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File metadata and controls

194 lines (150 loc) · 12.2 KB



  • /protocol - defines the core code for the transmission protocol such as AES-GCM encryption procedures, how messages are structured, types of messages, how they are sent and recieved and other low level core code used by the rest of the system
  • /misc - contains helper libraries and their source code
    • /AES-GCM - helper library for AES-GCM encryption, wrapper functions of mbedtls functions for ease of use, contains source and libaesgcm.a library (this library includes all mbedtls libmbedcrypto.a object files, NOT FIXED)
    • /ArrayList - helper library that introduces a dynamic array that automatically resizes based on how many elements are assigned to it
    • /mbedtls - a copy of mbedtls library
  • /mainserver - code for the master device in the network (Raspberry PI or other linux SoC), multithreaded application that managers every node in a local network and recieves commands from the user be it on local network or from the internet
  • /testing - code used in testing/debugging the system

Protocol Basics:

  • Message Structure

    NOTE: * - means there is an explanation of this field below
    NOTE: ** - means there is a more detailed structure table of this field later

    General message structure:

    name size(bytes) limits(bytes)
    Length(L1) 4 0-3
    ADDLength(L2) 4 4-7
    ExtraDataLen(L3) 4 8-11
    IV 12 12-23
    Tag 16 24-39
    ExtraData** L3 40-(39+L3)
    ADDData** L2 (40+L3)-(39+L3+L2)
    EncryptedData** L1 (40+L3+L2)-(L1-1)

    PckData structure(used to store any data that needs to be sent, functions like an array):

    name size(bytes) limits(bytes)
    pckDataLen 4 0-3
    pckDataIncrements* 4 4-7
    firstElementLength 4 8-11
    firstElement firstElemLen 12-...
    secondElementLength 4 ...-...
    secondElement secElemLen ...-...
    • NOTE: There can be any number of element like in an array
    • pckDataIncrements - Used only locally for reallocating more space for new elements

    EncryptedData(From General Structure section) structure:

    name size(bytes) limits(bytes)
    nonce* 4 0-3
    pckGSettings* 4 4-7
    PckData* ... 8-...
    • nonce - sessionID. A random number necessary to avoid msg replay attacks. Obtained by each side sending a random number and then adding them to obtain the sessionID used to communicate. Add 1 to the number on both sides every time a new message is sent. After connection is closed a new sessionID will need to be generated to communicate.
    • pckGSettings - binary field for settings (which ones???)
    • PckData - a PckData structure for storing the main message

    ADDData obligatory fields:

    name size(bytes) limits(bytes)
    protocolVersion* 4 0-3
    • versionNum - used to accomodate for older firmware

    No predefined structure, just put a pckData into it.

  • How server works


    1. Call initBasicServerData(...) on startup, this initializes the server-side stuff including its settings
    2. Boot settings - contained in file settings.conf in same directory as source code. They are read into globalSettingsStruct that you pass to initBasicServerData()

    Sending/Recieving Data

    There are multiple sockets listening on server at any time. One for sending and recieving node commands. One for recieving and replying to client commands on LAN. One for recieving and replying to client commands from the internet.

    1. The node will constantly be sending out beacon packets so the server can see them. When a beacon packet is caught from a new device, the server queues it for verification (by client).Then saves the device type and other metadata from the beacon packet. Once verified, a password exchange happens.
    2. When password is established, encrypted messages can be exchanged. Every device has an ID, that is sent as ADD(check AES-GCM encryption protocol). Using this DEVID(unique) the server figures out which key to use by checking the nodeData array, to decrypt the rest of the message.

    Storing node data

    Every node has metadata associated with it. This metadata is exchanged upon initial connection. Metadata is stored in the array of structs struct nodeData(contains node's encryption password,its DEVID, its type, etc.), whenever a new nodeData is added or server is stopped, this array get saved into a text file nodeData.txt

  • How nodes work

    Persistent Storage

    Every node has its own config file in "setting":"value" format for every line
    The settings stored in it are:

    settingName description
    devId one time randomly generated 128 bit number
    devType type of device, 16 bit number



    Sending/Recieving Data

    When sending a packet from node to server it is encrypted using a key specific to that node which is established on first connection. Then the server uses DEVID unique to each node sent in plaintext with each packet to figure out which key to use to decrypt the rest of the message.
    NodeToServer Packet structure:

    name size(bytes) limits(bytes) type
    DEVID 16 0-15 ADD
    devtype 4 0-3 Encrypted
    opcode 4 4-7 Encrypted
    args argsLen 12-(12+argsLen) Encrypted

    ServerToNode Packet structure:

    name size(bytes) limits(bytes) type
    opcode 4 4-7 Encrypted
    args argsLen 12-(12+argsLen) Encrypted

    Op Codes

    Every device(devId) has a different set of opCodes. Also for every device there are 2 sets of opCodes. One for the server command to device and one for the node command to the server

    devType: NONE (These are the reserved opcodes):

    opcode nodeToServer serverToNode
    0 beacon packet poweroff
    1 message packet message to node
    2 nothing reboot

    devType: 1 (TestDevice):

    opcode nodeToServer serverToNode
    129 NONE NONE
    130 NONE NONE

    devType: 2 (SmartLock):

    opcode nodeToServer serverToNode
    129 sendDoorStatus changePasscode
    130 NONE retrieveCurrentPasscode
    130 NONE unlockDoor
    131 NONE lockDoor
    132 NONE NONE

    devType: 3 (SmartSocket):

    opcode nodeToServer serverToNode
    129 NONE switchOff
    130 NONE turnOn

    devType: 4 (PresenceDetector):

    opcode nodeToServer serverToNode
    129 NONE presenceDetected
    130 NONE turnOn

    devType: 5 (NoiseMonitor):

    opcode nodeToServer serverToNode
    129 sendCurrentNoiseLevel setNoiseLimit
    130 NONE turnOn
  • Packet handling

    To build a packet you need 3 pckData structures (Here the data is stored):

    1. addData(verifiable yet non-encrypted data)
    2. msgData(encrypted and verifiable data)
    3. extraData(visible non verifiable data(NOTE:Dont use for any important data))

    You will also need ascilliary fields:

    1. nonce(sessionID) (Established for every new connection (see Establishing Connection section for details))
    2. pckGSettings byte for packet settings
    3. AES-GCM context for encrypting the message ???WIP INTRODUCE SYSTEM TO HANDLE THIS

    Once you set up this data:
    1)Encrypt the message with encryptPckData from pckData.c. This function will encrypt the message with AES-GCM and convert all protocol specific fields to network order. NOTE: Any data you send inside your pckData structures NEEDS to be converted to network order and then back to host order on reception
    2) Send it through whatever way is appropriate.

  • Commands

    Sent to initiate a certain command, based on an opCode, different opCode lists exist based on devType integer, devType = 0 is server

    • Node to server

    • Server to node

    • Client to server

    • Client to node

  • Establishing Connection

    Establishing sessionID(nonce)

    This step is done before any user data is exchanged for every single connection. This step assumes the encryption password is already known to both sides(i.e the very first connection has already been done). (Since in this initial iteration, server only sends data to nodes after the node sent its beacon packet to it). The client will send the first part of the sessionID in the beacon and then once server recieves it, it sends its part. Both of these numbers are randomly generated 32 bit numbers. Once the server and client both have both numbers, they add them to get the sessionID. For every message sent from server to client and from client to server the sessionID is incremented by 1. There are 2 different counters though! One for messages from server to client and one from client to server. So there will be 2 incremented copies of the original sessionID. This is necessary to avoid replay attacks! Once sessionID is established data can be exchanged!

  • Boot settings

    Those are stored in settings.conf and loaded on server/client startup in a plaintext file in format of : one pair per line
    Possible options:

    1. passExchangeMethod. Values: 0 - standard, 1 - ...
  • Node Lifecycle

    • Unconfigured device: Before the device had any configuration done. It will be on loop listening for bluetooth connection from companion mobile app (TODO)
    • Configured device: After device was configured over bluetooth(wifi ssid and password are known). It will attempt to connect to wifi