BricksRL allows the training of custom LEGO robots using deep reinforcement learning. By integrating PyBricks and TorchRL, it facilitates efficient real-world training via Bluetooth communication between LEGO hubs and a local computing device. Check out our paper!
For additional information and building instructions for the robots, view the project page BricksRL.
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- Go to "chrome://flags/"
- enable "Experimental Web Platform features"
- restart chrome
- Use to edit and upload the client scripts for each environment
- Create a Conda environment:
conda create --name bricksrl python=3.8
- Activate the environment:
conda activate bricksrl
- Install PyTorch:
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
- Install additional packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Update your client script on the PyBricks Hub whenever you want to run a new environment with your robot.
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├── configs/ # Centralized configuration directory
│ ├── config.yaml # Base config
│ ├── env/ # Environment and task specific configs
| | ├── runaway-v0.yaml
| | ├── spinning_v0.yaml
| | ├── walker-v0.yaml
| | ├── walker_sim-v0.yaml
| | ├── roboarm-v0.yaml
| | ├── roboarm_sim-v0.yaml
| | └── roboarm_mixed-v0.yaml
│ └── agent/ # Agent specific configs
| ├── sac.yaml
| ├── td3.yaml
| └── droq.yaml
├── experiments/ # Experiments directory
│ ├── 2wheeler/ # 2wheeler robot specific experiments
| | ├──
| | └──
│ ├── walker/ # Walker robot specific experiments
| | ├──
| | └──
│ └── roboarm/ # Roboarm specific experiments
| ├──
| └──
├── environments/ # Environments directory
│ ├──
│ ├── base/ # Base environment class
| | ├──
| | └── # For Async-Communication with the robot
│ ├── # Environment for the 2wheeler robot
| | ├──
| | └──
│ ├── # Environment for the walker
| | ├──
| | └──
│ └── ...
├── src/ # Source code for common utilities, robot models, etc.
│ ├──
│ ├── utils/
│ ├── agents/
| | ├──
| | └──
│ └── networks/
| └── ...
└── tests/ # Unit tests and integration tests
├── ...
Before running experiments, please review and modify the configuration settings according to your needs. Each environment and agent setup has its own specific configuration file under the configs/ directory. For more information checkout the config README.
Robots utilized for our experiments. Building instructions can be found here.
2Wheeler | Walker | RoboArm |
python experiments/walker/
python experiments/walker/
Click me
With the use of precollected [offline datasets]() we can pretrain agents with offline RL to perform a task without the need of real world interaction. Such pretrained policies can be evaluated directly or used for later training to fine tuning the pretrained policy on the real robot.The datasets can be downloaded from huggingface and contain expert and random transitions for the 2Wheeler (RunAway-v0 and Spinning-v0), Walker (Walker-v0) and RoboArm (RoboArm-v0) robots.
git lfs install
git clone [email protected]:datasets/compsciencelab/BricksRL-Datasets
The datasets consist of TensorDicts containing expert and random transitions, which can be directly loaded into the replay buffer. When initiating (pre-)training, simply provide the path to the desired TensorDict when prompted to load the replay buffer.
The execution of an experiment for offline training is similar to the online training except that you run the script:
python experiments/walker/
Trained policies can then be evaluated as before with:
python experiments/walker/
Or run training for fine-tuning the policy on the real robot:
python experiments/walker/