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Version 1.2.7
zguo edited this page Jun 1, 2016
9 revisions
The list below includes enhancements and bug fixes for version 1.2.7 (many of them are contributions from community members).
- Added support for CSW 3.0, the url pattern is http://server:port/geoportal/csw3?..., the end point has been tested with OGC Catalogue 3.0 Conformance Test Suite at https://github.com/opengeospatial/ets-cat30/
- Return more than 5000 records on CSW GetRecords POST request #193
- Allow only authenticated users #111
- Predefined extents #108
- Clickable thumbnail #106 #103
- Preview individual layers for ArcGIS map services #206
- Enhanced geoportal openSeach functionality and openSearchDescription
- Include atom in opensearch description #173
- Added a new openSearchDescription for CSW 3.0 (http://[host]:[port]/geoportal/openSearchDescriptionCsw30)
- Enhancements to DCAT outputs, including enhancements to dataQuality, modified, issued, rights, landingPage, describedBy, describedByType, and date related fields.
- Added support for robots.txt when harvesting, see Being-a-Good-Robot
- Added ability to harvest metadata to a local folder in addition to geoportal repository
- Support harvesting from geoportal metadata (ISO and FGDC for WMS) to ArcGIS Portal
- Added support for harvesting DCAT outputs
- Added parameter for defining length of period a repository can be suspended from harvesting after unsuccessful harvest. the default is 1 Day.
- Set agent http header to specific value #186
- Added ability to Approve records through the rest only by administrator
- Publish metadata with a status of “Draft” if metadata is invalid #181
- Mismatched UUIDs for ISO records #202
- "Apply action to the entire result set" does not work with collections #176
- Administrator can always edit #110
- Duplicate metadata record #107. this is useful for creating metadata whose value are mostly same as the original without have to re-enter information.
- Allow duplicate resource url #113
- cswCapabilities-INSPIRE.xml not validating #109
- metadata editor (GXE) issue on JBoss #159 #169
- Make record editable #112
- Fixed CrossScripting issue on search page
- Removed ActiveDirectory domain name for single sign-on
- Improved support for HTTPS
- Use Maven to build the project #87
- Recurring messages about database connection in gpt log file #201
- Apache Tomcat 6.0.13 and earlier not supported. If used, when users access certain pages (Register Network Resource, the Search page), they'll be redirected to the Home Page. Logfile will show an error that the EL expression cannot be parsed. This is a known issue with Apache Tomcat. Workaround is to use later version of Tomcat; recommended is version 6.0.32 and higher.
- There are known issues with previewing various WMTS implementations. Please submit ones that work poorly to the [issues](https://github.com/Esri/geoportal-server/issues?state=open).
- The ability for a WMS service to be previewed will depend on the projections supported by the service specified for the Geoportal Search map. See the Important Notes in the Changing the Map Service Topic for details.
- When the thumbnail in metadata is not found, an empty image displays in the search result/details page.
- Thumbnails with partially encoded URL reference (e.g., http://www.testserver.com/images/Note%20the%20encoding%20here/but no encoding here.JPG), the h:graphicImage java server faces component renders the link with plus signs in the spaces. Workaround is to use fully encoded URLs in thumbnail links.
- Searching ArcGIS.com through federated search allows users to choose Live Data and extent for a search criteria, but these have no effect on the search request submitted to ArcGIS.com.
- KML and KMZ file having html code in CDATA section as a description does not get rendered properly and show the html string as opposed to the rendered html.
- KML files that use a geometry other than points or rectangles (e.g., lines, other polygons) will not be rendered properly on the Preview page.
- When a document title is long with no spaces, HTML rendering does not wrap the title in search results. BeNiceAndUseSpacesPleaseAsOpposedToCamelCaseSinceNotAllOfUsAreDevelopers.
- When OntologyService.war is deployed in IBM Weblogic without unzipping the .war file, the Ontology service does not return related terms.
- For metadata records published with the first letter of their title being a diacritic letter, the records will be sorted with diacritic titles below the non-diacritic titles if Search results are ordered by title.
- The Geoportal calendar widget does not work properly if a server is set with different locale in JVM such as the Buddhist calendar.
- When metadata status gets updated with the checkbox "Apply action to the entire result set", the status change gets updated in the lucene index when the next synchronization (to sync between lucene index and database) process runs and finishes.
- For CSW protocol, incremental Synchronization will not reharvest metadata that have been deleted from admin interface.
- If a repository doesn't support last updated date info, Incremental sync will act like full sync.
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