diff --git a/components/eam/src/physics/rrtmgp/external b/components/eam/src/physics/rrtmgp/external
index b24ca1f616e4..91d9076c7b18 160000
--- a/components/eam/src/physics/rrtmgp/external
+++ b/components/eam/src/physics/rrtmgp/external
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit b24ca1f616e45659b334dbd7297017cb7927367e
+Subproject commit 91d9076c7b18b0e67dbd03d208ef2f385efefadd
diff --git a/components/eamxx/CMakeLists.txt b/components/eamxx/CMakeLists.txt
index 1119a3f031f7..3462cef9a976 100644
--- a/components/eamxx/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/components/eamxx/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ endif()
option (SCREAM_RRTMGP_DEBUG "Turn on extra debug checks in RRTMGP" ${SCREAM_DEBUG})
-option(SCREAM_RRTMGP_ENABLE_YAKL "Use YAKL under rrtmgp" TRUE)
-option(SCREAM_RRTMGP_ENABLE_KOKKOS "Use Kokkos under rrtmgp" FALSE)
+option(SCREAM_RRTMGP_ENABLE_YAKL "Use YAKL under rrtmgp" FALSE)
+option(SCREAM_RRTMGP_ENABLE_KOKKOS "Use Kokkos under rrtmgp" TRUE)
diff --git a/components/eamxx/cime_config/namelist_defaults_scream.xml b/components/eamxx/cime_config/namelist_defaults_scream.xml
index 9a06de10e1ec..c0dab4ac030b 100644
--- a/components/eamxx/cime_config/namelist_defaults_scream.xml
+++ b/components/eamxx/cime_config/namelist_defaults_scream.xml
@@ -531,6 +531,7 @@ be lost if SCREAM_HACK_XML is not enabled.
+ 1.0
diff --git a/components/eamxx/cime_config/testdefs/testmods_dirs/scream/kokkos_rrtmgp/shell_commands b/components/eamxx/cime_config/testdefs/testmods_dirs/scream/kokkos_rrtmgp/shell_commands
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..817dcf42fef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/eamxx/cime_config/testdefs/testmods_dirs/scream/kokkos_rrtmgp/shell_commands
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/components/eamxx/cime_config/testdefs/testmods_dirs/scream/yakl_rrtmgp/shell_commands b/components/eamxx/cime_config/testdefs/testmods_dirs/scream/yakl_rrtmgp/shell_commands
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..61d571c95974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/eamxx/cime_config/testdefs/testmods_dirs/scream/yakl_rrtmgp/shell_commands
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/CMakeLists.txt b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/CMakeLists.txt
index a8e47384552a..d3d72a9a1f42 100644
--- a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -51,59 +51,60 @@ endmacro()
# RRTMGP++ requires YAKL
+ if (TARGET yakl)
+ # Other E3SM components are building YAKL...
+ message ("It appears some other part of E3SM is building YAKL.\n"
+ "We will reuse that, but if this is a debug build we will\n"
+ "add the --fmad=false flag to the cuda flags used by YAKL\n")
+ else ()
+ # Prepare CUDA/HIP flags for YAKL
+ endif()
+ if (HIP_BUILD)
+ set(YAKL_ARCH "HIP")
+ set(YAKL_HIP_FLAGS "-DYAKL_ARCH_HIP -O3 -D__HIP_ROCclr__ -D__HIP_ARCH_GFX90A__=1 --rocm-path=${ROCM_PATH} --offload-arch=gfx90a -x hip")
+ endif()
-if (TARGET yakl)
- # Other E3SM components are building YAKL...
- message ("It appears some other part of E3SM is building YAKL.\n"
- "We will reuse that, but if this is a debug build we will\n"
- "add the --fmad=false flag to the cuda flags used by YAKL\n")
-else ()
- # Prepare CUDA/HIP flags for YAKL
- endif()
- if (HIP_BUILD)
- set(YAKL_ARCH "HIP")
- set(YAKL_HIP_FLAGS "-DYAKL_ARCH_HIP -O3 -D__HIP_ROCclr__ -D__HIP_ARCH_GFX90A__=1 --rocm-path=${ROCM_PATH} --offload-arch=gfx90a -x hip")
- endif()
+ set (YAKL_SOURCE_DIR ${SCREAM_BASE_DIR}/../../externals/YAKL)
+ add_subdirectory(${YAKL_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/externals/YAKL)
- set (YAKL_SOURCE_DIR ${SCREAM_BASE_DIR}/../../externals/YAKL)
- add_subdirectory(${YAKL_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/externals/YAKL)
+ # Set some additional flag/cpp option on the yakl target
- # Set some additional flag/cpp option on the yakl target
+ cmake_policy (SET CMP0079 NEW) # Allow to link to a tgt from a different directory
- cmake_policy (SET CMP0079 NEW) # Allow to link to a tgt from a different directory
+ # EAMxx *requires* MPI, so simply look for it, then link against it
+ target_link_libraries (yakl INTERFACE MPI::MPI_C)
- # EAMxx *requires* MPI, so simply look for it, then link against it
- target_link_libraries (yakl INTERFACE MPI::MPI_C)
+ # For debug builds, set -DYAKL_DEBUG
+ target_compile_definitions(yakl INTERFACE YAKL_DEBUG)
+ endif()
+ endif()
- # For debug builds, set -DYAKL_DEBUG
- target_compile_definitions(yakl INTERFACE YAKL_DEBUG)
+ # See eamxx/src/dynamics/homme/CMakeLists.txt for an explanation of this
+ # workaround.
+ SetCudaFlagsYakl(yakl CUDA_LANG FLAGS -UNDEBUG)
+ else()
+ SetCudaFlagsYakl(yakl CUDA_LANG)
-# See eamxx/src/dynamics/homme/CMakeLists.txt for an explanation of this
-# workaround.
- SetCudaFlagsYakl(yakl CUDA_LANG FLAGS -UNDEBUG)
- SetCudaFlagsYakl(yakl CUDA_LANG)
+ include (yakl_utils)
-include (yakl_utils)
set(EAM_RRTMGP_DIR ${SCREAM_BASE_DIR}/../eam/src/physics/rrtmgp)
# Build RRTMGP library; this builds the core RRTMGP external source as a library named "rrtmgp"
# NOTE: The external RRTMGP build needs some fixes to work with CUDA in a library build, so for now we will build these ourselves
@@ -122,7 +123,13 @@ set(EXTERNAL_SRC
add_library(rrtmgp ${EXTERNAL_SRC})
target_compile_definitions(rrtmgp PUBLIC EAMXX_HAS_RRTMGP)
+ yakl_process_target(rrtmgp)
+ target_compile_options(rrtmgp PUBLIC $<$:--expt-relaxed-constexpr>)
+ endif()
# NOTE: cannot use 'PUBLIC' in target_link_libraries,
# since yakl_process_target already used it
@@ -130,7 +137,11 @@ yakl_process_target(rrtmgp)
if (NOT TARGET Kokkos::kokkos)
find_package(Kokkos REQUIRED)
endif ()
-target_link_libraries(rrtmgp yakl Kokkos::kokkos)
+ target_link_libraries(rrtmgp yakl Kokkos::kokkos)
+ target_link_libraries(rrtmgp Kokkos::kokkos)
target_include_directories(rrtmgp PUBLIC
@@ -158,21 +169,23 @@ target_include_directories(rrtmgp PUBLIC
-add_library(scream_rrtmgp_yakl ${SCREAM_RRTMGP_SOURCES_YAKL})
+add_library(scream_rrtmgp_interface ${SCREAM_RRTMGP_SOURCES_INTERFACE})
+ yakl_process_target(scream_rrtmgp_interface)
# NOTE: cannot use 'PUBLIC' in target_link_libraries,
# since yakl_process_target already used it
# with the "plain" signature
find_library(NETCDF_C netcdf HINTS ${NetCDF_C_PATH}/lib)
-target_link_libraries(scream_rrtmgp_yakl ${NETCDF_C} rrtmgp scream_share Kokkos::kokkos)
-target_include_directories(scream_rrtmgp_yakl PUBLIC
+target_link_libraries(scream_rrtmgp_interface ${NETCDF_C} rrtmgp scream_share Kokkos::kokkos)
+target_include_directories(scream_rrtmgp_interface PUBLIC
-target_include_directories(scream_rrtmgp_yakl SYSTEM PUBLIC
+target_include_directories(scream_rrtmgp_interface SYSTEM PUBLIC
@@ -186,7 +199,7 @@ set(SCREAM_RRTMGP_SOURCES
add_library(scream_rrtmgp ${SCREAM_RRTMGP_SOURCES})
-target_link_libraries(scream_rrtmgp PUBLIC scream_share physics_share csm_share scream_rrtmgp_yakl Kokkos::kokkos)
+target_link_libraries(scream_rrtmgp PUBLIC scream_share physics_share csm_share scream_rrtmgp_interface Kokkos::kokkos)
set_target_properties(scream_rrtmgp PROPERTIES
@@ -199,9 +212,11 @@ target_include_directories(scream_rrtmgp PUBLIC
# ${YAKL_${YAKL_ARCH}_FLAGS} flags to the CXX flags of scream_rrtmgp.
# In particular, this will ensure that all the yakl macros
# are correctly defined in YAKL headers, depending on the backend
- target_compile_options(scream_rrtmgp PUBLIC
+ if (YAKL_ARCH)
+ target_compile_options(scream_rrtmgp PUBLIC
+ endif()
diff --git a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/eamxx_rrtmgp_process_interface.cpp b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/eamxx_rrtmgp_process_interface.cpp
index 0121741963d9..ab61158152c1 100644
--- a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/eamxx_rrtmgp_process_interface.cpp
+++ b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/eamxx_rrtmgp_process_interface.cpp
@@ -636,6 +636,8 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::initialize_impl(const RunType /* run_type */) {
m_n2vmr = m_params.get("n2vmr", 0.7906);
m_covmr = m_params.get("covmr", 1.0e-7);
+ const double multiplier = m_params.get("pool_size_multiplier", 1.0);
// Whether or not to do MCICA subcolumn sampling
m_do_subcol_sampling = m_params.get("do_subcol_sampling",true);
@@ -676,13 +678,14 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::initialize_impl(const RunType /* run_type */) {
coefficients_file_sw, coefficients_file_lw,
cloud_optics_file_sw, cloud_optics_file_lw,
- m_atm_logger
+ m_atm_logger,
+ multiplier
VALIDATE_KOKKOS(m_gas_concs, m_gas_concs_k);
- VALIDATE_KOKKOS(rrtmgp::k_dist_sw, interface_t::k_dist_sw_k);
- VALIDATE_KOKKOS(rrtmgp::k_dist_lw, interface_t::k_dist_lw_k);
- VALIDATE_KOKKOS(rrtmgp::cloud_optics_sw, interface_t::cloud_optics_sw_k);
- VALIDATE_KOKKOS(rrtmgp::cloud_optics_lw, interface_t::cloud_optics_lw_k);
+ VALIDATE_KOKKOS(rrtmgp::k_dist_sw, *interface_t::k_dist_sw_k);
+ VALIDATE_KOKKOS(rrtmgp::k_dist_lw, *interface_t::k_dist_lw_k);
+ VALIDATE_KOKKOS(rrtmgp::cloud_optics_sw, *interface_t::cloud_optics_sw_k);
+ VALIDATE_KOKKOS(rrtmgp::cloud_optics_lw, *interface_t::cloud_optics_lw_k);
// Set property checks for fields in this process
@@ -907,6 +910,7 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
ulrreal2dk d_dz = ulrreal2dk(m_buffer.d_dz.data(), m_col_chunk_size, m_nlay);
auto d_mu0 = m_buffer.cosine_zenith;
// Create YAKL arrays. RRTMGP expects YAKL arrays with styleFortran, i.e., data has ncol
// as the fastest index. For this reason we must copy the data.
auto subview_1d = [&](const real1d v) -> real1d {
@@ -976,9 +980,11 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
auto cld_tau_lw_bnd = subview_3d(m_buffer.cld_tau_lw_bnd);
auto cld_tau_sw_gpt = subview_3d(m_buffer.cld_tau_sw_gpt);
auto cld_tau_lw_gpt = subview_3d(m_buffer.cld_tau_lw_gpt);
+ );
ConvertToRrtmgpSubview conv = {beg, ncol};
// Note, ncol will not necessary be m_col_chunk_size because the number of cols
// will not always be evenly divided by m_col_chunk_size. In most cases, the
@@ -1039,6 +1045,7 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
auto cld_tau_lw_bnd_k = conv.subview3d(m_buffer.cld_tau_lw_bnd_k);
auto cld_tau_sw_gpt_k = conv.subview3d(m_buffer.cld_tau_sw_gpt_k);
auto cld_tau_lw_gpt_k = conv.subview3d(m_buffer.cld_tau_lw_gpt_k);
+ );
// Set gas concs to "view" only the first ncol columns
@@ -1072,6 +1079,7 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
const auto policy = ekat::ExeSpaceUtils::get_default_team_policy(ncol, m_nlay);
Kokkos::parallel_for(policy, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const MemberType& team) {
const int i = team.league_rank();
const int icol = i+beg;
@@ -1215,6 +1223,7 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
+ );
@@ -1362,18 +1371,22 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
// Compute band-by-band surface_albedos. This is needed since
// the AD passes broadband albedos, but rrtmgp require band-by-band.
ncol, nswbands,
sfc_alb_dir_vis, sfc_alb_dir_nir,
sfc_alb_dif_vis, sfc_alb_dif_nir,
sfc_alb_dir, sfc_alb_dif);
+ );
ncol, nswbands,
sfc_alb_dir_vis_k, sfc_alb_dir_nir_k,
sfc_alb_dif_vis_k, sfc_alb_dif_nir_k,
sfc_alb_dir_k, sfc_alb_dif_k);
+ );
COMPARE_ALL_WRAP(std::vector({sfc_alb_dir, sfc_alb_dif}),
std::vector({sfc_alb_dir_k, sfc_alb_dif_k}));
@@ -1381,6 +1394,7 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
// Run RRTMGP driver
ncol, m_nlay,
p_lay, t_lay, p_lev, t_lev,
@@ -1401,8 +1415,10 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
eccf, m_atm_logger,
m_extra_clnclrsky_diag, m_extra_clnsky_diag
+ );
ncol, m_nlay,
p_lay_k, t_lay_k, p_lev_k, t_lev_k,
@@ -1423,6 +1439,7 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
eccf, m_atm_logger,
m_extra_clnclrsky_diag, m_extra_clnsky_diag
+ );
sw_flux_up, sw_flux_dn, sw_flux_dn_dir, lw_flux_up, lw_flux_dn,
sw_clnclrsky_flux_up, sw_clnclrsky_flux_dn, sw_clnclrsky_flux_dn_dir,
@@ -1445,6 +1462,7 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
// Update heating tendency
+ TIMED_INLINE_KERNEL(heating_tendency,
auto sw_heating = m_buffer.sw_heating;
auto lw_heating = m_buffer.lw_heating;
@@ -1466,8 +1484,10 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
+ );
+ TIMED_INLINE_KERNEL(heating_tendency,
auto sw_heating_k = m_buffer.sw_heating_k;
auto lw_heating_k = m_buffer.lw_heating_k;
@@ -1489,6 +1509,7 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
+ );
COMPARE_ALL_WRAP(std::vector({sw_heating, lw_heating}),
std::vector({sw_heating_k, lw_heating_k}));
@@ -1497,6 +1518,7 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
const int kbot = nlay+1;
// Compute diffuse flux as difference between total and direct
KOKKOS_LAMBDA (const int idx) {
@@ -1513,10 +1535,12 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
sfc_flux_dir_vis, sfc_flux_dir_nir,
sfc_flux_dif_vis, sfc_flux_dif_nir
+ );
const int kbot_k = nlay;
// Compute diffuse flux as difference between total and direct
KOKKOS_LAMBDA (const int idx) {
@@ -1533,12 +1557,14 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
sfc_flux_dir_vis_k, sfc_flux_dir_nir_k,
sfc_flux_dif_vis_k, sfc_flux_dif_nir_k
+ );
COMPARE_ALL_WRAP(std::vector({sfc_flux_dir_vis, sfc_flux_dir_nir, sfc_flux_dif_vis, sfc_flux_dif_nir}),
std::vector({sfc_flux_dir_vis_k, sfc_flux_dir_nir_k, sfc_flux_dif_vis_k, sfc_flux_dif_nir_k}));
// Compute diagnostic total cloud area (vertically-projected cloud cover)
real1d cldlow ("cldlow", d_cldlow.data() + m_col_chunk_beg[ic], ncol);
real1d cldmed ("cldmed", d_cldmed.data() + m_col_chunk_beg[ic], ncol);
real1d cldhgh ("cldhgh", d_cldhgh.data() + m_col_chunk_beg[ic], ncol);
@@ -1553,8 +1579,10 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
rrtmgp::compute_cloud_area(ncol, nlay, nlwgpts, 400e2, 700e2, p_lay, cld_tau_lw_gpt, cldmed);
rrtmgp::compute_cloud_area(ncol, nlay, nlwgpts, 0, 400e2, p_lay, cld_tau_lw_gpt, cldhgh);
rrtmgp::compute_cloud_area(ncol, nlay, nlwgpts, 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), p_lay, cld_tau_lw_gpt, cldtot);
+ );
real1dk cldlow_k (d_cldlow.data() + m_col_chunk_beg[ic], ncol);
real1dk cldmed_k (d_cldmed.data() + m_col_chunk_beg[ic], ncol);
real1dk cldhgh_k (d_cldhgh.data() + m_col_chunk_beg[ic], ncol);
@@ -1569,12 +1597,15 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
interface_t::compute_cloud_area(ncol, nlay, nlwgpts, 400e2, 700e2, p_lay_k, cld_tau_lw_gpt_k, cldmed_k);
interface_t::compute_cloud_area(ncol, nlay, nlwgpts, 0, 400e2, p_lay_k, cld_tau_lw_gpt_k, cldhgh_k);
interface_t::compute_cloud_area(ncol, nlay, nlwgpts, 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), p_lay_k, cld_tau_lw_gpt_k, cldtot_k);
+ );
COMPARE_ALL_WRAP(std::vector({cldlow, cldmed, cldhgh, cldtot}),
std::vector({cldlow_k, cldmed_k, cldhgh_k, cldtot_k}));
// Compute cloud-top diagnostics following AeroCOM recommendation
// Get visible 0.67 micron band for COSP
auto idx_067 = rrtmgp::get_wavelength_index_sw(0.67e-6);
// Get IR 10.5 micron band for COSP
@@ -1595,8 +1626,10 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
nc, T_mid_at_cldtop, p_mid_at_cldtop, cldfrac_ice_at_cldtop,
cldfrac_liq_at_cldtop, cldfrac_tot_at_cldtop, cdnc_at_cldtop,
eff_radius_qc_at_cldtop, eff_radius_qi_at_cldtop);
+ );
// Get visible 0.67 micron band for COSP
auto idx_067_k = interface_t::get_wavelength_index_sw_k(0.67e-6);
// Get IR 10.5 micron band for COSP
@@ -1616,6 +1649,7 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
nc_k, T_mid_at_cldtop_k, p_mid_at_cldtop_k, cldfrac_ice_at_cldtop_k,
cldfrac_liq_at_cldtop_k, cldfrac_tot_at_cldtop_k, cdnc_at_cldtop_k,
eff_radius_qc_at_cldtop_k, eff_radius_qi_at_cldtop_k);
+ );
T_mid_at_cldtop, p_mid_at_cldtop, cldfrac_ice_at_cldtop,
cldfrac_liq_at_cldtop, cldfrac_tot_at_cldtop, cdnc_at_cldtop,
@@ -1629,6 +1663,7 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
// Copy output data back to FieldManager
const auto policy = ekat::ExeSpaceUtils::get_default_team_policy(ncol, m_nlay);
Kokkos::parallel_for(policy, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const MemberType& team) {
const int i = team.league_rank();
const int icol = i + beg;
@@ -1671,8 +1706,10 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
d_sunlit(icol) = 0.0;
+ );
Kokkos::parallel_for(policy, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const MemberType& team) {
const int i = team.league_rank();
const int icol = i + beg;
@@ -1714,6 +1751,7 @@ void RRTMGPRadiation::run_impl (const double dt) {
d_sunlit(icol) = 0.0;
+ );
// Sync back to gas_concs_k
real3dk temp(gas_concs_k, std::make_pair(0, ncol), Kokkos::ALL, Kokkos::ALL);
diff --git a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/rrtmgp_test_utils.hpp b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/rrtmgp_test_utils.hpp
index 466467919fcf..b1cb1f424ec1 100644
--- a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/rrtmgp_test_utils.hpp
+++ b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/rrtmgp_test_utils.hpp
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static void dummy_clouds(
// put them in 2/3 of the columns since that's roughly the total cloudiness of earth.
// Set sane values for liquid and ice water path.
// NOTE: these "sane" values are in g/m2!
- Kokkos::parallel_for( MDRP::template get<2>({nlay,ncol}) , KOKKOS_LAMBDA (int ilay, int icol) {
+ Kokkos::parallel_for( MDRP::template get<2>({ncol, nlay}) , KOKKOS_LAMBDA (int icol, int ilay) {
cloud_mask(icol,ilay) = p_lay(icol,ilay) > 100. * 100. && p_lay(icol,ilay) < 900. * 100. && ((icol+1)%3) != 0;
// Ice and liquid will overlap in a few layers
lwp(icol,ilay) = conv::merge(10., 0., cloud_mask(icol,ilay) && t_lay(icol,ilay) > 263.);
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ static void dummy_atmos(
// needs the CloudOptics object only because it uses the min and max
// valid values from the lookup tables for liquid and ice water path to
// create a dummy atmosphere.
- dummy_clouds(interface_t::cloud_optics_sw_k, p_lay, t_lay, lwp, iwp, rel, rei, cld);
+ dummy_clouds(*interface_t::cloud_optics_sw_k, p_lay, t_lay, lwp, iwp, rel, rei, cld);
static void read_fluxes(
diff --git a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/rrtmgp_utils.hpp b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/rrtmgp_utils.hpp
index aa6326c81811..863597a4fea3 100644
--- a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/rrtmgp_utils.hpp
+++ b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/rrtmgp_utils.hpp
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ void compute_heating_rate (
using physconst = scream::physics::Constants;
auto ncol = flux_up.dimension[0];
auto nlay = flux_up.dimension[1]-1;
- yakl::fortran::parallel_for(yakl::fortran::SimpleBounds<2>(nlay,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(yakl::fortran::parallel_for(yakl::fortran::SimpleBounds<2>(nlay,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilay, int icol) {
heating_rate(icol,ilay) = (
flux_up(icol,ilay+1) - flux_up(icol,ilay) -
flux_dn(icol,ilay+1) + flux_dn(icol,ilay)
) * physconst::gravit / (physconst::Cpair * pdel(icol,ilay));
- });
+ }));
@@ -57,15 +57,15 @@ void compute_heating_rate (
View4 const &heating_rate)
using physconst = scream::physics::Constants;
- using MDRP = typename conv::MDRP;
- auto ncol = flux_up.extent(0);
- auto nlay = flux_up.extent(1)-1;
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({nlay,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ilay, int icol) {
+ using LayoutT = typename View1::array_layout;
+ const int ncol = (int)flux_up.extent(0);
+ const int nlay = (int)flux_up.extent(1)-1;
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(ncol, nlay, icol, ilay,
heating_rate(icol,ilay) = (
flux_up(icol,ilay+1) - flux_up(icol,ilay) -
flux_dn(icol,ilay+1) + flux_dn(icol,ilay)
) * physconst::gravit / (physconst::Cpair * pdel(icol,ilay));
- });
+ ));
diff --git a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/scream_rrtmgp_interface.cpp b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/scream_rrtmgp_interface.cpp
index 10281df8078c..9796ce49dbe0 100644
--- a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/scream_rrtmgp_interface.cpp
+++ b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/scream_rrtmgp_interface.cpp
@@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ OpticalProps2str get_subsampled_clouds(
// randomly overlapped.
auto cldfrac_rad = real2d("cldfrac_rad", ncol, nlay);
memset(cldfrac_rad, 0.0); // Start with all zeros
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nbnd,nlay,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA (int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nbnd,nlay,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA (int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
if (cloud_optics.tau(icol,ilay,ibnd) > 0) {
cldfrac_rad(icol,ilay) = cld(icol,ilay);
- });
+ }));
// Get subcolumn cloud mask; note that get_subcolumn_mask exposes overlap assumption as an option,
// but the only currently supported options are 0 (trivial all-or-nothing cloud) or 1 (max-rand),
// so overlap has not been exposed as an option beyond this subcolumn. In the future, we should
@@ -136,14 +136,14 @@ OpticalProps2str get_subsampled_clouds(
// Get unique seeds for each column that are reproducible across different MPI rank layouts;
// use decimal part of pressure for this, consistent with the implementation in EAM
auto seeds = int1d("seeds", ncol);
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int icol) {
seeds(icol) = 1e9 * (p_lay(icol,nlay) - int(p_lay(icol,nlay)));
- });
+ }));
auto cldmask = get_subcolumn_mask(ncol, nlay, ngpt, cldfrac_rad, overlap, seeds);
// Assign optical properties to subcolumns (note this implements MCICA)
auto gpoint_bands = kdist.get_gpoint_bands();
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(ngpt,nlay,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(ngpt,nlay,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
auto ibnd = gpoint_bands(igpt);
if (cldmask(icol,ilay,igpt) == 1) {
subsampled_optics.tau(icol,ilay,igpt) = cloud_optics.tau(icol,ilay,ibnd);
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ OpticalProps2str get_subsampled_clouds(
subsampled_optics.ssa(icol,ilay,igpt) = 0;
subsampled_optics.g (icol,ilay,igpt) = 0;
- });
+ }));
return subsampled_optics;
@@ -174,31 +174,31 @@ OpticalProps1scl get_subsampled_clouds(
// randomly overlapped.
auto cldfrac_rad = real2d("cldfrac_rad", ncol, nlay);
memset(cldfrac_rad, 0.0); // Start with all zeros
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nbnd,nlay,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA (int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nbnd,nlay,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA (int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
if (cloud_optics.tau(icol,ilay,ibnd) > 0) {
cldfrac_rad(icol,ilay) = cld(icol,ilay);
- });
+ }));
// Get subcolumn cloud mask
int overlap = 1;
// Get unique seeds for each column that are reproducible across different MPI rank layouts;
// use decimal part of pressure for this, consistent with the implementation in EAM; use different
// seed values for longwave and shortwave
auto seeds = int1d("seeds", ncol);
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int icol) {
seeds(icol) = 1e9 * (p_lay(icol,nlay-1) - int(p_lay(icol,nlay-1)));
- });
+ }));
auto cldmask = get_subcolumn_mask(ncol, nlay, ngpt, cldfrac_rad, overlap, seeds);
// Assign optical properties to subcolumns (note this implements MCICA)
auto gpoint_bands = kdist.get_gpoint_bands();
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(ngpt,nlay,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(ngpt,nlay,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
auto ibnd = gpoint_bands(igpt);
if (cldmask(icol,ilay,igpt) == 1) {
subsampled_optics.tau(icol,ilay,igpt) = cloud_optics.tau(icol,ilay,ibnd);
} else {
subsampled_optics.tau(icol,ilay,igpt) = 0;
- });
+ }));
return subsampled_optics;
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ void compute_band_by_band_surface_albedos(
// Loop over bands, and determine for each band whether it is broadly in the
// visible or infrared part of the spectrum (visible or "not visible")
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nswbands, ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(const int ibnd, const int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nswbands, ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(const int ibnd, const int icol) {
// Threshold between visible and infrared is 0.7 micron, or 14286 cm^-1.
const real visible_wavenumber_threshold = 14286;
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ void compute_band_by_band_surface_albedos(
sfc_alb_dif(icol,ibnd) = 0.5*(sfc_alb_dif_vis(icol) + sfc_alb_dif_nir(icol));
- });
+ }));
void compute_broadband_surface_fluxes(
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ void compute_broadband_surface_fluxes(
// Threshold between visible and infrared is 0.7 micron, or 14286 cm^-1.
const real visible_wavenumber_threshold = 14286;
auto wavenumber_limits = k_dist_sw.get_band_lims_wavenumber();
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(const int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(const int icol) {
for (int ibnd = 1; ibnd <= nswbands; ++ibnd) {
// Wavenumber is in the visible if it is above the visible wavenumber
// threshold, and in the infrared if it is below the threshold
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ void compute_broadband_surface_fluxes(
sfc_flux_dif_nir(icol) += 0.5 * sw_bnd_flux_dif(icol,ktop,ibnd);
- });
+ }));
void rrtmgp_main(
@@ -439,16 +439,16 @@ void rrtmgp_main(
OpticalProps1scl aerosol_lw;
aerosol_sw.alloc_2str(ncol, nlay);
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nswbands,nlay,ncol) , YAKL_LAMBDA (int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nswbands,nlay,ncol) , YAKL_LAMBDA (int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
aerosol_sw.tau(icol,ilay,ibnd) = aer_tau_sw(icol,ilay,ibnd);
aerosol_sw.ssa(icol,ilay,ibnd) = aer_ssa_sw(icol,ilay,ibnd);
aerosol_sw.g (icol,ilay,ibnd) = aer_asm_sw(icol,ilay,ibnd);
- });
+ }));
aerosol_lw.alloc_1scl(ncol, nlay);
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nlwbands,nlay,ncol) , YAKL_LAMBDA (int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nlwbands,nlay,ncol) , YAKL_LAMBDA (int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
aerosol_lw.tau(icol,ilay,ibnd) = aer_tau_lw(icol,ilay,ibnd);
- });
+ }));
// Check aerosol optical properties
@@ -477,12 +477,12 @@ void rrtmgp_main(
// Copy cloud properties to outputs (is this needed, or can we just use pointers?)
// Alternatively, just compute and output a subcolumn cloud mask
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nswgpts, nlay, ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA (int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nswgpts, nlay, ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA (int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
cld_tau_sw_gpt(icol,ilay,igpt) = clouds_sw_gpt.tau(icol,ilay,igpt);
- });
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nlwgpts, nlay, ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA (int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
+ }));
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nlwgpts, nlay, ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA (int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
cld_tau_lw_gpt(icol,ilay,igpt) = clouds_lw_gpt.tau(icol,ilay,igpt);
- });
+ }));
// Perform checks on optics; these would be caught by RRTMGP_EXPENSIVE_CHECKS in the RRTMGP code,
@@ -542,16 +542,16 @@ int3d get_subcolumn_mask(const int ncol, const int nlay, const int ngpt, real2d
// https://github.com/AER-RC/RRTMG_SW/blob/master/src/mcica_subcol_gen_sw.f90)
// First, fill cldx with random numbers. Need to use a unique seed for each column!
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int icol) {
yakl::Random rand(seeds(icol));
for (int igpt = 1; igpt <= ngpt; igpt++) {
for (int ilay = 1; ilay <= nlay; ilay++) {
cldx(icol,ilay,igpt) = rand.genFP();
- });
+ }));
// Step down columns and apply algorithm from eq (14)
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(ngpt,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int igpt, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(ngpt,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int igpt, int icol) {
for (int ilay = 2; ilay <= nlay; ilay++) {
// Check cldx in level above and see if it satisfies conditions to create a cloudy subcolumn
if (cldx(icol,ilay-1,igpt) > 1.0 - cldf(icol,ilay-1)) {
@@ -567,17 +567,17 @@ int3d get_subcolumn_mask(const int ncol, const int nlay, const int ngpt, real2d
cldx(icol,ilay,igpt) = cldx(icol,ilay ,igpt) * (1.0 - cldf(icol,ilay-1));
- });
+ }));
// Use cldx array to create subcolumn mask
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(ngpt,nlay,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(ngpt,nlay,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
if (cldx(icol,ilay,igpt) > 1.0 - cldf(icol,ilay)) {
subcolumn_mask(icol,ilay,igpt) = 1;
} else {
subcolumn_mask(icol,ilay,igpt) = 0;
- });
+ }));
return subcolumn_mask;
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ void rrtmgp_sw(
auto &clnsky_flux_dn_dir = clnsky_fluxes.flux_dn_dir;
// Reset fluxes to zero
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay+1,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilev, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay+1,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilev, int icol) {
flux_up (icol,ilev) = 0;
flux_dn (icol,ilev) = 0;
flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev) = 0;
@@ -629,12 +629,12 @@ void rrtmgp_sw(
clnsky_flux_up (icol,ilev) = 0;
clnsky_flux_dn (icol,ilev) = 0;
clnsky_flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev) = 0;
- });
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nbnd,nlay+1,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilev, int icol) {
+ }));
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nbnd,nlay+1,ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilev, int icol) {
bnd_flux_up (icol,ilev,ibnd) = 0;
bnd_flux_dn (icol,ilev,ibnd) = 0;
bnd_flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev,ibnd) = 0;
- });
+ }));
// Get daytime indices
auto dayIndices = int1d("dayIndices", ncol);
@@ -660,23 +660,23 @@ void rrtmgp_sw(
// Subset mu0
auto mu0_day = real1d("mu0_day", nday);
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int iday) {
mu0_day(iday) = mu0(dayIndices(iday));
- });
+ }));
// subset state variables
auto p_lay_day = real2d("p_lay_day", nday, nlay);
auto t_lay_day = real2d("t_lay_day", nday, nlay);
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilay, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilay, int iday) {
p_lay_day(iday,ilay) = p_lay(dayIndices(iday),ilay);
t_lay_day(iday,ilay) = t_lay(dayIndices(iday),ilay);
- });
+ }));
auto p_lev_day = real2d("p_lev_day", nday, nlay+1);
auto t_lev_day = real2d("t_lev_day", nday, nlay+1);
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay+1,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay+1,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
p_lev_day(iday,ilev) = p_lev(dayIndices(iday),ilev);
t_lev_day(iday,ilev) = t_lev(dayIndices(iday),ilev);
- });
+ }));
// Subset gases
auto gas_names = gas_concs.get_gas_names();
@@ -686,9 +686,9 @@ void rrtmgp_sw(
auto vmr_day = real2d("vmr_day", nday, nlay);
auto vmr = real2d("vmr" , ncol, nlay);
gas_concs.get_vmr(gas_names[igas], vmr);
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilay, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilay, int iday) {
vmr_day(iday,ilay) = vmr(dayIndices(iday),ilay);
- });
+ }));
gas_concs_day.set_vmr(gas_names[igas], vmr_day);
@@ -696,32 +696,32 @@ void rrtmgp_sw(
OpticalProps2str aerosol_day;
aerosol_day.alloc_2str(nday, nlay);
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nbnd,nlay,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilay, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nbnd,nlay,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilay, int iday) {
aerosol_day.tau(iday,ilay,ibnd) = aerosol.tau(dayIndices(iday),ilay,ibnd);
aerosol_day.ssa(iday,ilay,ibnd) = aerosol.ssa(dayIndices(iday),ilay,ibnd);
aerosol_day.g (iday,ilay,ibnd) = aerosol.g (dayIndices(iday),ilay,ibnd);
- });
+ }));
// Subset cloud optics
// TODO: nbnd -> ngpt once we pass sub-sampled cloud state
OpticalProps2str clouds_day;
clouds_day.init(k_dist.get_band_lims_wavenumber(), k_dist.get_band_lims_gpoint());
clouds_day.alloc_2str(nday, nlay);
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(ngpt,nlay,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(ngpt,nlay,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int iday) {
clouds_day.tau(iday,ilay,igpt) = clouds.tau(dayIndices(iday),ilay,igpt);
clouds_day.ssa(iday,ilay,igpt) = clouds.ssa(dayIndices(iday),ilay,igpt);
clouds_day.g (iday,ilay,igpt) = clouds.g (dayIndices(iday),ilay,igpt);
- });
+ }));
// RRTMGP assumes surface albedos have a screwy dimension ordering
// for some strange reason, so we need to transpose these; also do
// daytime subsetting in the same kernel
real2d sfc_alb_dir_T("sfc_alb_dir", nbnd, nday);
real2d sfc_alb_dif_T("sfc_alb_dif", nbnd, nday);
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nbnd,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nbnd,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int icol) {
sfc_alb_dir_T(ibnd,icol) = sfc_alb_dir(dayIndices(icol),ibnd);
sfc_alb_dif_T(ibnd,icol) = sfc_alb_dif(dayIndices(icol),ibnd);
- });
+ }));
// Temporaries we need for daytime-only fluxes
auto flux_up_day = real2d("flux_up_day", nday, nlay+1);
@@ -770,20 +770,20 @@ void rrtmgp_sw(
// Apply tsi_scaling
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(ngpt,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int igpt, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(ngpt,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int igpt, int iday) {
toa_flux(iday,igpt) = tsi_scaling * toa_flux(iday,igpt);
- });
+ }));
if (extra_clnclrsky_diag) {
// Compute clear-clean-sky (just gas) fluxes on daytime columns
rte_sw(optics, top_at_1, mu0_day, toa_flux, sfc_alb_dir_T, sfc_alb_dif_T, fluxes_day);
// Expand daytime fluxes to all columns
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay+1,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay+1,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
int icol = dayIndices(iday);
clnclrsky_flux_up (icol,ilev) = flux_up_day (iday,ilev);
clnclrsky_flux_dn (icol,ilev) = flux_dn_day (iday,ilev);
clnclrsky_flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev) = flux_dn_dir_day(iday,ilev);
- });
+ }));
// Combine gas and aerosol optics
@@ -794,12 +794,12 @@ void rrtmgp_sw(
rte_sw(optics, top_at_1, mu0_day, toa_flux, sfc_alb_dir_T, sfc_alb_dif_T, fluxes_day);
// Expand daytime fluxes to all columns
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay+1,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay+1,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
int icol = dayIndices(iday);
clrsky_flux_up (icol,ilev) = flux_up_day (iday,ilev);
clrsky_flux_dn (icol,ilev) = flux_dn_day (iday,ilev);
clrsky_flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev) = flux_dn_dir_day(iday,ilev);
- });
+ }));
// Now merge in cloud optics and do allsky calculations
@@ -809,18 +809,18 @@ void rrtmgp_sw(
// Compute fluxes on daytime columns
rte_sw(optics, top_at_1, mu0_day, toa_flux, sfc_alb_dir_T, sfc_alb_dif_T, fluxes_day);
// Expand daytime fluxes to all columns
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay+1,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay+1,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
int icol = dayIndices(iday);
flux_up (icol,ilev) = flux_up_day (iday,ilev);
flux_dn (icol,ilev) = flux_dn_day (iday,ilev);
flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev) = flux_dn_dir_day(iday,ilev);
- });
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nbnd,nlay+1,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilev, int iday) {
+ }));
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(nbnd,nlay+1,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilev, int iday) {
int icol = dayIndices(iday);
bnd_flux_up (icol,ilev,ibnd) = bnd_flux_up_day (iday,ilev,ibnd);
bnd_flux_dn (icol,ilev,ibnd) = bnd_flux_dn_day (iday,ilev,ibnd);
bnd_flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev,ibnd) = bnd_flux_dn_dir_day(iday,ilev,ibnd);
- });
+ }));
if (extra_clnsky_diag) {
// First increment clouds in optics_no_aerosols
@@ -828,12 +828,12 @@ void rrtmgp_sw(
// Compute cleansky (gas + clouds) fluxes on daytime columns
rte_sw(optics_no_aerosols, top_at_1, mu0_day, toa_flux, sfc_alb_dir_T, sfc_alb_dif_T, fluxes_day);
// Expand daytime fluxes to all columns
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay+1,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<2>(nlay+1,nday), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
int icol = dayIndices(iday);
clnsky_flux_up (icol,ilev) = flux_up_day (iday,ilev);
clnsky_flux_dn (icol,ilev) = flux_dn_day (iday,ilev);
clnsky_flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev) = flux_dn_dir_day(iday,ilev);
- });
+ }));
@@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ void rrtmgp_lw(
auto &clnsky_flux_dn = clnsky_fluxes.flux_dn;
// Reset fluxes to zero
- parallel_for(
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(
SimpleBounds<2>(nlay + 1, ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilev, int icol) {
flux_up(icol, ilev) = 0;
flux_dn(icol, ilev) = 0;
@@ -873,13 +873,13 @@ void rrtmgp_lw(
clrsky_flux_dn(icol, ilev) = 0;
clnsky_flux_up(icol, ilev) = 0;
clnsky_flux_dn(icol, ilev) = 0;
- });
- parallel_for(
+ }));
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(
SimpleBounds<3>(nbnd, nlay + 1, ncol),
YAKL_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilev, int icol) {
bnd_flux_up(icol, ilev, ibnd) = 0;
bnd_flux_dn(icol, ilev, ibnd) = 0;
- });
+ }));
// Allocate space for optical properties
OpticalProps1scl optics;
@@ -899,9 +899,9 @@ void rrtmgp_lw(
// Surface temperature
auto p_lay_host = p_lay.createHostCopy();
bool top_at_1 = p_lay_host(1, 1) < p_lay_host(1, nlay);
- parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int icol) {
t_sfc(icol) = t_lev(icol, merge(nlay+1, 1, top_at_1));
- });
+ }));
memset(emis_sfc , 0.98_wp);
// Get Gaussian quadrature weights
@@ -977,22 +977,22 @@ void compute_cloud_area(
// then 2d subcol mask is 1, otherwise it is 0
auto subcol_mask = real2d("subcol_mask", ncol, ngpt);
memset(subcol_mask, 0);
- yakl::fortran::parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(ngpt, nlay, ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(yakl::fortran::parallel_for(SimpleBounds<3>(ngpt, nlay, ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
// NOTE: using plev would need to assume level ordering (top to bottom or bottom to top), but
// using play/pmid does not
if (cld_tau_gpt(icol,ilay,igpt) > 0 && pmid(icol,ilay) >= pmin && pmid(icol,ilay) < pmax) {
subcol_mask(icol,igpt) = 1;
- });
+ }));
// Compute average over subcols to get cloud area
auto ngpt_inv = 1.0 / ngpt;
memset(cld_area, 0);
- yakl::fortran::parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(yakl::fortran::parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int icol) {
// This loop needs to be serial because of the atomic reduction
for (int igpt = 1; igpt <= ngpt; ++igpt) {
cld_area(icol) += subcol_mask(icol,igpt) * ngpt_inv;
- });
+ }));
int get_wavelength_index_sw(double wavelength) { return get_wavelength_index(k_dist_sw, wavelength); }
@@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ int get_wavelength_index(OpticalProps &kdist, double wavelength) {
// in units of meters, we need a conversion factor of 10^2
int nbnds = kdist.get_nband();
yakl::ScalarLiveOut band_index(-1);
- yakl::fortran::parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(nbnds), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ibnd) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(yakl::fortran::parallel_for(SimpleBounds<1>(nbnds), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ibnd) {
if (wavelength_bounds(1,ibnd) < wavelength_bounds(2,ibnd)) {
if (wavelength_bounds(1,ibnd) <= wavelength * 1e2 && wavelength * 1e2 <= wavelength_bounds(2,ibnd)) {
band_index = ibnd;
@@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ int get_wavelength_index(OpticalProps &kdist, double wavelength) {
band_index = ibnd;
- });
+ }));
return band_index.hostRead();
@@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@ void compute_aerocom_cloudtop(
// TODO: move tunable constant to namelist
constexpr real cldfrac_tot_threshold = 0.001; // BAD_CONSTANT!
// Loop over all columns in parallel
- yakl::fortran::parallel_for(
+ TIMED_KERNEL(yakl::fortran::parallel_for(
SimpleBounds<1>(ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int icol) {
// Loop over all layers in serial (due to accumulative
// product), starting at 2 (second highest) layer because the
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@ void compute_aerocom_cloudtop(
// aerocom_clr is the result of accumulative probabilities
// (their products)
cldfrac_tot_at_cldtop(icol) = 1.0 - aerocom_clr(icol);
- });
+ }));
} // namespace rrtmgp
diff --git a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/scream_rrtmgp_interface.hpp b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/scream_rrtmgp_interface.hpp
index e807643b05a9..44cd16ac2314 100644
--- a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/scream_rrtmgp_interface.hpp
+++ b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/scream_rrtmgp_interface.hpp
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ void mixing_ratio_to_cloud_mass(
int ncol = mixing_ratio.dimension[0];
int nlay = mixing_ratio.dimension[1];
using physconst = scream::physics::Constants;
- yakl::fortran::parallel_for(yakl::fortran::SimpleBounds<2>(nlay, ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(yakl::fortran::parallel_for(yakl::fortran::SimpleBounds<2>(nlay, ncol), YAKL_LAMBDA(int ilay, int icol) {
// Compute in-cloud mixing ratio (mixing ratio of the cloudy part of the layer)
// NOTE: these thresholds (from E3SM) seem arbitrary, but included here for consistency
// This limits in-cloud mixing ratio to 0.005 kg/kg. According to note in cloud_diagnostics
@@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ void mixing_ratio_to_cloud_mass(
} else {
cloud_mass(icol,ilay) = 0;
- });
+ }));
void limit_to_bounds(S const &arr_in, T const lower, T const upper, S &arr_out) {
- yakl::c::parallel_for(arr_in.totElems(), YAKL_LAMBDA(int i) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(yakl::c::parallel_for(arr_in.totElems(), YAKL_LAMBDA(int i) {
arr_out.data()[i] = std::min(std::max(arr_in.data()[i], lower), upper);
- });
+ }));
int get_wavelength_index(OpticalProps &kdist, double wavelength);
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ using view_t = Kokkos::View;
using hview_t = Kokkos::View;
-using pool_t = conv::MemPoolSingleton;
+using pool_t = conv::MemPoolSingleton;
using real1dk = view_t;
using real2dk = view_t;
@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ using creal1dk = view_t;
using creal2dk = view_t;
using creal3dk = view_t;
using int1dk = view_t;
+using int2dk = view_t;
using int3dk = view_t;
using gas_optics_t = GasOpticsRRTMGPK;
@@ -196,16 +197,16 @@ using source_func_t = SourceFuncLWK;
* once and then persist throughout the life of the program, so we
* declare them here within the rrtmgp namespace.
-static inline gas_optics_t k_dist_sw_k;
-static inline gas_optics_t k_dist_lw_k;
+static inline std::unique_ptr k_dist_sw_k;
+static inline std::unique_ptr k_dist_lw_k;
* Objects containing cloud optical property look-up table information.
* We want to initialize these once and use throughout the life of the
* program, so declare here and read data in during rrtmgp_initialize().
-static inline cloud_optics_t cloud_optics_sw_k;
-static inline cloud_optics_t cloud_optics_lw_k;
+static inline std::unique_ptr cloud_optics_sw_k;
+static inline std::unique_ptr cloud_optics_lw_k;
* Flag to indicate whether or not we have initialized RRTMGP
@@ -213,13 +214,14 @@ static inline cloud_optics_t cloud_optics_lw_k;
static inline bool initialized_k = false;
- * Initialize data for RRTMGP driver
+ * Initialize data for RRTMGP driver. Increase multiplier to allocate more pool space.
static void rrtmgp_initialize(
const gas_concs_t &gas_concs,
const std::string& coefficients_file_sw, const std::string& coefficients_file_lw,
const std::string& cloud_optics_file_sw, const std::string& cloud_optics_file_lw,
- const std::shared_ptr& logger)
+ const std::shared_ptr& logger,
+ const double multiplier = 1.0)
// If we've already initialized, just exit
if (initialized_k) {
@@ -231,21 +233,27 @@ static void rrtmgp_initialize(
// Initialize Kokkos
if (!Kokkos::is_initialized()) { Kokkos::initialize(); }
+ // Create objects for static ptrs
+ k_dist_sw_k = std::make_unique();
+ k_dist_lw_k = std::make_unique();
+ cloud_optics_sw_k = std::make_unique();
+ cloud_optics_lw_k = std::make_unique();
// Load and initialize absorption coefficient data
- load_and_init(k_dist_sw_k, coefficients_file_sw, gas_concs);
- load_and_init(k_dist_lw_k, coefficients_file_lw, gas_concs);
+ load_and_init(*k_dist_sw_k, coefficients_file_sw, gas_concs);
+ load_and_init(*k_dist_lw_k, coefficients_file_lw, gas_concs);
// Load and initialize cloud optical property look-up table information
- load_cld_lutcoeff(cloud_optics_sw_k, cloud_optics_file_sw);
- load_cld_lutcoeff(cloud_optics_lw_k, cloud_optics_file_lw);
+ load_cld_lutcoeff(*cloud_optics_sw_k, cloud_optics_file_sw);
+ load_cld_lutcoeff(*cloud_optics_lw_k, cloud_optics_file_lw);
// initialize kokkos rrtmgp pool allocator
- const size_t base_ref = 80000;
+ const size_t base_ref = 40000;
const size_t ncol = gas_concs.ncol;
const size_t nlay = gas_concs.nlay;
const size_t nlev = SCREAM_NUM_VERTICAL_LEV;
const size_t my_size_ref = ncol * nlay * nlev;
- pool_t::init(2e6 * (float(my_size_ref) / base_ref));
+ pool_t::init(2e6 * (float(my_size_ref) / base_ref) * multiplier);
// We are now initialized!
initialized_k = true;
@@ -261,7 +269,7 @@ static void compute_band_by_band_surface_albedos(
const real2dk &sfc_alb_dir, const real2dk &sfc_alb_dif)
EKAT_ASSERT_MSG(initialized_k, "Error! rrtmgp_initialize must be called before GasOpticsRRTMGP object can be used.");
- auto wavenumber_limits = k_dist_sw_k.get_band_lims_wavenumber();
+ auto wavenumber_limits = k_dist_sw_k->get_band_lims_wavenumber();
EKAT_ASSERT_MSG(wavenumber_limits.extent(0) == 2,
"Error! 1st dimension for wavenumber_limits should be 2. It's " << wavenumber_limits.extent(0));
@@ -270,8 +278,7 @@ static void compute_band_by_band_surface_albedos(
// Loop over bands, and determine for each band whether it is broadly in the
// visible or infrared part of the spectrum (visible or "not visible")
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({nswbands, ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int ibnd, const int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(ncol, nswbands, icol, ibnd,
// Threshold between visible and infrared is 0.7 micron, or 14286 cm^-1.
const RealT visible_wavenumber_threshold = 14286;
@@ -297,7 +304,7 @@ static void compute_band_by_band_surface_albedos(
sfc_alb_dir(icol,ibnd) = 0.5*(sfc_alb_dir_vis(icol) + sfc_alb_dir_nir(icol));
sfc_alb_dif(icol,ibnd) = 0.5*(sfc_alb_dif_vis(icol) + sfc_alb_dif_nir(icol));
- });
+ ));
@@ -326,8 +333,8 @@ static void compute_broadband_surface_fluxes(
// Threshold between visible and infrared is 0.7 micron, or 14286 cm^-1.
const RealT visible_wavenumber_threshold = 14286;
- auto wavenumber_limits = k_dist_sw_k.get_band_lims_wavenumber();
- Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int icol) {
+ auto wavenumber_limits = k_dist_sw_k->get_band_lims_wavenumber();
+ TIMED_KERNEL(Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int icol) {
for (int ibnd = 0; ibnd < nswbands; ++ibnd) {
// Wavenumber is in the visible if it is above the visible wavenumber
// threshold, and in the infrared if it is below the threshold
@@ -353,7 +360,7 @@ static void compute_broadband_surface_fluxes(
sfc_flux_dif_nir(icol) += 0.5 * sw_bnd_flux_dif(icol,ktop,ibnd);
- });
+ }));
@@ -384,12 +391,17 @@ static void rrtmgp_main(
const std::shared_ptr& logger,
const bool extra_clnclrsky_diag = false, const bool extra_clnsky_diag = false)
+ const int sw_nband = k_dist_sw_k->get_nband();
+ const int lw_nband = k_dist_lw_k->get_nband();
+ const int sw_ngpt = k_dist_sw_k->get_ngpt();
+ const int lw_ngpt = k_dist_lw_k->get_ngpt();
// Sanity check inputs, and possibly repair
- check_range_k(t_lay , k_dist_sw_k.get_temp_min(), k_dist_sw_k.get_temp_max(), "rrtmgp_main::t_lay");
- check_range_k(t_lev , k_dist_sw_k.get_temp_min(), k_dist_sw_k.get_temp_max(), "rrtmgp_main::t_lev");
- check_range_k(p_lay , k_dist_sw_k.get_press_min(), k_dist_sw_k.get_press_max(), "rrtmgp_main::p_lay");
- check_range_k(p_lev , k_dist_sw_k.get_press_min(), k_dist_sw_k.get_press_max(), "rrtmgp_main::p_lev");
+ check_range_k(t_lay , k_dist_sw_k->get_temp_min(), k_dist_sw_k->get_temp_max(), "rrtmgp_main::t_lay");
+ check_range_k(t_lev , k_dist_sw_k->get_temp_min(), k_dist_sw_k->get_temp_max(), "rrtmgp_main::t_lev");
+ check_range_k(p_lay , k_dist_sw_k->get_press_min(), k_dist_sw_k->get_press_max(), "rrtmgp_main::p_lay");
+ check_range_k(p_lev , k_dist_sw_k->get_press_min(), k_dist_sw_k->get_press_max(), "rrtmgp_main::p_lev");
check_range_k(sfc_alb_dir, 0, 1, "rrtmgp_main::sfc_alb_dir");
check_range_k(sfc_alb_dif, 0, 1, "rrtmgp_main::sfc_alb_dif");
check_range_k(mu0 , 0, 1, "rrtmgp_main::mu0");
@@ -399,6 +411,36 @@ static void rrtmgp_main(
check_range_k(rei , 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), "rrtmgp_main::rei");
+ auto sw_band2gpt_mem = pool_t::template alloc(2, sw_nband);
+ auto sw_gpt2band_mem = pool_t::template alloc( sw_nband);
+ auto lw_band2gpt_mem = pool_t::template alloc(2, lw_nband);
+ auto lw_gpt2band_mem = pool_t::template alloc( lw_nband);
+ auto sw_cloud_band2gpt_mem = pool_t::template alloc(2, sw_nband);
+ auto sw_cloud_gpt2band_mem = pool_t::template alloc( sw_nband);
+ auto lw_cloud_band2gpt_mem = pool_t::template alloc(2, lw_nband);
+ auto lw_cloud_gpt2band_mem = pool_t::template alloc( lw_nband);
+ auto sw_subcloud_band2gpt_mem = pool_t::template alloc(2, sw_nband);
+ auto sw_subcloud_gpt2band_mem = pool_t::template alloc( sw_ngpt);
+ auto lw_subcloud_band2gpt_mem = pool_t::template alloc(2, lw_nband);
+ auto lw_subcloud_gpt2band_mem = pool_t::template alloc( lw_ngpt);
+ auto sw_tau_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, sw_nband);
+ auto sw_ssa_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, sw_nband);
+ auto sw_g_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, sw_nband);
+ auto lw_tau_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, lw_nband);
+ auto sw_cloud_tau_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, sw_nband);
+ auto sw_cloud_ssa_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, sw_nband);
+ auto sw_cloud_g_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, sw_nband);
+ auto lw_cloud_tau_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, lw_nband);
+ auto sw_subcloud_tau_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, sw_ngpt);
+ auto sw_subcloud_ssa_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, sw_ngpt);
+ auto sw_subcloud_g_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, sw_ngpt);
+ auto lw_subcloud_tau_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, lw_ngpt);
// Setup pointers to RRTMGP SW fluxes
fluxes_t fluxes_sw;
fluxes_sw.flux_up = sw_flux_up;
@@ -442,24 +484,24 @@ static void rrtmgp_main(
clnsky_fluxes_lw.flux_up = lw_clnsky_flux_up;
clnsky_fluxes_lw.flux_dn = lw_clnsky_flux_dn;
- auto nswbands = k_dist_sw_k.get_nband();
- auto nlwbands = k_dist_lw_k.get_nband();
+ auto nswbands = k_dist_sw_k->get_nband();
+ auto nlwbands = k_dist_lw_k->get_nband();
// Setup aerosol optical properties
optical_props2_t aerosol_sw;
optical_props1_t aerosol_lw;
- aerosol_sw.init(k_dist_sw_k.get_band_lims_wavenumber());
- aerosol_sw.alloc_2str(ncol, nlay);
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nswbands,nlay,ncol}) , KOKKOS_LAMBDA (int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
+ aerosol_sw.init_no_alloc(k_dist_sw_k->get_band_lims_wavenumber(), sw_band2gpt_mem, sw_gpt2band_mem);
+ aerosol_sw.alloc_2str_no_alloc(ncol, nlay, sw_tau_mem, sw_ssa_mem, sw_g_mem);
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(ncol,nlay,nswbands, icol, ilay, ibnd,
aerosol_sw.tau(icol,ilay,ibnd) = aer_tau_sw(icol,ilay,ibnd);
aerosol_sw.ssa(icol,ilay,ibnd) = aer_ssa_sw(icol,ilay,ibnd);
aerosol_sw.g (icol,ilay,ibnd) = aer_asm_sw(icol,ilay,ibnd);
- });
- aerosol_lw.init(k_dist_lw_k.get_band_lims_wavenumber());
- aerosol_lw.alloc_1scl(ncol, nlay);
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nlwbands,nlay,ncol}) , KOKKOS_LAMBDA (int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
+ ));
+ aerosol_lw.init_no_alloc(k_dist_lw_k->get_band_lims_wavenumber(), lw_band2gpt_mem, lw_gpt2band_mem);
+ aerosol_lw.alloc_1scl_no_alloc(ncol, nlay, lw_tau_mem);
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(ncol,nlay,nlwbands, icol, ilay, ibnd,
aerosol_lw.tau(icol,ilay,ibnd) = aer_tau_lw(icol,ilay,ibnd);
- });
+ ));
// Check aerosol optical properties
@@ -472,28 +514,29 @@ static void rrtmgp_main(
// Convert cloud physical properties to optical properties for input to RRTMGP
- optical_props2_t clouds_sw = get_cloud_optics_sw(ncol, nlay, cloud_optics_sw_k, k_dist_sw_k, lwp, iwp, rel, rei);
- optical_props1_t clouds_lw = get_cloud_optics_lw(ncol, nlay, cloud_optics_lw_k, k_dist_lw_k, lwp, iwp, rel, rei);
+ optical_props2_t clouds_sw = get_cloud_optics_sw(ncol, nlay, *cloud_optics_sw_k, *k_dist_sw_k, lwp, iwp, rel, rei, sw_cloud_band2gpt_mem, sw_cloud_gpt2band_mem, sw_cloud_tau_mem, sw_cloud_ssa_mem, sw_cloud_g_mem);
+ optical_props1_t clouds_lw = get_cloud_optics_lw(ncol, nlay, *cloud_optics_lw_k, *k_dist_lw_k, lwp, iwp, rel, rei, lw_cloud_band2gpt_mem, lw_cloud_gpt2band_mem, lw_cloud_tau_mem);
Kokkos::deep_copy(cld_tau_sw_bnd, clouds_sw.tau);
Kokkos::deep_copy(cld_tau_lw_bnd, clouds_lw.tau);
// Do subcolumn sampling to map bands -> gpoints based on cloud fraction and overlap assumption;
// This implements the Monte Carlo Independing Column Approximation by mapping only a single
// subcolumn (cloud state) to each gpoint.
- auto nswgpts = k_dist_sw_k.get_ngpt();
- auto clouds_sw_gpt = get_subsampled_clouds(ncol, nlay, nswbands, nswgpts, clouds_sw, k_dist_sw_k, cldfrac, p_lay);
+ auto nswgpts = k_dist_sw_k->get_ngpt();
+ auto clouds_sw_gpt = get_subsampled_clouds(ncol, nlay, nswbands, nswgpts, clouds_sw, *k_dist_sw_k, cldfrac, p_lay, sw_subcloud_band2gpt_mem, sw_subcloud_gpt2band_mem, sw_subcloud_tau_mem, sw_subcloud_ssa_mem, sw_subcloud_g_mem);
// Longwave
- auto nlwgpts = k_dist_lw_k.get_ngpt();
- auto clouds_lw_gpt = get_subsampled_clouds(ncol, nlay, nlwbands, nlwgpts, clouds_lw, k_dist_lw_k, cldfrac, p_lay);
+ auto nlwgpts = k_dist_lw_k->get_ngpt();
+ auto clouds_lw_gpt = get_subsampled_clouds(ncol, nlay, nlwbands, nlwgpts, clouds_lw, *k_dist_lw_k, cldfrac, p_lay, lw_subcloud_band2gpt_mem, lw_subcloud_gpt2band_mem, lw_subcloud_tau_mem);
// Copy cloud properties to outputs (is this needed, or can we just use pointers?)
// Alternatively, just compute and output a subcolumn cloud mask
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nswgpts, nlay, ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA (int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(ncol, nlay, nswgpts, icol, ilay, igpt,
cld_tau_sw_gpt(icol,ilay,igpt) = clouds_sw_gpt.tau(icol,ilay,igpt);
- });
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nlwgpts, nlay, ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA (int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
+ ));
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(ncol, nlay, nlwgpts, icol, ilay, igpt,
cld_tau_lw_gpt(icol,ilay,igpt) = clouds_lw_gpt.tau(icol,ilay,igpt);
- });
+ ));
// Perform checks on optics; these would be caught by RRTMGP_EXPENSIVE_CHECKS in the RRTMGP code,
@@ -511,7 +554,7 @@ static void rrtmgp_main(
// Do shortwave
ncol, nlay,
- k_dist_sw_k, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev, t_lev, gas_concs,
+ *k_dist_sw_k, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev, t_lev, gas_concs,
sfc_alb_dir, sfc_alb_dif, mu0, aerosol_sw, clouds_sw_gpt,
fluxes_sw, clnclrsky_fluxes_sw, clrsky_fluxes_sw, clnsky_fluxes_sw,
tsi_scaling, logger,
@@ -521,12 +564,41 @@ static void rrtmgp_main(
// Do longwave
ncol, nlay,
- k_dist_lw_k, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev, t_lev, gas_concs,
+ *k_dist_lw_k, p_lay, t_lay, p_lev, t_lev, gas_concs,
aerosol_lw, clouds_lw_gpt,
fluxes_lw, clnclrsky_fluxes_lw, clrsky_fluxes_lw, clnsky_fluxes_lw,
extra_clnclrsky_diag, extra_clnsky_diag
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_band2gpt_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_gpt2band_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_band2gpt_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_gpt2band_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_cloud_band2gpt_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_cloud_gpt2band_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_cloud_band2gpt_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_cloud_gpt2band_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_subcloud_band2gpt_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_subcloud_gpt2band_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_subcloud_band2gpt_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_subcloud_gpt2band_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_tau_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_ssa_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_g_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_tau_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_cloud_tau_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_cloud_ssa_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_cloud_g_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_cloud_tau_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_subcloud_tau_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_subcloud_ssa_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_subcloud_g_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_subcloud_tau_mem);
@@ -535,10 +607,14 @@ static void rrtmgp_main(
static void rrtmgp_finalize()
initialized_k = false;
- k_dist_sw_k.finalize();
- k_dist_lw_k.finalize();
- cloud_optics_sw_k.finalize(); //~CloudOptics();
- cloud_optics_lw_k.finalize(); //~CloudOptics();
+ k_dist_sw_k->finalize();
+ k_dist_lw_k->finalize();
+ cloud_optics_sw_k->finalize(); //~CloudOptics();
+ cloud_optics_lw_k->finalize(); //~CloudOptics();
+ k_dist_sw_k = nullptr;
+ k_dist_lw_k = nullptr;
+ cloud_optics_sw_k = nullptr;
+ cloud_optics_lw_k = nullptr;
@@ -580,7 +656,7 @@ static void rrtmgp_sw(
auto &clnsky_flux_dn_dir = clnsky_fluxes.flux_dn_dir;
// Reset fluxes to zero
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({nlay+1,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ilev, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(ncol, nlay+1, icol, ilev,
flux_up (icol,ilev) = 0;
flux_dn (icol,ilev) = 0;
flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev) = 0;
@@ -593,15 +669,15 @@ static void rrtmgp_sw(
clnsky_flux_up (icol,ilev) = 0;
clnsky_flux_dn (icol,ilev) = 0;
clnsky_flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev) = 0;
- });
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nbnd,nlay+1,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilev, int icol) {
+ ));
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(ncol, nlay+1, nbnd, icol, ilev, ibnd,
bnd_flux_up (icol,ilev,ibnd) = 0;
bnd_flux_dn (icol,ilev,ibnd) = 0;
bnd_flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev,ibnd) = 0;
- });
+ ));
// Get daytime indices
- auto dayIndices = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(ncol);
+ auto dayIndices = pool_t::template alloc(ncol);
Kokkos::deep_copy(dayIndices, -1);
int nday = 0;
@@ -621,99 +697,113 @@ static void rrtmgp_sw(
// Allocate temporaries from pool
- const int size1 = nday;
- const int size2 = nday*nlay; // 4
- const int size3 = nday*(nlay+1); // 5
- const int size4 = ncol*nlay;
- const int size5 = nbnd*nday; //2
- const int size6 = nday*ngpt;
- const int size7 = nday*(nlay+1)*nbnd; // 3
- const int size8 = ncol*nlay*(k_dist.get_ngas()+1);
- const int total_size = size1 + size2*4 + size3*5 + size4 + size5*2 + size6 + size7*3 + size8;
- auto data = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(total_size); RealT* dcurr = data.data();
+ auto mu0_day = pool_t::template alloc(nday);
- auto mu0_day = view_t (dcurr, nday); dcurr += size1;
+ auto p_lay_day = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay);
+ auto t_lay_day = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay);
+ auto vmr_day = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay);
+ auto t_lay_limited = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay);
- auto p_lay_day = view_t (dcurr, nday, nlay); dcurr += size2;
- auto t_lay_day = view_t (dcurr, nday, nlay); dcurr += size2;
- auto vmr_day = view_t (dcurr, nday, nlay); dcurr += size2;
- auto t_lay_limited = view_t (dcurr, nday, nlay); dcurr += size2;
+ auto p_lev_day = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay+1);
+ auto t_lev_day = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay+1);
+ auto flux_up_day = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay+1);
+ auto flux_dn_day = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay+1);
+ auto flux_dn_dir_day = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay+1);
- auto p_lev_day = view_t (dcurr, nday, nlay+1); dcurr += size3;
- auto t_lev_day = view_t (dcurr, nday, nlay+1); dcurr += size3;
- auto flux_up_day = view_t (dcurr, nday, nlay+1); dcurr += size3;
- auto flux_dn_day = view_t (dcurr, nday, nlay+1); dcurr += size3;
- auto flux_dn_dir_day = view_t (dcurr, nday, nlay+1); dcurr += size3;
+ auto vmr = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay);
- auto vmr = view_t (dcurr, ncol, nlay); dcurr += size4;
+ auto sfc_alb_dir_T = pool_t::template alloc(nbnd, nday);
+ auto sfc_alb_dif_T = pool_t::template alloc(nbnd, nday);
- auto sfc_alb_dir_T = view_t (dcurr, nbnd, nday); dcurr += size5;
- auto sfc_alb_dif_T = view_t (dcurr, nbnd, nday); dcurr += size5;
+ auto toa_flux = pool_t::template alloc(nday, ngpt);
- auto toa_flux = view_t (dcurr, nday, ngpt); dcurr += size6;
+ auto bnd_flux_up_day = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay+1, nbnd);
+ auto bnd_flux_dn_day = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay+1, nbnd);
+ auto bnd_flux_dn_dir_day = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay+1, nbnd);
- auto bnd_flux_up_day = view_t(dcurr, nday, nlay+1, nbnd); dcurr += size7;
- auto bnd_flux_dn_day = view_t(dcurr, nday, nlay+1, nbnd); dcurr += size7;
- auto bnd_flux_dn_dir_day = view_t(dcurr, nday, nlay+1, nbnd); dcurr += size7;
+ auto col_gas = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, k_dist.get_ngas()+1);
- auto col_gas = view_t(dcurr, ncol, nlay, k_dist.get_ngas()+1); dcurr += size8;
+ auto concs_mem = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay, ngas);
+ auto sw_aero_tau_mem = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay, nbnd);
+ auto sw_aero_ssa_mem = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay, nbnd);
+ auto sw_aero_g_mem = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay, nbnd);
+ auto sw_cloud_tau_mem = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto sw_cloud_ssa_mem = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto sw_cloud_g_mem = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto sw_optics_tau_mem = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto sw_optics_ssa_mem = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto sw_optics_g_mem = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto sw_noaero_tau_mem = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto sw_noaero_ssa_mem = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto sw_noaero_g_mem = pool_t::template alloc(nday, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto sw_aero_band2gpt_mem = pool_t::template alloc(2, nbnd);
+ auto sw_aero_gpt2band_mem = pool_t::template alloc( nbnd);
+ auto sw_cloud_band2gpt_mem = pool_t::template alloc(2, nbnd);
+ auto sw_cloud_gpt2band_mem = pool_t::template alloc( ngpt);
+ auto sw_optics_band2gpt_mem = pool_t::template alloc(2, nbnd);
+ auto sw_optics_gpt2band_mem = pool_t::template alloc( ngpt);
+ auto sw_noaero_band2gpt_mem = pool_t::template alloc(2, nbnd);
+ auto sw_noaero_gpt2band_mem = pool_t::template alloc( ngpt);
// Subset mu0
- Kokkos::parallel_for(nday, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(Kokkos::parallel_for(nday, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int iday) {
mu0_day(iday) = mu0(dayIndices(iday));
- });
+ }));
// subset state variables
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({nlay,nday}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ilay, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(nday, nlay, iday, ilay,
p_lay_day(iday,ilay) = p_lay(dayIndices(iday),ilay);
t_lay_day(iday,ilay) = t_lay(dayIndices(iday),ilay);
- });
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({nlay+1,nday}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
+ ));
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(nday, nlay+1, iday, ilev,
p_lev_day(iday,ilev) = p_lev(dayIndices(iday),ilev);
t_lev_day(iday,ilev) = t_lev(dayIndices(iday),ilev);
- });
+ ));
// Subset gases
auto gas_names = gas_concs.get_gas_names();
gas_concs_t gas_concs_day;
- gas_concs_day.init(gas_names, nday, nlay);
+ gas_concs_day.init_no_alloc(gas_names, nday, nlay, concs_mem);
for (int igas = 0; igas < ngas; igas++) {
gas_concs.get_vmr(gas_names[igas], vmr);
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({nlay,nday}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ilay, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(nday, nlay, iday, ilay,
vmr_day(iday,ilay) = vmr(dayIndices(iday),ilay);
- });
+ ));
gas_concs_day.set_vmr(gas_names[igas], vmr_day);
// Subset aerosol optics
optical_props2_t aerosol_day;
- aerosol_day.init(k_dist.get_band_lims_wavenumber());
- aerosol_day.alloc_2str(nday, nlay);
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nbnd,nlay,nday}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilay, int iday) {
+ aerosol_day.init_no_alloc(k_dist.get_band_lims_wavenumber(), sw_aero_band2gpt_mem, sw_aero_gpt2band_mem);
+ aerosol_day.alloc_2str_no_alloc(nday, nlay, sw_aero_tau_mem, sw_aero_ssa_mem, sw_aero_g_mem);
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(nday,nlay,nbnd, iday, ilay, ibnd,
aerosol_day.tau(iday,ilay,ibnd) = aerosol.tau(dayIndices(iday),ilay,ibnd);
aerosol_day.ssa(iday,ilay,ibnd) = aerosol.ssa(dayIndices(iday),ilay,ibnd);
aerosol_day.g (iday,ilay,ibnd) = aerosol.g (dayIndices(iday),ilay,ibnd);
- });
+ ));
// Subset cloud optics
// TODO: nbnd -> ngpt once we pass sub-sampled cloud state
optical_props2_t clouds_day;
- clouds_day.init(k_dist.get_band_lims_wavenumber(), k_dist.get_band_lims_gpoint());
- clouds_day.alloc_2str(nday, nlay);
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({ngpt,nlay,nday}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int iday) {
+ clouds_day.init_no_alloc(k_dist.get_band_lims_wavenumber(), k_dist.get_band_lims_gpoint(), sw_cloud_band2gpt_mem, sw_cloud_gpt2band_mem);
+ clouds_day.alloc_2str_no_alloc(nday, nlay, sw_cloud_tau_mem, sw_cloud_ssa_mem, sw_cloud_g_mem);
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(nday,nlay,ngpt, iday, ilay, igpt,
clouds_day.tau(iday,ilay,igpt) = clouds.tau(dayIndices(iday),ilay,igpt);
clouds_day.ssa(iday,ilay,igpt) = clouds.ssa(dayIndices(iday),ilay,igpt);
clouds_day.g (iday,ilay,igpt) = clouds.g (dayIndices(iday),ilay,igpt);
- });
+ ));
// RRTMGP assumes surface albedos have a screwy dimension ordering
// for some strange reason, so we need to transpose these; also do
// daytime subsetting in the same kernel
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({nbnd,nday}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(nbnd,nday, ibnd, icol,
sfc_alb_dir_T(ibnd,icol) = sfc_alb_dir(dayIndices(icol),ibnd);
sfc_alb_dif_T(ibnd,icol) = sfc_alb_dif(dayIndices(icol),ibnd);
- });
+ ));
// Temporaries we need for daytime-only fluxes
fluxes_t fluxes_day;
@@ -726,16 +816,16 @@ static void rrtmgp_sw(
// Allocate space for optical properties
optical_props2_t optics;
- optics.alloc_2str(nday, nlay, k_dist);
+ optics.alloc_2str_no_alloc(nday, nlay, k_dist, sw_optics_band2gpt_mem, sw_optics_gpt2band_mem, sw_optics_tau_mem, sw_optics_ssa_mem, sw_optics_g_mem);
optical_props2_t optics_no_aerosols;
if (extra_clnsky_diag) {
// Allocate space for optical properties (no aerosols)
- optics_no_aerosols.alloc_2str(nday, nlay, k_dist);
+ optics_no_aerosols.alloc_2str_no_alloc(nday, nlay, k_dist, sw_noaero_band2gpt_mem, sw_noaero_gpt2band_mem, sw_noaero_tau_mem, sw_noaero_ssa_mem, sw_noaero_g_mem);
// Limit temperatures for gas optics look-up tables
- limit_to_bounds_k(t_lay_day, k_dist_sw_k.get_temp_min(), k_dist_sw_k.get_temp_max(), t_lay_limited);
+ limit_to_bounds_k(t_lay_day, k_dist_sw_k->get_temp_min(), k_dist_sw_k->get_temp_max(), t_lay_limited);
// Do gas optics
bool top_at_1 = false;
@@ -756,20 +846,20 @@ static void rrtmgp_sw(
// Apply tsi_scaling
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({ngpt,nday}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int igpt, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(nday, ngpt, iday, igpt,
toa_flux(iday,igpt) = tsi_scaling * toa_flux(iday,igpt);
- });
+ ));
if (extra_clnclrsky_diag) {
// Compute clear-clean-sky (just gas) fluxes on daytime columns
rte_sw(optics, top_at_1, mu0_day, toa_flux, sfc_alb_dir_T, sfc_alb_dif_T, fluxes_day);
// Expand daytime fluxes to all columns
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({nlay+1,nday}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(nday, nlay+1, iday, ilev,
const int icol = dayIndices(iday);
clnclrsky_flux_up (icol,ilev) = flux_up_day (iday,ilev);
clnclrsky_flux_dn (icol,ilev) = flux_dn_day (iday,ilev);
clnclrsky_flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev) = flux_dn_dir_day(iday,ilev);
- });
+ ));
// Combine gas and aerosol optics
@@ -780,12 +870,12 @@ static void rrtmgp_sw(
rte_sw(optics, top_at_1, mu0_day, toa_flux, sfc_alb_dir_T, sfc_alb_dif_T, fluxes_day);
// Expand daytime fluxes to all columns
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({nlay+1,nday}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(nday, nlay+1, iday, ilev,
const int icol = dayIndices(iday);
clrsky_flux_up (icol,ilev) = flux_up_day (iday,ilev);
clrsky_flux_dn (icol,ilev) = flux_dn_day (iday,ilev);
clrsky_flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev) = flux_dn_dir_day(iday,ilev);
- });
+ ));
// Now merge in cloud optics and do allsky calculations
@@ -795,18 +885,18 @@ static void rrtmgp_sw(
// Compute fluxes on daytime columns
rte_sw(optics, top_at_1, mu0_day, toa_flux, sfc_alb_dir_T, sfc_alb_dif_T, fluxes_day);
// Expand daytime fluxes to all columns
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({nlay+1,nday}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(nday, nlay+1, iday, ilev,
const int icol = dayIndices(iday);
flux_up (icol,ilev) = flux_up_day (iday,ilev);
flux_dn (icol,ilev) = flux_dn_day (iday,ilev);
flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev) = flux_dn_dir_day(iday,ilev);
- });
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nbnd,nlay+1,nday}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilev, int iday) {
+ ));
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(nday, nlay+1, nbnd, iday, ilev, ibnd,
const int icol = dayIndices(iday);
bnd_flux_up (icol,ilev,ibnd) = bnd_flux_up_day (iday,ilev,ibnd);
bnd_flux_dn (icol,ilev,ibnd) = bnd_flux_dn_day (iday,ilev,ibnd);
bnd_flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev,ibnd) = bnd_flux_dn_dir_day(iday,ilev,ibnd);
- });
+ ));
if (extra_clnsky_diag) {
// First increment clouds in optics_no_aerosols
@@ -814,16 +904,66 @@ static void rrtmgp_sw(
// Compute cleansky (gas + clouds) fluxes on daytime columns
rte_sw(optics_no_aerosols, top_at_1, mu0_day, toa_flux, sfc_alb_dir_T, sfc_alb_dif_T, fluxes_day);
// Expand daytime fluxes to all columns
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({nlay+1,nday}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ilev, int iday) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(nday, nlay+1, iday, ilev,
const int icol = dayIndices(iday);
clnsky_flux_up (icol,ilev) = flux_up_day (iday,ilev);
clnsky_flux_dn (icol,ilev) = flux_dn_day (iday,ilev);
clnsky_flux_dn_dir(icol,ilev) = flux_dn_dir_day(iday,ilev);
- });
+ ));
- pool_t::dealloc(data);
+ pool_t::dealloc(mu0_day);
+ pool_t::dealloc(p_lay_day);
+ pool_t::dealloc(t_lay_day);
+ pool_t::dealloc(vmr_day);
+ pool_t::dealloc(t_lay_limited);
+ pool_t::dealloc(p_lev_day);
+ pool_t::dealloc(t_lev_day);
+ pool_t::dealloc(flux_up_day);
+ pool_t::dealloc(flux_dn_day);
+ pool_t::dealloc(flux_dn_dir_day);
+ pool_t::dealloc(vmr);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sfc_alb_dir_T);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sfc_alb_dif_T);
+ pool_t::dealloc(toa_flux);
+ pool_t::dealloc(bnd_flux_up_day);
+ pool_t::dealloc(bnd_flux_dn_day);
+ pool_t::dealloc(bnd_flux_dn_dir_day);
+ pool_t::dealloc(col_gas);
+ pool_t::dealloc(concs_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_aero_tau_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_aero_ssa_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_aero_g_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_cloud_tau_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_cloud_ssa_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_cloud_g_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_optics_tau_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_optics_ssa_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_optics_g_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_noaero_tau_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_noaero_ssa_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_noaero_g_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_aero_band2gpt_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_aero_gpt2band_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_cloud_band2gpt_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_cloud_gpt2band_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_optics_band2gpt_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_optics_gpt2band_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_noaero_band2gpt_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sw_noaero_gpt2band_mem);
@@ -841,24 +981,28 @@ static void rrtmgp_lw(
// Problem size
int nbnd = k_dist.get_nband();
int constexpr max_gauss_pts = 4;
+ const int ngpt = k_dist.get_ngpt();
- const int size1 = ncol;
- const int size2 = nbnd*ncol;
- const int size3 = max_gauss_pts*max_gauss_pts;
- const int size4 = ncol*nlay;
- const int size5 = ncol*(nlay+1);
- const int size6 = ncol*nlay*(k_dist.get_ngas()+1);
- const int total_size = size1 + size2 + size3*2 + size4 + size5 + size6;
- auto data = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(total_size); RealT *dcurr = data.data();
- view_t t_sfc (dcurr, ncol); dcurr += size1;
- view_t emis_sfc (dcurr, nbnd,ncol); dcurr += size2;
- view_t gauss_Ds (dcurr, max_gauss_pts,max_gauss_pts); dcurr += size3;
- view_t gauss_wts (dcurr, max_gauss_pts,max_gauss_pts); dcurr += size3;
- view_t t_lay_limited(dcurr, ncol, nlay); dcurr += size4;
- view_t t_lev_limited(dcurr, ncol, nlay+1); dcurr += size5;
- view_t col_gas (dcurr, ncol, nlay, k_dist.get_ngas()+1); dcurr += size6;
+ auto t_sfc = pool_t::template alloc(ncol);
+ auto emis_sfc = pool_t::template alloc(nbnd, ncol);
+ auto gauss_Ds = pool_t::template alloc(max_gauss_pts, max_gauss_pts);
+ auto gauss_wts = pool_t::template alloc(max_gauss_pts, max_gauss_pts);
+ auto t_lay_limited = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay);
+ auto t_lev_limited = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay+1);
+ auto col_gas = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, k_dist.get_ngas()+1);
+ auto lw_optics_tau_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto lw_noaero_tau_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto lay_source_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto lev_source_inc_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto lev_source_dec_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto sfc_source_mem = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, ngpt);
+ auto lw_optics_band2gpt_mem = pool_t::template alloc(2, nbnd);
+ auto lw_optics_gpt2band_mem = pool_t::template alloc( ngpt);
+ auto lw_noaero_band2gpt_mem = pool_t::template alloc(2, nbnd);
+ auto lw_noaero_gpt2band_mem = pool_t::template alloc( ngpt);
+ auto lw_source_band2gpt_mem = pool_t::template alloc(2, nbnd);
+ auto lw_source_gpt2band_mem = pool_t::template alloc( ngpt);
// Associate local pointers for fluxes
auto &flux_up = fluxes.flux_up;
@@ -873,8 +1017,7 @@ static void rrtmgp_lw(
auto &clnsky_flux_dn = clnsky_fluxes.flux_dn;
// Reset fluxes to zero
- Kokkos::parallel_for(
- MDRP::template get<2>({nlay + 1, ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ilev, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(ncol, nlay + 1, icol, ilev,
flux_up(icol, ilev) = 0;
flux_dn(icol, ilev) = 0;
clnclrsky_flux_up(icol, ilev) = 0;
@@ -883,26 +1026,25 @@ static void rrtmgp_lw(
clrsky_flux_dn(icol, ilev) = 0;
clnsky_flux_up(icol, ilev) = 0;
clnsky_flux_dn(icol, ilev) = 0;
- });
- Kokkos::parallel_for(
- MDRP::template get<3>({nbnd, nlay + 1, ncol}),
- KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilev, int icol) {
+ ));
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(ncol, nlay + 1, nbnd, icol, ilev, ibnd,
bnd_flux_up(icol, ilev, ibnd) = 0;
bnd_flux_dn(icol, ilev, ibnd) = 0;
- });
+ ));
// Allocate space for optical properties
optical_props1_t optics;
- optics.alloc_1scl(ncol, nlay, k_dist);
+ optics.alloc_1scl_no_alloc(ncol, nlay, k_dist, lw_optics_band2gpt_mem, lw_optics_gpt2band_mem, lw_optics_tau_mem);
optical_props1_t optics_no_aerosols;
if (extra_clnsky_diag) {
// Allocate space for optical properties (no aerosols)
- optics_no_aerosols.alloc_1scl(ncol, nlay, k_dist);
+ optics_no_aerosols.alloc_1scl_no_alloc(ncol, nlay, k_dist, lw_noaero_band2gpt_mem, lw_noaero_gpt2band_mem, lw_noaero_tau_mem);
// Boundary conditions
source_func_t lw_sources;
- lw_sources.alloc(ncol, nlay, k_dist);
+ lw_sources.alloc_no_alloc(ncol, nlay, k_dist, lw_source_band2gpt_mem, lw_source_gpt2band_mem, sfc_source_mem, lay_source_mem, lev_source_inc_mem, lev_source_dec_mem);
bool top_at_1 = false;
Kokkos::parallel_reduce(1, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int, bool& val) {
@@ -910,9 +1052,9 @@ static void rrtmgp_lw(
}, Kokkos::LOr(top_at_1));
// Surface temperature
- Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol) {
t_sfc(icol) = t_lev(icol, conv::merge(nlay, 0, top_at_1));
- });
+ }));
Kokkos::deep_copy(emis_sfc , 0.98);
// Get Gaussian quadrature weights
@@ -941,8 +1083,8 @@ static void rrtmgp_lw(
Kokkos::deep_copy(gauss_wts, gauss_wts_host);
// Limit temperatures for gas optics look-up tables
- limit_to_bounds_k(t_lay, k_dist_lw_k.get_temp_min(), k_dist_lw_k.get_temp_max(), t_lay_limited);
- limit_to_bounds_k(t_lev, k_dist_lw_k.get_temp_min(), k_dist_lw_k.get_temp_max(), t_lev_limited);
+ limit_to_bounds_k(t_lay, k_dist_lw_k->get_temp_min(), k_dist_lw_k->get_temp_max(), t_lay_limited);
+ limit_to_bounds_k(t_lev, k_dist_lw_k->get_temp_min(), k_dist_lw_k->get_temp_max(), t_lev_limited);
// Do gas optics
k_dist.gas_optics(ncol, nlay, top_at_1, p_lay, p_lev, t_lay_limited, t_sfc, gas_concs, col_gas, optics, lw_sources, view_t(), t_lev_limited);
@@ -979,7 +1121,26 @@ static void rrtmgp_lw(
rte_lw(max_gauss_pts, gauss_Ds, gauss_wts, optics_no_aerosols, top_at_1, lw_sources, emis_sfc, clnsky_fluxes);
- pool_t::dealloc(data);
+ pool_t::dealloc(t_sfc);
+ pool_t::dealloc(emis_sfc);
+ pool_t::dealloc(gauss_Ds);
+ pool_t::dealloc(gauss_wts);
+ pool_t::dealloc(t_lay_limited);
+ pool_t::dealloc(t_lev_limited);
+ pool_t::dealloc(col_gas);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_optics_tau_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_noaero_tau_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lay_source_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lev_source_inc_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lev_source_dec_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(sfc_source_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_optics_band2gpt_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_optics_gpt2band_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_noaero_band2gpt_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_noaero_gpt2band_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_source_band2gpt_mem);
+ pool_t::dealloc(lw_source_gpt2band_mem);
@@ -994,7 +1155,7 @@ static void get_subcolumn_mask(const int ncol, const int nlay, const int ngpt, c
// c(i,j,k) = 0 for x(i,j,k) <= 1 - cldf(i,j)
// I am going to call this "cldx" to be just slightly less ambiguous
- auto cldx = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(ncol, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto cldx = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, ngpt);
// Apply overlap assumption to set cldx
if (overlap_option == 0) { // Dummy mask, always cloudy
@@ -1011,23 +1172,35 @@ static void get_subcolumn_mask(const int ncol, const int nlay, const int ngpt, c
// Kokkos::deep_copy(seeds_host, seeds);
// for (int icol = 0; icol < ncol; ++icol) {
// Kokkos::Random_XorShift64_Pool<> random_pool(seeds_host(icol));
- // Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({ngpt, nlay}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay) {
+ // TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(nlay, ngpt, ilay, igpt,
// auto generator = random_pool.get_state();
// cldx(icol,ilay,igpt) = generator.drand(0., 1.);
// random_pool.free_state(generator);
- // });
+ // }));
// }
- Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol) {
- conv::Random rand(seeds(icol));
- for (int igpt = 0; igpt < ngpt; igpt++) {
- for (int ilay = 0; ilay < nlay; ilay++) {
- cldx(icol,ilay,igpt) = rand.genFP();
- }
- }
- });
+ // TIMED_KERNEL(Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol) {
+ // conv::Random rand(seeds(icol));
+ // for (int igpt = 0; igpt < ngpt; igpt++) {
+ // for (int ilay = 0; ilay < nlay; ilay++) {
+ // cldx(icol,ilay,igpt) = rand.genFP();
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }));
+ // Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol) {
+ // conv::Random rand(seeds(icol));
+ // for (int igpt = 0; igpt < ngpt; igpt++) {
+ // for (int ilay = 0; ilay < nlay; ilay++) {
+ // cldx(icol,ilay,igpt) = rand.genFP();
+ // }
+ // }
+ // });
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(ncol, nlay, ngpt, icol, ilay, igpt,
+ conv::Random rand(seeds(icol) + ilay*ngpt + igpt);
+ cldx(icol,ilay,igpt) = rand.genFP();
+ ));
// Step down columns and apply algorithm from eq (14)
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({ngpt,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int igpt, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(ncol,ngpt, icol, igpt,
for (int ilay = 1; ilay < nlay; ilay++) {
// Check cldx in level above and see if it satisfies conditions to create a cloudy subcolumn
if (cldx(icol,ilay-1,igpt) > 1.0 - cldf(icol,ilay-1)) {
@@ -1043,17 +1216,17 @@ static void get_subcolumn_mask(const int ncol, const int nlay, const int ngpt, c
cldx(icol,ilay,igpt) = cldx(icol,ilay ,igpt) * (1.0 - cldf(icol,ilay-1));
- });
+ ));
// Use cldx array to create subcolumn mask
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({ngpt,nlay,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(ncol,nlay,ngpt, icol, ilay, igpt,
if (cldx(icol,ilay,igpt) > 1.0 - cldf(icol,ilay)) {
subcolumn_mask(icol,ilay,igpt) = 1;
} else {
subcolumn_mask(icol,ilay,igpt) = 0;
- });
+ ));
@@ -1068,22 +1241,22 @@ static void compute_cloud_area(
// Subcolumn binary cld mask; if any layers with pressure between pmin and pmax are cloudy
// then 2d subcol mask is 1, otherwise it is 0
auto subcol_mask = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(ncol, ngpt);
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({ngpt, nlay, ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(ncol, nlay, ngpt, icol, ilay, igpt,
// NOTE: using plev would need to assume level ordering (top to bottom or bottom to top), but
// using play/pmid does not
if (cld_tau_gpt(icol,ilay,igpt) > 0 && pmid(icol,ilay) >= pmin && pmid(icol,ilay) < pmax) {
subcol_mask(icol,igpt) = 1;
- });
+ ));
// Compute average over subcols to get cloud area
auto ngpt_inv = 1.0 / ngpt;
Kokkos::deep_copy(cld_area, 0);
- Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol) {
// This loop needs to be serial because of the atomic reduction
for (int igpt = 0; igpt < ngpt; ++igpt) {
cld_area(icol) += subcol_mask(icol,igpt) * ngpt_inv;
- });
+ }));
@@ -1118,7 +1291,7 @@ static void compute_aerocom_cloudtop(
Kokkos::deep_copy(eff_radius_qi_at_cldtop, 0.0);
// Initialize the 1D "clear fraction" as 1 (totally clear)
- auto aerocom_clr = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(ncol);
+ auto aerocom_clr = pool_t::template alloc(ncol);
Kokkos::deep_copy(aerocom_clr, 1.0);
// Get gravity acceleration constant from constants
@@ -1131,7 +1304,7 @@ static void compute_aerocom_cloudtop(
constexpr RealT cldfrac_tot_threshold = 0.001; // BAD_CONSTANT!
// Loop over all columns in parallel
- Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol) {
// Loop over all layers in serial (due to accumulative
// product), starting at 2 (second highest) layer because the
// highest is assumed to hav no clouds
@@ -1190,7 +1363,7 @@ static void compute_aerocom_cloudtop(
// aerocom_clr is the result of accumulative probabilities
// (their products)
cldfrac_tot_at_cldtop(icol) = 1.0 - aerocom_clr(icol);
- });
+ }));
@@ -1211,7 +1384,7 @@ static void mixing_ratio_to_cloud_mass(
int ncol = mixing_ratio.extent(0);
int nlay = mixing_ratio.extent(1);
using physconst = scream::physics::Constants;
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({nlay, ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL2(ncol, nlay, icol, ilay,
// Compute in-cloud mixing ratio (mixing ratio of the cloudy part of the layer)
// NOTE: these thresholds (from E3SM) seem arbitrary, but included here for consistency
// This limits in-cloud mixing ratio to 0.005 kg/kg. According to note in cloud_diagnostics
@@ -1223,7 +1396,7 @@ static void mixing_ratio_to_cloud_mass(
} else {
cloud_mass(icol,ilay) = 0;
- });
+ ));
@@ -1234,30 +1407,34 @@ static void mixing_ratio_to_cloud_mass(
template::type* dummy = nullptr>
static void limit_to_bounds_k(InT const &arr_in, T const lower, T const upper, OutT &arr_out) {
- Kokkos::parallel_for(arr_out.size(), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int i) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(Kokkos::parallel_for(arr_out.size(), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int i) {
arr_out(i) = std::min(std::max(arr_in(i), lower), upper);
- });
+ }));
template::type* dummy = nullptr>
static void limit_to_bounds_k(InT const &arr_in, T const lower, T const upper, OutT &arr_out) {
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({arr_out.extent(0), arr_out.extent(1)}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int i, int j) {
+ const int ex0 = (int) arr_out.extent(0);
+ const int ex1 = (int) arr_out.extent(1);
arr_out(i, j) = std::min(std::max(arr_in(i, j), lower), upper);
- });
+ ));
static int get_wavelength_index(optical_props_t &kdist, RealT wavelength)
+ auto band_lims_wvn = kdist.get_band_lims_wavenumber();
+ auto wavelength_bounds = pool_t::template alloc(band_lims_wvn.extent(0), band_lims_wvn.extent(1));
// Get wavelength bounds for all wavelength bands
- auto wavelength_bounds = kdist.get_band_lims_wavelength();
+ kdist.get_band_lims_wavelength(wavelength_bounds);
// Find the band index for the specified wavelength
// Note that bands are stored in wavenumber space, units of cm-1, so if we are passed wavelength
// in units of meters, we need a conversion factor of 10^2
const int nbnds = kdist.get_nband();
int band_index = -1;
- Kokkos::parallel_reduce(nbnds, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int& band_index_inner) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(Kokkos::parallel_reduce(nbnds, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int& band_index_inner) {
if (wavelength_bounds(0,ibnd) < wavelength_bounds(1,ibnd)) {
if (wavelength_bounds(0,ibnd) <= wavelength * 1e2 && wavelength * 1e2 <= wavelength_bounds(1,ibnd)) {
band_index_inner = ibnd;
@@ -1267,36 +1444,38 @@ static int get_wavelength_index(optical_props_t &kdist, RealT wavelength)
band_index_inner = ibnd;
- }, Kokkos::Max(band_index));
+ }, Kokkos::Max(band_index)));
+ pool_t::dealloc(wavelength_bounds);
return band_index;
static inline int get_wavelength_index_sw_k(RealT wavelength)
- return get_wavelength_index(k_dist_sw_k, wavelength);
+ return get_wavelength_index(*k_dist_sw_k, wavelength);
static inline int get_wavelength_index_lw_k(RealT wavelength)
- return get_wavelength_index(k_dist_lw_k, wavelength);
+ return get_wavelength_index(*k_dist_lw_k, wavelength);
static optical_props2_t get_cloud_optics_sw(
const int ncol, const int nlay,
cloud_optics_t &cloud_optics, gas_optics_t &kdist,
- const real2dk &lwp, const real2dk &iwp, const creal2dk &rel, const creal2dk &rei) {
+ const real2dk &lwp, const real2dk &iwp, const creal2dk &rel, const creal2dk &rei,
+ const int2dk& sw_band2gpt_mem, const int1dk& sw_gpt2band_mem, const real3dk& sw_tau_mem, const real3dk& sw_ssa_mem, const real3dk& sw_g_mem) {
// Initialize optics
optical_props2_t clouds;
- clouds.init(kdist.get_band_lims_wavenumber());
- clouds.alloc_2str(ncol, nlay);
+ clouds.init_no_alloc(kdist.get_band_lims_wavenumber(), sw_band2gpt_mem, sw_gpt2band_mem);
+ clouds.alloc_2str_no_alloc(ncol, nlay, sw_tau_mem, sw_ssa_mem, sw_g_mem);
// Needed for consistency with all-sky example problem?
// Limit effective radii to be within bounds of lookup table
- auto rel_limited = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(ncol, nlay);
- auto rei_limited = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(ncol, nlay);
+ auto rel_limited = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay);
+ auto rei_limited = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay);
limit_to_bounds_k(rel, cloud_optics.radliq_lwr, cloud_optics.radliq_upr, rel_limited);
limit_to_bounds_k(rei, cloud_optics.radice_lwr, cloud_optics.radice_upr, rei_limited);
@@ -1313,19 +1492,20 @@ static optical_props2_t get_cloud_optics_sw(
static optical_props1_t get_cloud_optics_lw(
const int ncol, const int nlay,
cloud_optics_t &cloud_optics, gas_optics_t &kdist,
- const real2dk &lwp, const real2dk &iwp, const creal2dk &rel, const creal2dk &rei) {
+ const real2dk &lwp, const real2dk &iwp, const creal2dk &rel, const creal2dk &rei,
+ const int2dk& lw_band2gpt_mem, const int1dk& lw_gpt2band_mem, const real3dk& lw_tau_mem) {
// Initialize optics
optical_props1_t clouds;
- clouds.init(kdist.get_band_lims_wavenumber());
- clouds.alloc_1scl(ncol, nlay); // this is dumb, why do we need to init and alloc separately?!
+ clouds.init_no_alloc(kdist.get_band_lims_wavenumber(), lw_band2gpt_mem, lw_gpt2band_mem);
+ clouds.alloc_1scl_no_alloc(ncol, nlay, lw_tau_mem); // this is dumb, why do we need to init and alloc separately?!
// Needed for consistency with all-sky example problem?
// Limit effective radii to be within bounds of lookup table
- auto rel_limited = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(ncol, nlay);
- auto rei_limited = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(ncol, nlay);
+ auto rel_limited = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay);
+ auto rei_limited = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay);
limit_to_bounds_k(rel, cloud_optics.radliq_lwr, cloud_optics.radliq_upr, rel_limited);
limit_to_bounds_k(rei, cloud_optics.radice_lwr, cloud_optics.radice_upr, rei_limited);
@@ -1341,14 +1521,15 @@ static optical_props1_t get_cloud_optics_lw(
static optical_props2_t get_subsampled_clouds(
const int ncol, const int nlay, const int nbnd, const int ngpt,
- optical_props2_t &cloud_optics, gas_optics_t &kdist, const real2dk &cld, const creal2dk &p_lay) {
+ optical_props2_t &cloud_optics, gas_optics_t &kdist, const real2dk &cld, const creal2dk &p_lay,
+ const int2dk& sw_band2gpt_mem, const int1dk& sw_gpt2band_mem, const real3dk& sw_tau_mem, const real3dk& sw_ssa_mem, const real3dk& sw_g_mem) {
// Initialized subsampled optics
optical_props2_t subsampled_optics;
- subsampled_optics.init(kdist.get_band_lims_wavenumber(), kdist.get_band_lims_gpoint(), "subsampled_optics");
- subsampled_optics.alloc_2str(ncol, nlay);
+ subsampled_optics.init_no_alloc(kdist.get_band_lims_wavenumber(), kdist.get_band_lims_gpoint(), sw_band2gpt_mem, sw_gpt2band_mem, "subsampled_optics");
+ subsampled_optics.alloc_2str_no_alloc(ncol, nlay, sw_tau_mem, sw_ssa_mem, sw_g_mem);
// Subcolumn mask with values of 0 indicating no cloud, 1 indicating cloud
- auto cldmask = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(ncol, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto cldmask = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, ngpt);
// Check that we do not have clouds with no optical properties; this would get corrected
// when we assign optical props, but we want to use a "radiative cloud fraction"
@@ -1358,11 +1539,12 @@ static optical_props2_t get_subsampled_clouds(
// even when separated by layers with no cloud properties, when in fact those layers should be
// randomly overlapped.
auto cldfrac_rad = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(ncol, nlay);
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nbnd,nlay,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA (int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(ncol, nlay, nbnd, icol, ilay, ibnd,
if (cloud_optics.tau(icol,ilay,ibnd) > 0) {
cldfrac_rad(icol,ilay) = cld(icol,ilay);
- });
+ ));
// Get subcolumn cloud mask; note that get_subcolumn_mask exposes overlap assumption as an option,
// but the only currently supported options are 0 (trivial all-or-nothing cloud) or 1 (max-rand),
// so overlap has not been exposed as an option beyond this subcolumn. In the future, we should
@@ -1371,14 +1553,15 @@ static optical_props2_t get_subsampled_clouds(
int overlap = 1;
// Get unique seeds for each column that are reproducible across different MPI rank layouts;
// use decimal part of pressure for this, consistent with the implementation in EAM
- auto seeds = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(ncol);
- Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol) {
+ auto seeds = pool_t::template alloc(ncol);
+ TIMED_KERNEL(Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol) {
seeds(icol) = 1e9 * (p_lay(icol,nlay-1) - int(p_lay(icol,nlay-1)));
- });
+ }));
get_subcolumn_mask(ncol, nlay, ngpt, cldfrac_rad, overlap, seeds, cldmask);
// Assign optical properties to subcolumns (note this implements MCICA)
auto gpoint_bands = kdist.get_gpoint_bands();
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({ngpt,nlay,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(ncol,nlay,ngpt, icol, ilay, igpt,
auto ibnd = gpoint_bands(igpt);
if (cldmask(icol,ilay,igpt) == 1) {
subsampled_optics.tau(icol,ilay,igpt) = cloud_optics.tau(icol,ilay,ibnd);
@@ -1389,7 +1572,7 @@ static optical_props2_t get_subsampled_clouds(
subsampled_optics.ssa(icol,ilay,igpt) = 0;
subsampled_optics.g (icol,ilay,igpt) = 0;
- });
+ ));
@@ -1400,15 +1583,16 @@ static optical_props2_t get_subsampled_clouds(
static optical_props1_t get_subsampled_clouds(
const int ncol, const int nlay, const int nbnd, const int ngpt,
- optical_props1_t &cloud_optics, gas_optics_t &kdist, const real2dk &cld, const creal2dk &p_lay) {
+ optical_props1_t &cloud_optics, gas_optics_t &kdist, const real2dk &cld, const creal2dk &p_lay,
+ const int2dk& lw_band2gpt_mem, const int1dk& lw_gpt2band_mem, const real3dk& lw_tau_mem) {
// Initialized subsampled optics
optical_props1_t subsampled_optics;
- subsampled_optics.init(kdist.get_band_lims_wavenumber(), kdist.get_band_lims_gpoint(), "subsampled_optics");
- subsampled_optics.alloc_1scl(ncol, nlay);
+ subsampled_optics.init_no_alloc(kdist.get_band_lims_wavenumber(), kdist.get_band_lims_gpoint(), lw_band2gpt_mem, lw_gpt2band_mem, "subsampled_optics");
+ subsampled_optics.alloc_1scl_no_alloc(ncol, nlay, lw_tau_mem);
// Subcolumn mask with values of 0 indicating no cloud, 1 indicating cloud
- auto cldmask = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(ncol, nlay, ngpt);
+ auto cldmask = pool_t::template alloc(ncol, nlay, ngpt);
// Check that we do not have clouds with no optical properties; this would get corrected
// when we assign optical props, but we want to use a "radiative cloud fraction"
@@ -1418,31 +1602,31 @@ static optical_props1_t get_subsampled_clouds(
// even when separated by layers with no cloud properties, when in fact those layers should be
// randomly overlapped.
auto cldfrac_rad = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(ncol, nlay);
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nbnd,nlay,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA (int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(ncol,nlay,nbnd, icol, ilay, ibnd,
if (cloud_optics.tau(icol,ilay,ibnd) > 0) {
cldfrac_rad(icol,ilay) = cld(icol,ilay);
- });
+ ));
// Get subcolumn cloud mask
int overlap = 1;
// Get unique seeds for each column that are reproducible across different MPI rank layouts;
// use decimal part of pressure for this, consistent with the implementation in EAM; use different
// seed values for longwave and shortwave
- auto seeds = pool_t::template alloc_and_init(ncol);
- Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol) {
+ auto seeds = pool_t::template alloc(ncol);
+ TIMED_KERNEL(Kokkos::parallel_for(ncol, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol) {
seeds(icol) = 1e9 * (p_lay(icol,nlay-2) - int(p_lay(icol,nlay-2)));
- });
+ }));
get_subcolumn_mask(ncol, nlay, ngpt, cldfrac_rad, overlap, seeds, cldmask);
// Assign optical properties to subcolumns (note this implements MCICA)
auto gpoint_bands = kdist.get_gpoint_bands();
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({ngpt,nlay,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int igpt, int ilay, int icol) {
- auto ibnd = gpoint_bands(igpt);
- if (cldmask(icol,ilay,igpt) == 1) {
- subsampled_optics.tau(icol,ilay,igpt) = cloud_optics.tau(icol,ilay,ibnd);
- } else {
- subsampled_optics.tau(icol,ilay,igpt) = 0;
- }
- });
+ TIMED_KERNEL(FLATTEN_MD_KERNEL3(ncol,nlay,ngpt, icol, ilay, igpt,
+ auto ibnd = gpoint_bands(igpt);
+ if (cldmask(icol,ilay,igpt) == 1) {
+ subsampled_optics.tau(icol,ilay,igpt) = cloud_optics.tau(icol,ilay,ibnd);
+ } else {
+ subsampled_optics.tau(icol,ilay,igpt) = 0;
+ }
+ ));
diff --git a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/tests/rrtmgp_tests.cpp b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/tests/rrtmgp_tests.cpp
index fedb8c3d0478..165272a237d4 100644
--- a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/tests/rrtmgp_tests.cpp
+++ b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/tests/rrtmgp_tests.cpp
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ int run_kokkos(int argc, char** argv) {
// Initialize absorption coefficients
logger->info("Initialize RRTMGP...\n");
- interface_t::rrtmgp_initialize(gas_concs, coefficients_file_sw, coefficients_file_lw, cloud_optics_file_sw, cloud_optics_file_lw, logger);
+ interface_t::rrtmgp_initialize(gas_concs, coefficients_file_sw, coefficients_file_lw, cloud_optics_file_sw, cloud_optics_file_lw, logger, 2.0);
// Setup our dummy atmosphere based on the input data we read in
logger->info("Setup dummy atmos...\n");
@@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ int run_kokkos(int argc, char** argv) {
// we would just have to setup the pointers to them in the
// FluxesBroadband object
logger->info("Setup fluxes...\n");
- const auto nswbands = interface_t::k_dist_sw_k.get_nband();
- const auto nlwbands = interface_t::k_dist_lw_k.get_nband();
+ const auto nswbands = interface_t::k_dist_sw_k->get_nband();
+ const auto nlwbands = interface_t::k_dist_lw_k->get_nband();
real2dk sw_flux_up ("sw_flux_up" , ncol, nlay+1);
real2dk sw_flux_dn ("sw_flux_dn" , ncol, nlay+1);
real2dk sw_flux_dir("sw_flux_dir", ncol, nlay+1);
@@ -470,19 +470,19 @@ int run_kokkos(int argc, char** argv) {
auto aer_ssa_sw = real3dk("aer_ssa_sw", ncol, nlay, nswbands);
auto aer_asm_sw = real3dk("aer_asm_sw", ncol, nlay, nswbands);
auto aer_tau_lw = real3dk("aer_tau_lw", ncol, nlay, nlwbands);
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nswbands,nlay,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
+ Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({ncol, nlay, nswbands}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol, int ilay, int ibnd) {
aer_tau_sw(icol,ilay,ibnd) = 0;
aer_ssa_sw(icol,ilay,ibnd) = 0;
aer_asm_sw(icol,ilay,ibnd) = 0;
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nlwbands,nlay,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
+ Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({ncol, nlay, nlwbands}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol, int ilay, int ibnd) {
aer_tau_lw(icol,ilay,ibnd) = 0;
// These are returned as outputs now from rrtmgp_main
// TODO: provide as inputs consistent with how aerosol is treated?
- const auto nswgpts = interface_t::k_dist_sw_k.get_ngpt();
- const auto nlwgpts = interface_t::k_dist_lw_k.get_ngpt();
+ const auto nswgpts = interface_t::k_dist_sw_k->get_ngpt();
+ const auto nlwgpts = interface_t::k_dist_lw_k->get_ngpt();
auto cld_tau_sw_bnd = real3dk("cld_tau_sw_bnd", ncol, nlay, nswbands);
auto cld_tau_lw_bnd = real3dk("cld_tau_lw_bnd", ncol, nlay, nlwbands);
auto cld_tau_sw = real3dk("cld_tau_sw", ncol, nlay, nswgpts);
diff --git a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/tests/rrtmgp_unit_tests.cpp b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/tests/rrtmgp_unit_tests.cpp
index 06ca64af5f24..f716e64791b8 100644
--- a/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/tests/rrtmgp_unit_tests.cpp
+++ b/components/eamxx/src/physics/rrtmgp/tests/rrtmgp_unit_tests.cpp
@@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ TEST_CASE("rrtmgp_test_compute_broadband_surface_flux_k") {
auto sw_bnd_flux_dir = real3dk("sw_bnd_flux_dir", ncol, nlay+1, nbnd);
auto sw_bnd_flux_dif = real3dk("sw_bnd_flux_dif", ncol, nlay+1, nbnd);
logger->info("Populate band-resolved 3d fluxes for test case with only transition band flux...\n");
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nbnd,nlay+1,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
+ Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({ncol, nlay+1, nbnd}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol, int ilay, int ibnd) {
if (ibnd < 9) {
sw_bnd_flux_dir(icol,ilay,ibnd) = 0;
sw_bnd_flux_dif(icol,ilay,ibnd) = 0;
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@ TEST_CASE("rrtmgp_test_compute_broadband_surface_flux_k") {
// ---------------------------------
// Test case, only flux in NIR bands
logger->info("Populate band-resolved 3d fluxes for test case with only NIR flux...\n");
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nbnd,nlay+1,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
+ Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({ncol, nlay+1, nbnd}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol, int ilay, int ibnd) {
if (ibnd < 9) {
sw_bnd_flux_dir(icol,ilay,ibnd) = 1;
sw_bnd_flux_dif(icol,ilay,ibnd) = 1;
@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ TEST_CASE("rrtmgp_test_compute_broadband_surface_flux_k") {
// ---------------------------------
// Test case, only flux in VIS bands
logger->info("Populate band-resolved 3d fluxes for test case with only VIS/UV flux...\n");
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nbnd,nlay+1,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
+ Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({ncol, nlay+1, nbnd}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol, int ilay, int ibnd) {
if (ibnd < 9) {
sw_bnd_flux_dir(icol,ilay,ibnd) = 0;
sw_bnd_flux_dif(icol,ilay,ibnd) = 0;
@@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@ TEST_CASE("rrtmgp_test_compute_broadband_surface_flux_k") {
// ---------------------------------
// Test case, only flux in all bands
logger->info("Populate band-resolved 3d fluxes for test with non-zero flux in all bands...\n");
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({nbnd,nlay+1,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ibnd, int ilay, int icol) {
+ Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<3>({ncol, nlay+1, nbnd}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol, int ilay, int ibnd) {
if (ibnd < 9) {
sw_bnd_flux_dir(icol,ilay,ibnd) = 1.0;
sw_bnd_flux_dif(icol,ilay,ibnd) = 2.0;
@@ -1307,13 +1307,13 @@ TEST_CASE("rrtmgp_test_subcol_gen_k") {
interface_t::get_subcolumn_mask(ncol, nlay, ngpt, cldfrac, 1, seeds, cldmask);
// Check answers by computing new cldfrac from mask
Kokkos::deep_copy(cldfrac_from_mask, 0.0);
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({nlay,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ilay, int icol) {
+ Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({ncol, nlay}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol, int ilay) {
for (int igpt = 0; igpt < ngpt; ++igpt) {
real cldmask_real = cldmask(icol,ilay,igpt);
cldfrac_from_mask(icol,ilay) += cldmask_real;
- Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({nlay,ncol}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int ilay, int icol) {
+ Kokkos::parallel_for(MDRP::template get<2>({ncol, nlay}), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(int icol, int ilay) {
cldfrac_from_mask(icol,ilay) = cldfrac_from_mask(icol,ilay) / ngpt;
// For cldfrac 1 we should get 1, for cldfrac 0 we should get 0, but in between we cannot be sure
diff --git a/components/eamxx/tests/single-process/rrtmgp/CMakeLists.txt b/components/eamxx/tests/single-process/rrtmgp/CMakeLists.txt
index b16c2e732884..c8b57e98948b 100644
--- a/components/eamxx/tests/single-process/rrtmgp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/components/eamxx/tests/single-process/rrtmgp/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,20 +6,25 @@ set (FIXTURES_BASE_NAME ${TEST_BASE_NAME}_generate_output_nc_files)
# Ensure test input files are present in the data dir
+set(YAKL_LIB_NAME "")
+ set(YAKL_LIB_NAME "yakl")
# Unit test to compare against raw rrtmgp output
CreateUnitTest(${TEST_BASE_NAME}_unit rrtmgp_standalone_unit.cpp
LABELS rrtmgp physics driver
- LIBS scream_rrtmgp rrtmgp scream_control yakl diagnostics rrtmgp_test_utils
- EXE_ARGS "--args --inputfile ${SCREAM_DATA_DIR}/init/rrtmgp-allsky.nc --baseline ${SCREAM_BASELINES_DIR}/data/rrtmgp-allsky-baseline.nc"
+ LIBS scream_rrtmgp rrtmgp scream_control ${YAKL_LIB_NAME} diagnostics rrtmgp_test_utils
+ EXE_ARGS "--args --rrtmgp_inputfile ${SCREAM_DATA_DIR}/init/rrtmgp-allsky.nc --rrtmgp_baseline ${SCREAM_BASELINES_DIR}/data/rrtmgp-allsky-baseline.nc"
## Create rrtmgp stand alone executable
CreateUnitTestExec(${TEST_BASE_NAME} "rrtmgp_standalone.cpp"
- LIBS scream_rrtmgp rrtmgp scream_control yakl diagnostics
+ LIBS scream_rrtmgp rrtmgp scream_control ${YAKL_LIB_NAME} diagnostics
# The RRTMGP stand-alone test that runs multi-step
diff --git a/components/eamxx/tests/single-process/rrtmgp/input_unit.yaml b/components/eamxx/tests/single-process/rrtmgp/input_unit.yaml
index 4a1f474c8778..92961fb30d99 100644
--- a/components/eamxx/tests/single-process/rrtmgp/input_unit.yaml
+++ b/components/eamxx/tests/single-process/rrtmgp/input_unit.yaml
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ atmosphere_processes:
rrtmgp_coefficients_file_lw: ${SCREAM_DATA_DIR}/init/rrtmgp-data-lw-g256-2018-12-04.nc
rrtmgp_cloud_optics_file_sw: ${SCREAM_DATA_DIR}/init/rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-sw.nc
rrtmgp_cloud_optics_file_lw: ${SCREAM_DATA_DIR}/init/rrtmgp-cloud-optics-coeffs-lw.nc
+ pool_size_multiplier: 2.0
Type: Mesh Free