Releases: FluxML/Zygote.jl
Releases · FluxML/Zygote.jl
v0.4.2 (2019-12-20)
Closed issues:
- I’m sure you know this, but since I wanted to see what goes wrong: Comprehensions with
don’t seem to work right now, but surely they could be made to. (#420) - Remove Flux page? (#416)
- setindex_shape_check method error for custom adjoint (#403)
- Warnings on fresh Zygote install (#397)
- Precompile error: Non-differentiable function mul_int (breaks Turing.jl + others?) (#396)
- Error when trying to precompile Zygote (#395)
- ZygoteRules compat (#392)
- Facilitate array construction without mutation (#377)
Merged pull requests:
- Tag v0.4.2 (#432) (dhairyagandhi96)
- Add circshift adjoint (#418) (Sleort)
- remove Flux page (#417) (ChrisRackauckas)
- Add dims kwargs and improve gradient computation for logsumexp (#406) (xukai92)
- Relax bound for DiffRules to 0.1 for compat with SpecialFunctions v0.8 (#398) (torfjelde)
- Add adjoints for functions on Hermitian matrices (take 2) (#355) (sethaxen)
- Non-scalar getindex (#256) (mcabbott)
v0.4.0 (2019-11-04)
Closed issues:
- Unbroadcasting is not supported when scalars are involved (#382)
- Missing adjoint for [ ] in broadcasting (#381)
- Missing adjoint for Ref (#380)
- Error in pullback construction (#368)
- Behavior of real changes when broadcasted (#356)
- Adjoint of exp inaccurate for complex matrices (#348)
- Splatting and mutation? (#347)
- Separate gradcheck (#346)
- Need convenient utilities for looking inside Grads(...) (#345)
- Getting rid of type-hacks mode (#341)
- Type instability on tuple since d74f3c (#322)
- DimensionMismatch on nested for loop (#320)
- Zygote.jl tries to back-propagate nothings when branching happens inside broadcasting (#317)
- Diagonal * Vector adjoint can be faster (#316)
- Customizing broadcasted yields MethodError on unbroadcast (#313)
- scalar getindex on gpu in the backwards pass (#261)
- Can't differentiate
(#198) - ERROR: Can't differentiate simdloop expression (#157)
- Complex Number Interfaces (#142)
- Error if a vector or range is indexed (#116)
- Hessian-vector products (#115)
Merged pull requests:
- pkg compat + updates (#391) (MikeInnes)
- Add tests for sum with closed over variable and generator. Issue #231 (#389) (baggepinnen)
- Fix broadcasting of singletons (#384) (MikeInnes)
- update the version of IRTools in compat (#383) (findmyway)
- hcat(scalars) & cat(…; dims) (#378) (mcabbott)
- Added adjoint for sum for CuArrays (#375) (dhairyagandhi96)
- Fix #368 (#374) (MikeInnes)
- Fixed bcasting issue on GPU (#373) (kshyatt)
- Add haskey adjoint (#372) (dhairyagandhi96)
- Don't invert matrix twice in adjoint of
(#369) (sethaxen) - add @adjoin for relu to increase speed (#367) (findmyway)
- Add adjoints for real, conj, and imag for arrays (#364) (sethaxen)
- Tracker compat (#362) (MikeInnes)
- Try to avoid travis timeouts (#361) (MikeInnes)
- In-place broadcast over buffers (#360) (MikeInnes)
- Add GPU CI (#359) (dhairyagandhi96)
- Fix mutation + splat (#358) (MikeInnes)
- Point users to release version (#357) (MikeInnes)
- Remove type hacks mode (#354) (MikeInnes)
- Make differentiation work with at-time macros (ignore gc_num and time_ns) (#351) (tkf)
- Add adjoints for symmetric/hermitian eigen/eigvals (#350) (sethaxen)
- Fix exp adjoint for complex matrices (#349) (sethaxen)
- Fix adjoint for Symmetric and add Hermitian (#343) (sethaxen)
- Skip precompile() when Zygote is imported for compiling downstreams (#339) (tkf)
- Ignore gradients of findall and findlast (#337) (tkf)
- Use literal_getproperty from ZygoteRules (#332) (tkf)
- Fix casing in glossary (#326) (rxwei)
- Euclidean distance rules (#325) (willtebbutt)
- add adjoint for var and std (#310) (chengchingwen)
v0.3.4 (2019-08-20)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Fix ldiv for adjoint of triangular (#248) (willtebbutt)
v0.3.3 (2019-08-19)
Closed issues:
- Custom type getproperty adjoint (#298)
- fma not supported (#296)
- precompile error in Julia 1.0.1 (#287)
- Double derivatives breaking the compiler (#278)
- does Zygote support functions with variant input sizes? (#274)
- DimensionMismatch on branch (#271)
- Internal error: encountered unexpected error in runtime in toy example (#267)
- Gradient error when trying to use getindex on size of array (#263)
- gradient not working with div (#258)
- Nested differentiation works but the LLVM code looks... really bad (#253)
- Mixing ForwardDiff and Zygote (#250)
Merged pull requests:
- add adjoint for FMA (#297) (tpapp)
- getindex(tuple, range) (#285) (mcabbott)
- nograd any, all (#273) (mcabbott)
- Wct/fix cholesky again (#268) (willtebbutt)
- Added adjoint for dropdims (#264) (thebhatman)
- @Nograd for integer division (#262) (thebhatman)
- Fix adjoint for *(::Adjoint, ::Vector) (#251) (Keno)
- definitions for adjoints of FFTW functions (#215) (sipposip)
v0.3.2 (2019-06-25)
Closed issues:
- Zygote does not go through DiffEq all the way (#243)
- Failing simple use case (#242)
- Forward-Over-Reverse HesVec Error (#241)
- derivative not defined (#239)
- 31638 bus error julia (#237)
- Error: Variable not defined (#236)
- Type Inference for backward pass of broadcasted division fails (#233)
- Fail to build, expand! required (#224)
- custom adjoint fails for functions that take tuple as additional argument (#214)
- A hvcat related issue (#211)
- Wrong gradient for
x -\> x / maximum\(\[x\]\)
(#208) - LoadError: LoadError: UndefVarError: expand! not defined (#206)
- Variable %8 in block 7 is not defined. (#201)
- Incorrect Gradient for a normalization function (#197)
- complex value gradient is not correct (#196)
- ERROR: Variable %20 in block 4 is not defined. (#192)
- relation between builtin FillArray and FillArrays (#190)
- Failure in Color Optimisation example (#179)
- Dev Docs (#99)
- Function with views error when taking gradient (#52)
Merged pull requests:
- Tidy up multiplication and permutedims (#244) (willtebbutt)
- Add custom adjoint for broadcasted division (#238) (avik-pal)
- Fixes subtle cholesky bug (#230) (willtebbutt)
- FillArray broadcasting functionality (#226) (willtebbutt)
- fill (#225) (willtebbutt)
- Fix ldiv / rdiv + implement pinv (#223) (willtebbutt)
- Adjoint for PermutedDimsArray (#220) (mcabbott)
- Adjoint for view (#219) (mcabbott)
- +, unary / binary - (#218) (willtebbutt)
- Fix and test adjoint for hvcat (#210) (under-Peter)
- Constructors for Zeros and Ones (#207) (willtebbutt)
- Add a few methods to
to make it behave like anArray
(#200) (YingboMa) - use FillArrays instead (#191) (Roger-luo)
- Fix the recursive
function in docs (#184) (YingboMa)
Update Project.toml
version, compat, irtools stable