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Mottie edited this page Jan 10, 2012 · 12 revisions

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Default Options

  // Appearance
  startPanel   : 1,         // start with this panel
  reducedSize  : 0.8,       // non-current panel size: 80% of panel size
  fixedHeight  : false,     // if true, slider height set to max panel height; if false, slider height will auto adjust.

  // Behaviour
  speed        : 500,       // animation time in milliseconds
  initAnimation: true,      // if true, MovingBoxes will initialize, then animate into the starting slide (if not the first slide)
  hashTags     : true,      // if true, hash tags are enabled
  wrap         : false,     // if true, the panel will "wrap" (now loops in v2.2, or appears as if there are infinite panels)
  buildNav     : false,     // if true, navigation links will be added
  navFormatter : null,      // function which returns the navigation text for each panel
  easing       : 'swing',   // anything other than "linear" or "swing" requires the easing plugin

  // Selectors & classes
  currentPanel : 'current', // current panel class
  tooltipClass : 'tooltip', // added to the navigation, but the title attribute is blank unless the link text-indent is negative
  disabled     : 'disabled',// class added to arrows that are disabled (left arrow when on first panel, right arrow on last panel)

  // Callbacks
  initialized     : null,   // callback when MovingBoxes has completed initialization
  initChange      : null,   // callback upon change panel initialization
  beforeAnimation : null,   // callback before any animation occurs
  completed       : null    // callback after animation completes

  // deprecated options - but still used to keep the plugin backwards compatible
  // and allow resizing the overall width and panel width dynamically (i.e. on window resize)
  // width        : 800,       // overall width of movingBoxes (not including navigation arrows)
  // panelWidth   : 0.5        // current panel width adjusted to 50% of overall width



Add the following inside the <head></head>. Note: MovingBoxes requires a minimum of jQuery 1.4.2 to work properly.

<!-- Required CSS -->
<link href="css/movingboxes.css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" rel="stylesheet">
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<link type="text/css" href="css/movingboxes-ie.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />
/* MovingBoxes dimensions set using css in v2.2.2+ */
#slider { width: 500px; }
#slider li { width: 250px; }

<!-- Required script -->
<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.movingboxes.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<!-- Optional plugins -->
<script src="js/jquery.easing.1.2.js"></script>

<!-- Required script -->
 $('#boxes').movingBoxes(); // add any non-default options inside here

Example HTML

Using DIVs

<div id="boxes">

 <div> <!-- panel #1 -->
  <img src="images/1.jpg" alt="picture" />
  <p>A very short exerpt goes here</p>

 <div> <!-- panel #2 -->
  <img src="images/2.jpg" alt="picture" />
  <p>A very short exerpt goes here</p>


Using UL/LI format

<ul id="boxes">

 <li> <!-- panel #1 -->
  <img src="images/1.jpg" alt="picture" />
  <p>A very short exerpt goes here</p>

 <li> <!-- panel #2 -->
  <img src="images/2.jpg" alt="picture" />
  <p>A very short exerpt goes here</p>


MovingBoxes for WordPress

Thanks to Craftyhub for creating a Wordpress plugin for MovingBoxes. Get [it here] ( or search for 'movingboxes' in your 'Install Plugins' page of your site admin section.

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