Please use English when submitting an Issue, if we Can't understand what the Issue is we can't help you.
... add more steps if required.
What is your browser and it's Version?
Version of PHP being used (Issue's opened where PHP version is lower than 7 will be closed and ignored).
What is your Operating System and it's Version.
Add Screenshots or area's of the log file showing the issue/s. You can make gif from Recordit.
Issues pertaining to the use of AuroraCMS with PHP versions under 7.0 will be closed and ignored. If you don't give an explanation of the issue, either by filling in the above, or giving any explanation, your issue will simply be closed. Without an explanation, we can't help you. If your opening an issue with the purpose of selling a product to check for vulnerabilities, and with us wanting to contact you privately or via email, then please just disclose the issue indicating which files are affected, and move on.