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9aabbc1 · Mar 17, 2017


59 lines (38 loc) · 2.49 KB

File metadata and controls

59 lines (38 loc) · 2.49 KB
 ##  __     __                                 _____ _          _ _    ##
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 ##                                                                    ##


YammerShell is a Windows PowerShell module to access Yammer with PowerShell. It uses Yammer's REST API.
=> therefore authentication via OAuth is required.

The contained CommandLets cover the most important endpoints provided by the API.

Importing the module

  1. Unpack the zip file.
  2. Open Windows PowerShell.
  3. Navigate to the directory with the unpacked files with cd <path>.
  4. Type Import-Module .\YammerShell.dll.

How to get authenticated

  • Yammer API needs a registered application to access its endpoints.
  • An application has a Bearer Token assigned.
  • Using this token YammerShell has the same rights the user that created the app has.

--> The CmdLet Get-YmToken helps you to register an application in Yammer.
(Warning: to delete an app you have to contact the support!)

To use the token of a registered app, type Set-YmToken <token>.

How to use YammerShell

After you registered an app and obtained a token, you can simply start YammerShell using the batch file _StartYammerShell.bat.

It contains the following line where you have to change 1234 to your token and to the path where YammerShell.dll is located:

start powershell -NoExit -NoLogo -Command "Import-Module '<path>\YammerShell.dll'; Set-YmToken '1234';`

To get a list of all CmdLets type Get-YmHelp. Also all available CmdLets are documented on github.


If you use YammerShell-CmdLets in a script it may happen that an error occurs while performing many actions in a short period. This is caused by Yammer's API which has some limitations of requests.

To fix it just add a small delay (e.g. with the CmdLet Start-Sleep) in your script to prevent too many requests.