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DREAM Ingestion Engine

This is release 0.5.1. Basic ingestion functionality should work. Includes sample scenarios for testing; it is suggested to use the last one ('cc_and_incidence') for a first test.

Update 19.1.2014:

  • enabled usage with the ODA Client Ingestion Admin T5. The Ingestion Engine may now be used either with its lightweight standalone development client, or with the main ODA Client (

  • for other updates see Other Updates towards the bottom of the page

Installation and Configuration


  1. The s/w uses the DREAM-adaptation of the ngEO_Download_Manager for getting the products from the product facilities.


The DREAM ngEO-download-manager is assumed to be installed.
Other key packages are listed in the requirements.txt file; use pip to install these if you don't have them.

Installation and Configuration

  1. Download the IngestionEngine, e.g. to a directory oda/ing
  2. possibly run ./ collectstatic
  3. The top-level Ingestion Engine directory (ing in our example) contains the main config file ingestion_config.json. It is mandatory to set the path for DownloadManagerDir; this is the location of the DM's home dir (from there the Ingestion Engine finds the Download Managers config directory). A relative path given here is taken relative to the Ingestion Engine's top-level directory, i.e. the one where '' is located. Most of the time you'll be safer to set an absolute path there. A path starting with ../ is also fine. The DownloadDirectory is created if it does not exist as long as its parent directory exists (i.e. a full recursive path is not created). If you should require more fine-tuning then edit the variables in or in
  4. The ie_server_port in ingestion_config.json should also be set to the same port that will be used to run the django server with (or where the ingestion engine will listen on), but note that the code only uses this to easily find out where it is listening, and by itself setting ie_server_port will not ensure that the ingestion engine is indeed listening there.
  5. Make sure the Download Manger(DM) is configured correctly: The config is in ngEO-download-manager/conf/ Ensure that WEB_INTERFACE_PORT_NO and BASE_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER_ABSOLUTE are set-up correctly. If you change these then re-start the DM. This is important because the IE reads these settings from the DM's config dir, and the IE needs the same values as the running DM.
  6. If you're using 'ODA Client Ingestion Admin T5', then be sure to configure in the ODA Client the property ingestionEngineT5.baseUrl, in the file ODAClient/app/config.json of the ODA Client installation tree.


  1. It is assumed the DM is either already running or will be started more or less concurrently with the IE; the IE will wait some time (configurable) for the DM to be available.

  2. For testing, start the Ingestion Engine via the suplied script 'ie'; it will check to see if initialization is needed and then run django's development server. Note the dev server should not be used for production or for pages publicly accessible from the Internet.

    cd oda/iedir
    ./ie [port]

port is optional and specifies where the ingestion engine is listening. As a django application the default is 8000.

ie is a script that runs ./ syncdb if needed (e.g. on first time startup) to ininialise the Ingestion Engine's database and to pre-load a test-scenario. Then it runs ./ runserver If the DM is also running, then a successfuly completed start-up of the IE is indicated by the following line being logged to the logfile and to stdout:

DM Port OK, waited 22.2 secs.
  1. (optional) To use the standalone development client, simply view the Ingestion Admin Client page in a browser: This is a lightweight developement client, and it is recommended to use only one instance of the this client, and not to use anther client concurrently (like the ODA Client described below). The client can be configured to run without access to the internet.

  2. Instead of the standalone development client described in the above step use the ODA Client Ingestion Admin T5. see

  3. To shut down the dev server, use ^C.


See the LICENSE for licensing conditions, it is a MIT-style open source license.

Other updates

  • (16.12.) The interface IF-DREAM-O-UpdateQualityMD is operational up to (including) executing the ODA-Server update script ingestion/media/scripts/, which is an intenal inteface to the ODA Server. See the script for details on this internal IF.

  • (16.12.) The test script test/updateQualityMD_sa/ serves as an example of how to use the IF-DREAM-O-UpdateQualityMD interface.

  • (16.12.) The interface IF-DREAM-O-AddProduct is operational up to (including) executing the ODA-Server update script ingestion/media/scripts/, which is an intenal inteface to the ODA Server. See the script for details on this internal IF. The inteface IF-DREAM-O-AddProduct comprises two operations: addProduct and getStatus. An example of how to use these is shown in the test script for this interface: test/addProduct_sa/

  • (03.12.) The interface to the ngEO Download Manager (v 0.5.4) is operational.

  • (03.12.) The IE+DM can download products from product facilities that use EO-WCS. Registering products in the ODA server remains to be tested; the IE executes the registation shell script ingestion/media/scripts/ For development and debugging only the first 4 download URLs generated for a given scenario are downloaded.

  • (03.12.) A test-scnenario is pre-loaded on first start-up, see the installation instructions.