Know when web pages change! Stay ontop of new information!
Live your data-life pro-actively instead of re-actively, do not rely on manipulative social media for consuming important information.
Get your own private instance now! Let us host it for you!
Try our $6.99/month subscription - unlimited checks, watches and notifications!, choose from different geographical locations, let us handle everything for you.
Know when ...
- Government department updates (changes are often only on their websites)
- Local government news (changes are often only on their websites)
- New software releases, security advisories when you're not on their mailing list.
- Festivals with changes
- Realestate listing changes
- COVID related news from government websites
- Detect and monitor changes in JSON API responses
- API monitoring and alerting
Get monitoring now!
$ pip3 install
Specify a target for the datastore path with -d
(required) and a listening port with -p
(defaults to 5000
$ -d /path/to/empty/data/dir -p 5000
Then visit , You should now be able to access the UI.
- Website monitoring
- Change detection of content and analyses
- Filters on change (Select by CSS or JSON)
- Triggers (Wait for text, wait for regex)
- Notification support
- JSON API Monitoring
- Parse JSON embedded in HTML
- (Reverse) Proxy support
- Javascript support via WebDriver
- RaspberriPi (arm v6/v7/64 support)
See for more information.