Add the bundle to your composer.json and enable/install it.
composer require elements/process-manager-bundle
./bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable ElementsProcessManagerBundle
./bin/console pimcore:bundle:install ElementsProcessManagerBundle
After the installation you have to configure the bundle. Execute
bin/console config:dump-reference ElementsProcessManagerBundle
to dump the reference configuration.
A sample configuration could look like this
archiveThresholdLogs: 14
processTimeoutMinutes : 60
disableShortcutMenu : false
additionalScriptExecutionUsers : ["www-data","stagingUser"]
reportingEmailAddresses : ["[email protected]"]
- {username: "tester" , apiKey: "1234"}
- {username: "tester2" , apiKey: "344"}
class : Elements\Bundle\ProcessManagerBundle\Executor\Callback\General
arguments :
$name: "example"
$extJsClass: "pimcore.plugin.processmanager.executor.callback.example"
$jsFile: "/bundles/elementsprocessmanager/js/executor/callback/example.js"
- { name: "elements.processManager.executorCallbackClasses" }
Please set up the Cronjob which checks/executes the processes.
* * * * * php ~/www/bin/console process-manager:maintenance > /dev/null 2>&1
To update the bundle please use the following command:
composer update elements/process-manager-bundle
./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --prefix=Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle
If you want, that the migrations of the ProcessManagerBundle be executed automatically, please add the following line to your project composer.json
"scripts": {
"post-update-cmd": [
"./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --prefix=Elements\\Bundle\\ProcessManagerBundle --no-interaction"