If you have used this core for a while, you might have discovered that some 3rd party libraries don't work with these microcontrollers.
The ATmega8535, ATmega16 and ATmega32 are particularly vulnerable, while the newer generation (ATmega164, ATmega324, ATmega644 and ATmega1284) mostly work without modifications. Here's why:
According to the AVR505 Application note which was released in 2006, the ATmega164/324 (as well as 644/1284) are new and enhanced versions of the ATmega16/32.
They feature lower power consumption, lower operating voltages and an extra USART port, but also different register names. These names are the ones that break compatibility.
While the new generation (ATmega164/324/644/1284) share the same register names as the ATmega168/328, the "old" generation (ATmega8535/16/32) share the same register names as the ATmega8.
Just remember that the ATmega8535/16/32 doesn't have more than 4 PWM outputs and no pin change interrupt (PCINT), so some libraries (like SoftwareSerial) will never work.
Here's how to port a library
- Download your library and open the header file (the one that ends with *.h)
- Copy the code below and paste it in the first line of the header file.
- Save and close. The library should now be working!
Why am I still getting an error message?
- The library is using a PWM pin that's not supported. Only digital pins 3, 12, 13 and 15 support PWM on ATmega8535/16/32 (using the standard pinout)
- The library relies on pin change interrupt (which the ATmega8535/16/32 doesn't support)
- You haven't pasted the code in the correct header file
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8535__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega16__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega32__)
//Register names
#define OCR0A OCR0
#define EIMSK GICR
#define EIFR GIFR
#define TIMSK0 TIMSK
#define TIMSK1 TIMSK
#define TIMSK2 TIMSK
#define TIFR0 TIFR
#define TIFR1 TIFR
#define TIFR2 TIFR
#define SMCR MCUCR
#define TCCR0A TCCR0
#define TCCR2A TCCR2
#define OCR2A OCR2
#define UBRR0H UBRRH
#define UCSR0C UCSRC
#define UDR0 UDR
#define UCSR0A UCSRA
#define UCSR0B UCSRB
#define UBRR0L UBRRL
//Bit names
#define OCIE2A OCIE2
#define ICIE1 TICIE1
#define OCIE0A OCIE0
#define OCF2A OCF2
#define OCF0A OCF0
#define ISC20 ISC2
#define FOC0A FOC0
#define COM0A1 COM01
#define COM0A0 COM00
#define PSRASY PSR2
#define PSRSYNC PSR10
#define FOC2A FOC2
#define COM2A1 COM21
#define COM2A0 COM20
#define OCR2AUB OCR2UB
#define TCR2AUB TCR2UB
#define UMSEL00 UMSEL
#define UPM10 UPM1
#define UPM00 UPM0
#define USBS0 USBS
#define UCSZ00 UCSZ1
#define UCSZ10 UCSZ2
#define UCPOL0 UCPOL
#define RXC0 RXC
#define TXC0 TXC
#define UDRE0 UDRE
#define FE0 FE
#define DOR0 DOR
#define UPE0 PE
#define U2X0 U2X
#define MPCM0 MPCM
#define RXCIE0 RXCIE
#define TXCIE0 TXCIE
#define UDRIE0 UDRIE
#define RXEN0 RXEN
#define TXEN0 TXEN
#define UCSZ02 UCSZ2
#define RXB80 RXB8
#define TXB80 TXB8
//Interrupt vectors
#define TIMER2_COMPA_vect TIMER2_COMP_vect
#define TIMER2_COMPA_vect_num TIMER2_COMP_vect_num
#define TIMER0_COMPA_vect TIMER0_COMP_vect
#define TIMER0_COMPA_vect_num TIMER0_COMP_vect_num
#define USART0_RX_vect USART_RXC_vect
#define USART0_RX_vect_num USART_RXC_vect_num
#define USART0_UDRE_vect USART_UDRE_vect
#define USART0_UDRE_vect_num USART_UDRE_vect_num
#define USART0_TX_vect USART_TXC_vect
#define USART0_TX_vect_num USART_TXC_vect_num
#define ANALOG_COMP_vect ANA_COMP_vect
#define ANALOG_COMP_vect_num ANA_COMP_vect_num