Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Name | string | App name. | |
Cluster | string | Cluster name | [optional] |
Cname | []string | CNames of App | [optional] |
Deploys | int64 | Number of Deploys | [optional] |
Routers | []AppRouters | [optional] | |
InternalAddresses | []AppInternalAddresses | [optional] | |
VolumeBinds | []AppVolumeBinds | [optional] | |
Tags | []string | App tags. | [optional] |
Metadata | Metadata | [optional] | |
Router | string | App router. | [optional] |
Routeropts | map[string]string | Custom router options. | [optional] |
Plan | Plan | [optional] | |
Pool | string | App pool. | [optional] |
Provisioner | string | App provisioner. | [optional] |
Platform | string | App platform. | [optional] |
Description | string | App description. | [optional] |
TeamOwner | string | Team that owns the app. | [optional] |
Teams | []string | [optional] | |
Units | []Unit | [optional] | |
Ip | string | [optional] | |
Owner | string | [optional] | |
Autoscale | []AutoScaleSpec | [optional] |