Scan keys and save prefix tree in a temporary file for further rendering with display command
Keep in mind that some options are scanning (index) options that cannot be redefined later. For example, maxChildren
changes the way index data is built, unlike depth
parameter only influencing rendering
redis-inventory index redis://[:<password>@]<host>:<port>[/<dbIndex>] [flags]
-h, --help help for index
-l, --logLevel string Level of logs to be displayed (default "info")
-m, --maxChildren int Maximum children node can have before start aggregating (default 10)
-k, --pattern string Glob pattern limiting the keys to be aggregated (default "*")
-c, --scanCount int Number of keys to be scanned in one iteration (argument of scan command) (default 1000)
-s, --separators string Symbols that logically separate levels of the key (default ":")
-t, --throttle int Throttle: number of nanoseconds to sleep between keys