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About Genesis

Genesis is an open source blockchain platform which implemented as blockchain network consisting of nodes communicating each other. Each node is backend service having own database and can be interacted by the end user with a client or web UI.

The goal of this quick start solution is to run a local testing network of several Genesis nodes (backends with GUI clients) to give the end user an idea of how Genesis blockchain works and provide usage examples of graphical interface elements as well as smart-contracts.

The backend-side (backend itsef and database engine) software runs in docker containers and clients run natively on the host system side. As soon as clients start user can interact with local testing Genesis blockchain network.


Currently Genesis quick start was tested on Mac and Linux. Windows support is coming.

Use to manage Genesis testbed on Linux/Mac and manage.exe to manage Genesis testbed on Windows.


To create a testing network of 5 nodes on Linux/Mac use the following command:

on Mac with Admin account:

./ install 5

on Linux with sudo-enabled account:

sudo ./ install 5

This will download and install all required software (docker if it's not installed yet, docker containers with Genesis backends and databases and Genesis clients) and start 5 Genesis backend instances and 5 accordingly connected Genesis clients.

To stop clients and to stop and delete docker containers run this command:

on Mac with Admin account:

./manage delete

on Linux with sudo-enabled account:

sudo ./manage delete

To stop clients and to stop and delete docker containers and images run this command:

on Mac with Admin account:

./manage delete-all

on Linux with sudo-enabled account:

sudo ./manage delete-all

To check the status of the testing network run this command:

on Mac with Admin account:

./manage status

on Linux with sudo-enabled account:

./manage status

To start database shell connected to appropriate backend's database run:

on Mac with Admin account:

./manage db-shell N

on Linux with sudo-enabled account:

sudo ./manage db-shell N

where N is the number of a backend.

To stop all clients run:

on Mac with Admin account:

./manage stop-clients

on Linux with sudo-enabled account:

sudo ./manage stop-clients

To start clients again run:

on Mac with Admin account:

./manage start-clients

on Linux with sudo-enabled account:

sudo ./manage start-clients

To reinstall (delete all Genesis-related containers and run installation again with the last installation parameters) run:

on Mac with Admin account:

./manage reinstall

on Linux with sudo-enabled account:

sudo ./manage reinstall


Please see Genesis Quick Start for Windows

Client Application

A password is required to confirm transactions. The default password is 'genesis'.

Exposed ports

By default docker backends and database listening ports are exposed to the system by the following rules:

  • Database port is exposed to the system port 15432
  • Web frontend ports are exposed to 'web port shift' value (8300 by default) plus the index number of a backend, for example, the listening port of the first backend by default is exposed to 8301, the second - to 8302 and so on
  • Client ports are exposed to 'client port shift' value (17300 by default) plus the index number of a backend, for example, the listening port of the first backend by default is exposed to 17301, the second - to 17302 and so on

These default ports shifts values can be changed during installation:

on Mac with Admin account:

./ install N WPS CPS DBP BLEXP

on Linux with sudo-enabled account:

./ install N WPS CPS DBP BLEXP


  • N - the number of backends (maximum 5);
  • WPS - web port shift - optional parameter, default value: 8300;
  • CPS - client port shift - optional parameter, default value: 17300;
  • DBP - database port - optional parameter, default value: 15432.
  • BLEXP - block explorer port - optional parameter, default value: 18200.

So running this command:

on Mac with Admin account:

./ install 4 9000 19000 6000

on Linux with sudo-enabled account:

./ install 4 9000 19000 6000

will start 4 backends and 4 clients, and frontend ports will be exposed to system port: 9001, 9002, 9003, 9004, clients ports will be exposed to system ports: 19001, 19002, 19003, 19004, and database port will be exposed to system port 6000

Block Explorer

Initial support of Block Explorer was implemented. The default host port for it is 18200, use browser to open it.

Useful Links