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194 lines (180 loc) · 12.6 KB


  • Added More Dragon Eggs. I'm so used to an egg every dragon that I forgot it wasn't a vanilla thing.
  • Added Just Zoom.
  • Added Botarium because Tempad had to be special and suddenly require an API to support energy.
  • Replaced Indestructible with Create Unbreakable Tools to avoid cheap enchantment duping.
  • Added back Roughly Enough Resources and Roughly Enough Trades to fix kubejs edits of loot/trades not showing up on servers in JER
  • Removed Just Enough Resources.
  • Mod Updates!: Basically everything, including Forge. I went through nearly all the changelogs, but please report any changes affecting recipes/progression and any brand new mod incompatibilities that are sure to happen.
  • Edited rei.js to use kubejs' JEI integration instead of REI since either "works", but the REI form bugs out Roughly Enough Resources, preventing mob based loot from showing, which is why the mod was swapped out previously. This has been a rollercoaster of emotion.
  • Disabled silverfish eggs because they're not useful and mess up the create XP farms.
  • Removed Sky Stone from Occultism miners. A sneaky mod update added it, but it's supposed to be locked by the dragon egg.
  • Slightly Boosted Endstone and Ancient Debris chances from Occultism miners.
  • Fixed the Reinforced Deepslate recipe (it was always supposed to output 8).
  • Convenience mixing recipes for twisting and weeping vines.
  • Removed charger recipe for AE2 guide book and added a basic crafting recipe.
  • Removed missing security station from wireless terminal quest and rephrased quest appropriately.
  • Disabled and hid new omega stack upgrades for Sophisticated Storage/Backpacks.


  • Removed Mobtimizations because it's features mostly just mess with mob farm rates.
  • Removed Quest Additions due to critical world corrupting bug with schematicannon placed deployers.
  • Nerfed running in twerk growth to match the rate that twerking works.
  • Reworked quest dependancies with command quests to force disable unchosen island quests via a special hidden quest.
  • Did the above as well to force complete hint and clue quests upon relevant main quest completion.
  • THIS MAY BREAK QUEST PROGRESS! The Awaiting Skyblock Choice quest near the top should be incomplete and invisible after the task completion spam finishes, if not, enter editing mode and reset it's progress.
  • Swapped order of brass and stone & lava main quest due to progression issue. This late lava progression may change in future.
  • Fixed changed item ID in AE2 growth accellerator quest and diamond clue quest.
  • Removed player kill requirement for zombie iron, zombie piglin gold, and drowned copper (and doubled copper drop rate).
  • Yet another fruitless attempt to fix the quest flavor text rewards damnit.
  • Raised global monster cap to 100 per player that aren't in the same area (vanilla is 70).
    • Mobs from spawners can go another 64 above this cap.
  • Raised breeding cap to 100 per species per 64 block range (so 100 pigs and 100 villagers in the same chunk is "fine").
  • Dialed back zombified piglin gold ingot drop rate a bit.


  • Added QuickStack mod. Keys unbound by default.
    • To anyone trying to change the favorites color, it's borked. #SSRRGG S=saturation, R=red, G=green, nothing = blue.
  • Updated Lootr, Moonlight Lib, Occultism, Oculus Flywheel Compat
  • Fix GREEN NETHER and YELLOW END by Re-enabling Sky Blue band in Embeddium++
    • However, this is in default configs. You'll have to fix it yourself in Video Settings/Embeddium++/Quality++/Use Sky Blue band. See Github for pictures if you need it.
  • Fix Rune of Earth accepts charcoal blocks or coal blocks
  • Fixed the quest flavor text rewards for real this time by switching from /say to tellraw.
  • Changed Raid Captain summon to Aviar's circle
  • Expanded silent gear crafting recipe for pebbles to recycle lots of things for several stone options.
  • Disabled iron golem egg drop.


  • Updated Mods: CraftingTweaks, Embeddium, FramedBlocks, Occultism, Roughly Enough Items, Unnecessary Trident Tweak
  • Removed Roughly Enough Trades Mod
  • Replaced missing item late loot reward with reinforced deepslate.
  • Replaced looting book reward in Mob Tweaks with a generous looting weapon choice reward.
  • Fixed zombie villager and witch spawn boosts being triggered by placing carried mobs... lol.
  • Fixed lavender blossom sapling recipe from Quark.
  • Removed sneaky andesite recipe added by botania.
  • Nearly doubled drowned copper drop rate.
  • Very slightly boosted zombie and zomblin metal drop rates again, mostly for looting enchant.
  • Added flint to stone tool smashing recipe. Pebble drop rolls reduced but output is the same.

0.3.4 - NVM

  • Reverted 0.3.3 entirely due to poor decision making :'(
  • Removed smelting and blasting gold gear into nuggets.
  • Swapped Mason's quartz block trade for chiseled


  • Removed cutting board and mana alchemy recipe to break down quartz blocks due to bypassing progression.
  • Redesigned and repurposed Quark hammer for pebbles.


  • Reddened warning on customize world screen.
  • Switched pack logo back to png for launcher support I guess.
  • Fixed missing colon in netherwood script recipes that caused a minor error in console.
  • Changed leaves in composting to tag item.
  • Chat command quest rewards were broken. Format changed. No preceding /.
  • REI added to server.
  • Reverted CarryOn block config to disabled and blacklist because it's shared with tile entities.
    • Made turtle eggs not require silk touch. Relevent Info tab added.
    • Reduced time required to mine obsidian (3 minutes to punch instead of 5).
  • Doubled zombie and zombified piglin drop rates again. 4x total. Also 3x looting benefit total
  • Diet adjusted so that weakness only sets in at 10% average due to stats not resetting by death (I thought that's how it worked).
    • Also adjusted in quest info.

0.3.1 - Curseforge Public Beta

  • Edited beta warning and linked curseforge page in main menu and github.
  • Slight menu screen cleanup and darkmode mod blacklisting for better menu screen visuals.
  • Curseforge project ID in bcc config
  • Compressed background image for web pack logo
  • Changed default options to dark mojang background as it affects the Forge blinding red loading screen.
  • Removed the 1.20.1 migration from playtester quests.
  • Updated mods.
  • For those reading this on Curseforge, a full changelog will always be included in the pack files.

0.3.0 - The Greate 1.20.1 Migration

  • Swapped Mods:

    • OCD -> Oculus (client)
    • Shutup Experimental Settings -> Yeetus Experimentus(bug resolved) (client)
    • Swing Through Grass -> Clean Swing Through Grass
    • LazyDFU ~> Smooth Boot
    • Pluto -> Krypton Reforged
    • Easier Villager Trading Reforged -> EasierVillagerTradingRebuild (client)
    • Toughness Bar, Colorful Hearts, Overloaded Armor Bar -> Overflowing Bars (client)
    • Embeddium/Rubidium Extras, Clear Skies -> Embeddium++ (client)
    • Canary -> Radium Reforged
    • Crafting Station -> Crafting Station JEI Edition (because bugs)
    • RER -> JER -> modded mob drops actually show in REI
  • Added Mods: Biome Beans, Glassential, Fast IP Ping (client), Noisium, ServerCore, Oculus Flywheel Compat, Unilib (craftpresence update req)

  • Removed Mods: Meme in a Bottle (no update :( ), Starlight (less necessary, bugs), Witherproofed+ShiftedLib (broken updates, comments disabled, no github, unneeded extra content)

  • Fixed pause and chat menu customization

  • Removed Skyblock GUI custom buttons since they're native now

  • Removed Trigon button from settings menu

  • Updated manifest template and and dev notes with updated Createful Plaques resource pack

  • Remade DefaultOptions files and moved more client preference configs there.

  • Fixed Skyblock configs to new format, whitelisted corpse interaction, and evened out ground level of the islands

  • More REI collapsed groups including the new cherry wood junk.

  • Made another pass at the Quark config and disabled/hid more items.

  • Script Work:

    • Fixed Quark blossom wood recipes and cherry wood slab conflict with mcaw
    • Changed spawner recipe due to netherite bars missing
    • Fixed mining spawner without silk touch, but added tooltip note for potential to lose spawn egg.
    • Fixed Farmer's Delight cutting board wood and sign unification, vanilla bamboo has a straw byproduct, not bark.
    • Travelling Merchant has cherry sapling
    • Removed previous lang fix for Create Enchantment Industry because it's fixed in this version
    • Reworked tooltips with line specifications to bypass REI double text bug
    • Made sherds craftable
    • Gave sniffer eggs to wandering trader's rare shop pool
    • Added sources via Occultism possessed mobs, pressing, and crushing for all vanilla templates and new discs
    • Botania transmutation for pink petals (they missed this in the flower chain)
    • Added custom reinforced plate (my awful art) and recipe for crafting reinforced deepslate
    • Made deepslate mineable with netherite pick
    • Fixed Occultism scripts to match update
    • Datapacked extra entries to Occultism book for added/modified content including a lang tweak (I'm a bit proud)
    • Biome Beans bag removed from trades, recipes, and REI, as well as it's content items.
    • Added an Evoker spawn along side the Ravager, but only on Easy difficulty during a raid. Turns out the pack couldn't be beaten without it.
    • Rewrote jank spawn chance boosting script to not function for spawn eggs. It's still jank, just slightly less.
  • Quest Work:

    • Golden Beans added to grass quest as a hint the mod exists.
    • Announcement rewards are switched to the restored {team} name option instead of the dumb @p. (had to bug them for this)
    • Memes removed from major quests and emergency items. :'(


  • Another polish pass on quests
  • Posted to Github, and linked it along with a google feedback form in the Playtester quests
  • boosted twerk bonemeal chance
  • spawners no longer need silk touch, tooltip added
  • reworded info spawn egg info tab


  • Reformatted pack, streamlined build process, and created server pack.
  • Removed Crash Utilities due to feature redundancy.
  • Added Dark Mode Everywhere
  • Set REI's default back to light mode due to dark mode mod. You'll have to edit this yourself.
  • Slightly customized the pause menu. Let me know if you actually use the Create mod button.


  • Moved REI config, InventoryHUD, and Embeddium related graphics/shader options to DefaultOptions to prevent overwriting on update
  • Fixed Missing Resource Packs
  • Added Neko's Enchanted Books to differentiate visuals and seemingly fix a loot crate reward render bug.
  • Downgraded Witherproofed 2.7.7>2.7.4, ShiftedLib 1.1.1> 1.0.2. Author derped and made it incompatible with servers.
  • Split the Infinite Resources quest in half and made the first half about brass
  • Added obsidian to the classic emergency items for real this time
  • Disabled the Occultism Spirit Campfire because it's useless for spirit crafting, but people were checking it's recipes and trying to use it.
  • Configured Mobtimizations to not disable zombie turtle egg pathing
  • Deleted default configs not required in the pack.


  • Quick fix for hero of the village and bartering loot tables being in the wrong folder

0.1.4 - A big one

  • Added the Exchangers mod and simplified it to match construction wands.
  • Changed Fel Blazes to mirror the normal Blaze rod loot pool and noted it on the pumpkin
  • Doubled Zombie Piglin ingot drop rates and looting to match the zombie rare loot drop rate boost.
  • Doubled Zombie Villager and Witch spawn rates by converting zombies and creepers respectively. Also spawn egg recipes.
  • Swapped the turtle from the rare cocoon pool to rare aquatic
  • whitelisted obsidian and turtle eggs in Carryon
  • Fixed Crafting Station, Lava, and Botania unlock quests
  • Added cutting board compatibility for all? missing woods
  • Hid the disabled quark azalea woods
  • Hid many dependancy lines in main quest line to eliminate phantom lines.
  • Added a diamond info tab hint, tweaked the bartering info tab, and tweaks some quest hints
  • Changed anchor for skyblock world creation menu warning.

0.1.3 - Oops

  • Re-added REI Compatibilities that was magically missing
  • updated all mods and Forge
  • Enabled Quark Blossom Wood Recipes in the config

0.1.2 - three times checking EVERY mod.

  • Removed Yeetus Experimentus due to 4-way mixin conflict with Diet, Skyblock Builder, and KubeJS that broke many tag recipes ONLY on world creation and first load.
  • Disabled one tweak inside Canary's config for similar first load bug with Crafting Station and adjacent inventories.
  • Added Shutup Experimental Settings
  • Added FTB XMod Compat
  • changed malnutrition debuff to weakness
  • added obsidian to Classic Emergency items

0.1.1 - kubejs config fix

0.1.0 - Private Beta

  • Taking bets on many minutes before 0.1.1