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571 lines (362 loc) · 17.7 KB

File metadata and controls

571 lines (362 loc) · 17.7 KB





1.0-612 (2020-03-29 / 06293c8)


  • Kaocha's own plugins can now use a simple keyword in tests.edn, e.g. :notifier instead of :kaocha.plugin/notifier, similar to what we do on the command line.


  • Bumped several dependencies: org.clojure/spec.alpha, org.clojure/tools.cli, and aero

0.0-601 (2020-03-11 / 6b88d96)


  • Namespaces where the ns form can not be read by tools.readers are now reported as a test failure, rather than being quietly ignored.

0.0-597 (2020-03-10 / 746943b)


  • Added support in the reporter for the =? macro as used in Expectations (thanks @dharrigan 🎉)

0.0-590 (2020-02-05 / 70d314f)


  • Fix support for dynamic bindings with set! in watch mode. (thanks @frenchy64)
  • Fixes support for :config hooks in the hooks plugin.

0.0-581 (2020-01-22 / be2bd38)


  • Breaking change! Focus/skip options are now applied in two passes, once for options in tests.edn, once for command-line/REPL options. The result is that command line options can only narrow the set of tests to be run. (thanks @otwieracz)

0.0-573 (2020-01-13 / 156d084)


  • Added #meta-merge reader literal for tests.edn. (thanks @RickyMoynihan)

0.0-565 (2019-12-10 / 72be8ec)


  • Fix an issue with the Kaocha keyword hierarchy where two keys had an ancestor via two different paths, causing problems when trying to underive.
  • Make the version-filter plugin work with non-numeric version segments, as in "1.8.0_212-20190523183340.buildslave.jdk8u"

0.0-554 (2019-10-01 / fc5d93a)


  • Fix regression, only show the --focus warning when applicable

0.0-549 (2019-10-01 / aff529c)


  • Added the --profile command line flag, which gets passed to Aero's #profile {} tagged literal reader. Defaults to :ci when CI=true.
  • Output a warning when --focus TESTABLE-ID does not match any tests.

0.0-541 (2019-09-11 / c97a2cb)


  • The progress bar reporter now allows the appropriate exception to be reported when there is a syntax error in Clojure source code. Was formerly throwing NullPointerException.


  • Consolidate kaocha.hierarchy, so it can be used for kaocha-cljs

0.0-529 (2019-07-04 / 975bbc6)


  • Be smarter about loading namespaces and resolving vars for dynamic bindings set in tests.edn

0.0-521 (2019-06-19 / b652f99)


  • Type hints to eliminate reflection warnings.


  • Fix --watch when invoked without a [:kaocha/cli-options :config-file], either because tests.edn doesn't exist, or the config originated elsewhere.
  • Make kaocha.repl/config set [:kaocha/cli-options :config-file] if applicable.
  • Handle exceptions in --watch higher up, to prevent certain errors from being silently ignored.


  • When providing dynamic var bindings in tests.edn, we now try to load the given namespaces before setting the bindings.

0.0-418 (2019-04-11 / d445b44)


  • Make sure "no tests found" warning only shows up when it really needs to.


  • lambdaisland/deep-diff {:mvn/version "0.0-29"} -> {:mvn/version "0.0-47"}
  • nubank/matcher-combinators {:mvn/version "0.8.1"} -> {:mvn/version "0.9.0"}

0.0-413 (2019-03-30 / 9477eaf)


  • Added a check to make sure org.clojure/tools.cli is up to date.

0.0-409 (2019-03-19 / 8f177ea)


  • Built in plugins in the kaocha.plugin can now be specified as simple (rather than namespaced) keywords.
  • The binding plugin has been removed, instead its functionality is now built-in, which allowed us to address several issues.
  • Load errors now end in an immediate failure of the test run, instead of a warning. They are reported as an error so plugins like the notifier and junit.xml can display them.
  • dependency upgrades, this fixes an upstream issue with clj-diff
  • lambdaisland/deep-diff {:mvn/version "0.0-25"} -> {:mvn/version "0.0-29"}
  • orchestra {:mvn/version "2018.12.06-2"} -> {:mvn/version "2019.02.06-1"}

0.0-389 (2019-01-29 / 152db39)


  • Added a pre-report hook. This allows plugins to inspect and change test events just before they are passed to the reporter.
  • Added a :kaocha.plugin/notifier plugin that pops up desktop notifications when a test run passes or fails.
  • Add the wrap-run hook to the hooks plugin.
  • Watch mode: re-run all tests by pressing "enter"
  • Watch mode: watch tests.edn for changes
  • Watch mode: ignore certain files with [".*" ,,,]
  • To disable output capturing you can now use :capture-output? false, instead of :kaocha.plugin.capture-output/capture-output? false. Since this is a built-in plugin that's enabled by default it makes sense to provide a shorthand for this.
  • Added a :kaocha.plugin/bindings plugin that allows setting dynamic var bindings from tests.edn


  • Preserve changes to the config made in a pre-load hook
  • Watch mode: if a namespace fails to load then report it clearly and fail the test run, skipping any remaining tests.


  • Ignore --focus-meta when none of the tests have this particular metadata.
  • Print a nicer message when a plugin can't be loaded (Daniel Compton)
  • Only print random seed when test run failsg

0.0-367 (2019-01-16 / 514765b)


  • Added a "version-filter" plugin, which will skip tests if their metadata indicates they are not compatible with the Clojure or Java version being used.

0.0-359 (2019-01-15 / 53d06ab)


  • Mark tests with ^:kaocha/pending metadata to skip over them, and report them as "pending"
  • Added a "hooks" plugin (:kaocha.plugin/hooks), that allows hooking into various parts of Kaocha's process using simple functions. This provides a more lightweight alternative to end users for full fledged plugins.
  • The pre-test hook now runs earlier, so that :kaocha.testable/skip or :kaocha.testable/pending can be set from the hook and still be recognized.

0.0-343 (2018-12-31 / c38d94f)


  • [internal] Extracted kaocha.runner/run, to be used by alternative command line runners like boot.

0.0-333 (2018-12-28 / 89b4c13)


  • Added a TAP reporter (
  • Added a new --print-env flag to the :kaocha.plugin.alpha/info plugin, which outputs the Clojure and Java version before each run.


  • Filter out jdk.internal.reflect stack frames when detecting source file (Java 9+)


  • Prefer a stackframe-based file/line detection over taking the file/line of the test definition, this way the reported location is that of the assertion, rather than that of the test.
  • The print-invocations plugin no longer prints out the --config-file flag when it hasn't changed from its default value (tests.edn)

0.0-319 (2018-12-12 / 012b4ef)


  • Removed debug prn calls


  • [internal] Test types can signal that any remaining sibling tests should be skipped. This is used by the ClojureScript test type: if a test times out then we can no longer rely on the JavaScript environment being responsive. Instead fail the test (signal a timeout) and skip any remaining tests in the same suite.

0.0-313 (2018-12-10 / b45ccd1)


  • A new work-in-progress information plugin, :kaocha.plugin.alpha/info, currently only prints the list of all test ids.


  • When specifying test suites defaults are always provided, so it's no longer necessary to provide :src-paths, :test-paths, etc. if they don't deviate from the defaults. This also means all test suites get the default :kaocha.filter/skip-meta [:kaocha/skip].


  • In watch mode: Scan test-dirs/source-dirs, rather than letting tools.namespace derive the list of paths from the classpath

0.0-305 (2018-12-07 / 8b51576)


  • Honor the capture-output? flag when provided in tests.edn
  • Print captured output when a test fails because it doesn't contain assertions
  • Make file/line in failures more accurate


  • Consider (is (= )) assertions with only a single argument as failures, as these are most likely typos, they always evaluate to true.


  • Kaocha now also considers the global hierarchy when determining event types. This makes it possible for third-party clojure.test reporters to be Kaocha-aware without having to depend on Kaocha.
  • lambdaisland/kaocha-cloverage is now its own project, make sure to include it in your deps/project files.

0.0-266 (2018-11-08 / 0e9d0ee)


  • Speeded up startup by avoiding loading, core.async, fipp, puget #14


  • Cucumber support, see lambdaisland/kaocha-cucumber
  • Function specs are now checked with orchestra + expound
  • Plugins in the kaocha.plugin namespace can now be specified on the command line with their short name
  • kaocha.assertions namespace with custom clojure.test assertions. Currently for internal use but might evolve into its own library.
  • Added Cloverage integration, currently still included in the main lambdaisland/kaocha artifact.
  • Added support for "pending" tests (skipped but still reported). Currently only used by Cucumber.


  • This release contains several internal changes to support disparate test suite types.
  • The test summary now reads "x tests, y assertions, z failures", rather than "test vars", to be more test type agnostic.

0.0-248 (2018-11-01 / d6edc4f)


  • De-dupe plugins, for cases where a plugin is added to tests.edn and on the CLI

0.0-243 (2018-10-31 / 55bb5c1)


  • Fix matcher-combinator support

0.0-239 (2018-10-31 / f1b9a61)



  • Fix Java 11 compatiblity


0.0-217 (2018-10-22 / 642cff8)


  • Looking up of print-handler fails for nil

0.0-211 (2018-10-21 / fd7e623)


  • Fix regression in

0.0-206 (2018-10-21 / 4654f45)


  • kaocha.plugin.alpha/xfail, mark failing tests with ^:kaocha/xfail to make them pass, and vice versa. (#2)
  • (is (= ,,,)) assertions are now deep diffed and pretty printed.
  • Plugins now take a "docstring" (added under the :description key). (For future use.)


  • --fail-fast mode is incompatible with the check which fails tests when they don't contain any assertions. (#10)
  • kaocha.repl does not correctly merge in extra config keys
  • Reported line number in case of failures points to the failed assertion, not to the failed var.
  • Passing extra config to kaocha.repl/run will still by default run the current *ns*, rather than all tests.
  • Honor *print-length* when set. (defaults to 100)
  • Make sure kaocha.testable/*current-testable* is bound when plugin's wrap-run result executes.


  • Config merging (defaults + tests.edn + repl values) now uses meta-merge for flexible append/prepend/replace.
  • Print the testable-id in failure messages rather than just the var name, so it can be passed straight on to --focus

0.0-189 (2018-09-28 / 087b78b)


  • Fixed kaocha.repl/run-all

0.0-185 (2018-09-28 / 15081ed)


  • BREAKING: kaocha.repl/run-tests and kaocha.repl/run-all-tests have been renamed to run and run-all, so a (use 'kaocha.repl) doesn't clash with clojure.test.

  • Skip reloading namespaces during load if they are already defined. In watch mode they still get reloaded through tools.namespace when necessary. This change is done to make REPL usage more intuitive. When running kaocha.repl/run-tests it will refrain from doing a (require ... :reload), instead accepting whatever state your REPL process is in.

0.0-181 (2018-09-27 / 472f63f)


  • Documentation updates

0.0-176 (2018-09-23 / 7fd6c80)


  • Make Kaocha's reporters more easily extendable through keyword hierarchies


  • Load errors in --watch mode no longer cause the process to exit. Instead you get a warning and the loading is retried on next change.


  • Made kaocha.repl a lot more useful, making it easy to do a full or partial test run from a REPL or buffer.

0.0-162 (2018-09-20 / dc503f4)


  • Reporters in the namespace now can be specified on the command line with just their short name, e.g. --reporter dots


  • Improved matcher-combinators support, now failure summary is only shown at the end (for dots or docs reporter), and output is correctly captured and displayed.
  • Compatibility with newer matcher-combinators.

0.0-153 (2018-09-19 / 25a68bd)


  • BREAKING: Instead of #kaocha use #kaocha/v1 as a reader literal that normalizes configuration. The old version is still supported for now but generates a warning.

0.0-147 (2018-09-19 / 351429d)


  • Use tools.namespace.track for tracking/reloading namespaces in watch mode. This should make this a lot more reliable.
  • Change the add-classpath classloader hack so it doesn't mess up the thread binding stack.
  • Make dots reporter compatible with newer versions of matcher-combinators.

0.0-138 (2018-09-17 / 9bc74e4)


  • Due a limitation of Aero :ns-patterns must be strings, and not regex literals. Clarified this in the docs.

0.0-134 (2018-09-16 / d0da4e2)


  • filter keys (skip/skip-meta/focus/focus-meta) can now be used without namespace when using the #kaocha reader literal for configuration. Before: :kaocha.filter/focus, after: :focus.
  • Added a :kaocha.hooks/pre-load hook to complement :kaocha.hooks/post-load.

0.0-122 (2018-09-12 / 735aa75)


  • BREAKING: :kaocha.type/suite is now called :kaocha.type/clojure.test

0.0-118 (2018-09-09 / cc55d42)


  • --version command line flag (only works when running from a JAR)
  • --help as alternative to --test-help, for environments where --help isn't shadowed


  • Make code base analysable by
  • Make sure links to correct

0.0-97 (2018-09-08 / 734df37)


  • kaocha.repl/run-tests / kaocha.repl/run-all-tests (since renamed to run and run-all)


  • Dynamically adding test directories to the classpath should be more robust now.


  • :kaocha.suite/ns-patterns, :kaocha.suite/source-paths and
  • :kaocha.suite/test-paths have been renamed to just use the :kaocha namespace.

b0a70dc267a (2018-07-29)


  • Capture output, this is enabled by default. Only output of failing tests is printed. This also introduced a new plugin hook, wrap-run, which allows you to decorate run-testables for doing things like adding bindings.
  • Reporters now always get the current testable in their clojure.test reporting event.
  • Added a progress bar reporter
  • Documentation reporter: show in the documentation output which tests fail.


  • The randomize plugin could cause an exception because the sort-by-random-number-generator wasn't stable (it violated the contract of a comparator). Instead assign each testable a sort key first, then sort by those. This does mean seeds from before this change will no longer produce the same result.
  • When specifying an invalid reporter var, error before trying to load tests.
  • Correctly count matcher-combinator mismatch failures when exiting early (Ctrl-C).


  • When running in watch mode, first re-run failed tests. Only when they pass do a full re-run.
  • When fail-fast is true, quit immediately when a load error is detected, instead of only failing when the namespace runs.
  • Suite names can now be specified on the CLI with keyword syntax, i.e. bin/kaocha :unit

7b79fad92d (2018-06-16)


  • The profiling plugin can now be configured on the command line and from tests.edn, with --[no-]profiling, --profiling-count, :kaocha.plugin.profiling/profiling?, :kaocha.plugin.profiling/count


  • --focus and --focus-meta override config-level :focus/:focus-meta, rather than append. This is more intuitive, when focusing from the command line you don't want extra tests to show up.
  • Don't run the post-summary hook when using the API, this prevents noise from plugins in the --print-test-plan / --print-result output.


  • Don't count filtered tests in profiling results.

8eeff5b340 (2018-06-13)


  • Testable now has an optional :kaocha.var/wrap key, which can contain a seq of functions that will be used to "wrap" the actual test function, useful e.g. for providing bindings. clojure.test style :each fixtures are also handled through this key, so plugins can choose to add wrapping functions at the start or the end of this seq to wrap "inside" or "around" the fixtures.

9a920204bc (2018-06-13)


  • Make the test-plan available in pre-test and post-test plugin hooks, so that they have access to top level configuration items.

3319ed6f81 (2018-06-13)


  • Added the kaocha.plugin/defplugin macro, making plugins look more like a deftype.

9a6fa32592 (2018-06-02)


  • The configuration format has changed, you should now start with the #kaocha {} tagged reader literal in tests.edn to provide defaults. If you want more control then overwrite tests.edn with the output of --print-config and tweak.