To install C++ and the GNU Compiler Collection (g++) on your system, follow these general steps based on the operating system you are using. We have listed steps for Linux, MacOS and Windows.
Open Terminal:
- Open a terminal window by pressing CTRL + ALT + T keys simultaneously.
Update Package Lists:
sudo apt update
Install C++ Compiler:
sudo apt install g++
Verify Installation:
g++ --version
Install Xcode Command Line Tools:
- Open Terminal by pressing COMMAND and T keys simultaneously and run the following command:
xcode-select --install
- Open Terminal by pressing COMMAND and T keys simultaneously and run the following command:
Install Homebrew (Optional but recommended):
- If not installed, you can install Homebrew, a package manager for macOS.
Install C++ Compiler:
brew install gcc
Verify Installation:
g++ --version
Install MinGW-W64:
- Download and install MinGW-W64 (Minimalist GNU for Windows).
- During installation, ensure to select options for C++.
Add MinGW-W64 to System Path:
- Add the MinGW-W64
directory to your system's PATH environment variable.
- Add the MinGW-W64
Open command line:
- Open Windows search and type "CMD" followed by ENTER key
Verify Installation:
g++ --version
These steps provide a basic setup for compiling C++ code on different operating systems.
Keep in mind that specific details may vary based on your system's configuration.
Refer to the documentation or resources relevant to your operating system for more detailed instructions or email us at [email protected]
for further guidance.