Vanessa Cardui
Jo Allum
Thorsten Pottebaum
Eric Helms
Naveed Urmani
Stephen Whitenstall
How would we like to support any proposal submissions in the F8 Auditability Challenge ?
Thorsten - We should build relationships. We are here to help. There is an opportunity to use knowledge of Challenge Team for feedback and improvements.
Naveed - We need to engage early on and communicate the mechanics of the submssion process. Feedback as Challenge team and contact immediately with an introduction message.
Vanessa - IOG are extending their submission deadline to 17th March 2022. It is not our role to evaluate proposals. So we should not comment as a team on quality of proposal just the mechanistic stuff. Be discreet and contract personally on errors.
Stephen – The Challenge Team should only submit a brief message; “You can can contact us if you need support”. To supporting and advise not assess proposals. We can advise as individuals.
Eric - We should send a statement out and offer our experience & suggestions. Contact proposers & network.
Jo - We should look at each other proposals. Ideascale is open platform. If we are closer to the teams in the proposal stages we will get better quality proposals for the challenge on the execution stage. We shouldn’t worry about setting precident for the rest of the challenge teams.
Vanessa - We should advise as individuals - as members of the community.
Thorsten - Agree on picking up on errors. The quality of the Challenge should be individual - not speaking for the group. Intervene on basic quality.
Consensus - A compromise solution is to contact each proposal submitted with a standard message that introduces the Challenge Team. We will offer general support and indicate that Challenge Team members may comment as individuals.
{% hint style="warning" %} The text of the standard message will be inserted here. {% endhint %}
The Fund 9 Challenge setting for Improve & Grow Auditability has been submitted here -
The submission phase provides an opportunity to tweak the scope of the audit challenge. A reference to governance oversight has been added to supplement the emphasis on auditing proposals.
Jo - More clarity needed on return on intention
{% hint style="warning" %} Stephen - Here is a Google Doc of the text of the F9 Challenge setting to comment on. {% endhint %}
We have registered and members will participate on Saturday, 5th March 2022 at 17.00 UTC.
For further details see -
The main goal is to represent our challenge and allow proposers, community advisors and voters to gain a better understanding of the auditability challenge and its purpose. Each room will be recorded and uploaded to Swarm YouTube.
{% hint style="warning" %} Stephen - Will prepare a short presentation based on the Auditability Insight Sharing Workshop. {% endhint %}
Improve & Grow Auditability is Unique from other Catalyst categories, as nothing can really be implemented without the support and permission of Catalyst. Prospers will usually not have access to all the data they may need from funded projects to execute their plans. We need a way to ensure that funded projects in this category can work with Catalyst to have the authority / permission to be implemented, or most of the money will be wasted on ideas that cannot be executed.
Eric – What is the relationship with IOG to ensure that the data from the community is available to be audited? Are we able to have a clear mandate so that if the community vote on a proposal for auditing, that is able to be implemented in whatever way – on ideascale or other platform. What is the commitment from IOG to enable the community to audit the proposals.
At the proposal submission stage there should be up front quality criteria meeting a standard related to a point of reference.
At the Funded stage there should be some kind of compliance or explanation of
“What are the funds you receive actually used for”
Can we create a point of reference from previous funded proposals.
{% hint style="info" %} The group discussed strategies to progress audit standards in Catalyst. {% endhint %}
"We have 24 Challenges this Funding Round and we would love to have your feedback about which Challenge is most important to you and why."
Please add your Challenge rankings here -
- Which Fund8 Challenge is the most important to support the advancement of the Cardano ecosystem today ?
- Why do you think the Challenge you selected is important ?
- How is this Challenge being addressed today by the Cardano ecosystem ?
- What is needed to further meet this challenge in order to advance the Cardano ecosystem? Why ?
- What should be done to improve the overall participation rate in Catalyst ?
- Which not yet represented Challenges would you like see in the next funding rounds ?
{% hint style="warning" %} Jo : Will create Google doc to share Auditability Brainstorming. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} The group agreed to arrange future meeting between 1600 to 1700 UTC if possible. {% endhint %}