This section uses the iModel Console to execute metadata queries against the Bay Town Process Plant
sample iModel.
See Exploring An iModel for instructions on opening an iModel in the iModel Console.
The ECDbMeta
Schema exposes the ec_
tables in the iModel via ECSQL. The most important entity classes are ECSchemaDef
, ECClassDef
and ECPropertyDef
. There are relationships that connect schemas to items in a schema and properties to the classes they are defined in. These are important but there is one additional relationship that is required if you want to handle class inheritance, ClassHasAllBaseClasses
this link table relationship flattens out the class hierarchy for each class so it can be queried without a recursive query.
of anECClassDef
is theECClassId
of an instance of that class.
Query for all Schemas
NOTE: When writing ECSQL you can use the schema name or the schema alias. e.g.
is the same asbis.Element
Query for all Entity Classes
SELECT * FROM ECDbMeta.ECClassDef where Type = 0
NOTE 1: Type is an Enumeration property, you can find the enumeration definition in the Schema Explorer by searching for 'ECClassType'.
NOTE 2: The other class types are as follows: Relationship is
, Struct is2
and CustomAttribute is3
. Mixins are considered Entity classes. -
Query for all classes in a schema
SELECT * FROM ECDbMeta.ECClassDef c WHERE c.Schema.Id IN (SELECT ECInstanceId FROM ECDbMeta.ECSchemaDef WHERE Name = 'BisCore')
NOTE: This could also be done by JOINing with the
table. -
Getting a formatted class name from the id of a class
SELECT ec_classname(ECInstanceId) as formatted_name FROM ECDbMeta.ECClassDef
NOTE 1: ec_classname defaults to a format of
but formatting can be controled via a format string, See the ECSQL tutorial on built in functions for details.NOTE 2: Using this function the previous query could be rewritten as:
SELECT * FROM ECDbMeta.ECClassDef WHERE ec_classname(ECInstanceId, 's') = 'BisCore'
NOTE 3: this function works
of an instance as they are the same. -
Get the id of a class from the formatted name
SELECT * FROM ECDbMeta.ECClassDef WHERE ECInstanceId = ec_classid('bis.element')
NOTE 1: This could also be done by matching on the
property and joining with ECSchemaDef class.NOTE 2: It is important to note that ECSQL is case insensitive but all names are stored with case. If you match on a name column (like
) a case insensitive comparison will be automatically used. Using the functionec_classname(<id>)
will return a string in the correct case and comparing against that string is case sensitive. -
Selecting the properties of the
classSELECT c.Name, p.* FROM ECDbMeta.ECClassDef c JOIN ECDbMeta.ECPropertyDef p ON p.Class.Id = c.ECInstanceId WHERE c.ECInstanceId = ec_classid('ProcessFunctional.NAMED_ITEM')
NOTE: this only returns 2 properties because this query only returns the properties directly defined on the class.
Selecting the properties defined on
and those inherited by the classSELECT DISTINCT(p.Name) Property, ec_classname(p.Class.Id) OriginClass FROM ECDbMeta.ECClassDef c JOIN ECDbMeta.ClassHasAllBaseClasses abc ON abc.SourceECInstanceId = c.ECInstanceId JOIN ECDbMeta.ECPropertyDef p ON p.Class.Id = abc.TargetECInstanceId WHERE c.ECInstanceId = ec_classid('ProcessFunctional.NAMED_ITEM')