice,” Brainrot might be the ideal playground for you. Code in Brainrot, add your own slang, or show it off to your friends to watch them recoil in confusion and laughter.

“Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should—but in Brainrot’s case, maybe you really should.

Happy coding, and remember: if your mind starts to go blank from all the memes, that’s not a bug—it’s Brainrot by design!