Changelog is no longer maintained manually please use github
Version 0.5.403.05(March, 05, 2024)
- Added:
- Added: 3 more Syria Situations
- Added: Hide Anti-air on MFD (Mission Option)
- Added: Re-implemented Default units (will warn when used)
- Added: Moving Ground Vehicle formation variance
- Added: No Aircraft Waypoint objective option
- Added: Progression hide waypoint map markers if hidden in brief
- Added: Progression hide objectives in F-10 menu if hidden in brief
- Added: Strike Packages now selectable per Objective no just per Objective Area.
- Added: Bundle Objective Activation/Reveal
- Added: Objective Progression Options: Delay Activation, Visible Before Activation and Hidden in Brief
- Added: Ambient AAA and Artillery firing (Results may vary may need manual tuning)
- Added: Currenthill Asset packs
- Added: Brazilian Portuguese translation
- Updated:
- Updated: PoEditor translated terms
- Updated: Support Translations for Warnings
- Updated: AirDefenses use fallback mechanism rather than default units
- Updated: Existing Syria Situations
- Updated: project links
- Updated: Syria spawn points
- Updated: DCS data to
- Updated: Error Translations
- Updated: Use new carrier storage capacity over outdated parking spots
- Updated: Static carrier aircraft groups max 8
- Updated: Made many carriers also ShipCarrierSTOVL type
- Updated: EWR air defense can now use Large Spawn points
- Updated: Moose to 2.9.4
- Updated: MIST to 4.5.122
- Updated: Coalitions to add more ally opportunities
- Updated: Docs
- Updated: VehicleAny spawns mix of vehicle types
- Updated: Spawning logic using front line
- Updated: Use KD tree for faster spawn selection
- Updated: Use Backtracking logic for generation
- Updated: Reduce FOB and Carrier spawn max distance (FOB aims to 30-50% of usual distance)
- Updated: More fine grained spawn point search expansion with less iterations (Max ~ 120% expansion, prev ~2300%)
- Updated: Narrow Flanking logic to max 1/3 original distance
- Updated: Disable AI extra waypoints if going via Roads
- Updated: Embed image data rather than reference in HTML files for images
- Updated: Mission Title and Campaign Images to be HTML based (So anyone can improve it)
- Updated: Current Hill asset pack operator lists
- Updated: DCS Plane data
- Updated: High Digit SAMs Mod data
- Updated: SU-30MK Flanker Mod data
- Updated: Bronco Mod data
- Updated: A-29B Mod Data
- Updated: Skynet Script to 3.3.0
- Updated: Demote a bunch of vehicles to low polly
- Fixed:
- Fix: Spawn Anywhere didn't work for campaigns
- Fix: Translation bugs
- Fix: Handle multi DCS unit category error to remove error need
- Fix: Templates receiving bad operational data
- Fix: Dupe Airfield
- Fix: increase chances of avoiding default units in mission features
- Fix: Carrier AI spawning was disabled for some reason
- Fix: Campaign zips where corrupt
- FIx: Imported loadouts throwing error
- Fix: User payloads not being imported
- Fix: Remove log duplicating
- Fix: Mission Fallback State not dealing with airbase ParkingSpots correctly
- Fix: CommandLine Build
- Fix: AShM SS-N-2 Silkworm not marked as static
- Fix: Units spawning as neutral if from ally sources
- Fix: Enemy buildings spawning on friendly side
- Fix: error on artillery with no situation
- Fix: Low Res aircraft switch not working
- Fix: infinite loops possibility
- Fix: Null error when carrier couldn't find spawn point
- Fix: Zones Rendering incorrectly in DCS
- Fix: Map UI error
- Fix: Don't script mark waypoints if mark waypoints off
- Fix: Missing script for revealing hidden waypoint markers
- Fix: bad location script function
- Fix: Offset waypoint marker and make more translucent
- Fix: Image generator failed causing no saving
- Fix: Strike Groups couldn't deal with multi waypoint objectives
- Fix: download failing if taking too long (fall back to simple download)
- Fix: Campaign spinner not working
- Fix: Nullable error
- Fix: Extra nations not supported by ED
- Fix: Better data error logs
- Fix: Incomplete translation causing scripting error
- UI
- UI: Translation setup for as many errors as possible
- UI: Translate Errors from generator
- UI: Better format logs
- UI: Fix manual reference links
- UI: Added tooltips to map buttons
- UI: Hide tool tip if none
- Upgraded:
- Upgrade: Bump BlazorMonaco from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump coverlet.collector from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Markdig from 0.34.0 to 0.35.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.Maui.Graphics from 8.0.6 to 8.0.7 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.8.0 to 17.9.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Polly from 8.2.1 to 8.3.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump System.Drawing.Common from 8.0.0 to 8.0.2 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump xunit from 2.6.6 to 2.7.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 2.5.6 to 2.5.7 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump YamlDotNet from 15.1.0 to 15.1.1 in /Source
- Upgrade: Leaflet JS to 1.9.4
- Misc:
- Misc: GetAirbases Optimization
- Misc: Make fallback failure error less scary
- Misc: Improve spawn error to hint and looking for erroneous hints
- Misc: File formatting
- Added:
Version 0.5.312.22(Dec, 22, 2023)
- Added: SA-10 Radar Variant Templates
- Added: Kneeboard Editor (Only compatible with BR mission post this release)
- Added: Kneeboard Rendering and standardized briefing component
- Added: Livery Selector will choose a Livery from coalition nations if country set to CJTF(B/R)
- Added: Payloads default now auto assigns loadout. Clean/Empty option
- Added: Escort Attacking units now try to intercept hostiles
- Added: On Road variants of escort
- Added: Escort Refactor Units now attack escorted units
- Added: Support for timed aircraft spawns
- Added: Transport to player airbase or any airbase
- Added: Transport objective troops Support vanilla transport methods
- Added: Missing C-17A and Mig-29S (Mig-29G also flyable)
- Added: Support for Folder based liveries
- Added: Unlimited fuel for target aircraft
- Added: CAP variants of Idle (Aircraft ROE free fire original Return fire)
- Updated: Aircraft attackers delay spawn relative to intercept point
- Updated: Automatic troop loading limited to Aircraft not supporting native loading (currently: UH-60L)
- Updated: Corrected JTAC unit as Static (it doesn't move)
- Updated: Custom and Vanilla Templates
- Updated: Data to DCS Open Beta 2.9.2.(purging non default liveries)
- Updated: DB data to DCS 2.9
- Updated: Dotnet from 7.x.x to 8.x.x
- Updated: Increase Kneeboard image size to ED default size
- Updated: made "CombinedArmsPilotControl" default on
- Updated: Missing Tasks for aircraft
- Updated: Moose script to Moose 2.9.2
- Updated: Process Images at save stage (Faster generation, Slower saving)
- Updated: Reduce Kneeboard resolution for performance
- Updated: S-3B Tasks and upgraded tanker out of lowpolly
- Updated: Unit selection no longer chooses immovable units that will be asked to move
- Fix: Aircraft on base targets now have waypoint on aircraft not airbase
- Fix: Attack logic for Escort mission attackers
- Fix: Auto check for and fix undeclared modules in templates
- Fix: Bad testing package version
- Fix: Broken Target coordinates scripting
- Fix: CLI failing due to uninitialized DB
- Fix: Error after trying to spawn Non existing aircraft
- Fix: Escort direction wrong way round
- Fix: Escorted units go direct to end
- Fix: Failing to clear Objective Hints
- Fix: Infinite loop crash
- Fix: JSON parsing missed module for Cargo and Static Objects
- Fix: Medium and Long Range SAM site should always spawn full template.
- Fix: More bad filter count occurrences
- Fix: Null error
- Fix: Objective CAP feature & Taskable CAP ROE incorrect
- Fix: objective complete count logic
- Fix: Objective features spawned at pickup for move to front line rather than at drop off
- Fix: Objective hints no longer allow objectives to ignore borders.
- Fix: Override Radio Frequencies type conflict
- Fix: Packages Airbases not showing in Briefings
- Fix: patrol aircraft ROE incorrect
- Fix: Remove bad and incomplete data.
- Fix: Standardize DCS Task usage for players
- Fix: Stop multi detection for FlyNearAndReportComplete
- Fix: Template groups shouldn't be shuffled order
- Fix: Throw error when template file missing
- Fix: Values set to null rather than empty string causing null pointer error
- Fix: Yak-52 now player flyable
- UI: Ban and allow everything buttons on ban list page
- UI: Clearer on Objective separation setting relocation data
- UI: Improve Kneeboard Editor Functionality
- UI: Incorrect filter on Subtask Behavior
- UI: Payload to QuickBuilder
- UI: Task & Behavior have descriptions
- UI: Use Task for player Payload instead of default
- Upgrade: Bump FluentRandomPicker from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Markdig from 0.33.0 to 0.34.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.WindowsForms
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.Maui.Graphics from 7.0.100 to 7.0.101 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.3.2 to 17.8.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Polly from 8.0.0 to 8.1.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 2.4.5 to 2.5.3 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump YamlDotNet from 13.4.0 to 13.5.2 in /Source
- Misc: Add warnings for BR data missing DCS data
- Misc: Correct bad link
- Misc: Update docker readme command
- Misc: Update editors notes for timed spawns
- Misc: Update links
- Misc: WebApp shutdown much quicker
Version 0.5.310.04(Oct, 04, 2023)
- Added:
- Added: Language selection persistance
- Added: Inital Turkish Translation Support
- Added: Inital Ukrainian and Russian Translation Support
- Added: Inital Italian Translation Support
- Added: Inital French Translation Support
- Added: Inital German Translation Support
- Added: Inital Spanish Translation Support
- Added: New Behaviors for Transport and Cargo missions (Recover to base, To Front Line, Relocate)
- Added: Campaign Static Situation Option and Moved Airbase variation distance option tab
- Added: Campaign None Airbase Variation Distance option
- Added: PG Campaign Securing the Straight
- Added: Sinai Six day war campaign
- Added: Second Russo Georgian War campaign situations
- Added: Vehicle unit spread now based on spawn point size
- Added: Unit Ban List (Campaign & Full Editor)
- Added: Support for a pile of VSN mods
- Added: FlankerEx by Codename Flanker Mod support
- Added: VSN F4 mod support
- Added: Military Aircraft Mod support
- Added: missing ship ARA Vienticinco de Mayo
- Updated:
- Updated: Presets with new Behaviors
- Updated: Improve and add preset objectives
- Updated: FlyNear type objectives now require Flying, within 2nm within 2000ft of target units
- Updated: CTLD 20230414.01
- Updated: Rely on formation templates less
- Updated: New mod support structure
- Updated: Version and Changelog
- Fixed:
- Fix: Leading spaces
- Fix: Language file parsing
- Fix: Waypoints not following preset settings
- Fix: Duplicate remarks
- Fix: Search and Rescue preset
- Fix: Dupe situation name
- Fix: Re-implement BR CTLD custom code
- Fix: Briefing descriptions incorrect for presets
- Fix: Duplicate Situation name
- Fix: Bad mod loading of Mod Helicopters
- Fix: Mods not loaded to correct types
- Fix: AircraftTankerNoTACAN.yml on linux
- UI
- UI: Added Patreon Link & Non hosting ko-fi link
- Upgraded:
- Upgrade: Bump YamlDotNet from 13.1.1 to 13.2.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Blazored.LocalStorage from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Markdig from 0.32.0 to 0.33.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump YamlDotNet from 13.2.0 to 13.4.0 in /Source
- Misc:
- Misc: Delete more redundant docs
- Misc: Improve docs
- Added:
Version 0.5.308.10(Aug, 10, 2023)
- Added:
- Added: IADS Command Center Area Mark (Generated on mission start)
- Added: Block Supplier Logic as mission Option
- Added: Normandy Dday Situations (Campaign linked)
- Added: 2 More Sinai Situations
- Added: Spawn Point View option within situation viewer
- Added: Mission Feature Fires around objective and home base
- Added: Many large spawn points to Caucasus map (new total: 8632)
- Added: Support for JSON based spawn points
- Added: Stronger Template Validation
- Added: Missing WW2 Building BR data
- Added: Missing WW2 Ships BR data
- Added: Missing WW2 Aircraft BR data
- Added: FrontLine Config now in FrontLine.ini
- Added: Missing WWII Armour and Technics module units
- Added: Front Line bias based on task type
- Added: Front line positioning logic for optional Buildings and Ground units
- Added: Front line disable option
- Added: Support for front line positioning logic
- Added: Support for SouthernHemisphere maps reversing season selection
- Added: Windsock to FARPS
- Added: Air defense knock down logic (If you can't spawn SAMs add the number of SAMs you would of spawned to AAA spawn count)
- Added: F-15E to core mods list
- Added: Situation Loading
- Added: Situation Editor saving
- Added: Multi Zone support for the Situation Editor
- Added: Converted Existing Situation zone data to json
- Added: Support for Multiple Control Zones per side
- Added: Json Terrain data + Sinai south sea
- Added: Support for Multiple Water zones
- Added: F-15ESE
- Added: Sinai Map support (2 situations, 3k spawn points, more dense about Gaza and Suez Canal)
- Added: SinaiMap Airfields JSON data
- Added: Livery and Payload Loading fom local save game (Local run only ovo)
- Added: Briefing Name and Description overrides
- Added: Go To Airbase Behavior
- Added: Active Infantry near objective
- Added: Populate operational eras by country from old DB
- Added: Support for country specific operational eras
- Added: Rafales Mod
- Added: Flyable F-117A mod
- Added: F-22A mod
- Added: Super Hercules mod
- Added: A-29 Mod support
- Added: Mod aircraft data F-117, F-22A, Hercules, Rafale, A-29B
- Added: Yak-52 and Mirage-F1 (all variants)
- Added: Mod Plane extractor script for dcsfiddle
- Added: JAS39 Gripen, A-4E-C, Bronco-OV-10A, Civ aircraft mod support
- Added: Ship mod support
- Added: HighDigitSAMs Mod support
- Added: UH-60L Mod support
- Added: Mod unit support
- Added: Enemy CAP objective feature (Escort if target is plane)
- Added: ShortRangeBattery (Manpads & AAA) air defense type
- Added: MANPADS and Static AAA templates
- Added: More Unit Layouts
- Added: AI tasks on player waypoints
- Added: Space based parking (Not supported on all maps)
- Added: assign correct task based on objectives
- Added: Air Start for player aircraft (marked (A))
- Added: More layouts
- Added: Layouts support
- Added: Use FARP and Carrier templates is available
- Added: BR templates and module support for templates
- Added: Internal template selector
- Added: EWR to standard air defense
- Added: BRInfo files for Ships
- Added: BRInfo files for Aircraft
- Added: Cargo support
- Added: Proper templates
- Added: start of Template spawning
- Added: Group Level payloads and Season and Location aware liveries at group level
- Added: Player loadouts and fixed lack of fuel setting
- Added: Operational and Low Poly filtering
- Added: Make Technically functional
- Added: UnitShips Data
- Added: Load Helicopters and Planes Json data
- Added: Helicopters and Planes Json data
- Added: Load JSON UnitCars data
- Added: Player exact position markers
- Added: FOB Feature TACAN on airbase table
- Added: Airbase Feature TACAN on airbase table
- Added: Docker compatible Kneeboard rendering
- Added: Target Count to Campaign Generator
- Added: Presets for Full Builder
- Added: DSMC file prefix when mod selected
- Updated:
- Updated: Fixes to spawning system
- Updated: Added 1000 Spawn points to PersianGulf Map - Thanks LawnDart
- Updated: Added 500 Spawn points to PersianGulf Map - Thanks LawnDart
- Updated: Added 500 Spawn points to Normandy Map - Thanks Eagle01
- Updated: F-15 Liveries Options
- Updated: Added 500 Spawn points to Mariana Islands Map
- Updated: Added 2k Spawn points to South Atlantic Map
- Updated: Added 3k Spawn points to Sinai
- Updated: Added 2k Spawn points to Syria Map
- Updated: Moose 2.7.21
- Updated: Database to latest patch
- Updated: Coalition Operational Eras
- Updated: Various Situations to have smaller control zones
- Updated: SituationEditor JSON usage
- Updated: Existing Situations
- Updated: Situations now entirely in JSON
- Updated: DSMC moved to Mission Options
- Updated: Spawn point recovery on failed spawn
- Updated: Unit selection now checks potential allies of coalition nations rather than using default unit lists.
- Updated: Iframe post message (for Web editor)
- Updated: Use Custom Unit Operators
- Updated: Set SU-24M as bombers
- Updated: All maps to JSON spawn point data
- Updated: Added More Spawn points the Caucasus
- Updated: Increased AAA at FARP distance
- Updated: No longer required to have a default unit for unit types that didn't exist yet (eg SAMs in the 1940s)
- Updated: KC135MPRS as boom tanker
- Updated: SinaiMap as desert map
- Updated: Data from Sinai update patch
- Updated: Apache Payloads
- Updated: Fortifications data
- Updated: Cars data
- Updated: Airbase data for all maps
- Updated: Disabled Mods that lost support (If you liked these mods consider helping return support)
- Updated: Adjust escort AI mode (still not entirely functional)
- Updated: Bofors 40mm to be in use in 2020 (represents the L70 gun still in use) & KS-19 still in use
- Updated: Removed auto spawn EWR unit from Skynet feature
- Updated: Feature Aircraft payloads
- Updated: Unit file names in DB
- Updated: Ground unit destinations no longer takeup spawn points
- Updated: Patrol Circle now max distance from start.
- Updated: Use Area marker for patrols and shorten variation distances for vehicles
- Updated: Reduce search range for Patroling Vehicles
- Updated: UnitCars to use better IDs
- Updated: TheaterAirbases JSON for all maps
- Updated: WW2 Units In general
- Updated: WW2 Asset pack AAA (Many going to AAA sites)
- Updated: Moose to 2023-03-30
- Updated: Normandy & Channel Boundaries
- Updated: docker warning
- Updated: Skynet IADS: 3.1.0
- Updated: Some map boundaries
- Updated: Removed httpd as no longer used in DCS fiddle
- Updated: Moose 2.7.18
- Updated:
- Fixed:
- Fix: Rename Flag file RSII
- Fix: Template positions
- Fix: Correct Airbase Strike to Attacking aircraft
- Fix: Fallback to ignore control areas if using front line logic but can't find spawn points
- Fix: Add more spawn points types for Enemy airbase AAA
- Fix: Stopped mission generations from failing when failed to place non critical aircraft at airbases (Failed cap spawn in air & features won't spawn)
- Fix: Now attempts all possible airbases to spawn objective aircraft at rather than nearest.
- Fix: Rendering no-spawn zones and multi blue zones on preview map
- Fix: Point recovery not rejecting Spawn points that aren't on the list
- Fix: Situation editor loading zones showed wrong
- Fix: Deal with empty spawn point lists when generating SP mission
- Fix: Mods not being selected correctly.
- Fix: Preset Objectives Ignoring Selected Objective features
- Fix: Docker build
- Fix: Iframe crash and default to dark mode
- FIx: improve Destroy lua triggers - Thanks Eagle01
- FIx: DIsable trigger not working - Thanks Eagle01
- Fix: Unable select specific FOB templates
- Fix: Removed spam console log
- Fix: Nato Callsigns same for each aircraft
- Fix: CAP cover for parked aircraft no longer given escort tasking
- Fix: Objective CAP ground starting when their task starts flying by default
- Fix: Objectives not using templates
- Fix: Artillery and Missile Launchers no longer varied units within group
- Fix: Prevent Yaml wrapped happening when set as false
- Fix: Escort AI Not spawning
- Fix: Auto mod append not filtering core mods out
- Fix: Bad parameter name
- Fix: Correct spelling of Realism
- Fix: Sinai Projection and bounds on UI map
- Fix: Throw errors if template loading fails due to parsing
- Fix: Air start unable to start mission scripts
- Fix: Landing aircraft altitude not set
- Fix: Error when airbase had no parking spots
- Fix: Mark MANPAD commanders VehicleStatic to avoid immovable infantry
- Fix: Bad default breaking unit selection
- Fix: Proper Callsign assignment using ME data
- Fix: Unreliable Hint Interactions
- Fix: Missing airbases from data
- Fix: Briefing Editor
- FIx: Default issues with Livery and Payload
- Fix: Instant spawn aircraft spawn quicker
- Fix: Yaml parsing issue
- Fix: complication error
- FIx: Carriers should no longer be routed though land
- Fix: Manpads commanders can't fire
- FIx: Cruise Speed using max altitude aircraft too speedy
- Fix: Bad if statement in layout chance
- Fix: SAM unit families
- Fix: Reg) => Reg
- Fix: Missing default unit warnings
- Fix: Another payload error
- Fix: Remove IronFists from Liveries
- Fix: More file names
- Fix: Liveries error
- Fix: Bugs with creating missions
- Fix: Malformed KC130 & KC135MPRS
- Fix: Get basic missions generating
- Fix: Player controllable can't come from ED for now
- Fix: Taskable CAS scripting error
- Fix: Objective complete debug scripting error
- Fix: Correct Country spellings
- Fix: Radio Frequency formatting
- Fix: Bad parking parsing
- Fix: B-17G No longer German WW2
- Fix: Ju-88A4 not marked as bomber
- Fix: Missing DatabaseJSON files
- Fix: Close to sea logic
- Fix: bad parking space marker
- Fix: briefing.html & credits.txt file were lost after ME editing. Also added BR purity seal
- Fix: Fog of war setting shouldn't be force hiding units
- Fix: Use FOB call sign for start position
- Fix: Bad Pathing breaking feature scripting
- Fix: F-5E-3 Tiger II invalid default radio
- Fix: Map bounds lines not Geodesic
- Fix: Pre-load items in docker image
- Fix: Attempt beta build fix
- Fix: bad sln
- Fix: Nato AWACS comms broken when using Skynet
- Fix: Spinner not spinning in docker
- Fix: SA boundries
- Fix: Regional settings causing app to fail to load in Turkish
- UI:
- UI: Preview Min width 50% of screen
- UI: Warning info added
- UI: Compact Logger logs
- UI: Added EWR Map markers
- UI: Add github and discord image links
- UI: Fix Flight Group and Mission Sub tabs not resetting
- UI: Show map borders on generated missions
- Upgraded:
- Upgrade: Bump IronPdf from 2023.6.9 to 2023.6.10 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Markdig from 0.31.0 to 0.32.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.Maui.Graphics from 7.0.86 to 7.0.92 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 13.0.2 to 13.0.3 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Polly from 7.2.3 to 7.2.4 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump YamlDotNet from 13.1.0 to 13.1.1 in /Source
- Misc:
- Misc: Code cleanup
- Misc: Code cleanup
- MIsc: provide scale guides for spawn points
- Misc: Format JSON files
- Misc: Remove useless console log
- Misc: Add temp Operational list code
- Misc: Put build version in more places
- Misc: Remove old ini spawn point loading code
- Misc: Generate Mission file from JSON spawn points
- Misc: Spawnpoint extractor dumps to JSON
- Misc: Remove non functioning code
- Misc: Removed Redundant Zone data in .ini files
- Misc: Remove Old water data in Ini
- Misc: Improve SEO
- Misc: Identify which airbase didn't have enough parking
- Misc: Format all files
- Misc: Remove unused code
- Misc: Remove unsupported mod files
- Misc: Mark old units DB as deprecated
- Misc: Update github pages page
- Misc: Map unknown unit warning
- Misc: Templates, Fortifications and Warehouse json data
- Misc: Throw error on missing shore feature
- Misc: Removed redundant airbase files
- Misc: Add Ko-fi links for docker version
- Misc: Add debug for early mission complete
- Misc: Remove Console log
- Added:
Version 0.5.301.28(Jan, 28, 2023)
- Added:
- Added: httpd script for DCS Fiddle
- Added: SA new Airbases
- Added: Ropucha-class landing ship & Mirage-F1EE (as playable)
- Added: End Mission on command option
- Added: Auto End mission after 10 mins option
- Added: Super Hornet Mod support
- Added: Custom transport helicopter calls
- Added: Taskable Transport Helicopter
- Added: Support attack started with radio command
- Added: Proximity for Complete defend & possible to fail if all die post completion
- Added: Extract troops task
- Added: Defend Attack Task
- Added: Support Attack Objective Task
- Added: Support for multiple event triggers per objective
- Added: lowUnitVariation support (for attacking groups)
- Added: Objective Patrol extra waypoints
- Added: MB-339
- Added: All aircraft have a clean payload option
- Added: FOB and Carrier Hint locations
- Added: Hint Saving and Better UI
- Added: hint per objective
- Added: SA Rio Chico
- Added: Ka-50 Hokum 3.0
- Added: True and Magnetic Heading to briefings
- Added: CAP random mid course route changes
- Added: Carrier Recovery Tankers
- Fixed:
- Fix: Hide Landmass
- Fix: Get Taskable helos working from ground start
- Fix: Moose ATIS wasn't working
- Fix: Destroy Tracking radars causing script errors
- Fix: Taskable attack helicopters broken
- Fix: Taskable affirm sounds not working
- Fix: Remove Culture issue risk from changing cases
- Fix: broken Gamemaster_Functions script post formatting
- Fix: Cargo task not generating
- Fix: attempt mitigation of map point failure error
- Fix: Minor spelling
- Fix: Transport counts showing as 0
- Fix: Campaign gen crashed if can't find another airbase to move to.
- Fix: Objective Feature Unit positioning
- Fix: UH-1H Bad radio
- Fix: Combat Search and Rescue Preset
- Fix: Bad troop transport spelling
- Fix: Bad A-4E Radio
- Fix: Objective Scenery Fire not near objective units
- Fix: CTLD off by one meant first pilot didn't get CTLD options
- Fix: Cargo Objective scripting error
- Fix: double parsing not InvariantCulture
- Fix: CTLD logistic vehicles
- Fix: Bad F-86F Sabre radio frequency
- Fix: Mirage 2000C bad default radio
- Fix: Magnetic heading could go into negatives
- Fix: Significantly reduce bad position chance.
- Fix: Objective ground units cannot be directed into the sea
- Fix: Ka-50 3 Modification not set
- Fix: Minor Typo in Location Hints text.
- Fix: Support target units picked up by ActiveGround units
- Fix: Don't crash on missing translation
- Fix: UI map crash if AIRBASE_HOME doesn't exist in map data
- Fix: Friendly Taskable Bomber not bombing - Thanks Eagle01
- Fix: remove odd lua code
- Fix: Destroy all but air defense script error - Thanks Eagle01
- Fix: Missing Proj4 Import on desktop
- Fix: No longer default to UnitID for mods if required mod string isn't provided
- Fix: Mission not marking as complete
- Updated:
- Updated: Support Proj4Js projector for maps
- Updated: Removed Position Lookup Files
- Updated: Various fixes to Taskable Units - Thanks Eagle01
- Updated: PersianGulf radio frequencies
- Updated: Mitigate double troop pickups
- Updated: Transported Troops considered main characters and survive crashes.
- Updated: Embedded Air defense more suitable Infantry now only have infantry AAA Statics can now have static AAA (units not SAM sites)
- Updated: Scale patrol distances by unit type
- Updated: Core to dotnet7
- Updated: Refactored Page & Template code
- Updated: changed distance settings using hint and ignore borders
- Updated: Campaign generator now has specific min-max objective distance
- Updated: Troop Transport AI now move to aircraft
- Updated: MIST CSAR script added MI-24 & AH-64
- Updated: Default.cbrt and Default.brt
- Updated: CTLD Pickup zones marked on maps
- Updated: CTLD to Sept 2020 dev version
- Updated: Remove CTLD default spawned units
- Updated: CSAR script to Moose version
- Updated: escort, troop or cargo transport missions reverse direction with GoToPlayerBase
- Updated: South Atlantic Airfields
- UI:
- UI: missing AAA icon
- UI: Hide purposely hidden objective features
- UI: Hints now show bounding box
- UI: Better hint info
- UI: Able to remove location hints in quick builder
- UI: Note Moose script is automatically loaded by other scripts and not mandatory
- UI: Rename Moose ATIS to ATIS (may break templates)
- Misc:
- Misc: de-risk releases failing
- Misc: Added jboecker (httpd) credit
- Misc: Spelling
- Misc: Update credits
- Misc: revert branch CI net7 change
- Misc: Mass formatting
- Upgrades:
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.WindowsForms
- Upgrade: Bump Swashbuckle.AspNetCore from 6.4.0 to 6.5.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump YamlDotNet from 12.2.0 to 12.3.1 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Blazored.LocalStorage from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 13.0.1 to 13.0.2 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump YamlDotNet from 12.0.2 to 12.2.0 in /Source
- Added:
Version, 15, 2022)
- Added:
- Added: Enhanced Gamemaster Script (Zeus)
- Added: Situation Editor
- Added: Auto convert ground static aircraft to actual static units (for performance, though loss of loadout)
- Added: Ice Halo set to auto
- Added: Full Builder Objective Location hint option
- Added: Linkage between campaign missions (starting airbase, objective area & situation)
- Added: Friendly and Enemy Bombers as mission feature
- Added: Moose Core and Moose ATIS for home base
- Added: Ingress and Egress points have unique names
- Added: Active Ground units
- Added: Objective feature friendly/enemy ground forces
- Added: Mapping support for Caucuses, South Atlantic, Mariana Islands, Persian Gulf and Syria (using Gzip Tech)
- Added: Basic Data based mapping method
- Added: waypoints for flights on UI map
- Added: Js real world map the UI
- Added: No BDA and Target Only BDA options
- Added: Aircraft Respawn Script
- Added: F-16 auto preset config
- Added: Auto set Air & ATC frequencies for players (where configured)
- Added: OV-10A Bronco mod
- Fixed:
- Fix: Spelling
- Fix: Map Icons showing Blue if player on Red side & Neutral airbase icon missing
- Fix: Briefings showing trigger suffixes
- Fix: Briefings ignore static aircraft
- Fix: Scripts not checking for NEUTRAL coalition units.
- Fix: Static carrier aircraft not having group names
- Fix: Script crash
- Fix: Singleton scripts (such as Moose) should only run once & before other feature scripts
- Fix: UI map giving away position of objective with inaccurate waypoint
- Fix: Strike packages given wrong waypoints in game
- Fix: Strike Packages not correctly identified
- Fix: MP FARPS no-rearm & double spawing
- Fix: Dedicated Server Duplicate FARPS (no more extra units)
- Fix: Corrupted FARP
- Fix: Some Ships not able to re-arm
- Fix: Immortal and invisible commands take priority in AI commands
- Fix: Friendly AWACS and Tankers now invisible to AI not invincible
- Fix: No ATC caused failed generate
- Fix: Cache map data on UI
- Fix: Broken file path
- Fix: Danger Close units not spawning danger close
- Fix: Removing old spawn anywhere broke quick builder
- Fix: Template can now survive ED's editing
- Fix: Remove Skill None, Use DCS Random Skill & Choose skill per unit not per group.
- Fix: Flair and Illumination Bomb calls
- Fix: Spawn anywhere not using any airbase
- Fix: Parked target AI aircraft activating when they shouldn't
- Fix: Set Waypoint to AGL 0 for ground targets
- Fix: Correct Bronco AI speed
- Updated:
- Updated: Let AI sort out Orbit speed and Alt
- Updated: Refactored Taskable unit scripts
- Updated: Moose to 2.7.16
- Updated: Situation Editor now adjusts to actual positions on generate
- Updated: Skynet to 3.0.1
- Updated: Moose ATIS to 227.00
- Updated: MarianaIslandsHopping situations related for campaign usage.
- Updated: Give AI Aircraft hints that they can avoid threats and fire back sometimes.
- Updated: B-1B Loadouts
- Updated: AircraftRespawn Script get independent 5-10 min check interval with 30% spawn chance.
- Updated: Tuned Ground forces mission feature placement
- Updated: Map warning
- Updated: Migrate Spawn anywhere to Situation option
- Updated: Syria ATC Radios
- Updated: All packages to net6
- Updated: Increase Respawn time and lower chance for AI
- Updated: FA-18C_hornet.ini
- Updated: Script.ini
- Updated: AircraftBomb.yml
- Updated: AircraftCAP.yml
- Updated: AircraftCAS.yml
- Updated: AircraftAWACS.yml
- Updated: AircraftSEAD.yml
- Updated: AircraftPatrol.yml
- Updated: AircraftOrbitingSEAD.yml
- Updated: AircraftUncontrolled.yml
- Updated: AircraftOrbiting.yml
- Updated: AircraftTankerNOTACAN.yml
- Updated: AircraftOrbitingCAS.yml
- Updated: AircraftMoving.yml
- UI:
- UI: Situation Editor improve descriptions
- UI: Situation Editor disable circle and rectangle
- UI: Minor updates for Situation Editor
- UI: Fix missing images for objectives
- UI: Map better routing
- UI: Improve waypoints and objectives
- UI: Complete NATO icons
- UI: Add nato unit icons (general)
- UI: Add Channel Map support
- UI: Normandy Map Support
- UI: Add Nevada Map support
- UI: Minor map updates
- UI: Icon hits and SubTasks
- UI: Remove aircraft from map icons
- UI: Map add units, SAM sites & Bases
- UI: Fix full screen Briefing
- UI: Add missing maps and Allow Full screen Briefing
- Misc:
- Misc: Format Files
- Misc: Credit Moose
- Misc: Credit NaDs
- Misc: Support task priority ordering
- Misc: Improved map error message
- Misc: enable and document data extraction for dev
- Docs:
- Docs: Improve Dump map data docs
- Docs: Credit Juanillus
- Upgrades:
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.WindowsForms
- Upgrade: Bump YamlDotNet from 12.0.1 to 12.0.2 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.WindowsForms
- Upgrade: Bump Markdig from 0.30.3 to 0.30.4 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump YamlDotNet from 12.0.0 to 12.0.1 in /Source
- Upgrade: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.WindowsForms
- Added:
Version, 03, 2022)
- Added:
- Added: Mirage F1
- Fixed:
- Fix: Command Line Exe
- Fix: correct Chile spelling in scenario
- Fix: Static objective was always singular in tasks
- Fix: Script failing to track static unit objectives
- Fix: Player spawning didn't account for taken spots
- Fix: Quick builder not picking up on custom objectives (also details)
- Fix: Title improvements
- Fix: Remove custom hornet payload file name
- Fix: Untranslated Remark Sections
- Fix: Flight Kneeboard missing translations
- Fix: Tankers not taking up comms settings
- Fix: Corrupt Lua
- Fix: Bad Playable Mirage config
- Fix: More incomplete translations
- Updated:
- Updated: use LuaTableSerializer package over localized version
- Updated: South Atlantic map with new airbases
- Updated: Doubled max search area for mission feats
- Updated: Disabled South Atlantic Assets pack and migrate units to base game
- Updated: Move limits into CommonDB
- Updated: F1 Cruise Speed
- Updated: Skynet to 3.0.0 main release
- Misc:
- Misc: Removed unused make file
- Upgrades:
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Markdig from 0.30.2 to 0.30.3 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Swashbuckle.AspNetCore from 6.3.2 to 6.4.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump YamlDotNet from 11.2.1 to 12.0.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /Source
- Added:
Version, 22, 2022)
- Added
- Added: Initial South Atlantic Asset Pack Mod
- Added: Can load templates from Within Missions and Campaigns
- Added: Embedded and version number in .miz file
- Added: Custom Config support for Operators and Operator Liveries
- Added: Ability to Override Operators and OperatorLiveries in custom configs
- Added: Support for no airbase situations
- Added: South Atlantic Briefing Images
- Added: Neutral Static Aircraft
- Added: Neutral Air Traffic
- Added: Civil Aircraft Mod
- Added: Required Mods to Briefings
- Added: Type-59
- Added: Advanced overrides for player flights (radio and callsign)
- Added: South Atlantic map initial support
- Added: Auto Import Liveries
- Added: Auto Import of Player Custom Loadouts
- Added: Cardinal Wind Directions to Briefing
- Added: Carrier Link4 support
- Added: Advanced Aircraft Spawning
- Added: Scramble Start
- Added: Waypoint number to briefings and Kneeboards
- Added: Random Objective presets for Quick Generator
- Added: Option to disable kneeboard images
- Added: Airbase Vehicle Spawn spots Caucasus & Syria
- Added: Airbase Vehicle Spawn spots Gulf
- Added: Airbase Vehicle Spawn spots Marianas
- Added: AA at FOBS & Airbases (Friendly & Enemy)
- Added: TACAN beacons at all FOBS and populated Airbases
- Added: TACAN Beacons at objectives and home base
- Added: S-3B and F-4 as low res aircraft
- Added: include Low-res aircraft option (marked particularly low res aircraft)
- Added: Ground Start Aircraft can spawn on carriers
- Added: Initial carrier static aircraft
- Added: Images to new coalitions
- Added: Common Alliances as Coalitions
- Added: Vehicle Operator Liveries
- Added: Vehicle Operator Liveries
- Added: Vehicle Operator Liveries
- Added: Vehicle Operator Liveries
- Added: Vehicle Operator Liveries
- Added: More Aircraft Operator Liveries
- Added: More Aircraft Operator Liveries
- Added: More aircraft OperatorLiveries
- Added: More Aircraft Operator Liveries
- Added: Operator Liveries for playable helicopters
- Added: Missing National Flags
- Added: a bunch more countries as coalitions
- Added: M-2000C OperatorLiveries
- Added: Support for Default liveries based on Country
- Added: a bunch of countries to coalitions
- Added: Helux and Land Cruiser variants
- Added: Egypt flag
- Added: Egypt coalition
- Updated
- Updated: A bunch of aircraft runway requirements
- Updated: South atlantic Temps and daytimes
- Updated: Aircraft move on airbase have now bomb if suitable
- Updated: MIST to
- Updated: Campaigns now in chronological date order.
- Updated: Tornado IDS Operator Liveries
- Updated: SU-24M Operator Liveries
- Updated: SU-25 Operator Liveries
- Updated: Retire Bofors 40mm in 1990 rather than 2020
- Updated: Rapier promoted to medium SAM
- Updated: Allow units to use small spawn points
- Updated: Mark SU-30 as low-res
- Updated: Aircraft loadouts and roles
- Updated: Helicopter loadouts & Families
- Updated: Aircraft Operators
- Updated: Helicopter Operators
- Updated: Waypoint marker colours
- Updated: Morocco.ini
- Updated: M109 Howitzer.ini
- Updated: M-1 Abrams.ini
- UI
- UI: Improve Carrier Label
- UI: Can now clone tasks
- UI: Remove "improvement" from stronger splash damage
- UI: Update F-16C display name to include Viper
- UI: Use website font for titles
- Fix
- Fix: Remove useless config
- Fix: Bad situation name
- Fix: Move to player airbase wasn't set right with not airbase
- Fix: HighDigitSAMs mod units not designated as HighDigitSAMs
- Fix: Cargo missing group name corrupting missions
- Fix: More cases of internal value not changing when its no longer in the option list.
- Fix: Fast generations broke map.
- Fix: Don't waste spawn points on features without units
- Fix: Bad pickups with ZU-23 unit
- Fix: Custom Coalitions failing on missing image
- Fix: Not internally selecting valid target when Task changed with invalid target UI
- Fix: A bunch of configs
- Fix: Bumped Tanker TACAN to start at 26X (removing airbase overlap)
- Fix: Unable to have more than one strike package at a airbase
- Fix: Spelling of Stanley
- Fix: Briefing editor dealing with quotes
- Fix: More bad aircraft configs
- Fix: Aircraft & Ship SubTask Spread
- Fix: Missing ActivateACLS
- Fix: Increase advanced aircraft spawn detection interval to 1 min
- Fix: Bomber and Transport targets had no scaling
- Fix: CAP not able to trigger at start. (25% chance per CAP group)
- Fix: Format dates DD/MM/YYYY (like most nations not that odd one)
- Fix: Coalition determining Nato Callsign corrupting mission files
- Fix: Remove Marianas spawn points too close to the water
- Fix: Correct Mariana islands airbase spawn
- Fix: Get ForEachAirbase positioning actually working
- Fix: Don't spawn CTLD zones if not using CTLD
- Fix: Missing Gun parameter
- Fix: correct loadout configs
- Fix: Remove spawn points in the sea (and throw error if it occurs again)
- Fix: Carrier Frequencies not being set
- Fix: Correct missing offshore names
- Fix: Missing Ship Patrolling file
- Fix: Retry logic wasn't working
- Fix: Command line build
- Fix: Aircraft not actually patrolling
- Fix: Ramat David Radio
- Fix: Add missing mod module IDs
- Fix: Objective aircraft where not being spawned on takeoff
- Misc
- Misc: Minor table styling
- Misc: Remove unused code
- Misc: Remove extra commas and spaces from configs
- Misc: added common Kneeboard issue fixes
- Misc: Remove TACAN=-
- Misc: Cleanup config files
- Misc: Github page test
- Misc: Call for Contributors
- Misc: Parking spot info added in DB
- Website
- Website: Update Page order
- Website: Add Image Carousels
- Website: Added dynamic release info
- Website: Updated styling
- Upgrade
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebView.WindowsForms
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump FluentRandomPicker from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Markdig from 0.28.1 to 0.30.2 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Swashbuckle.AspNetCore from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 in /Source
- Upgrade: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /Source
- Added
Version, 17, 2022)
- Added
- Added: Coordinate readouts now contains altitude in ft
- Added: Persistent Waypoint Coordinates in Objective Radio Menu
- Added: Persistent Target Coordinates in Objective Radio Menu
- Added: Combined Arms Pilot Control mission option
- Added: Combined Arms Template support
- Added: Backend support for Combined Arms
- Added: Campaign support multiple player flights
- Added: Mission Feature Ships for Enemy and Friendly
- Added: Static and Offshore static buildings
- Added: Missing Spinner to Campaign Generator
- Added: Syria Iraq 2003 situation (no short flights)
- Added: Syria new airbases
- Added: Playable Apache
- Added: Blackhawk Clean and External Tanks Loadouts
- Added: First implementation of Briefing Editor
- Added: ME compatible mod requirements.
- Added: HTML Rendered KneeBoards
- Added: Initial attempt at multi objective descriptions
- Added: Initial situation briefing sections
- Added: Support for more rich Briefings
- Added: Missing Clear Weather Preset
- Added: CTLD native support
- Added: Zone support
- Added: Escort Presets
- Added: Transport Troop Preset
- Added: Troop Transport Radio Calls
- Added: BR script for transport over CTLD
- Added: Taskable attack helicopters
- Added: Fleshed out escort task
- Added: basic initial escort task
- Added: Script Assisted Troop Transport
- Added: Initial Troop Transport Task (WIP)
- Added: CTLD Script
- Added: CSAR script
- Added: FOB Static items
- Added: Takeoff distance to Bomber
- Added: Takeoff distance to PlaneFighter
- Added: changes to some Fighter AC on Rwy length
- Added: More units variety in static targets
- Added: some more static groups mostly large things
- Added: Static Enemy Aircraft
- Added: High Cloud
- Updated
- Updated: Channel new airfields - thanks Sandman
- Updated: Skynet IADS to 3.0.0-dev
- Updated: Enable CM control for Anti-Air disable for Carrier and FOB
- Updated: Carriers loop back to start point
- Updated: Limit Units from spawning more than 70nm from own controlled area.
- Updated: Syria Situations
- Updated: Syria default zone
- Updated: Merge Flight Plan, Airbase and JTAC Kneepages
- Updated: Removed or shortened remarks
- Updated: Kneeboard notes and added JTAC section to briefings
- Updated: Increase KneeBoard Resolution
- Updated: Tune Taskable AI
- Updated: Limit kill radio call outs to just players
- Updated: AI Radio Freqencies
- Updated: CSAR script
- Updated: Commando Drop in Preset to be Transport Troop mission
- Updated: No longer allow CTLD to manage Transport AI groups
- Updated: EnemyStaticAircraft.ini
- Updated: FriendlyHelicopters.ini
- Updated: FriendlyCAS.ini
- Updated: EnemyStaticAircraft.ini
- Updated: FriendlyStaticAircraft.ini
- Updated: FriendlySEAD.ini
- Updated: FriendlyHelicopters.ini
- Updated: FriendlyCAS.ini
- Updated: EnemyTanker.ini
- Updated: EnemySEAD.ini
- Updated: EnemyHelicopters.ini
- Updated: EnemyCAS.ini
- Updated: EnemyAWACS.ini
- Updated: FriendlySEAD.ini
- Updated: F-117A moved to bomber
- Fixed
- Fix: Correct bad HDS mod required ID
- Fix: Campaign unable to select starting airbase
- Fix: Campaign Generator not using mission retry logic
- Fix: Logs where needlessly cleared on mission generation
- Fix: Correctly scale map
- Fix: Correct weapon configs Mi-24V & JF-17
- Fix: Show FCR on Apache
- Fix: Turkey was assigned to UK underneath
- Fix: Dog Ear radar ref
- Fix: add missing exe
- Fix: Can't find image issue due to pathing issues
- Fix: Increase Briefing Editor save mission size
- Fix: Use temp file in proper temp folder for windows
- Fix: Increase Zip memory size
- Fix: Bad Incirlik VHF frequency
- Fix: Black Hawk mod references
- Fix: Preset typo
- Fix: Broke kill messages (ignore player only calls)
- Fix: Callsigns started with 2 not 1
- Fix: ignore parking on airbase if not aircraft
- Fix: Taskable support not spawning
- Fix: Always populate country units block even if no units.
- Fix: only remove payload for harrier on STOVL ships
- Fix: FOB's where not regularly closer than main airbase
- Fix: Not spawning FOBs at all
- Fix: Flight groups not auto changing CJTF sides
- UI
- UI: added Channel ground mapping - thanks sandman
- UI: Update with Combined Arms options
- UI: Added Combined Arms Options to Full and Campaign Builder
- UI: Warnings only shown for mission shown in UI not failed generation attempts
- UI: Added copy logs button
- UI: Map added to Campaign Builder UI
- UI: Added abstract map of mission
- UI: Add simple loading spinner
- UI: More accurate names for some situation options
- UI: More indications in quick builder of inherited options
- UI: Added home base option to quick builder
- UI: Stronger indications of Quick Builder limitations and features loaded from templates
- UI: Add more task validation
- Misc
- Misc: Lower Found a non-assigned value warning to info
- Misc: Log Excessive Distances
- Misc: Log Recoverable Error
- Misc: add airbase ID grabber
- Misc: added build version to github issue
- Misc: report error logs when kneeboard convert fails
- Misc: Remove usage of temp file for KneeBoard generation
- Misc: improve auto release name
- Misc: Use MIST by default
- Misc: Update Country conflict warning
- Misc: Bump Markdig from 0.28.0 to 0.28.1 in /Source
- Misc: Bump Markdig from 0.27.0 to 0.28.0 in /Source
- Misc: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /Source
- Misc: Bump Swashbuckle.AspNetCore from 6.2.3 to 6.3.0 in /Source
- Misc: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /Source
- Misc: Bump Blazored.LocalStorage from 4.1.5 to 4.2.0 in /Source
- Misc: Bump Polly from 7.2.2 to 7.2.3 in /Source
- Misc: Bump Markdig from 0.26.0 to 0.27.0 in /Source
- Added
Version, 22, 2022)
- BREAKING: feature Ids (You will need to reapply these on templates)
- Added
- Added: Lower Cloud Migrated to Mission options (Mission options now more extendable)
- Added: Low Cloud option (references cloud to sea level rather than airbase)
- Added: Skynet Command Center Support
- Added: simple docs on creating Situations
- Added: Situations for map varied map zoning
- Added: auto retry if BriefingRoomException received on generation
- Added: auto retry and warning when objective distance is over 1.7x requested
- Added: scenery artillery for takable artillery
- Added: Ground Start Aircraft
- Added: General Training level under situation
- Added: Infantry and Cars to front line pool.
- Added: High Digit SAMS mod support - thanks gregfp66
- Added: Updated Campaign enough to call out of BETA
- Added: Friendly CAS and SEAD (not tasked)
- Added: Feature Enemy SEAD and CAS
- Added: Scenery, Friendly Static Aircraft
- Added: Situation Syria Israel War with Lebanon (No Allies)
- Added: Situations Marianas (multipule)
- Added: Situation Gulf Oman Invades UAE
- Added: Random option to Situation
- Added: Situation: Syrian Civil War (Pre Lebanon spill over)
- Added: Support for No Spawning area in Situations
- Added: Situation: Caucasus Russo Georgian War 2008
- Added: Situation: Caucasus Russian Costal Invasion (Early and late)
- Added: Situation: Caucasus Beslan Rebellion
- Added: Situation Persian Gulf - Civil War in Iran -Thanks anthon
- Added: PersianGulf Situations - Thanks Diesel
- Added: Nevada Situations - Thanks Diesel
- Added: Friendly and Enemy Helicopters (split out from CAS)
- Added: SubTask Template loading and saving
- Added: KJ-2000, Tornado (IDS & GR4), KC-130, SU-24MR, Yak-40
- Added: Players can be on hostile side (Simple)
- Added: Hide Borders Mission option
- Added: USAF Aggressors
- Added: JTAC Single Laser Code mission option
- Added: Mark cold start player aircraft with "(C)"
- Added: 10,000ft minimum runway requirement for large aircraft (Data still needed)
- Added: Dynamic Laser codes for each objective
- Added: Allow Custom Coalition Configs
- Added: Units Assigned to respective coalition countries if possible
- Added: Credits under Manual.
- Added: Runway Lengths for The Channel
- Added: Runway Lengths to Normandy
- Added: Nevada runway lengths
- Added: Warn player if specifically chosen airbase has a too short runway for chosen aircraft
- Added: Support Aircraft Minimum Runway lengths (Data still required)
- Added: Syria Nicosa airbase spawn points (tiny chance of FOB spawning there)
- Added: Syria Runway Lengths
- Added: PersianGuld Runway Lengths
- Added: Runway Lengths Mariana Islands
- Added: Runway Lengths Caucuses
- Added: Spawning on non dedicated carrier ships
- Added: Speaker Identifiers on radio message text
- Added: SkynetIADS EWR Radars
- Added: Initial SKYNET IADS system
- Added: In mission user manual
- Added: Extra Group feature support
- Added: Sub Objectives as extra Tasks.
- Added: SubObjective Template Props
- Added: Initial UH-60L Mod support
- Added: Splash Damage script as optional feature
- Added: More Task Description options to Briefings
- Added: UH-60L Radio config
- Added: Gave JTAC Bigger brain swishes target if its considered complete in objectives. Can also switch target on command
- Added: Disable Task (better suited for attacking parked aircraft)
- Added: Plane Attack minimum Runway Length
- Added: Basic DSMC compatibility by auto completing objectives on start
- Added: Minimum Runway Length to Tankers
- Added: complete User Mission Manual
- Added: Scenery Drone and JTAC as objective features
- Added: Spawn Friendly CAS and SEAD by player
- Added: Missing Sounds for Laser Designation
- Updated
- Updated: default template
- Updated: Gulf Parking Positions
- Updated: Marianas Parking Positions
- Updated: Caucasus parking positions
- Updated: Syria Parking Positions
- Updated: SEAD loadouts: F-16 & F-14B- Thanks Rhys
- Updated: Front line troops now return fire
- Updated: Gulf Civil War in Iran - thanks anthon
- Updated: Cyprus Conflict to not spawn in Syria, Israel ect
- Updated: Waypoint Marker is now Drawn
- Updated: NevadaEchobay.ini
- Updated: Reduced large aircraft runway requirement to 7000ft
- Updated: A-10 Minimum Runway Length.
- Fixed
- Fix: JTAC looping issue
- Fix: Airbase Parking spawn tasks waypoints are now on ground
- Fix: Airbase spawn listens to side limitations
- Fix: increased base cloud level range was just 650ft
- Fix: Player not being set when wingman used (you didn't see this)
- Fix: UI wasn't setting Situation right when map change
- Fix: use parking over parking_id
- Fix: Correct Kingsfield location
- Fix: Correct first in player group position
- Fix: Improvements to ground spawning logic
- Fix: Group features a bit
- Fix: Ground Late activating aircraft not working
- Fix: Taskable aircraft take off right away on ground spawn
- Fix: Aircraft refusing to take off
- Fix: hopefully stop silly aircraft parking spawning (assuming data is ok)
- Fix: aircraft spawning improvements
- Fix: Helos loadouts where not editable
- Fix: CAP and SEAD parked where late activation
- Fix: A bunch of issues with aircraft parking and unit directions
- Fix: Rename original situations
- Fix: Reset default file again
- Fix: Culture issue stopping certain Os setups from generating missions
- Fix: Tell Scenic Ground Vehicles they can defend themselves
- Fix: Extra aircraft show on flight list.
- Fix: Convinced Admirals to position their carriers much closer to home base
- Fix: Failing to find airbase had unusable error message.
- Fix: Air and Sea units was able to ignore control zones
- FIx: Scenery, JTAC was too danger close
- FIx: SEAD and CAP not doing their roles
- Fix: Parked Late Activation Aircraft not editable in ME
- Fix: Missing Country Name Crashing Skynet Script
- Fix: Laser Target Not existing
- Fix: MarianaIslands badly named
- Fix: Carrier Destinations on land.
- Fix: Ground Start Aircraft and Spawn anywhere not mixing
- Fix: Missing default mission features
- Fix: GroundStart Tankers race-tracking right back to airbase
- Fix: Build version path
- Fix: Sub Objectives not loading right
- Fix: Strike Packages not waypoints to with Sub Objectives
- Fix: Close Air Support description
- Fix: Player Aircraft with required runway length couldn't be generated.
- Fix: Artillery asking for Zero units
- Fix: UnitVehicleParked somehow was possible
- Fix: Distance warning was wrong way round
- Fix: Invert Coalitions wasn't reliable
- Fix: Enemy Feature Units follow objective hidden
- Fix: SubObjective can be on airbase if main objective is on airbase.
- Fix: correct Al Maktoum Intl radios
- Fix: UH-1H & OH-58D having no loadouts
- UI
- UI: General Sort out
- UI: More improvement to Mission Features
- UI: Mark player groups with (P) on flight list
- UI: Re-label Air force to Combat air patrols.
- UI: Add build version on index page
- UI: Load Template is limited to expected file formats
- UI: Missing Web Favicon
- Misc
- Misc: Properly set save and load file types
- Misc: Add dependabot to automation
- Misc: Newer Airbase Position extract method
- Misc: Update Template extractor to do vehicles
- Misc: Run code format pass and remove Summaries
- Misc: Fix build issue
- Misc: Switch to TemplateRecord in generator to avoid mutating template
- Misc: Big code cleanup
- Misc: remove pre-release from builds
- Misc: Remove excess valid spawn types
- Misc: Remove Disabled Units
- Misc: Include Readme in download & Desktop warnings thanks - BlackRook
- Misc: Try manual build version
- Misc: Remove useless code.
- Misc: Missing Bracket
- Misc: auto lower case payload
- Misc: Bump Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web in /Source
- Misc: another attempt at build version
- Misc: Credit Walder for Skynet
- Misc: Github Update Issue for new upload limits
Version (Nov, 9, 2021)
- New spawning system:
- Aircraft can spawn anywhere
- Sea zoned out with island exclusions (not limited by spawn points, carriers affected too)
- Blue and Red Areas of control (rest is neutral)
- Spawn points don't have hardcoded side (checks run to see if side zones for limitation)
- Insurgency mission option to allow spawning irrespective of side zoning (replaces "Only spawn in friendly countries")
- Maps with added spawn points
- Caucasus (Spawn points added to south and Mountains)
- PersianGulf (Spawn points added for mountains, islands & cities)
- Syria (Completely new set of spawn points ~200 => ~3700)
- Marianas Islands (Completely new set of spawn points ~200 => ~900)
- General spawning changes:
- Objective distance is now between home base and objective no matter if first objective or not
- Objective distance now on quick generator
- Objective distance max 200 => 300
- Objective separation option on Full and Quick generator
- Make Medium air defences large space only
- FOB as Carrier Option
- Improve spawning of objective units
- Map Changes:
- Add Mariansas Islands
- Add Syria Gaziantep Airbase
- Fix Syria H4 airbase
- Units:
- Added NASAMS
- Added Mosquito FB Mk VI
- Added SA-5 site
- Added H-6J Bomber
- Added some missing ships
- Add USS Forrestal
- Add JAS-39-C Grippen Mod
- Customisation:
- Add custom db for liveries and loadouts
- Add Implement custom loadout names
- Add Implement basic custom loadouts
- Add Campaign Beta (Don't report bugs on this please its too early)
- Add Set aircraft liveries
- Add Radio Transmission Objective Feature
- Add Taskable Bomber, CAS, CAP & SEAD (Known issues with AI and callouts)
- Add Implement Strike Packages setup
- Add a ton of default liveries
- Added UI Show warnings from generation (warnings may indicate some features requested could not be spawned)
- Add Ingress and Egress waypoints optional
- Add FX radio sound
- Add Text to Template buttons
- Add Custom Config Docs
- Add colouring to map
- Add drawings maker
- Add Tarwa back in as usable by adding temp extra family
- Add logs on all pages
- Add more structures
- Add embedded air defence for structures
- Add Static groups
- Add more target options
- Add Manual Page
- Add MarianaIslands images
- Update to .Net 6 main release
- Rename Packages => Strike Packages
- Remove carrier waypoint faff
- Fix Typehead removed scroll limit
- Fix Template Load/Save improvements
- Fix Scenery infantry is no longer immortal #253
- Fix Improve Kneeboard Font
- Fix Move awacs back towards base
- Fix UI Improvements
- Fix stop Custom config deleting default payload
- Fix description error
- Fix spawn selector for CAP
- Fix Briefing Encoding
- Fix MP script not loading
- Fix Ships breaking mission
- Fix to Various payloads not being editable in ME #168 (please report any remaining buggy aircraft)
- Fix Load Template click issues
- Fix Mark Waypoints #247 migrated to new mission option - default on
- Fix multiple FOBS wouldn't spawn
- Fix download UI issue
- Fix Package Saving logic
- Fix missing config folder in release
- Fix Static Buildings not seen in JTAC and other marking features
- New spawning system:
Version (July 18, 2021)
- Virtually rewrote everything from scratch, countless bugs fixed
- Most notable new features
- Project split between a library (BriefingRoom.dll), a command-line interface and a Razor/WebView GUI
- New GUI (by John Harvey) allows both quick mission generation (for quick skirmish generation) and full mission generation (for complete control over all aspect of the mission)
- New objective system with custom selection of task and target type, count and behavior for each objective
- New objective/mission feature system allows for fine selection of mission elements, from target designation to rules of engagement
- Proper carrier group generation (by John Harvey)
- Graphical kneeboard briefing (by John Harvey)
- Regressions
- Campaign generator temporarily disabled, will be restored in the next version
Version (April 21, 2021)
- All new UI
- Bug fixes
- Fixed minor typos (by tgrandgent)
- Fixed typo in "Soldier M249" unit ID
- Fixed missing gun in Fix F-5E-3 (by John Harvey)
- Fixed AWACS altitude (by John Harvey)
- Removed erroneous settings in Options.lua
- Improved wind settings, high winds should not be as frequent (by John Harvey)
- Improvements
- CAP/SEAD support called by radio (with John Harvey)
- Changed cruise altitude and cruise speed to integers in aircraft ini files
- Better weather management (by John Harvey)
- New features
- Added "show waypoints as map markers" extensions (by John Harvey)
- Support for DCS World 2.7 cloud presets (by John Harvey)
- New "aircraft properties" field in unit properties, radio presets managements (by John Harvey)
Version (March 5, 2021)
- Bug fixes
- AFAC and search & destroy targets are now always hidden on map, regardless of "show enemy units on map" setting
- Fixed a bug with static units/building not spawned exactly the proper coordinates
- Fixed "Deep strike" static buldings now only spawn on large spawnpoints (so only on open ground, not in the middle of a field)
- Fixed JTAC not lasing/marking static objects correctly (by David Pierron)
- Fixed wrong spawning altitude for aircraft units, which sometimes spawned in the ground (by John Harvey)
- New template options
- Civilian traffic level can be selected
- Distance to objective(s) is now set via an integer value, so very large or very short distances (e.g. for rotary wing operations) can be generated
- Realism settings (disable external views, enable bird strikes...) can be enforced*
- Starting airbase and starting carrier selection added to the campaign generator
- New flyable aircraft
- A-4E-C Skyhawk (mod) (by John Harvey)
- F-14A player aircraft (by John Harvey)
- F-22A Raptor (mod) (by John Harvey)
- F-86F Sabre
- Messerschmitt Bf 109K
- Spitfire (by John Harvey)
- New mission objectives
- Battle damage assessment
- Bomber escort
- Offensive counter air (with help from John Harvey)
- Patrol (by John Harvey)
- Misc. improvements
- Added keyboard shortcut for campaign generator
- Aircraft carriers now sail into the wind (by John Harvey)
- Crash site (with fire and smoke) now spawned near the stranded pilots in CSAR missions
- Default settings are now set in a "Default.brt" mission template files stored in program directory (by John Harvey)
- Embedded air defense is now spawned near static buildings, not only near vehicles
- Now supports custom Lua for unit-specific settings (laser code for the F-16, NVG/HMD selection, etc)
- GPS is now available to all coalitions, so there's no need to artificially add the USA to the player's coalition to give them access to the GPS
- Mission features can now be used to spawn unit groups, like objectives
- Multiple carriers can now be spawned (by John Harvey)
- Different payloads for each decade can now be specified for aircraft in the database. The payloads themselves have not been added yet. (by John Harvey)
- Updated Moroccan units (by Nomadzy)
- Bug fixes
Version (January 20, 2021)
- Bug fixes
- Now assigns the USA to the player's coalition because DCS World restricts access to the GPS to coalitions including the US (thanks to John Harvey for noticing)
- Fixed parking spawn coordinates (fix by John Harvey)
- SAM sites prefabs rotation now works correctly (code by John Harvey)
- Static/buildings now spawned properly
- Tanker TACAN now works properly, with remark in the briefing FG list (code by John Harvey)
- Fixed single player AI CAP escorts going back to base on mission start: they now fly straight to the mission area on player takoff like their multiplayer counterparts
- New units
- Added many missing aircraft and ground units
- All player-controllable aircraft are now available (except for user mods)
- WW2 assets pack units are available
- New theaters
- The Channel (EARLY VERSION)
- Nevada
- Normandy
- Syria (EARLY VERSION) (created by John Harvey)
- New objectives
- CAS and convoy escort (by John Harvey)
- Deep strike on enemy structures (by John Harvey)
- New coalitions/countries: Algeria, Argentina, Belgium, Canada, China, EU, France, Germany, Imperial Japan, India, Insurgents, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Libya, Mexico, NATO, Nazi Germany, Norway, Pakistan, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Terrorists, Tunisia, Turkey, UK, Vietnam, WW2 Allies, WW2 Axis
- New features
- Campaign generator (EARLY VERSION)
- All new coalitions/units pairing system (list of operators in each unit definition instead of a list of units for each coalition)
- Selection of mission decade/era is now independent from coalition, proper units are chosen for the year during which the mission takes place
- Enemy AI skill can now be selected (uses code by John Harvey)
- Friendly air defense (code by John Harvey)
- Carrier groups and carrier takeoff/landing (EARLY VERSION) (code by John Harvey)
- Now generates custom "title" pictures to campaigns and missions
- Option to end the mission when the last player has landed or a few minutes after objectives have been completed (code by John Harvey)
- Option to generate additional ingress/egress waypoints (uses some code by John Harvey)
- "Random" setting for enemy CAP/SAMs (code by John Harvey)
- Misc. changes
- Merged all options (extra waypoints, hide enemy units, etc) into a single list for better readability of the mission template editor
- Improved briefing descriptions
- Mission template file extension changed from .brtemplate to .brt
- Bug fixes
Version (December 28, 2020)
- Bug fixes
- Fixed DCS crashing when a Ka-27 was spawned
- Fixed F-14B spawning an F-14A
- Fixed antiship payload of F/A-18 registered as a SEAD payload (fix by John Harvey)
- Fixed bug with Maverick F in F/A-18 default loadout (fix by John Harvey)
- Waypoints for ground targets are now spawned on the ground
- Starting airbase now picked correctly when red/blue countries are inverted on the map
- New player aircraft: all SA342 Gazelles, F-5E, F-5E-3
- New objectives
- CSAR: locate downed pilots (who can shoot distress flares to help you locate them) and land near them in a helicopter to pick them up
- FAC(A): direct artillery strikes on target
- Recon: locate enemy vehicles and fly over them to gather information
- Improved GUI
- Better toolbar buttons
- App now scales better at higher DPI (code by Taosenai)
- "Miz export complete" (with time taken for the export) now displayed in status bar
- New mission template settings
- CAP/SEAD AI escorts now available both in singleplayer and in multiplayer
- Option to disable radio voices (uses code by John Harvey)
- "Enemy units location": new option to make sure enemy units and objectives are only spawned in red or blue countries for increased realism
- AI level selection for friendly aircraft, enemy ground units and enemy aircraft
- New factions
- Russia/USSR from the 1970s to the 1990s
- JTAC can now transmit target coordinates (LL and MGRS) to the players
- Decreased distance between waypoints and targets on most objectives
- Improved home airbase selection algorithm
- Default values for the mission templates now stored in Database/Defaults.ini
- Project now targets .NET Framework 4.8 instead of 4.5
- Bug fixes
Version (December 19, 2020)
- Added Persian Gulf theater
Version (December 17, 2020)
- First public release