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File metadata and controls

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Legacy data migration

This setup is completely optional and only required if you have data on a server which is running our legacy code and you want to import that data. It will import the uploads folder and migrate a dump of the legacy Mongo database into our new Neo4J graph database.

Configure Maintenance-Worker Pod

Create a configmap with the specific connection data of your legacy server:

$ kubectl create configmap maintenance-worker          \
  --namespace=human-connection                          \
  --from-literal=SSH_USERNAME=someuser                  \
  --from-literal=SSH_HOST=yourhost                      \
  --from-literal=MONGODB_USERNAME=hc-api                \
  --from-literal=MONGODB_PASSWORD=secretpassword        \
  --from-literal=MONGODB_AUTH_DB=hc_api                 \
  --from-literal=MONGODB_DATABASE=hc_api                \

Create a secret with your public and private ssh keys. As the kubernetes documentation points out, you should be careful with your ssh keys. Anyone with access to your cluster will have access to your ssh keys. Better create a new pair with ssh-keygen and copy the public key to your legacy server with ssh-copy-id:

$ kubectl create secret generic ssh-keys          \
  --namespace=human-connection                    \
  --from-file=id_rsa=/path/to/.ssh/id_rsa         \ \

Deploy a Temporary Maintenance-Worker Pod

Bring the application into maintenance mode.

{% hint style="info" %} TODO: implement maintenance mode {% endhint %}

Then temporarily delete backend and database deployments

$ kubectl --namespace=human-connection get deployments
nitro-backend   1/1     1            1           3d11h
nitro-neo4j     1/1     1            1           3d11h
nitro-web       2/2     2            2           73d
$ kubectl --namespace=human-connection delete deployment nitro-neo4j
deployment.extensions "nitro-neo4j" deleted
$ kubectl --namespace=human-connection delete deployment nitro-backend
deployment.extensions "nitro-backend" deleted

Deploy one-time maintenance-worker pod:

# in deployment/legacy-migration/
$ kubectl apply -f maintenance-worker.yaml
pod/nitro-maintenance-worker created

Import legacy database and uploads:

$ kubectl --namespace=human-connection exec -it nitro-maintenance-worker bash
$ import_legacy_db
$ import_legacy_uploads
$ exit

Delete the pod when you're done:

$ kubectl --namespace=human-connection delete pod nitro-maintenance-worker

Oh, and of course you have to get those deleted deployments back. One way of doing it would be:

# in folder deployment/
$ kubectl apply -f human-connection/deployment-backend.yaml -f human-connection/deployment-neo4j.yaml