- Version (2024-07-02): Fixed negative values conversion issues, fixes SeppPenner#96.
- Version (2024-07-02): Updated NuGet packages, fixes SeppPenner#99.
- Version (2024-04-15): Removed invalid setting of TLS options, fixes SeppPenner#94.
- Version (2024-03-27): Fixed logic to get sesssion number metric, fixes SeppPenner#91; Changed order of the test code to have event handlers defined BEFORE anything else happens; Reworked MQTT options, fixes SeppPenner#83; Added option to do a node rebirth from code, fixes SeppPenner#44.
- Version (2024-03-24): Added session number metric to node death received event, fixes SeppPenner#60; Adjusted serialization / deserialization of the property set value, fixes SeppPenner#80 (thanks go to https://github.com/shouidar).
- Version (2024-03-21): Added SparkplugGlobals.UseStrictIdentifierChecking to readme; Updated DateTime handling in metric and corresponding unit tests (thanks go to https://github.com/shouidar); Now store device states with the key {topic.EdgeNodeIdentifier}/{topic.DeviceIdentifier}; Reworked metric storage to allow metrics with alias only (no name); Adjusted stopping logic for nodes and applications to unregister event handlers properly and to send proper death / offline state messages; Adjusted filtering of messages; Fixes SeppPenner#43, SeppPenner#37, SeppPenner#75 and SeppPenner#48.
- Version (2024-03-03): Removed Serilog from library, fixes SeppPenner#74, Renamed events to not use "Async" as postfix andymore, reworked events to handle mutiple metrics at once (Fixes SeppPenner#73).
- Version (2024-03-03): Fixed conversion issues. Fixes SeppPenner#64, SeppPenner#70, SeppPenner#71, SeppPenner#72. Special thanks go to https://github.com/shouidar, who really helped me with the conversion of all the array types.
- Version (2024-02-10): Fixed conversion for data types (Hopefully): SeppPenner#63, SeppPenner#64, SeppPenner#66. Updated some NuGet packages.
- Version (2024-01-05): Removed validation for incoming metrics on application (Still needs review).
- Version (2023-12-18): Removed support for NetCore3.1, added support for Net8.0, updated NuGet packages, tried to get towards 3.0 compatibility, updated supported data types and adjusted data type handling (Use carefully, not yet fully tested).
- Version (2022-11-20): Updated nuget packages, removed support for Net5.0, added support for Net7.0, fixed a bug with the device storage (Thanks to @Patrick2607, SeppPenner#31).
- Version (2022-10-30) : Fixed a bug within the metric conversion (Thanks to @49564B0F, SeppPenner#30), fixed a bug with the device metrics on publishing (Thanks to @emmanuelbertho, SeppPenner#28), unified even more things (Thanks to @Patrick2607, SeppPenner#29), updated NuGet packages.
- Version (2022-10-04) : Updated events (Thanks to @cjmurph, SeppPenner#19), added abstract base classes (Thanks to @BoBiene, SeppPenner#20), introducing interfaces, unified things, rework to async events (Thanks to @BoBiene, SeppPenner#21), fixed version B metric conversion error (Thanks to @Patrick2607, SeppPenner#26), updated NuGet packages.
- Version (2022-08-03) : 1.0 release: Switched to MqttNet 4, some bugfixes with node command and device command invocation (Thanks to @OffTravel).
- Version (2022-03-24) : 0.7 beta release: Added callbacks for the application to handle node data and device data received metrics, updated NuGet packages, fixes SeppPenner#14.
- Version (2022-02-18) : 0.6 beta release: Added nullable checks, added editorconfig, added file scoped namespaces, added global usings, removed native support for Net Framework (Breaking change), fixes SeppPenner#7.
- Version (2022-02-08) : 0.5 beta release (Fixed issue with retain flags: SeppPenner#8, added support for Net6.0, updated NuGet packages).
- Version (2021-09-01) : 0.4 beta release (Fixed conversion issues between internal and external data formats, adjusted tests, updated how to use section and example project, fixed not accessible callback functions).
- Version (2021-08-31) : 0.3 alpha release (Bigger changes, espescially internal and external data formats and removed devices).
- Version (2021-05-20) : 0.2 alpha release (Smaller logical changes as some things didn't work properly).
- Version (2021-05-19) : 0.1 alpha release.