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G2: Pipelined Execution

This assignment is under heavy reconstruction

As a side-effect of trying to follow [COD5e] as closely as possible, the resulting pipelined simulator is extremely non-modular, fragile and often hard to debug and test automatically — as field-testing this assignment has shown.

The resulting C-programming exercise also omits one important lesson — minimize global side-effects, even if those side-effects are constrained to a single module. Otherwise, the above occurs.

The notion of doing only one thing, and doing one thing well, which is central to well-versed C programming, has an adequate doppelgänger in the realm of pipelining: factorize a clock-cycle into phases, and in each phase do one thing, do one thing quickly. The factorization also permits to skip phases when those are unnecessary.

The change will be to implement the pipeline in a more functional, less imperative, less globally-scoped way, converting phases into side-effect-free functions (except in terms of them using time and space), implementing branching, jumping, and forwarding in an "executive" (coordinator-like) fashion (which was already the case anyway).

This is the second in a series of three G-assignments ("G" for "Godkendelse" and/or "Gruppeopgave") which you must pass in order to be eligible for the exam in the course Machine Architecture (ARK) at DIKU. We encourage pair programming, so please form groups of 2-3 students.

Sections 4.1—​4.4 of [COD5e] set the stage for this assignment, and we will explore the sections 4.5—​4.8 in excruciating detail. We assume that you’ve at least skimmed all of §§ 4.1—​4.8, and are prepared to flip back and forth, mining for the details. You are also strongly encouraged to have read through Appendix B.1-B.3, B.5, B.7, and B.8.

Furthermore, this assignment assumes that you’ve already solved most of G1.

If you have any comments or corrections to the text, visit our public GitHub repository at

Happy hacking :-)

1. Assignment

This is a short overview of your assignment. Flip back to this if you are ever in doubt about what you are doing.

Your task is to rewrite your simulator from G1 to be a pipelined simulator. This simulator must implement the instructions that you didn’t implement in G1. We repeat: You will not pass G2, if you do not implement the instructions that didn’t work in your G1 simulator.

Additionally, your new simulator should support as many of the following instructions as possible: add, addu, addi, addiu, and, andi, beq, bne, j, jal, jr, lw, lui, nor, or, ori, sll, slt, sltu, slti, sltiu, srl, sub, subu, sw, and halt when it sees a syscall instruction. If you start running out of time, prioritize these instructions: add, addiu, beq, j, jal, jr, lw, lui, ori, sll, slt, srl, sub, sw, and syscall.

The interface of the simulator should remain the same, but in addition to printing the number of instructions executed, it should also print the number of clock cycles elapsed.

Executed %zu instruction(s).
%zu cycle(s) elapsed.
pc = 0x%x
at = 0x%x
v0 = 0x%x
v1 = 0x%x
t0 = 0x%x
t1 = 0x%x
t2 = 0x%x
t3 = 0x%x
t4 = 0x%x
t5 = 0x%x
t6 = 0x%x
t7 = 0x%x
sp = 0x%x
ra = 0x%x

NB! Please follow this format precisely as your code will be subject to automated testing.

2. Introduction

So far, we have only counted the number of instructions that our simulator executes. Unwittingly, what we implemented in G1, was a single-cycle simulator: each instruction took one "clock cycle" to complete.

Equally important to CPU performance is the wall-clock duration of a clock cycle.

In an edge-triggered clocking methodology, all state changes occur at the edge of a clock cycle. In a single clock cycle, we can read a register, send the value through some combinational logic, and write a register. All writes to a state element (e.g. a register) which do not happen on a clock edge will have no effect. If all this sounds like black magic to you, see Section 4.2 (pages 248-251) and Appendix B.7 (pages B-48-50) in [COD5e].

Some MIPS32 instructions require more logic than others. Consider the lw instruction:

  1. Read the instruction from instruction memory.

  2. Decode base register, destination register, and immediate field; read the base register.

  3. Add the value of the immediate field to the value of the base register.

  4. Load the resulting address from data memory.

  5. Store the loaded value in the destination register.

These stages are commonly given the following names:

  1. Instruction Fetch (IF) — fetching an instruction from instruction memory.

  2. Instruction Decode and Register File Read (ID) — (speaks for itself).

  3. Execution and Address Calculation (EX) — using the ALU.

  4. Memory Access (MEM) — accessing the data memory.

  5. Write Back (WB) — writing results back to the register file.

Not all instructions need to go through all these stages. Most MIPS32 instructions omit the memory access stage altogether. But we cannot perform these instructions any faster if we have to stretch the duration of a clock cycle to accommodate instructions that utilize all five stages (e.g. lw): In a single-cycle architecture, we cannot make the common case fast.

One solution is to add intermediate state elements between the stages, and to advance all stages simultaneously in a single clock cycle. This technique is called "pipelining".

In a single-cycle architecture, all stages execute in sequence, and no stage executions overlap. The duration of a clock cycle is stretched to accommodate the execution of all 5 stages in a clock cycle:

no pipeline

In a pipelined architecture, all stages execute simultaneously in every clock cycle (provided they all have something to do). The duration of a clock cycle can then be reduced, as there is less combinational logic to accommodate in one clock cycle:

with pipeline

Pipelining retains instruction latency: although it now takes up to 5 clock cycles to execute an instruction, the execution time of an instruction remains the same due to a shorter clock cycle duration.

Pipelining increases instruction throughput: pipeline start-up overhead aside, the number of clock cycles is roughly equal to the number of instructions. With a shorter clock cycle duration, more instructions get executed in the same wall-clock time-frame. In the example above, the single-cycle architecture only made it through 3 instructions in 2400ps, while the pipelined architecture made it through 11 instructions.

This exploitation of parallelism in a sequential instruction stream creates many opportunities for hazards to occur, as subsequent instructions may depend on the results of preceding instructions, which have not finished executing yet. Forwarding data and stalling the pipeline are just some of the ways such hazards are resolved.

3. Rewriting Your Simulator

Firstly, we need to conceptually split the execution of an instruction into the execution of the 5 pipeline stages. Each stage advances an instruction to the next pipeline stage (or stalls the pipeline).


One way to simulate an instruction pipeline is to have a function for every pipeline stage, and to call the stage functions in order from end to start of the pipeline. For instance, we could name these functions interp_wb, interp_mem, interp_ex, interp_id, and lastly, interp_if. The execution of these five functions (in that order), constitutes a clock cycle.

Mental exercise: Why shouldn’t we execute the stage functions in order from start to end?

With this modelling concept, "advancing an instruction" to the next pipeline stage involves passing on everything necessary to execute the immediately following, and any subsequent pipeline stages for the instruction. Data is passed via the 5 so-called pipeline registers:

  1. IF/ID: Data from the IF stage to the ID stage (+EX+MEM+WB).

  2. ID/EX: Data from the ID stage to the EX stage (+MEM+WB).

  3. EX/MEM: Data from the EX stage to the MEM stage (+WB).

  4. MEM/WB: Data from the MEM stage to the WB stage.

Mental exercise: Why don’t we also have a WB/IF pipeline register?

With these pipeline registers, the old registers (which we called regs) will from now on be referred to as programmer-visible registers.


A C-struct is a collection of named fields. So is a pipeline register.

We can model the pipeline registers using static C-structs which we’ll call if_id, id_ex, ex_mem, and mem_wb.

Each stage function then reads from its respective pipeline register, and writes to its subsequent pipeline register. For instance, interp_id reads from if_id and writes to id_ex. As with mem, regs, and PC, let’s keep the pipeline registers static, declared at the top of our sim.c.

3.1. Getting Started

We assume that you have correctly solved most of G1.

Recursively copy your solution for the first assignment to get started on the second:

~$ cd ark
~/ark$ mkdir 2nd
~/ark$ cp -r 1st/* 2nd/

Download the handout archive from Absalon and place it in the ~/ark folder. Unpack the archive, to add/overwrite the new or updated handout files:

~/ark$ tar xvf g2-handout-v1.0.tar.gz

Your old assembly files are likely to not work with the pipelined simulator, until you are completely done with the assignment.


Break your simulator:

  1. Declare a variable cycles alongside your instr_cnt.

  2. Define a non-zero macro SAW_SYSCALL at the top of your file.

  3. Write a function stub, cycle above your interp. cycle should return an int indicating how the cycle went. For now, let it just return the non-zero value SAW_SYSCALL.

  4. Replace the loop body in your interp function with a call to cycle. Make sure to break out of the loop if cycle returns a non-zero value (as with interp_inst in G1). If cycle returned SAW_SYSCALL, interp should return successfully.

  5. Count up the new variable cycles instead of instr_cnt in your interp loop. We will count up instr_cnt elsewhere.


There was a mistake in the G1 assignment text. The original text said that SP should be initialized to poin to the 4th last byte in mem. This is not correct.

MIPS convention has it, that SP denotes the most recently used (data) memory address. None of the data memory is initially in use, so SP should initially be set to the 1st byte past mem (the stack grows downwards).

Correct this in your implementation.


For any valid configuration and ELF file, your (broken) simulator should exit with the value 0. Use echo $? to print the exit code of the last command executed in your terminal.

3.2. Troubleshooting

Before we get too far off with our pipeline, we would like to take the time to give you some advice on troubleshooting your implementation. We strongly encourage you to skip this section until you e.g. hit a so-called "segmentation fault", or get tangled up in all the different "control bits".

Perhaps the first thing you should do is read the [_tips_about_control_bits].

In general, we recommend that you try to test your implementation in a stage-by-stage manner. Print the values of the different pipeline registers as instructions progress through the pipeline. Check that things are set (and unset!) properly as you progress. You might also find the function getchar() (defined in <stdio.h>) useful in your cycle or interp to "pause" the simulator until you hit e.g. enter.

This is what we might call printf-style debugging. If you are looking for something faster, GDB, The GNU Project Debugger, might what you’re looking for. If nothing else, it is very useful for catching segmentation faults.

To use GDB with your implementation, you will need to add an additional compilation flag to your Makefile. You need to tell GCC to compile for debugging with GDB. To do this, specify the -g option when you compile your sim.c:

sim: mips32.h elf.o sim.c
  $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -g -o sim elf.o sim.c

3.2.1. Catching Segmentation Faults

Segmentation faults are caused by memory writes to, or reads from invalid memory addresses. This typically indicates trouble with lw, sw, branching, or jumping instructions, or your forwarding implementation (if you got that far).

Before you start, check your assembly program. Check that you are not using something too far off the stack pointer for your lw or sw instructions, if you have any.

Start gdb by specifying your (compiled for GDB) executable:

~/ark/2nd$ gdb ./sim
GNU gdb (GDB) ...
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
Reading symbols from ./sim...done.

This is the GDB prompt where you can enter GDB commands. One GDB command you can enter is to run the program with some chosen set of arguments:

(gdb) run default.cfg asm/sw-lw-unknown-opcode.elf
Starting program: /home/archimedes/ark/2nd/sim default.cfg asm/sw-lw-unknown-opcode.elf

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x000000000040145f in interp_mem () at sim.c:126
126     SET_BIGWORD(mem, ex_mem.alu_res, ex_mem.rt_value);

GDB is telling us a lot more than the raw command-line did! The segmentation fault happens on line 126, which (in this case) is part of interp_mem.

Your program has not finished running. For GDB, a segmentation fault is like a breakpoint. You can ask GDB for the value of different local or global variables at this point. For instance, what is the value of ex_mem.alu_res, in hexadecimal notation?

(gdb) print/x ex_mem.alu_res
$1 = 0xfffffffc

Or how does it look in binary notation?

(gdb) print/t ex_mem.alu_res
$2 = 11111111111111111111111111111100

You can even ask GDB to print out whole structs:

(gdb) print if_id
$3 = {inst = 0, next_pc = 4194340}
(gdb) print ex_mem
$4 = {mem_read = false, mem_write = true, reg_write = false,
      mem_to_reg = false, branch = false, bzero = false,
      rt = 0 '\000', rt_value = 3, reg_dst = 0 '\000',
      alu_res = 4294967292, branch_target = 4194316}

So it looks like what is wrong with our program is that ex_mem.alu_res is not computed correctly, but where does this really go wrong? You could now go ahead with printf-style debugging, knowing what to look for, or you could continue with GDB-style debugging.

3.2.2. Debugging with GDB

(Start up GDB again to walk your way to the segmentation fault.)

To set a breakpoint with GDB, use the GDB command break (before you run your program).

You can break on entry to a function in your C file:

(gdb) break cycle
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4023fc: file sim.c, line 560.

Or break when a line in your C file is hit:

(gdb) break 319
Breakpoint 2 at 0x4019e4: file sim.c, line 319.

After you have set your breakpoints, run the program:

(gdb) run default.cfg asm/sw-lw-unknown-opcode.elf
Starting program: /home/archimedes/2nd/sim default.cfg asm/sw-lw-unknown-opcode.elf

Breakpoint 1, cycle () at sim.c:560
560   int retval = 0;

After you’ve examined the values you want to examine using print, you can instruct GDB to continue until the next breakpoint is met:

(gdb) continue

Breakpoint 2, interp_if () at sim.c:319
319   if_id.inst = GET_BIGWORD(mem, PC);

In this case, it looks like the interp_if breakpoint is rightfully reached before the cycle breakpoint is reached again (interp_if in this C file was on lines 318-323).

You can also step though the program one C line at a time from here:

(gdb) next
320   PC += 4;
(gdb) print/x PC
$1 = 0x400018

To exit GDB, use the quit command.

If you are looking for more GDB commands, we recommend this GDB cheat sheet.

3.2.3. GDB scripts

It can get a little tedious to set breakpoints and run your program every time you compile your program anew. You can use a GDB script to get this work done for you.

A GDB script is a file that contains a list of GDB commands. For instance, something like this gdb.script file might be useful:

break cycle
run default.cfg asm/sw-lw-unknown-opcode.elf
print/x if_id

This script sets a breakpoint at the function cycle, runs the simulator, continues the first time the breakpoint is hit (the very first cycle), and on next hit of the breakpoint, prints the if_id register, in hex.

To run GDB with this script, use the -x option:

$ gdb -x gdb.script ./sim
Reading symbols from ./sim...done.
Breakpoint 1 at 0x4023fc: file sim.c, line 560.

Breakpoint 1, cycle () at sim.c:560
560   int retval = 0;

Breakpoint 1, cycle () at sim.c:560
560   int retval = 0;
$1 = {inst = 0xafa8fffc, next_pc = 0x40001c}

3.2.4. Tips about control bits

  1. Check that you break out of all your cases in interp_control.

  2. Remember to set mem_to_reg every time you set reg_write to true. Otherwise, lw can creep in on your R-type instructions, and vice-versa.

  3. Remember to set the branch control bit to false for all instructions other than beq, bne. Otherwise, you might branch off to odd places.

  4. Remember to set the jump control bit to false for all instructions other than j, jal, jr. Otherwise, you might jump off to odd places.

  5. Check the alu_src for all instructions that pass through the alu.

  6. Remember to set the mem_read and mem_write control bits for all instructions. This will prove useful in G3.

Go back to [_troubleshooting] if you are still having trouble.

3.3. Implementing lw and sw

We will start by implementing the lw and sw instructions. We have already discussed how lw does something in every pipeline stage. sw is similar, except that it does nothing in the WB stage. Implementing lw and sw will get us started across the board, with something to do in every pipeline stage.

Despite the fact that we will call the stage functions in order from end to start of the pipeline, it is certainly most convenient to implement the functions in order from start to end:

3.3.1. Instruction Fetch (IF)

Instruction Fetch, or IF, is the first pipeline stage. In the IF stage, we read the instruction addressed by the PC from memory, and increment the PC. We save the instruction that was read in the IF/ID register.


  1. Declare a static C struct, if_id, near the top of sim.c (just below your existing static variable declarations):

    struct preg_if_id {
      uint32_t inst;
      // ...
    static struct preg_if_id if_id;
  2. Write a function interp_if():

    1. Use the macro GET_BIGWORD (defined in mips32.h) to get the instruction addressed by PC from mem.

    2. Save the instruction in if_id.inst.

    3. Increment PC by 4.

    4. Count up instr_cnt.

    5. Call interp_if from cycle.

Note that interp_if cannot fail, and so should return void.

3.3.2. Instruction Decode and Register File Read (ID)

Instruction Decode and Register File Read, or ID, is the second stage of the pipeline. In the ID stage, we decompose the instruction into its constituent fields, set up the control signals for subsequent pipeline stages, and read in the necessary registers, among other things.

As with the IF stage, we start out with a simple implementation, focusing for now on just the lw and sw instructions. Both are I-type instructions, so we are interested in the opcode, rs, rt, and imm fields of the instruction passed in the IF/ID pipeline register. For the subsequent pipeline stages we will need:

  1. The value of the register addressed by the rs field.

  2. The value of the sign-extended imm field.

  3. To signal to the EX stage that it should calculate the sum of the above values.

Furthermore, if it is a lw instruction, we will need:

  1. To signal to the MEM stage that it should read the memory address computed in the EX stage.

  2. To signal to the WB stage that it should store the value loaded in the MEM stage in register rt.

If it is a sw instruction, we will need:

  1. The value of the register addressed by the rt field.

  2. To signal to the MEM stage that it should write the value to the memory address computed in the EX stage.

  3. To signal to the WB stage that it should do nothing.

We will use "control bits" to signal to subsequent pipeline stages what they should and should not do.


A "bit" is a value that is either asserted or deasserted. Bits are basic units in hardware, but hard to deal with in software. It is easier to model "control bits" using booleans, i.e. values which are either true or false. Underneath the covers, a boolean usually takes up one byte of memory.

You will need to include <stdbool.h> at the top of your sim.c to get the standard C boolean type bool.


To signal to the EX stage what it should do, [COD5e] goes to great lengths to define a so-called "ALU control unit" (see pages 259-261, as well as Figure 4.18 on page 266).

We will take a shortcut and use a funct field in our ID/EX pipeline register. This field will be needed later for R-type instructions. Since this field otherwise goes unused for the lw, sw, beq, and bne instructions, we can use it to "spoof" an ALU control unit.

For the lw and sw instructions, the funct field should be set to FUNCT_ADD (defined in mips32.h).


  1. Declare a static C struct, id_ex, just below the declaration of if_id:

    struct preg_id_ex {
      bool mem_read;
      bool mem_write;
      bool reg_write;
      // ...
    static struct preg_id_ex id_ex;
  2. The struct already has the following control bits defined:

Table 1. Control bits in the ID/EX pipeline register
Control bit Destination Stage Intent



Whether we should read from memory



Whether we should write to memory



Whether we should write back to a register

  1. Add the following fields to the struct:

Table 2. Other fields in the ID/EX pipeline register
Field Meaning Where from?


Value of the rt field

Use GET_RT on if_id.inst


Value of the rs register

Lookup rs in regs array


Value of the rt register

Lookup rt in regs array


Sign extended immediate

SIGN_EXTEND and GET_IMM on if_id.inst


ALU operation to perform in EX

Set by interp_control (below)


Define a function interp_control():

  1. Switch on the opcode field of the instruction in the IF/ID register.

  2. In the case of OPCODE_LW or OPCODE_SW, set mem_read, reg_write, and mem_write appropriately.

  3. For either case above, set id_ex.funct to FUNCT_ADD. (See also HACK above.)

  4. For the default case, return a suitable error value.


Write a function interp_id() just below interp_control:

  1. Call interp_control at the bottom of your interp_id to set the control bits and funct field of the ID/EX register. Make sure to check the return value of interp_control.

  2. Set the other fields of the ID/EX register before calling interp_control.

  3. Call interp_id before calling interp_if in cycle.

Note that interp_id can fail, and so should return int. Make sure to check this return value in cycle.

It is also important to note, that interp_id will be called before any calls to interp_if. What will the instruction in the IF/ID register look like the first time interp_id runs? Since the IF/ID pipeline register is statically allocated, the initial value of all the fields in the IF/ID register, including the instruction, will be set to 0.

This zero instruction has a name: nop, or "no operation". We will need to support this instruction before we can do any testing. (At present, interp_control simply fails!) To implement nop, set all control bits to false in interp_control.


Add a check at the top of interp_control if if_id.inst is 0.

If it is, set all control bits to false and return successfully from the function.

Mental exercise: Why is this both necessary and sufficient to implement nop instructions?

The last thing we need to do before we can test our progress, is to change cycle to not always return SAW_SYSCALL.


Update the return value of cycle. If none of the pipeline stages failed, return 0.


Check that interp_if and interp_id work as intended with the provided sw-lw-unknown-opcode.S. Note, you don’t support R-type instructions yet. sw-lw-unknown-opcode.S has a syscall instruction. For now, the intended behaviour is that your simulator fails and complains about an unknown opcode.

3.3.3. Execution and Address Calculation (EX)

Execution and Address Calculation, or EX, is the third pipeline stage. In the EX stage, the ALU performs its operation. Unlike the suggestion in [COD5e], we didn’t construct an ALU control unit. Instead, we spoofed the funct field to be FUNCT_ADD for the lw and sw instructions.


  1. Declare a static C struct, ex_mem, just below the declaration of id_ex.

  2. Add the control bits mem_read, mem_write, and reg_write to ex_mem.

  3. Add also the following fields to the struct:

Table 3. Other fields in the EX/MEM pipeline register
Field Meaning Where from?


Value of the rt field

The ID/EX register


Value of the rt register

The ID/EX register


Result of ALU operation

Set by alu (below)

The control bits above, as well as the rt and rt_value fields are not modified during the EX stage: They are first needed in the MEM and WB stages.


  1. Define a function alu() returning an int. alu will be very similar to interp_r in G1. As with interp_r, alu can fail if the id_ex.funct field has some unknown value.

  2. Switch on id_ex.funct:

    1. Add support for FUNCT_ADD, adding id_ex.sign_ext_imm to id_ex.rs_value, and storing the result of the calculation in ex_mem.alu_res.

    2. In the default case, return a suitable error value.


Add support for funct value 0 in alu: simply break out of the switch-case. The funct value of a nop instruction is 0. The funct value of an sll instruction is also 0, but sll is an R-type instruction, which we will implement later.


  1. Define a function interp_ex() below alu:

    1. "Forward" the control bits and the rt and rt_value fields from id_ex to ex_mem.

    2. Call the alu function, so it can perform the ALU operation and set the alu_res field in the EX/MEM register.

    3. Call interp_ex before calling interp_id in cycle.

alu can fail, and if it does, pass on the error value as the return value of interp_ex. Make sure to check the return value in cycle.


Check that interp_if, interp_id, and interp_ex work as intended with the provided sw-lw-syscall.S.

3.3.4. Memory Access (MEM)

Memory Access, or MEM, is the fourth stage of the pipeline.

In the MEM stage, we actually get to read from, and write to memory.


  1. Declare a static C struct, mem_wb, just below the declaration of ex_mem.

  2. Add a reg_write control bit, and an rt field to the struct.

  3. Add a field read_data to the struct, where we will store the data read for a lw instruction.


Define a function interp_mem():

  1. Forward the reg_write control bit and the rt field through the MEM stage.

  2. If ex_mem.mem_read is set, use the macro GET_BIGWORD to read from mem the word addressed by ex_mem.alu_res. Store the result in read_data.

  3. If ex_mem.mem_write is set, use the macro SET_BIGWORD to write the value in ex_mem.rt_value to mem at the address stored in ex_mem.alu_res.

  4. Call interp_mem before calling interp_ex in cycle.

interp_mem cannot fail, and so should return void.


Check that interp_if, interp_id, interp_ex, and interp_mem work as intended with the provided sw-lw-syscall.S.

3.3.5. Write Back (WB)

Write Back, or WB, is the fifth and final stage of the pipeline.

In the WB stage, results from the previous stages are finally written back to the register file.

If you have followed along in the testing exercises, and taken a look at the handed out sw-lw-unknown-opcode.S, or sw-lw-syscall.S you might have noticed that the (non-conflicting) sw and lw instructions are followed by 1 or 2 nop instructions. This is done to allow the lw instruction to reach the WB stage before the syscall instruction enters the EX or ID stage, respectively. It is now time to implement the WB stage itself.


Define a function interp_wb():

  1. If mem_wb.reg_write is set, store the value in mem_wb.read_data in the register addressed by mem_wb.rt, unless mem_wb.rt is register 0.

  2. Call interp_wb before calling interp_mem in cycle.

interp_wb cannot fail, and so should return void.


Verify that your interpreter works as intended with the provided sw-lw.S. Provided that register t0 has the initial value x, you should see the value x in register t1 if everything works as intended.

If you are having trouble, test your implementation stage-by-stage.

3.4. Implementing R-type Instructions

R-type instructions always write to a register, but never use the memory.


Add a case for OPCODE_R in interp_control:

  1. Set mem_read, mem_write, and reg_write appropriately.

  2. Use GET_FUNCT on if_id.inst to set the funct field in the ID/EX register.

lw and sw were I-type instructions. This means that the ALU took its arguments from the rs register and the imm field of the instruction. For an R-type instruction, the ALU should take the rs and rt registers as its arguments.

id_ex already contains rs_value, rt_value, and sign_ext_imm. All we need to do is signal to the EX stage whether the ALU should use id_ex.rt_value or id_ex.sign_ext_imm as its second operand. We will use a control bit, alu_src, to signal this.


  1. Add the control bit alu_src to id_ex.

  2. In interp_control, set alu_src to false for an R-type instruction, and true for a lw or sw instruction.

  3. In alu, use alu_src to choose a suitable second operand for the ALU operation.

For both lw and R-type instructions, we want to write back to a register in the WB stage. In the case of lw, we want to write the value read in the MEM stage. In case of an R-type instruction, we want to write the ALU result obtained in the EX stage. We will use a control bit, mem_to_reg, to signal this.

For a lw instruction, the write back destination register is addressed by the rt field. For an R-type instruction, it is addressed by the rd field. We will use a pipeline register field called reg_dst to send the destination register address to the WB stage.


  1. Add the field alu_res to mem_wb, and forward alu_res through the MEM stage.

  2. Add the control bit mem_to_reg to id_ex, ex_mem, and mem_wb. Forward mem_to_reg the same way you forwarded reg_write.

  3. In interp_control, set mem_to_reg to false for R-type and sw instructions, and true for lw instructions.

  4. Add the field reg_dst to id_ex, ex_mem, and mem_wb. This will hold the destination register. Forward reg_dst the same way you forwarded reg_write.

  5. In interp_control, use GET_RD to set the reg_dst field for an R-type instruction, and GET_RT for a lw instruction.

  6. Remove your existing implementation of the WB stage in interp_wb and start anew: If reg_write is not set, or reg_dst is zero, exit the function without doing anything. Otherwise, if mem_to_reg is set, write the value in read_data to the destination register (designated by reg_dst). If mem_to_reg is not set, write the value in alu_res to the destination register.


Add support for FUNCT_SYSCALL in alu.

alu should return SAW_SYSCALL when it sees a syscall instruction.


Check that your interpreter works as intended with the provided add.S. Provided that registers t0 and t1 have the initial values x and y respectively, you should see the value (x + y) in register v0 if everything works as intended.

If you are having trouble, check your implementation stage-by-stage.

Check that your interpreter still works as intended with sw-lw.S.


Based on your implementation of interp_r in G1, add support in alu for the following instructions: addu, and, nor, or, sll, slt, sltu, srl, sub and subu. (We will handle jr later.)

To implement sll and srl, you will need to add a shamt field to the ID/EX pipeline register and read it off of the instruction in the ID stage using the GET_SHAMT macro.

Remember to remove the 0-case for nop in alu. This will now be handled by the FUNCT_SLL case. The sll instruction has funct value 0. The nop case now also requires no special handling in interp_control.

3.5. Implementing beq and bne

beq and bne are I-type instructions that neither use the memory, nor write to registers. We will focus on explaining beq, leaving bne as an exercise.


  1. Add a case for OPCODE_BEQ in interp_control.

  2. Set mem_read, mem_write, and reg_write appropriately.

We want to branch on beq if the two operand registers are equal. R[rs] and R[rt] are equal if R[rs]-R[rt]==0. We can use the ALU to subtract R[rs] from R[rt]. This means that beq behaves a bit like an R-type instruction:


In interp_control, set alu_src for OPCODE_BEQ the same way as you would do with an R-type instruction.

As with lw and sw, we can "spoof" an ALU opcode via the funct field in id_ex:


Set the funct field to FUNCT_SUB for OPCODE_BEQ in interp_control.

To perform a branch instruction, we need to compute a branch target address. The branch target address is relative to the address of the instruction immediately following the branch instruction. [COD5e] suggests that the branch target address should be computed in the EX stage (see e.g. the upper half of the EX stage in Figure 4.33 on page 287), and so we need to forward the incremented PC through the ID stage:


  1. Add a field next_pc to if_id.

  2. Set if_id.next_pc to the incremented PC in interp_if.

  3. Add a field next_pc to id_ex, and forward it through the ID stage.

Compute the branch target address in the EX stage:


  1. Add a field branch_target to ex_mem.

  2. Set the branch target address in interp_ex using next_pc and sign_ext_imm. Remember to bit-shift sign_ext_imm!

Similarly, [COD5e] suggests that branching should be detected in the MEM stage (see e.g. the MEM stage in Figure 4.33 on page 287). We need to signal the MEM stage in case we see a beq instruction:


  1. Add a control bit branch to id_ex.

  2. Set the branch control bit appropriately for all instructions in interp_control.

  3. Add a control bit branch to ex_mem, and forward it through the EX stage.

Although [COD5e] suggests that branching should be implemented in the MEM stage, implementing it in interp_mem can get messy with our choice of executing pipeline stages in order from end to start of the pipeline. We can take a more "executive" approach, and check if we need to perform branching at the end of clock, once all the stage functions have executed. This is "the end of a clock cycle".


At the end of your cycle function (after the call to interp_if), check if the ex_mem.branch control bit is set and that ex_mem.alu_res is 0. If this is the case, set PC to ex_mem.branch_target.

By always reading the next couple of instructions after a beq, we’ve implemented an assume branch not taken branch-prediction strategy. This means that if we do have to branch, some of the pipeline stages will have to drop what they were doing. This is called flushing the pipeline.

At the same time, modern MIPS processors implement a branch delay slot: The instruction immediately following a branch instruction is always executed. Modern MIPS processors detect and perform branching in the ID stage, avoiding flushing altogether.

We detect whether we need to branch after the EX stage, meaning that the IF/ID and ID/EX pipeline registers need to be flushed. However, when implementing a branch delay slot, we only need to flush the IF/ID register.

Flushing a pipeline stage means turning its operation into a nop.


If we detect that we need to branch at the end of cycle, set if_id.inst to 0 to flush the IF/ID pipeline register, in addition to updating PC. Remember to decrement the instr_cnt!


Avoid having to flush the IF/ID register. (You will need to change the entire approach to beq.)


Check that your implementation of beq works as intended with the provided beq-true-nopsled.S and beq-false-nopsled.S.

Check that your interpreter still works as intended with sw-lw.S and add.S.


Add support for bne.

3.6. Implementing j, jal, and jr

[COD5e] does not discuss a pipelined implementation of j, jal, and jr. This is left as an exercise for the reader. You can however, find a discussion of the single-cycle implementation on p. 270. In particular, see Figure 4.24 on p. 271.

Jumps also use a branch delay slot. Unlike branches however, we do not need to wait around until the end of the EX stage to detect if we should jump or not. Jumps can take place right after the end of the ID stage, once the jump instruction is decoded.


  1. Add a control bit jump to id_ex.

  2. Add a field jump_target to id_ex.

We can use id_ex.jump and id_ex.jump_target to implement j, jal, and jr.

3.6.1. Implementing j

j and jal are J-type instructions.

j neither uses the memory, nor writes to a register, nor branches. (It jumps!).


  1. Add a case for OPCODE_J in interp_control:

    1. Set mem_read, mem_write, reg_write, branch, and jump control bits appropriately.

    2. Use GET_ADDRESS to get the address field of if_id.inst.

    3. Use the address field and if_id.next_pc to set the id_ex.jump_target field. Recall that jumps use pseudodirect addressing. See also G1.

  2. Set the jump control bit appropriately for all other opcodes in interp_control.

  3. At the end of cycle (after branch detection) check if the id_ex.jump control bit is set. If it is, set PC to id_ex.jump_target.

Mental exercise: Why should we perform jump detection after branch detection?

Since we jump after the end of the ID stage and do not flush the IF/ID pipeline register, our jumps implement a branch delay slot.


Check that your implementation of j works as intended with the provided j-nopsled.S.

Check that your interpreter still works as intended with sw-lw.S, add.S, beq-true.S, and beq-false.S.

3.6.2. Implementing jal

Similarly to j, jal neither uses the memory, nor branches (it jumps!), but it does write to a register: the ra register.

We can implement this by internally turning the jal instruction into an R-type add instruction, with the operand values 0 and the value of the PC register.


  1. Add a case for OPCODE_JAL in interp_control. Do as you did with OPCODE_J, but:

    1. Set reg_write to true.

    2. Set funct to FUNCT_ADD.

    3. Overwrite rs_value and rt_value appropriately. (See also point 2.)

    4. Set reg_dst to 31, corresponding to the RA register. (Be careful not to use the RA macro!)

  2. Make sure that you still call interp_control at the bottom of interp_id, to ensure that rs_value and rt_value are overwritten by the above case.

Mental exercise: What should we set rs_value and rt_value to?


Check that your implementation of jal works as intended with the provided jal-nopsled.S, i.e. check the RA register printed by show_status.

Check that your interpreter still works as intended with sw-lw.S, add.S, beq-true-nopsled.S, beq-false-nopsled.S, and j-nopsled.S.

3.6.3. Implementing jr


In the case for OPCODE_R in interp_control, check if the funct value of the instruction is FUNCT_JR. If it is, do as you did with OPCODE_J, but set id_ex.jump_target to the value of the rs register.

In alu, handle the case for FUNCT_JR. (Do nothing. You just handled FUNCT_JR in the ID stage.)


Check that your implementation jr works as intended with the provided jal-jr-j-nopsled.S. You will need working implementations of jal and j.

Check that your interpreter still works as intended with sw-lw.S, add.S, beq-true-nopsled.S, beq-false-nopsled.S, j-nopsled.S, jal-nopsled.S.

3.7. Optional: Forwarding/Hazards

This part is optional, but if you have time to spare, you are encouraged to complete it: it is likely to be part of G3.

It is time to drop the "nop sled". We needed all those nop instructions to make sure that the instructions we were testing made it far enough through the pipeline, but this wastes clock cycles.

The values computed in the EX stage, or loaded from memory in the MEM stage, can be forwarded to earlier instructions already in the pipeline, if those instructions need them. See also § 4.7 on pp. 303–316 in [COD5e].

Similar to branching and jumping, it makes sense to implement forwarding at the end of cycle, once all the pipeline registers have been set.


Define a function stub forward(), and call it at the end of cycle.

Mental exercise: Should you call forward() before, or after calling branch() and jump()?

3.7.1. EX hazards

The first data hazard occurs when the data we need for the EX stage in the following clock cycle has only just passed the EX stage. This is called an EX hazard. See also the pseudo-code on p. 308 in [COD5e].


  1. Add a field rs to id_ex and set it appropriately in interp_id.

  2. In forward, if ex_mem.reg_write is set, and the EX/MEM destination register is equal to either or id_ex.rt, then forward the ALU result to the appropriate field(s) in ID/EX.

You may need to forward both to id_ex.rs_value and id_ex.rt_value. You should not forward if the EX/MEM destination register is register 0.


Check that your implementation works as intended with the provided ex-hazard.S.

Check that your interpreter still works as intended with all the *-nopsled.S files.

3.7.2. MEM hazards

The second hazard is that the data we need for the EX stage in the following clock cycle has only just passed the MEM stage. This is called a MEM hazard.

Here we have to be careful that an EX hazard is not occurring at the same time as a MEM hazard. In this case, the EX hazard has precedence. See also the pseudo-code on p. 311 in [COD5e].


Handle MEM hazards in forward:

  1. If mem_wb.reg_write is not set, there is no MEM hazard.

  2. If the MEM/WB destination register is equal to, and no EX hazard is competing to forward a value to id_ex.rs_value, then forward either the ALU result or the data read from memory to id_ex.rs_value. (Check the mem_wb.mem_to_reg flag.) If this sounds confusing, see also the pseudo-code on p. 311 in [COD5e].

  3. Similarly, for id_ex.rt.

  4. You will need to handle another case in addition to those discussed in [COD5e]. A jal instruction might be on it’s way to the WB stage, when we hit a jr instruction in the ID stage. In this case, the mem_wb.alu_res should be forwarded to id_ex.jump_target instead of id_ex.rs_value.

  5. Make sure to still handle EX hazards as before.

You may need to forward both to id_ex.rs_value and id_ex.rt_value. You should not forward if the MEM/WB destination register is register 0.


Check that your implementation works as intended with the provided mem-hazard.S and mem_to_reg-hazard.S.

Check that your interpreter still works as intended with all the *-nopsled.S files, as well as ex-hazard.S.

3.7.3. Load-use hazards

The last hazard is something we cannot fix with forwarding. A data hazard occurs when the result of a load instruction is needed in the EX stage. The MEM stage has to get a chance to execute, and so we have to stall the pipeline, and insert a nop in the EX stage. See also the pseudo-code on p. 314 in [COD5e].

Here, we cannot take an executive approach. To stall the pipeline we need to insert a nop without modifying the program counter, so we do not "lose" instructions.


In interp_if, right after you load the instruction from memory, if id_ex.mem_read is set, check if the rs or rt field of the loaded instruction is equal to id_ex.rt (the destination register for a lw instruction). If it is, you should stall the pipeline and return from interp_if immediately (i.e. without updating PC or instr_cnt).


Check that your implementation works as intended with the provided lw-use-hazard.S.

Check that your interpreter still works as intended with all the *-nopsled.S files, as well as ex-hazard.S, mem-hazard.S, and mem_to_reg-hazard.S.


Check that your implementation works as intended with the provided sw-lw.S, add.S, beq-true.S, beq-false.S, j.S, jal.S, jal-jr-j.S.

Check that your interpreter still works as intended with all the *-nopsled.S files.

Mental exercise: Why do we still need 1 nop instruction before a syscall instruction?

Mental exercise: Why do we always need 2 nop instructions after a syscall instruction?

3.8. Finalé


Add support for the remaining I-type instructions. That is, addi, addiu, andi, lui, ori, slti, and sltiu. If you run out of time, we can make due with addiu, lui, and ori.

4. Submitting Your Solution

Follow these steps to submit your solution.

4.1. Finalize Your Solution

Clean up your code, remove superfluous code, and add comments for the non-trivial parts.

Write a short report (g2-report.txt or g2-report.pdf) documenting your solution. Discuss what works, what doesn’t, if anything. Discuss the design decisions you have had to make, if any. To back your claims, test with the handed out test programs, and add your own. Discuss your tests in your report.

Your report should be sufficient to get a good idea of the extent and quality of your implementation. Your code will only be used to verify the claims you make in your report.

4.2. Package Your Code

Use the tar command-line utility to package your code:

~/ark$ tar cvzf g2-code.tar.gz 2nd

4.3. Submit on Absalon

Submit two files on Absalon:

  1. Your report (g2-report.txt or g2-report.pdf)

  2. Your archive (g2-code.tar.gz)

Remember to mark your team members on Absalon.

5. Optional: Interpreting C

Do as in G1, but add 3 nop instructions after syscall in _start.S:

.globl _start
  jal main
  nop # nop the ID stage
  nop # nop the IF stage (never reached, due to inverse pipeline order)

Mental exercise: Why don’t we need a nop before the syscall here?


Test that your simulator works with good old universe.c.

6. References

  1. [COD5e] David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy. Computer Organization and Design. Elsevier. 5th edition.

7. Major Contributors

This text was made possible by the hard and enduring work of the entire ARK15 Course Team, and in particular the following members of the team:

A special thanks to Phillip Alexander Roschnowski <[email protected]> for the meticulous proof-reading.

Figure 1. XKCD: Laundry (source: